First view appears as black? - iphone

I have a program where I'm working with user authentication and alert views. the problem is quite strange. Every other time I launch the application, the first view appears as normal, and then black, and then back to normal, and so on and so forth.
Launched once:
Launched twice:
Here's the storyboard:
Functionally, it's both the same, but I have no idea what could be causing this problem!
The alert is called on viewdidappear.
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self presentAlertViewForPassword];
Addition 2 (build settings) (simulator is iphone 4):

Where do you have the AlertView show method? I think this could be because when you press the home button while you are at the UITableViewController and then you launch the app. This is where it starts from.
Do you have the login AlertView code in your applicationDidFinishLaunch?

This black screen seems your alert's view screen. You can set its background image. Do one thing
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
UIImageView *iV = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
iV.image = [UIImage imageWithNamed:#"imageNameHere"];
[self.view addSubView:iV];
[self presentAlertViewForPassword];
Set that Christmas Keeper image on view's background. Hope it helps. Also check your splash screen's image. Search default.png in search box of xcode may be this is different or may be there is two default.png. Just a guess :)
Edit after notice your comment: the launch image is basically a uiimageview on the first page with an image in my directory
So I think that black screen is your launch image because it appears before appearing the first view of your app. You didn't set it yet. Please include a default.png image into your project and it should be same as your first View's `imageView' image.


Adding a splash screen to my project

I have created a project which consist of a tabbarcontroller and a navigationcontroller.
The first view or the first tab is a tableview controller. Now i need to add a splashscreen to my application, so when the app loads it will show a welcome screen and then land on the tableviewcontroller.
My workings so far;
This is added in my viewDidLoad method.
myImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"splash.jpg"]];
myImageView.frame = [[self view] frame];
[self.view addSubview:myImageView];
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.myImageView];
The problem is that the splash screen or the UIImageView loads inside the tabbarController/NavigationController, and it does not take the full width and length of the screen. What should i do to fix this programatically ?
In application bundle you need to copy the splash screen images with the name "Default.png" and "Default#2x.png" for Retina. The app will load this automatically, you don't need to do more work.
Here you have a link for this:
Add the images that you want to use to the resources of your project and name them Default.png and Default#2x.png (if you are providing it for a retina screen). Be sure no name them exactly. If you get the capitalisation wrong, it will work in the Simulator (which is not case-sensitive), but not on the device (which is case-sensitive).
Be aware that a "splash screen" is discouraged by the Apple Human Interface Guidelines:
Have you given the Launch Images a look in your target settings?
You would probably want to add the splash screen in the app delegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method. Then start an animation of fade out (or whatever animation you need). Finally removing the splash screen view when the animation is complete.
You have to add the UIImageView to the root's view:
UIView *rootView = [[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] viewController] view];
[myImageView setFrame:rootView.bounds];
[rootView addSubview:myImageView];
you can use the uiimage view to add an array of images to play an animation, try the following
code in
-(void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
animationSplashImageView.animationImages = imageArray;
animationSplashImageView.animationDuration = 5;
animationSplashImageView.animationRepeatCount = 1;
[animationSplashImageView startAnimating];
IBOutlet UIImageView* animationSplashImageView;
was defined in the main view of your app.
also you could test your splash using tool Splashx Free, which is on Apple App Store:

how to change the time of the image that appear after clicking app logo?

Whenever we click on the Iphone application...
An Image appears that stays for a while...
and after that it disappeared...
and the real window..i mean our programmed screen appears..
now I want that Image to stay for a while..
How to do this??
The image you're talking about is the splash screen, it's displayed until the OS loads your app's resources and launches it, the default name for it's image file in the bundle is Default.png. If you want it to be displayed for abit longer, you'll need to create an image view with the image, put it on the screen, and remove it after a while, probably in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method. something like
UIImageView *imageViewSplash = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:window.frame] autorelease];
imageViewSplash.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"Default.png"];
[self.viewController.view addSubview:imageViewSplash];
[imageViewSplash performSelector:#selector(removeFromSuperview) withObject:nil afterDelay:2];
// change the '2' to some constants that represents for how many extra seconds you want the splash screen to be displayed

iphone sdk how to switch an image and save it with a button press

I'm writing an application where I want an image to be displayed on the first page, but only on a small portion of the front page. What I've been trying to do is set up a button on a subview that will switch the image on the first view. This has had me stumped for hours.
Can anyone help?
Assuming that your view controller has a member variable named 'myImageView' that's hooked up to the actual UIImageView, then you can change a UIImageView's image, as follows (caveat: I haven't compiled this code so it may have minor errors):
// create some images
UIImage *imgPig = [[UIImage imageNamed:#"pig.png"] retain];
UIImage *imgCow = [[UIImage imageNamed:#"cow.png"] retain];
// sometime later, change the imageview to show a pig
[[self myImageView] image] = imgPig;
// sometime later, change the pig to a cow
[[self myImageView] image] = imgCow;
// finally release images
[imgPig release];
[imgCow release];
Or is the problem that you have about how to access the actual UIImageView? Or is it that you don't know how to detect the button press so that you can actually do something in response to the button being pressed?
Yes, that's right. I have three .h and .m files: appdelegate, the viewcontroller, and then a subview. What I'm trying to do is let the user change the image to a different image on the first page by using a button located on the subview. On the first view there's a label and a UIImageView (This imageview is the one i want to change). On the second view there's a UIButton. When this button is pressed, it should change the UIImageView on the first page.
The problem I've been having is letting the first page know that the button has been pressed, and changing the picture accordingly. Hope thats enough info for you to help. thanks!!
[edit to guy below me: sorry, I switched comptuers and couldnt edit the original post]

Landscape/Portrait conflict - iOS

Just when i thought I had everything figured out .. i got this problem.
the scenario.
I got a simple tableView. and with a search bar in navigation item's titleView. The SearchBar is added to navItems titleView via a uibarbuttonitem in view controllers toolbar.
NOW, normally
After initiating the searchbar with [beginResponder] the keyboard shows up. And It sends out a notification "KeyboardDidShow" which is where i calculate the UIKeyboard's height and set the tableView's height accordingly (Shorten it).
ON Rotation - to and fro landscape/portrait, everything works fine.
-(void)didRotateInferfaceOrientation is called and everythings kool.
Heres the problem.
When the keyboard is active, it has a Google "search" button, this pushes to a new view - webviewcontroller.
the problem is, this
When, [PORTRAIT]ViewController [SearchBar with keyboard active] --> taps Search --> [Portrait]WebViewController --> Change Device Orientation to [Landscape] --> [Landscape]WebViewController changes to landscape ---> HERES THE PROBLEM, user taps back to uiViewController[Landscape]
the method -didRotatefromInterfaceOrientation isnt called. and somehow the tableView height is messed up. Though the view is rotating perfectly.
Is there something im missing here..
would appreciate any help. .thanks
When user taps back, -didRotatefromInterfaceOrientation will not be called. You need to check orientation in viewWillAppear (or call viewDidLoad, prior to returning from tap on back), and then call the proper layout for the chosen orientation.
In all of your (BOOL)shouldRotate... methods, you should be call a separate method to ensure your layout is correct for the device orientation.
I got a similar problem in one of my applications recently, not exactly our problem but don't bother, you should see what I'm heading for: I wanted to simply rotate an viewController displayed using presentModalViewController...Unfortunatly it didn't really worked put, especially on old iPhone with OS prior to iOS 4...So I needed to rotate programatically! Just get your screen size, use CGAffineTransform or something like that and change the sizes and then you should be done...
If your interested I could post a bunch of code, so let me know!
UIScreen *screen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
myController.view.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, screen.bounds.size.height, screen.bounds.size.width - 20);
if(currentOrientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight){
myController.view.transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(myController.view.transform, CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(degreesToRadian(-90)));
myController.view.transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(myController.view.transform, CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(degreesToRadian(90)));
} =;
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:currentOrientation];
[self.window addSubview:self.tabBarController.view];
[self.window bringSubviewToFront:self.tabBarController.view];
[self.window addSubview:myController.view];
[self.window bringSubviewToFront:myController.view];
[self.tabBarController.view removeFromSuperview];`
This also includes removing a TabBar when rotating to landscape to get some more space...enjoy :)
You could call didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation manually on viewWillAppear and just pass an orientation yourself (i.e. [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation).

How do I detect orientation on app launch for splash screen animation on iPad!

Hi I have an app and I have two *.pngs for default splash screen:
What I want is to animate this default splash screen away when my app is loaded and ready to go.
To achieve this I would normally present an UIImageView with either default-landscape or default-portrait (depending on the device orientation), keep it on screen for a certain time and then animate it away.
My problem is that if I call [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation] in
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
The answer is always that the device is in portrait orientation even if I clearly have it in landscape. I tried this in simulator and on the device as well and the behaviour is the same.
Does anyone know a fix for this or maybe some other approach?
I had troubles with this and I solved it by making one image 1024x1024 and setting the contentMode of the UIImageView to UIViewContentModeTop, then using left and right margin autoresizing. So long as your portrait and landscape default images are the same layout then this will work fine.
Just to clarify here's what I used:
bgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:SplashImage]];
bgView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin;
bgView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeTop;
To get around this problem I installed the splash image view inside of a view controller that allowed both orientations. Even though the device reported the wrong orientation at startup, the view controller seems to get the right one.
You can use UIApplication statusBarOrientation as follows:
if ( UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape( [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation] ))
// landscape code
// portrait code
Maybe you could show a blank view with black background at start time and place [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation] into this view's viewDidAppear and start your splash screen from there?
Another solution would be to read the accelerometer data and determine the orientation yourself.
To know at start what is the orientation (UIDevice orientation don't work until user have rotate the device) intercept shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation of your View Controller, it is called at start, and you know your device orientation.
There are certainly times when you want to transition from the loading image to something else before the user gets control of your app. Unless your app is really simple, going from loading image to landing page probably won't be sufficient without making the app experience really suck. If you ever develop a large app, you'll definitely want to do that to show progress during setup, loading xibs, etc. If an app takes several seconds to prepare with no feedback, users will hate it. IMO, there's nothing wrong with a nice transition effect either. Almost nobody uses loading screens the way Apple suggests to. I don't know which apps you looked at that showed the "empty UI" type loading screens they suggest. Heck, even Apple doesn't do that except in their sample code and none of my clients would find that acceptable. It's a lame design.
Only the first view added to the window is rotated by the OS. So if you want your splash screen to automatically rotate AND your main view is rotatable then just add it as a child of that view.
Here is my code for fading out the appropriate splash screen image:
// Determine which launch image file
NSString * launchImageName = #"Default.png";
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
if (UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait([[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation])) {
launchImageName = #"Default-Portrait.png";
} else {
launchImageName = #"Default-Landscape.png";
// Create a fade out effect
UIImageView* whiteoutView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.window.frame] autorelease];
whiteoutView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
whiteoutView.autoresizesSubviews = YES;
whiteoutView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:launchImageName];
[[[self.window subviews] objectAtIndex:0] addSubview:whiteoutView];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5];
whiteoutView.alpha = 0.0;
[UIView commitAnimations];
Note: You'll have to update it to support hi-res screens.
It sounds like you're not using the launch image the way Apple recommends in the iOS HIG. It specifically calls out that you should not use it as a splash screen, but rather as a skeleton version of your actual UI. The net effect is that your app appears to be ready just that much faster.
The suggestions that you could draw a splash screen yourself after the app has launching in viewDidAppear or similar also are missing the basic purpose of a launch image. It's not a splash screen. If your app is ready, let the user interact with it, don't waste their time drawing a splash screen.
From my five minute survey of Apple apps and third-party apps, everyone showed a portrait launch image, loaded the portrait version of the UI, and then rotated to landscape. It's been a while since programming on iOS, but I think this mirrors the order of the method calls -- first your app gets launched, then it is told to rotate to a particular orientation.
It might be a nice enhancement request to file with Apple though :)