Ignore Duplicates in Count - crystal-reports

I have a report in Crystal that won't total correctly.
I have groups set up as show below:
The actual data is:
What I need is a count of each of the 5xxxxxxx numbers for each group, but only counting duplicates once for the whole set. How is should appear is:
Hour - Total
09 ------ 3
10 ------ 2
14 ------ 1
15 ------ 0
16 ------ 3
Is this possible in Crystal? I've tried creating a formula, a running total (with and without a formula), and various summations (using distinct and non-distinct counts), but none of them produced the right result. It seems so far that I can only make Crystal calculate distinct counts per each subgroup containing the 54xxxxx numbers and not via the hour.

I am confused with below line as you said you want the count of 544xxx but here in 9th hour there is no 544**
What I need is a count of each of the 544xxxxx numbers for each group, but only counting duplicates once for the whole set. How is should appear is:
Tell what exactly you need. Will try to help

I found the solution: In this particular report, there was a sub SQL query that was causing the duplicates. I changed the sub-query to not generate an "hour" for each entry but instead for each order.


how do i subtotal on groups based on a condition

My report is grouped on clinic, staffname with subtotals by clinic. I need to count patients by staff where they had more than 1 admit date. I can get the correct grand total, but on the detail and subtotals, it is a progressive number.
Here's what I want
staffname1 10
staffname2 95
subtotal 105
staffname3 6
subtotal 6
grand total 111
Here is what I get:
staffname1 10
staffname2 105
subtotal 105
staffname3 111
subtotal 111
grand total 111
A lot of this may depend on the structure of your data, e.g., what is in your "detail" level. I am also assuming that you want to count of how many patients had more than one admit date, not the total number of admits for patients with multiple admits. Given that, and assuming a patient will only appear once per admit date, then this should work:
Group by patient also, so it's clinic -> staff -> patient, but suppress that group.
Create a formula to count if the number of records in each patient group is more than 1, something like this: if count({patient},{patient}) > 1 then 1 else 0
Take the formula you just created, and use it to make a summary field wherever you want a total, e.g., in the staff head it will give you a count or that staff member, in clinic it will do so for clinic, etc.
Something else to consider: I'm guessing this could be intended to gauge staff on their quality by seeing how many patients had to seek additional treatment. Even if that's not the full intent, whatever this is being used for could be skewed by staff encountering more/fewer patients. For example, staff that have 10 readmits out of 100 visits would look worse than someone who only had 5 readmits, but had also only seen 20 patients.
So: Along with the metric on which you are requesting information, I would also add a ratio metric. In the staff header, this would be straightforward: count({patients}) / distinctcount({patients}) which will give you the ratio of distinct to repeat visits. Keep in mind also that this could skew high for a staff member that had, for example, 50 patients, but one of them came back a dozen times.
To get the count of the fields that has Greater than 1.
Assuming the count field is a database field and value coming directly from database
Create a formula #Count and write below code. Place the forumla in details.
if(databaswefield.count > 1)
then 1
else 0
Now take the summary of the #count formula in required group footers.
Let me know if you are looking for something different.
If I got your comment correctly.
Though you take distinct count you can use that in your calculations by storing the value in a shared variable. Something like below and you can retrive value from that variable
Shared Numbervar count;

Crystal Reports - group total at begining of group

I have this report:
Question Group
----Question - [TOTAL]
--------Answer 1 (10)
--------Answer 2 (0)
--------Answer 3 (8)
--------Answer 4 (2)
----Total: 20
Total: 20 is calculated with running total field, and it can only be calculated after each question finishes.
What I want is to place this value at the beginning ([TOTAL]), so it can be used to calculate percentages (--------Answer 1 (50%)).
I tried with formulas, with no success.
I managed to change the SQL that feeds the report and then used a formula to do what I want

How to add a conditional grand total in Crystal Reports?

I have a group running total that needs to be sum up at the report footer. Since thats not possible with CR I had to end up having another running total that refreshes "Never". But now I need to calculate some percentages at the group level based on this Grand total. Unfortunately I cannot access the value for grand total (because its another running total).
Confused?? Ok reports should look like below..
Column 1 | Colunm 2
======== =========
| Group 200 (Running Total Refresh at Group level) | 20% (200%1000) |
| Group 500 (Running Total Refresh at Group level) | 50% (500%1000) |
| Group 300 (Running Total Refresh at Group level) | 30% (300%1000) |
Footer 1000 (Running Total Never Refreshed)
But column 2 doesn't give me the correct value. it gives me 100% always means 200%200 or 500%500 etc.
Any idea how to fix this??
Thanx Lee, using a running total formula worked, I added following formula to the report footer,
numbervar Samples;
if {product.sku}="card-sample" then
Samples := Samples + {#num_qty};
Then I use this formula to calculate column 2
Try this
Add a formula field for group percentage and then paste below code in it.
Group total / sum(column)
place this formula at your group level.
I should think your report total wants to simply be a summary field not a running total. Then your column 2 value can be calculated using running total / sum(field);
Here is an example:
I have two columns age and salary.
When age > 18 i want to add the salary.
Initially I used a running total with a condition {age} > 18
That didn't work well so i deleted the running total, and created a formula: if {age} > 18 then {salary} else 0
I then created a summary on that formula field.
Make sense?

Summarizing each subgroup in Group Footer - Crystal Reports

I'm trying to work on a report for a client. Basically I need something like such
Group 1: Customer ID
Group 2: Truck ID
CustID Vehicle ID Detention Time
------ ---------- --------------
ABX 100 60
TOTAL: 115
200 80
300 10
100 115
200 95
300 10
Is there anyway to accomplish this without a subreport? I was hoping for a "summary field" that I could summarize more than just a single value.
(FYI using Crystal Reports 2008)
Use a crosstab; place it in the report-footer section.
There might be a better way to do this, but the one that comes to mind is to use two arrays: One to store the truck ID and another to store the corresponding total. In each inner grouping (TruckID), just tack on another array element and store its total time. To display, you could cast the values to strings, attach a newline character after each entry, and set the field to "Can Grow". So altogether, you'd need three formulas: one to initialize the arrays (in GH1), one to update the arrays with sum({truck.time},{truck.ID}) (in GF2), and one to display each entry (in GF1).
With that being said, CR has terrible support for containers... You're limited to 1-dimensional, non-dynamic arrays that are gimped at 1000 items max. It doesn't sound like these would be big problems for what you're trying to do, but you will need to redim preserve the arrays unless you know ahead of time how many trucks you'll have per customer.

Crystal Reports - Formula to count groups/How to create an average based on sums

I am working on a report that shows Part Numbers with multiple Purchase Order numbers, Order Quantity and Shipped Quantity. First I grouped Part Numbers.
Part # 21104-2F PO # S7CEO Order Qty: 10 Shipped Qty: 0
PO # S7CEO Order Qty: 10 Shipped Qty: 0
PO # S8LVU Order Qty: 5 Shipped Qty: 0
Sometimes we split jobs within a purchase order. For example: (look above at PO # S7CEO) you order 20 of part # 21004-2F. We separate it into two lines (or jobs) of 10 parts per job. In this report I only want to see that you ordered 20. To achieve this, I created a second group for Purchase Order numbers and inserted a sum so that way I only see that you order 20 parts.
Part # 21104-2F PO # S7CEO Order Qty: 20 Shipped Qty: 0
PO # S8LVU Order Qty: 5 Shipped Qty: 0
My dilemma: I need to show an average based on how many parts you ordered (so average of the 20 parts, not the 10) but CR is giving me an average based on the 10 parts.
How do I create an average based on sums?
I tried using a formula to calculate the sum then divide by line count. There are 3 “lines” but once I grouped and inserted a summary, there are 2 different purchase orders. The line count formula is counting "3" lines. I want it to count how many groups I have so it will come up with "2". Then I will be able to divide "groupcount" (2) by total order qty and that will give me an average. Is there a formula that will help me achieve this?
Thank you in advance!
Yup, Count counts all the records. Use DistinctCount, which counts the values instead:
That should give you 2 instead of 3 in the denominator.
As long as you're outputting the data into the group footer, you can use a SUM(shipped quantity)/COUNT(PO #) to get the average parts/shipment.
Two level grouping on Part # (group #1) and PO # (group #2). You'd output the actual data in the Group Footer #2 field. To do your average, you'd add two summary values in that footer: SUM(shipped quantity) and COUNT(PO #). Then a simple formula field to do SUM/COUNT of those two values, and you've got your average parts per shipment value.