Entity framework reload entity from context - entity-framework

I have the following scenario:
I am using EF with Repository pattern and Unit Of Work from here
Then I extended my partial class and have created a Finder class which have GetAll and other methods.
You can this see below:
Below you can see that I am using a unit of work class with repositories of all classes to get the instance from the generic repository:
protected Repository<Category> _CategoryRepository;
public Repository<Category> CategoryRepository
get { return _CategoryRepository ?? (_CategoryRepository = new Repository<Category>(context)); }
So in this way I had different repositories and when getting an entity from db and updating it from a different context caused problems. So I used this method to use for context lifetime management. And it resolved that issue.
Now the problem I am facing is in the following code:
var cat = Instance.Category.GetSingle(c => c.CategoryID == 7);
var orignal = cat.CategoryName;
var expected = cat.CategoryName + " Test Catg Update";
cat.CategoryName = expected;
cat.Update(); //This doesn't actually update due to a validation in place (which is correct)
cat = Instance.Category.GetSingle(c => c.CategoryID == 7);
Assert.AreEqual(cat.CategoryName, expected);
When I use Update and I have some validators in it, and the Update fails (for example due to size of the string exceeds 15 characters). When I try to call GetSingle (2nd last line of above code) again, it brings me the same old record which is [cat.CategoryName + " Test Catg Update"]. Is this a normal way? If not how can this be fixed so I can reload the object from database.
Let me know if you need any other code or reference.

in your Update() method, if the validation fails, simply set the state of the entity to EntityState.Unchanged. Under the covers, changing the state of an entity from Modified to Unchanged first sets the values of all properties to the original values that were read from the database when it was queried, and then marks the entity as Unchanged. This will also reject changes to FK relationships since the original value of the FK will be restored.
You may be able to take advantage of the ObjectContext.Refresh() method to handle this as well. However, this is on the ObjectContext, so you would need a method to handle it in your UoW. The refresh method would be something like context.Refresh(RefreshMode.ServerWins, entity);


Entity Framework new object vs DbSet.Create

We are migrating a web application from EF 4.0 to EF 6. The entities were earlier based on ObjectContext, but now we are looking at DBContext. The code heavily depends on lazy loading. Entities are added using following syntax:
var user = new EntityModel.User();
var name = user.Department.Name;
the original code would easily assign department name into variable name. After Entity framework upgrade to EF6 with DBContext, user.Department is null. I understand that when we are using DBContext, Lazy Loading works only with Proxies. It would work fine if the code was changed to following:
var user = context.Users.Create();
var name = user.Department.Name;
Problem at my hand is that we can not make this change in the whole code base. Given the large volume of code, this is practically impossible. Does someone have a solution to this?
Provided your entities are easily identifiable such as all being pulled from the namespace "EntityModel" then VS's Find & Replace can help with the transition. Ultimately you're going to have to eat the cost of that technical debt. Re-factoring isn't free, but the benefit from making improvements (beyond just upgrading a dependency version) should outweigh that cost.
Using Find & Replace:
Find: = new EntityModel.(?<class>.*)\(\)
Replace: = context.${class}s.Create()
This will find instances like:
var user = new EntityModel.User();
and replace it with var user = context.Users.Create();
a test with:
var user = new EntityModel.User();
var test = new EntityModel.Test();
var fudge = new EntityModel.Fudge();
resulted in:
var user = context.Users.Create();
var test = context.Tests.Create();
var fudge = context.Fudges.Create();
Now this will extract the class name and pluralize it with an 's' which likely won't match 100% of the entity DBSet names, but those are easily found and corrected. The expressions can be tuned to suit differences through the application and I would recommend performing the operation on a file by file, or at most project by project basis.
An caveat is to make sure you're running with source control so that any bad attempts at a replace can be rolled back safely.

Unit testing EF - how to extract EF code out from BL?

I have read so much (dozens of posts) about one thing:
How to unit test business logic code that has Entity Framework code in it.
I have a WCF service with 3 layers :
Service Layer
Business Logic Layer
Data Access Layer
My business logic uses the DbContext for all the database operations.
All my entities are now POCOs (used to be ObjectContext, but I changed that).
I have read Ladislav Mrnka's answer here and here on the reasons why we should not mock \ fake the DbContext.
He said:
"That is the reason why I believe that code dealing with context / Linq-to-entities should be covered with integration tests and work against the real database."
"Sure, your approach works in some cases but unit testing strategy must work in all cases - to make it work you must move EF and IQueryable completely from your tested method."
My question is - how do you achieve this ???
public class TaskManager
public void UpdateTaskStatus(
Guid loggedInUserId,
Guid clientId,
Guid taskId,
Guid chosenOptionId,
Boolean isTaskCompleted,
String notes,
Byte[] rowVersion
using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
using (CloseDBEntities entities = new CloseDBEntities())
User currentUser = entities.Users.SingleOrDefault(us => us.Id == loggedInUserId);
if (currentUser == null)
throw new Exception("Logged user does not exist in the system.");
// Locate the task that is attached to this client
ClientTaskStatus taskStatus = entities.ClientTaskStatuses.SingleOrDefault(p => p.TaskId == taskId && p.Visit.ClientId == clientId);
if (taskStatus == null)
throw new Exception("Could not find this task for the client in the database.");
if (taskStatus.Visit.CustomerRepId.HasValue == false)
throw new Exception("No customer rep is assigned to the client yet.");
TaskOption option = entities.TaskOptions.SingleOrDefault(op => op.Id == optionId);
if (option == null)
throw new Exception("The chosen option was not found in the database.");
if (taskStatus.RowVersion != rowVersion)
throw new Exception("The task was updated by someone else. Please refresh the information and try again.");
taskStatus.ChosenOptionId = optionId;
taskStatus.IsCompleted = isTaskCompleted;
taskStatus.Notes = notes;
// Save changes to database
// Complete the transaction scope
In the code attached there is a demonstration of a function from my business logic.
The function has several 'trips' to the database.
I don't understand how exactly I can strip the EF code from this function out to a separate assembly, so that I am able to unit test this function (by injecting some fake data instead of the EF data), and integrate test the assembly that contains the 'EF functions'.
Can Ladislav or anyone else help out?
Here is another example of code from my business logic, I don't understand how I can 'move the EF and IQueryable code' out from my tested method :
public List<UserDto> GetUsersByFilters(
String ssn,
List<Guid> orderIds,
List<MaritalStatusEnum> maritalStatuses,
String name,
int age
using (MyProjEntities entities = new MyProjEntities())
IQueryable<User> users = entities.Users;
// Filter By SSN (check if the user's ssn matches)
if (String.IsNullOrEmusy(ssn) == false)
users = users.Where(us => us.SSN == ssn);
// Filter By Orders (check fi the user has all the orders in the list)
if (orderIds != null)
users = users.Where(us => UserContainsAllOrders(us, orderIds));
// Filter By Marital Status (check if the user has a marital status that is in the filter list)
if (maritalStatuses != null)
users = users.Where(pt => maritalStatuses.Contains((MaritalStatusEnum)us.MaritalStatus));
// Filter By Name (check if the user's name matches)
if (String.IsNullOrEmusy(name) == false)
users = users.Where(us => us.name == name);
// Filter By Age (check if the user's age matches)
if (age > 0)
users = users.Where(us => us.Age == age);
return users.ToList();
private Boolean UserContainsAllOrders(User user, List<Guid> orderIds)
return orderIds.All(orderId => user.Orders.Any(order => order.Id == orderId));
If you want to unit test your TaskManager class, you should employ the Repository dessign pattern and inject repositories such as UserRepository or ClientTaskStatusRepository into this class. Then instead of constructing CloseDBEntities object you will use these repositories and call their methods, for example:
User currentUser = userRepository.GetUser(loggedInUserId);
ClientTaskStatus taskStatus =
clientTaskStatusRepository.GetTaskStatus(taskId, clientId);
If yout wanto to integration test your TaskManager class, the solution is much more simple. You just need to initialize CloseDBEntities object with a connection string pointing to the test database and that's it. One way how to achieve this is injecting the CloseDBEntities object into the TaskManager class.
You will also need to re-create the test database before each integration test run and populate it with some test data. This can be achieved using Database Initializer.
There are several misunderstandings here.
First: The Repository Pattern. It's not just a facade over DbSet for unit testing! The repository is a pattenr strongly related to Aggregate and Aggreate Root concepts of Domain Driven Design. An aggregate is a set of related entities that should stay consistent to each other. I mean a business consistency, not just only a foreign keys validity. For example: a customer who have made 2 orders should get a 5% discount. So we should somehow manage the consistency between the number of order entities related to a customer entity and a discount property of the customer entity. A node responsible for this is an aggregate root. It is also the only node that should be accessible directly from outside of the aggregate. And the repository is an utility to obtain an aggregate root from some (maybe persistent) storage.
A typical use case is to create a UoW/Transaction/DbContext/WhateverYouNameIt, obtain one aggregate root entity from the repository, call some methods on it or access some other entities by traversing from the root, Commit/SaveChanges/Whatever. Look, how far it differs from yur samples.
Second: The Business Logic. I've already showed you one example: a customer who have made 2 orders should get a 5% discount. In contrary: your second code sample is not a business logic. It's just a query. The responsibility of this code is to obtain some data from the storage. In such a case, the storage technology behind it does matter. So I would recomend integration tests here rather than pretending the storage doesn't matter when interacting with the storage is the sole purpose of this function.
I would also encapsulate that in a Query Object that was already suggested. Then - such a query object could be mocked. Not just DbContext behind it. The whole QO.
The first code sample is a bit better because it probably ivolves some business logic, but that's dificult to identify. Wich leads us to the third problem.
Third: Anemic Domain Model. Your domain doesnt' look very object oriented. You have some dumb entities and transaction scripts over them. With 7 parameters! Thats pure procedural programming.
Moreover, in your UpdateTaskStatus use case - what is the aggregate root? Befere you answer that, the most important question first: what exactly do you want to do? Is that... hmm... marking a current task of a user done when he was visited? Than, maybe there should be a method Visit() inside a Customer Entity? And this method should have something like this.CurrentTaskStatus.IsCompleted = true?
That was just a random guess. If I missed, that would clearly show another issue. The domain model should use the ubiquitous language - something common for the programmer and a business. Your code doesn't have that expressive power that a common language gives. I just don't know what is going on there in UpdateTaskStatus with 7 parameters.
If you place proper expressive methods for performing business operations in your entities that will also enforce you to not use DbContext there at all, as you need your entities to stay persistence ignorant. Then the problem with mocking disappears. You can test the pure business logic without persistence concerns.
So the final word: Reconsider your model first. Make your API expressive by using ubiquitous language first.
PS: Please don't treat me as an authority. I may be completely wrong as I'm just starting to learn DDD.

EF4.1 based Repository and consistent view of data

using the unit of work and repository patterns i recently came across the issue, that changes to the unit of work are not reflected to subsequent queries. Example:
var ctx = DIContainer.Current.Resolve<IB2bContext>();
var rep = DIContainer.Current.Resolve<IRepository<Word>>(
new DependencyOverride<IB2bContext>(ctx));
rep.Add(new Word () { "One" };
rep.Add(new Word () { "Two" };
rep.GetAll().ToList().ForEach(i =>
Console.Write(i.text)); // nothing seen here
So in other words, unless i call SaveChanges() to persist the objects into the Database, i dont see them. Well ofcause i can fiddle around with the ChangeTracker and/or do things like context.Entry(foo).Property(...).CurrentValue. But does that play with a ddd like decoupling of layers? I dont think so. And where is my consistent dataview that once was called a database transaction?
Please enlighten me.
Your repository exposes some GetAll method. The method itself executes database query. If you want to see local data not inserted to database you must add them to result set. For example like:
public IEnumerable<Word> GetAll()
DbSet<Word> set = context.Set<Word>();
return set.AsEnumerable().Concat(set.Local);
The query execution is only responsible for returning persisted (real) data.

Problem with EF STE and Self-Referencing tables

This is my first post here, so I hope everything is fine.
Here is my problem:
I have a table in my database called UserTypes. It has:
The relevant ones are the first and the third one.
I have another table called UserTypes_T which has information for the different types, that is language specific. The fields are:
What I'm trying to achieve is load the entire hierarchy from the UserTypes table and show it in a TreeView (this is not relevant for now). Then, by selecting some of the user types I can edit them in separate edit box (the name) and a combo box (the parent).
Everything works fine until I try to persist the changes in the database. EF has generated for me two entity classes for those tables:
The class for the user types has:
A navigational property for the self-reference (0..1);
A navigational property for the child elements;
Another navigational property for the UserTypes_T table (1..*);
The class for the translated information has:
A navigational property to the UserTypes table (*..1);
A navigational property to the Languages table (*..1);
I get the data I need using:
return context.UserTypes.Include("UserTypes_T").Where(ut => ut.IsPrivate==false).ToList();
in my WCF Web service. I can add new user types with no problems, but when I try to update the old ones, some strange things happen.
If I update a root element (Parent_ID==null) everything works!
If I update an element where Parent_ID!=null I get the following error:
AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object’s key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager.
I searched all over the internet and read the blog post from Diego B Vega (and many more) but my problem is different. When I change a parent user type, I actually change the Parent_ID property, not the navigational property. I always try to work with the IDs, not the generated navigational properties in order to avoid problems.
I did a little research, tried to see what is the object graph that I get and saw that there were lots of duplicate entities:
The root element had a list of its child elements. Each child element had a back reference to the root or to its parent and so on. You can imagine. As I wasn't using those navigational properties, because I used the IDs to get/set the data I needed, I deleted them from the model. To be specific I deleted points 4 and 5 from the UserTypes entity class. Then I had an object graph with each element only once. I tried a new update but I had the same problem:
The root element was updated fine, but the elements, that had some parents, threw the same exception.
I saw that I had a navigational property in the UserTypes_T entity class, pointing to a user type, so I deleted it too. Then this error disappeared. All the items in the object graph were unique. But the problem remained - I could update my root element with no problems, but when trying to update the children (with no exclusions) I got a null reference exception in the generated Model.Context.Extensions class:
if (!context.ObjectStateManager.TryGetObjectStateEntry(entityInSet.Item2, out entry))
context.AddObject(entityInSet.Item1, entityInSet.Item2);//here!
I tried to update only the name (which is in UserTypes_T) but the error is the same.
I'm out of ideas and I've been trying to solve this problem for 8 hours now, so I'll appreciate if someone gives me ideas or share their experience.
The only way I succeeded updating a child object was using the following code to retrieve the data:
var userTypes = argoContext.UserTypes.Include("UserTypes_T").Where(ut => ut.IsPrivate==false).ToList();
foreach (UserType ut in userTypes)
ut.UserType1 = null;
ut.UserTypes1 = null;
return userTypes;
where UserType1 is the navigational property, pointing to the parent user type and UserTypes1 is the navigational property, holding a list of the child element. The problem here was that EF "fixups" the objects and changes the Parent_ID to null. If I set it back again, EF sets the UserTypes1, too... Maybe there is a way to stop this behavior?
OK everybody, I just found what the problem was and I'm posting the answer if anybody else encounters the same issue.
The problem was that I was making some validation on the server in order to see if there isn't a circular reference between the user types. So, my method on the server looked something like:
using (MyEntities context = new MyEntities())
string errMsg = MyValidator.ValidateSomething(context.UserTypes,...);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg)) throw new FaultException(errMsg);
//some other code here...
context.UserTypes.ApplyChanges(_userType);//_userType is the one that is updated
The problem is that when making the validation, the context is filled and when trying to save the changes, there are objects with the same key values.
The solution is simple - to use different context for validating things on the server:
using (MyEntities validationContext = new MyEntities())
//validation goes here...
using (MyEntities context = new MyEntities())
//saving changes and other processing...
Another one can be:
using (MyEntities context = new MyEntities())
using (MyEntities validationContext = new MyEntities())
//saving changes and other processing...
That's it! I hope it can be useful to somebody!

Using Reflection to Remove Entity from RIA Services EntityCollection?

To facilitate control reuse we created a solution with three separate projects: a control library, Silverlight client, and ASP.NET backend. The control library has no reference to the RIA Services-generated data model classes so when it needs to interact with it, we use reflection.
This has worked fine so far but I've hit a bump. I have a DataGrid control where the user can select a row, press the 'delete' button, and it should remove the entity from the collection. In the DataGrid class I have the following method:
private void RemoveEntity(Entity entity)
// Use reflection to remove the item from the collection
Type sourceType = typeof(System.Windows.Ria.EntityCollection<>);
Type genericType = sourceType.MakeGenericType(entity.GetType());
System.Reflection.MethodInfo removeMethod = genericType.GetMethod("Remove");
removeMethod.Invoke(this._dataGrid.ItemsSource, new object[] { entity });
// Equivalent to: ('Foo' derives from Entity)
// EntityCollection<Foo> ec;
// ec.Remove(entity);
This works on the client side but on the domain service the following error gets generated during the Submit() method:
"The UPDATE statement conflicted with
the FOREIGN KEY constraint
"********". The conflict occurred in
database "********", table "********",
column '********'. The statement has
been terminated."
One thing I noticed is the UpdateFoo() service method is being called instead of the DeleteFoo() method on the domain service. Further inspection shows the entity is going into the ModifiedEntities ChangeSet instead of the RemovedEntities ChangeSet. I don't know if that's the problem but it doesn't seem right.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks,
I've determined that the problem is definitely coming from the reflection call to the EntityCollection.Remove() method. For some reason calling it causes the entity's EntityState property to change to EntityState.Modified instead of EntityState.Deleted as it should.
Even if I try to remove from the collection by completely circumventing the DataGrid I get the exact same issue:
Entity selectedEntity = this.DataContext.GetType().GetProperty("SelectedEntity").GetValue(this.DataContext, null) as Entity;
object foo = selectedEntity.GetType().GetProperty("Foo").GetValue(selectedEntity, null);
foo.GetType().InvokeMember("Remove", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, foo, new object[] { entity });
As a test, I tried modifying the UpdateFoo() domain service method to implement a delete and it worked successfully to delete the entity. This indicates that the RIA service call is working correctly, it's just calling the wrong method (Update instead of Delete.)
public void UpdateFoo(Foo currentFoo)
// Original update implementation
//if ((currentFoo.EntityState == EntityState.Detached))
// this.ObjectContext.AttachAsModified(currentFoo, this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentFoo));
// Delete implementation substituted in
Foo foo = this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentFoo);
if ((foo.EntityState == EntityState.Detached))
I've been researching a similar issue.
I believe the issue is you are calling remove with a reference for an EntityCollections within the DomainContext as the root reference rather than using the DomainContext itself as the root.
Produces the EntityState.Modified instead of EntityState.Deleted
Try instead...
I think this will produce the result you are seeking.
Hope this helps.
What is the "column" in the "FOREIGN KEY constraint" error? Is this a field in the grid row and collection that coorosponds to that column? Is it possible that the entity you are trying to remove is a column in the row rather than the row itself which is causing an update to the row (to null the column) rather than to delete the row?
I read your update and looks like you've determined that the problem is the reflection.
Have you tried to take the reflection out of the picture?
As in:
private void RemoveEntity(Entity entity)
// Use reflection to remove the item from the collection
Type sourceType = typeof(System.Windows.Ria.EntityCollection<>);
Type genericType = sourceType.MakeGenericType(entity.GetType());
// Make sure we have the right type
// and let the framework take care of the proper invoke routine
if (genericType.IsAssignableFrom(this._dataGrid.ItemsSource.GetType()))
((Object) this._dataGrid.ItemsSource).Remove(entity);
Yes, I know it's ugly, but some times...
Edited to add
I've updated the code to remove the is keyword.
Now about using the object to make the call to the Remove method, I believe it might work due the late binding of it.