Do I need to set metadata in app when publish app to app store - iphone

I'am in phase of setting my app for my first app submit to app store.
I saw this:
Before you submit your application, it is a good idea to have your
application’s metadata at hand. This includes (1) your application’s
name, (2) the version number, (3) the primary (and an optional
secondary) category, (4) a concise description, (5) keywords, and (6)
a support URL.
My question is do I need to set this metadata somewhere in my xcode project and where?

Well the Meta data is all the data including (1) your application’s name, (2) the version number, (3) the primary (and an optional secondary) category, (4) a concise description, (5) keywords, and (6) a support URL etc which you should know for uploading an app to the Apple Store. You will have to use this information while uploading.
Supplying information to the App store can be done once you have collected all the data.
I think you should go through this tutorial on how to submit an App to the Apple store.
The Metadata has nothing to do with the xcode project or the .plist file whatsoever. You DONT have to do anything with it. This information you have to enter in the website of the Apple store when they ask for it .


I am getting Missing Purpose String but i have added that in info.plist The Missing Purpose String is "NSNearbyInteractionAllowOnceUsageDescription"

The Error I am getting on email from Apple App Store while I am publishing my app to Apple App Store Testflight from my mac , although I am unable to see my build on testflight forum.And the email from Apple App Store is as under.
Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "IDTAG Nearby Interaction" 1.0 (1.0). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90683: Missing Purpose String in Info.plist - Your app's code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data. The app's Info.plist file should contain a NSNearbyInteractionAllowOnceUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. Starting Spring 2019, all apps submitted to the App Store that access user data are required to include a purpose string. If you're using external libraries or SDKs, they may reference APIs that require a purpose string. While your app might not use these APIs, a purpose string is still required. You can contact the developer of the library or SDK and request they release a version of their code that doesn't contain the APIs. Learn more (
I have already the below strings into my Info.plist
<key>Privacy - Nearby Interaction Allow Once Usage Description</key>
<string>Nearby Interaction app uses our u1 chip for better experience to show other peers location.</string>
<key>Privacy - Nearby Interaction Usage Description</key>
<string>Nearby Interaction app uses our u1 chip for better experience to show other peers location.</string>
According to Apple Documentation
( Nearby Interaction Allow Once Usage Description ) will be deprecated in iOS 15. That's why I have already added ( Privacy - Nearby Interaction Usage Description ) in my project but still I am having the above mentioned issue in my project by Apple store.

can I upload same app with diffrent app name?

I have an iphone app. I want to upload this app 2 times in itune with different name.
is it possible?
You can, but you should also change Bundle ID and maybe you'll have to desribe the reason of it for Apple guys.
Quote from App Store Review Guidelines
2.11 Apps that duplicate Apps already in the App Store may be rejected,
particularly if there are many of them, such as fart, burp,
flashlight, and Kama Sutra Apps
Pay attention to the phrase "may be rejected". As someone experienced told me, this rule exists to prevent cluttering App Store with apps where, for example, only a color of the background changes. If you provide different content, than it's different user experience and as a result - different app.
You can upload an application more than 2 times in itunes. Your applications must have own unique Bundle Identifier to Upload or you already can't see your app in Application Loader.
But there is a point, if you will not describe why you upload the same application with different name in itunes (with different Bundle Identifier), Apple will going to reject your application with description "App Duplication"..
There's no way to be sure if it'll be rejected. But I highly doubt that it'll get caught with a different name. We have done it before, to transfer an app to a different account. (Before app transfer was introduced.)
Just remember to change the your bundle identifier - and the provisioning file of course. :-)

Building and testing multiple apps - trying to understand appID's and profiles

I'm trying to understand app ID's and provisioning profiles here, I'm quite lost.
I am a registered Apple Developer as an individual under my full name, and I have 2 applications currently in the works, and 2 device UDID's ready for testing.
I'd like to be able to build IPA's for these two apps, upload them to TestFlight, and use them on either of the UDIDs I have on me.
I have several questions (if I should ask separate questions, I'd be happy to unless someone happens to be willing to answer them, I'd appreciate it):
1) Because I have 2 (or more in the future) applications, do I need a wildcard app ID?
2) If I have the app ID* listed in the portal - WHAT is the actual appID -*,, or *?
3) Why can't you delete an AppID in the portal?
4) I've read that this must match the name Bundle Identifier. Currently it sits at ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}. What specifically needs to go here to 'match'?
5) Do I need to create separate distribution profiles for each app, or can I tell each new app to use the wildcard identifier?
6) How do I tie a specific target to a specific provisioning profile in XCode 4? (TestFlight suggests to use the distribution profile)
Thank you,
You have to either have a wildcard app id, or 2 separate (specific, non-wildcard) app ids, one each.
That is a wildcard app id, so the app id is *
No idea.
Your PRODUCT_ NAME, which you specify in the Packaging section of the Build Settings screen.
A single distribution profile will work with multiple apps if the app ID for that profile is a wild-card app id. If they are specific app IDs, yes, you need a profile for each app.
You specify the provisioning profile in the Code Signing section of Settings, under CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY.
Because I have 2 (or more in the future) applications, do I need a wildcard app ID?
You don't. In fact, I recommend against it, since it's probably only going to give you problems with the App Store in the future.
If I have the app ID* listed in the portal - WHAT is the actual appID -*,, or *?
That depends on the application. The first part is the Keychain space, which determines which applications can access the things you put in the Keychain. Then comes the actual application identifier, which is generally company.projectname. It would probably be in your case.
Why can't you delete an AppID in the portal?
On Mac and iOS, the AppID is very important for applications like the App Store. They have to be unique, since having two of them could mean that applications get installed in the wrong place. This means that even if you could remove them you couldn't ever add them again, which means there's no point in deleting them.
I've read that this must match the name Bundle Identifier. Currently it sits at ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}. What specifically needs to go here to 'match'?
Wouldn't worry too much about that - simply look at the target summary page (click the solution then click the target and finally go to the summary tab) and it'll tell you the name it automatically picked for you.
Do I need to create separate distribution profiles for each app, or can I tell each new app to use the wildcard identifier?
You can definitely use the wildcard identifier, but the App Store will not necessarily like that.
How do I tie a specific target to a specific provisioning profile in XCode 4? (TestFlight suggests to use the distribution profile)
Wouldn't worry too much about that. If you got the code signing set up correctly (look at the build settings, then pick the development and deployment certificates) then you have nothing to worry about.
Can't say much more in here since most App Store things are guarded by an NDA. Consider asking this on instead.

How is application ID used by Xcode when building/signing the application?

iOS Provisioning files make reference to the Apple application ID (of the form "A1A2A3A4A5"). Most often, the DNS form of the application is replaced with a star (*).
My understanding is that the provisioning profile is stored in the iOS development device and is not used by Xcode. Thus, when building/signing the application, how can Xcode include the app ID into the executable file ? The only information Xcode has is the "Bundle Identifier", which is of the form "com.mycompany.myapp" - but there is no App ID, thus there is no way to add the app ID at this stage.
Does anyone know how this works. I feel that many people use those tools (as I do) without really knowing how it's made inside.
Many Regards,
An iPhone application is not just an executable, it's a bundle (like a directory) that contains the executable, but also resources (like nibs or images) and in particular contains a small plist manifest file with details about your application - including the application ID. The provisioning profile is also included in this application bundle.
A device also maintains a list of provisioning profiles it has installed, but the profiles can be in the application as well and are checked against the application plist file to make sure everything matches.
For anyone who may stumble upon this question, I give a lot of detailed context in my answer to this related question.
Basically it boils down to this:
A Bundle ID is a string that is defined in Xcode
An App ID is an object that lives in Developer Member Center. It is often confused with Bundle ID because the App ID Suffix parameter of the object (I'm trying to drive home the fact that App ID is not a string. Is it working?) matches the Bundle ID of your app.
The App ID does not exist in iTunes Connect, or Xcode. It is only in Developer Member Center.

Changing dev iPhone app's bundle identifier - retain core data store?

I need to change the bundle identifier of my iPhone app before I can upload it to the app store. However, I also have data in my Core Data store which want to continue using even after I change the bundle identifier. However, it seems that the bundle identifier is how the iPhone knows whether apps are identical with one another, so I end up with two distinct copies of the app -- with two distinct core data stores -- on my phone! I know that I can download the sqlite data store through the Xcode organizer, how can I make sure that my data transfers to the new app package with the new bundle identifier?
With some exceptions for OS4 every app (identified by it's BI) has it's own isolated storage on the phone.
If you really have to change this (will also disable free updates for buyers of the "old version") you have to find an external migration way.
A lot of apps offer some kind of "backup" (on a PC / MAC or something else).
What we did for a customer was to establish a website which allows "short time data storage".
So that the old app could upload the data - and the new one loads it down.
Of course this means updating your old app first for the "export".
But the idea "your app lives in it's own isolated world" also means that you have no access to the data of other apps.
From the point of security this is imporant and good.
For building "app suites" where the apps want to share data it's bad.
But apples made enhancments for this in OS4 - which (I guess) won't help you in your case, since "sharing apps" must also be special designed.
I know this question is very old, but I just noticed it while looking for the answer to the same problem and thought it still might be useful for others. The original poster half-answered his own question, but didn't quite take the next step.
If you have not yet released your app on the app store and you want to change your bundle identifier, it is possible to copy your CoreData store from one sandbox to another using the Xcode organizer as suggested above. Obviously, this is only useful for your own device (which I think is what the original poster wanted to do); this process won't allow data to be transferred on other users' devices if they've bought your app, so DON'T change your bundle identifier after your app has been released.
First, run the old app (the one with the old bundle identifier) on your device. In the Xcode organizer, select your device, then Applications, then select the app (with the old identifier) and download the data to your mac.
Then install the new app on your device (build and run it, then quit). In the Xcode organizer (and on the device itself) you should now be able to see two apps, one with each bundle identifier. Select the one with the new identifier, select upload and upload the data file you saved from the old sandbox. You should now have access to all your old data in the new app. Very handy if you don't want to recreate all the data.