I accidentally deleted a picture in my album on FB and it was uploaded years ago and I dont have a copy how can i get it back [closed] - photo

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am not tech savvy but I was taking a picture that I have had on my FB act album since 2007 and trying to copy it. It was of the first moments after my daughter was born and they laid her in my arms after a Cesarian section. It is the only place I had the picture. No other copys. The actual camera was lost. I was trying to do a "then and now picture" her birth to her first day of kindergarten and now I have lost it by accidentally hitting delete instead of copying.
Is there ANYWAY to get it back? Does FB have a trash folder?

So, I know this question is probably off-topic but I can't help but feel bad for lost baby photos.
First of all, if anyone else tagged the photo, it would be linked to their account as well. If you've ever emailed anyone the photo, likely you would have either sent the photo itself or a direct link to the facebook website where it's stored. It's probably still stored there, but now you just have (unfortunately) no way to access it. So if you ever sent the link to anyone, if you find the link, it will still link to the page.
If you're someone who doesn't routinely purge your browsing history, there may be a chance that a copy of the photo was saved to your browser's temporary files folder while you were looking at the photo. If you use Internet Explorer 7 or 8, here's a guide. Otherwise just Google "<your browser name and version> temp folder location".
Of course, neither of these may work. If so, sorry for your loss of data. Good luck!


Are local robots.txt files read by Facebook and Google? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a folder which is half public: The URL is not linked, the people that know the URL are only a few friends (which will not link it) and it is cryptic enough to make sure that nobody lands there by accident.
However, the link is send via Googlemail and Facebook messages. Is there a way to tell Facebook and Google in a local robots.txt file not to index the page?
When I add it to the "global" robots.txt file then everybody who takes a look there will see that in my /secret-folder-12argoe22v4 might be something interesting. So I will not do that. But will Facebook / Google look at /secret-folder-12argoe22v4/robots.txt?
The content would be
User-agent: *
Disallow: .
User-agent: *
Disallow: /secret-folder-12argoe22v4/
As CBroe mentioned, a robots.txt file must always be at the top level of the site. If you put it in a subdirecory, it will be ignored. One way you can block a directory without publicly revealing its full name is to block just part of it, like this:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /secret
This will block any URL that starts with "/secret", including "/secret-folder-12argoe22v4/".
I should point out that the above is not a 100% reliable way to keep the files out of the search engines. It will keep the search engines from directly crawling the directory, but they can still show it in search results if some other site links to it. You may consider using robots meta tags instead, but even this won't prevent someone from directly following an off-site link. The only really reliable way to keep a directory private is to put it behind a password.

Table stuck in header - Word 2010 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Somehow, I got some tables inside the header and some inside the footers in the document Im working on. They are not supposed to be there, and this destroys the formatting.
How do I move a table out of the header/footer in Word 2010? They seem to be locked in there no matter what I do. I've tried copy/paste, dragging it, copy it to another document and back. Is there some settings on the table it self? Google has not found anything for me.
I had this happen to me just a second ago and was able to figure it out - hopefully the same thing is causing the problem for you.
I clicked on the table - then "table tools/layout" in the ribbon - then "properties" - alternatively you can right click on the table and select "table properties"
Once the "table properties" box opens - click on the "table" tab (it should be automatically selected by default) - make sure "text wrapping" is set to "none"
That should solve the problem - it did for me at least.
I'm not an expert in Word but I know how Word Document are structured.
We're going to open the content of the header in a text Editor.
Be sure to make a copy of your document before this operations, because the resulting document could be corrupted
Rename your file in a .zip file
Extract the zip in a folder named document
Go inside that folder, than in the word folder.
You should see a file named header.xml (or header1.xml)
Open it in a textEditor
Try to find out where the table is and remove it
Ensure your xml is still valid: XML Validator
Save and close your file, and zip all folders and files inside the document (if you zip the whole document folder, the file will be corrupted)
Rename the zipped file to .docx
Open the file in Word
If this doesn't work, you could post your Header.xml file, they should'nt be some confidential in there (or you could replace it by whatever you want)
I had the same problem. I just changed the orientation of the page to landscape:
Go to page layout
Go to orientation
Select landscape
The table was still on a header, but word created a page 2 and page 1 was blank. From page 2, I just dragged the table onto page 1 and it was no longer in the header!
Then, change the orientation back to portrait (follow 2 steps above and select portrait in final step).
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the answers! This is how I solved the problem:
I fixed it "manually". I just made a new document and started copying over, there was more than one table bugging. Thanks for the help anyway!
Since this question is from July 2013, and I solved it then, I'm not testing your replies. But, they might be great for other people with the same problem! They are probably better solutions than just starting over.

Tag based file system [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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All OSs that exist right now work in files and folders. I was thinking that there are may other ways of storing files. Would it be a better way to store files by tags, for example:
A file called "music1" can have a tag "2013", if the music was made in 2013. The same file can have another tag called "Music", to say that the file is music, another file called "video1" could have the "2013" tag, but also have the "Video" tag instead of the "Music" one. This would be useful, because you could search for tags and generate nice-looking maps of all the files you have.
Here is an example:
In this example, files are in green. Each file has some tags(blue),and some special tags(red). Special tags contain things like the user(only the user in the tag can see files tagged USER:Username) and File type(instead of file extension). Tags in yellow are system filetypes that do not require a program to run them(like .exe in windows)
Black lines link tags to files
Red lines link special tags to files
Blue lines link what the file type(or file) is opened by. For example, the music is an ogg file. It is opened by OggViewer, which is a jar file opened by java. Java is opened by the system.
As far as I know, there is a nice file system level solution to your need called NHFS or nonhierarchical file system. Also available a FUSE based mountable file system called TMSU that may satisfy you.
It could have merit, for example I'm utterly disinterested in the file names/paths of my tens of thousands of music files; I only really care about the artist,title,album,year,etc of them, which is the way my music player (quodlibet) displays them. Choosing a set of music to put on another device or to send to someone could then be as easily as selecting an album (instead of browing to /home/me/music/who/knows/what/someartist - somealbum).
There is TagsForAll for windows. It is a file manager based on tags. Tags can have hierarchical structure. User interface is very simple but nice. Free version fully functional and save tags in database, Pro version save tags also within NTFS stream to a file.
Microsoft tried to do something like that with WinFS
but gave up on it. It would be great if they could get it to work.
There are some other (old, archived) projects implement this idea:
Only the last seems to be releasing recent versions.
I think the idea has a future. I've pondered this same idea before. And tags fundamentally work better for most content than folders do; however, I wonder if the hierarchical structure of folders isn't actually better suited for files. In other words, though I like the idea of using tags on many levels I wonder if it would actually increase the overall complexity. For example, consider how tags could be used successfully to manage versioned software libraries. I'm afraid we won't know the answer until someone starts using the concept instead of folders for an entire OS. It'll be interesting to see/try.

HTTP file upload taking component for iOS

I noticed the functionality on some PDF viewer for iOS. You can actually turn phone in server and upload files there from a normal computer. I found HTTP server implementation from iOS on Google site, so implementing upload accepting functionality isn't a big deal for me. However I would like to save couple hours of my time, so if somebody could point me to ready to use solutions in sources, I will own you a bottle of your favorite beer.
It looks like I will have an extra beer this weekend. No I didn't create one, but i found one
enter link description here
Actually I found bunch of them, but this one seems has upload handling code which was my goal. If somebody found a better server solution, then do not hesitate to share with me.

Show PDF in iPad using CGPDF APIs [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have learned Apple has release CGPDF APIs in SDK 3.2 for drawing PDF context.
What I understand from these APIs is that you can draw a PDF to a data object or a PDF file. You can then export it, may be, to your sandbox's directory OR add as an attachment in the mail.
But I am not sure if we can use these APIs to read a PDF from application bundle and show it to the user page-by-page on the screen. What I want to do is open a PDF of a magazine in a magazine reader app.
I was also wondering if we can identify the links in a PDF file and open them in the app.
Let me know if have done OR doing anything like this.
In API documentation there is a way to load a PDF (with Quartz):
CGPDFDocument is the object you need
and CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL is probably the constructor you are looking for.
Here are some examples on how to do it:
I have spent a lot of time on this - and it seems you need to use CATiledLayers to zoom those PDFs properly!
There are some good examples on the net on how to do that...
I will put a link/solution here as soon as I have something ready!
Displaying the PDF with the Quartz APIs is pretty easy. But there's no native support for link annotations. Basically, you need to parse the "Annots" dictionary inside the pdf, and then find the correct page (which can be GoTo references, or named references, or ~10 other types; see the Adobe PDF Reference 1.7 document, the section about Actions), and the calculate the coordinates to the displayed page.
I've written a [commercial] library that includes parsing link annotations, and many more features. You may wanna check out http://pspdfkit.com