Create custom macro - eclipse

I´d like to create my own macro in eclipse, which should be able to load my python code to a external control. The optimal solution would be to create a little key, which could be added in the toolbar, which should do the assignment.
How would I do this?

You should check out practicalMacro here:
Also there is AutoHotKey but I have not used that one.


Eclipse keybindings. Setting up a shortcut for executing a specific run configuration

I'm trying to setup a key binding in Eclipse to directly execute a background Java file. My file is called and it's sufficient for my purposes to run the main method without any arguments. I need to run it repeatedly and so I'm trying to setup a shortcut key to run it directly without having to bring up the Run... menu or having to bring up the file itself.
As far as I'm aware Eclipse is not able to offer this functionality directly. I've tried using a plugin called Practically Macro according to this answer Assigning a keyboard shortcut for a specific Eclipse build configuration. But this answer is horribly out of date and doesn't work any longer.
So I'm wondering if Practically Macro can still be used to achieve this? Any other solution, plugin, script or otherwise would be equally welcome.

Custom Eclipse Shortcuts Within Views

I want to create a shortcut for creating a link between two variables in my pipeline view.
Can someone tell me how (or if it is possible) to create a shortcut to this button?
When I look in Preferences > General > Keys, I can not find this function.
I am using Software AG webMethods Designer 8.2
Do you mean, you want to create a kind of button, using which you will be able to create link between two variables in pipeline ?
If yes, Then I think that is not possible.

Automated function hints tool in Matlab

I have worked shortly with Netbeans using Java and use eclipse for school projects, where I noticed there are some really cool features like it will show built-in functions on ctrl-space or it will suggest from existing variables. I recently started using matlab, I was wondering if there are any such tools available in the matlab. I know it's a scripting environment so things are probably a little different but then I wonder people who work with extensive projects with matlab, how would they manage the codes or cross-develop without such tools. I searched mathworks but could not find any useful information on that.
Anyone knows if such tools or add-ons existe for matlab? Thanks in advance guys!
As mentioned before, autocomplete works for functions, variables and fields.
If it seems to fail to work for a field (perhaps because your workspace is not properly set up) it can help to call the field without index:
For example:
entity.field instead of entity(i).field
Also if you change the workspace frequently it may be that the mfile editor does not catch up, in that case a quick workaround is to just type in the command window and copy afterwards.
As mentioned before the variables need to be in workspace.
I often approach so that I evaluate the code as I write it like this:
Write the code in cell mode
Evaluate cell with [ctrl - enter] - or button in menu bar.
Write next cell (variables of previous blocks are now available in workplace, autocomplete with tab)
There is also a matlab mode for emacs. It offers some autocomplete functionality and has a nice feature to wrap long code lines.
unfortunately on windows it lacks the ability to evaluate cells. So I rarely use it.
There are some similar design in MATLAB, one of them is called function hints.
You could find the documentation for it in here:

how to write notepad++ auto-complete plugin

I'm trying to develop a small plugin that will do a sort-of auto-completion along with some other advanced features in order to create a primitive IDE to use with a custom scripting language we've developed.
So I want to know, how do the auto-complete plugins usually work? I have a basic plugin template that I'm playing around with (the C# one) and I see how the commands work, from a high level anyway, but I'm trying to figure out how I would create my auto-complete feature.
My first guess would be to make a command that spawned a new thread that retrieved the entire contents of the notepad++ text every 100 mills or so and then popped-up a little selector box or directly wrote the auto-complete possibilities when the correct pattern was matched on the newly typed text.
Any wisdom from those who have gone before me on this?
Thanks alot.
Well I figured it out. Apparently there is a "beNotified" method in my project template that I downloaded and it handles all events/notifications from the Scintilla/Notepad++ environment. I will probably be using the SCN_CHARADDED event to check the current line of text each time a character is added to the GUI.

How do you create a subroutine in windows workflow?

Given a working section of Windows Workflow within the designer, I'd like to use that section from another place in the process. I want to create a subroutine.
I suspect this is so obvious, that it hurts.
I'd like to stay within the the designer. Going outside and writing or C# would work, but it involves re-writing existing code.
I'm hoping that a properly selected chunk can be manipulated/edited by some menu selection.
Create a composite activity, a XAML file, and reuse that in multiple places on the worklfow.