Httperf: How to test REST api with endoded uri - rest

I want to test my REST API which has a URI something like this:
How would I do that. The httperf reply status is "505 HTTP Version Not Supported"
I know that this uri the httperf is not properly encoding and sending it..
How would I achieve that in httperf?

Since URLs often contain characters outside the ASCII set, the URL has to be converted into a valid ASCII format.
URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits.
For you case, it would be:
Try to experiment with URL encoder/decoder


Base64 Encoding difference in a particular String

I have a doubt. It's regarding Base64 encoding of one particular String.
We have an application which allows REST WebServices to be executed after authorization of type Basic Authentication is successful.
I has set the password for a user USER_NAME with the password CP#5N0v22nD17RrV8f4​.
From my system, using Postman/Advanced REST client, the request sent is processed successfully. But the same request fails when made most of the other systems using the same REST client.
When I set this password to another user, that user credentials is facing the same problem.
I noticed that the Base64 encoding Output Charset is the problem. But there is no method to change it in the REST clients (not in the most of the ready-made ones).
But why is this happening only for this particular password. I check with every other passwords and it works fine.
String: USER_NAME:CP#5N0v22nD17RrV8f4​
Only for CP#5N0v22nD17RrV8f4​ the UTF-8 output charset encoding in Base64 is giving a different result.
Using any other passwords, all the outputs are the same.
Please make me understand why CP#5N0v22nD17RrV8f4​ is different from the rest of the strings.
Thanks in Advance
The string has a non breaking space at the end of the string.
I tested this using the following steps.
Decoded the UTF-8 string VVNFUl9OQU1FOkNQQDVOMHYyMm5EMTdSclY4ZjTigIs= at
Copied the result to encode in UTF-8 at, but this time pressed backspace once at the end of string. Gives me output VVNFUl9OQU1FOkNQQDVOMHYyMm5EMTdSclY4ZjQ=
You could also try typing the characters manually, and encoding.

Trouble with Login with PayPal redirect_uri mismatch

I am trying to configure my NetIQ SocialAccess appliance to allow authentication via Login with PayPal using OpenIDConnect but cannot seem to get my Return URL correct. I have seen a recent blog entry stating that the matching would become more strict and wonder if anyone can tell me if the difference in these two strings would cause the redirect_uri mismatch error. SocialAccess is adding a header with a redirect_uri string beginning with https%3A rather than https: as configured for my application's Return URL.
"%3A" is encoded format of character ":", meaning SocialAccess is adding an encoded url string as your redirect_url, and eventually leading to a mismatch from what you have set in your APP config.
URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character-set.
Since URLs often contain characters outside the ASCII set, the URL has to be > converted into a valid ASCII format.
URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits.

QNetworkRequest and automatic convertation of percent-encoded characters

I'm trying to download the audio samples from Amazon with the help of QNetworkAccessManager+QNetworkRequest+QNetworkReply. I've got a big problem in processing the redirect from, for example, to
(Note the percent-encoded path returned from the server). The problem is that when redirect target URL is passed to new QNetworkRequest and the request is sent via QNAM, the %2F characters are automatically converted to slashes. This seems to be correct behavior, BUT the server requires these slashes to remain encoded. Is there any way to disable this convertation?
Btw, QNetworkReply also has similar feature - it returns the redirect url with already converted %xx characters.
You can apply a percent encoding to this url. This way, the '%2F' will be encoded to '%252F' and the QNetworkRequest will encode it back to '%2F'.
With this method:

Special characters in WCF web API URLs

I have a web service which uses the WCF web api to create RESTful service. This serivce expects many different values in the url path seperated with a comma. This method works perfectly for simple data e.g. someones name or a numeric value. However I have a field on the client side (a java based BlackBerry app) which allows a user to freely type data which includes characters such as . or / which messes up my whole url.
Even when I replace the characters with their hex values e.g. a / to %2F the problem persists.
Does anyone know a means to either represent these characters in a URL which will be ignored when looking for the address or better yet a means to tell the URL the following characters are to be ignored perhaps in the way quotation marks would work?
You can use encode url function. URL Encoding is the process of converting string into valid URL format. Valid URL format means that the URL contains only what is termed alpha | digit | safe | extra | escape characters.

What kind of text code is %62%69%73%68%6F%70?

On a specific webpage, when I hover over a link, I can see the text as "bishop" but when I copy-and-paste the link to TextPad, it shows up as "%62%69%73%68%6F%70". What kind of code is this, and how can I convert it into text?
URL encoding, I think.
You can decode it here:
Most programming languages will have functions to urlencode/decode too.
This is URL encoding. It is designed to pass characters like < / or & through a URL using their ASCII values in hex after a %. However, you can also use this for characters that don't need encoding per se. Makes the URL harder to read, which is sometimes desirable.
URL encoding replaces characters outside the ascii set.
More info about URL encoding in the w3schools site.
As mentioned by others, this is simply an ASCII representation of the text so that it can be passed around the HTTP object easily. If you've ever noticed typing in a website URL that has a space in it, the browser will usually convert that to %20. That's the hexadecimal value for the "space" character in ASCII.
This used to be a way to trick old spam scrapers. One way spammers get email addresses is to scrape the source code of websites for strings matching the pattern "username#company.tld". By encoding just the username portion or the whole string as ASCII characters, the string would be readable by humans, but would require the scraper to convert it to a literal string before it could be used to send emails. Of course, modern-day spamming tools account for these sort of strings.