Reading and printing file contents using Perl - perl

Can any body help me in reading all the files of particular format from the directory line by line and it should print on screen.
And my request is to include command lines in the program itself.
Then when ever simple I ran the program , it should display all the content of files.
Below is the program I wrote can any body help me please....
#files=grep{/\.out$/} readdir(DIR);
$c = 0;
for ($c=0 ;
while ($c <= #files)
$cmd = "Perlsc11 $files[$c]";
if($#ARGV != 0) {
print STDERR "You must specify exactly one argument.\n";
exit 4;
print ("$files[$c]\n");
# Open the file.
open(INFILE, $ARGV[0]) or die "Cannot open $ARGV[0]: $!.\n";
while(my $l = <INFILE>) {
print $l;
close INFILE;

You can use the glob feature in perl to get a list of filenames with the ".out" extension in the specified directory. You can then open these files one by one using a loop and print their contents to the screen. Here's the code,
# get all file-names with ".out" extension into array
my #outFiles = glob "/home/hclabv/*.out";
# loop through list of file names in array
foreach my $outFileName ( #outFiles )
# open the file for processing
open $outFile, '<', $outFileName or die "Unable to open file for reading : $!";
# iterate through each line in the file
while ( $line = <$outFile> )
# print the individual line
print "$line\n";
# close the file
close $outFile;
Please clarify what you mean by "including command lines", so we can help further.


How to use text output from one perl script as input to another perl script? I seem to be able run this as two separate scripts but not as one

I've got a script that reformats an input file and creates an output file. When I try to read that output file for the second part of the script, it doesn't work. However if I split the script into two parts it works fine and gives me the output that I need. I'm not a programmer and surprised I've got this far - I've been banging my head for days trying to resolve this.
My command for running it is this (BTW the temp.txt was just a brute force workaround for getting rid of the final comma to get my final output file - couldn't find another solution):
c:\perl\bin\perl F146.sel temp.txt F146H.txt
Input looks like this (from another software package) ("F146.sel"):
/ Selected holes from the .\Mag_F146_Trimmed.gdb database.
Output looks like this (mods to the text: quotes removed, insert comma, concatenate into one line, remove the last comma) "F146H.txt":
Then I want to use this as input in the next part of the script, which basically inserts this output into a line of code that I can use in another software package (my "" file). This is the output that I get if I split my script into two parts, but it just gives me a blank if I do it as one (see below).
CURRENT Database,"RAD_F146.gdb"
SETINI MERGLINE.LINES="L12260,L12270,L12280,L12290"
GX mergline.gx
What follows is my "". What have I done wrong?
(actually, the question could be - what haven't I done wrong, as this is probably the most retarded code you've seen in a while. In fact, I bet some of you could get this entire operation done in 10-15 lines of code, instead of my butchered 90. Thanks in advance.)
# this reformats the SEL file to remove the first line and replace the " with nothing
$file = shift ;
$temp = shift ;
$linesH = shift ;
#open (Profiles, ">.\\scripts\\")||die "couldn't open output .gs file";
open my $in, '<', $file or die "Can't read old file: Inappropriate I/O control operation";
open my $out, '>', $temp or die "Can't write new file: Inappropriate I/O control operation";
my $firstLine = 1;
while( <$in> )
$firstLine = 0;
s/"L/L/g; # replace "L with L
s/"/,/g; # replace " with,
s|\s+||; # concatenates it all into one line
print $out $_;
close $out;
open (part1, "${temp}")||die "Couldn't open selection file";
open (part2, ">${linesH}")||die "Couldn't open selection file";
sub printitChomp
print part2 <<ENDGS;
while ($temp = <part1> )
print $temp;
sub printit
{$string = substr (${temp}, 0,-1);
print part2 <<ENDGS;
####Theoretically this creates the merge script from the output
####file from the previous loop. However it only seems to work
####if I split this into 2 perl scripts.
open (MergeScript, ">")||die "couldn't open output .gs file";
open (SEL, "${linesH}")||die "Couldn't open selection file";
sub printitMerge
#open .sel file
print MergeScript <<ENDGS;
#iterate over required files
while ( $line = <SEL> ){
chomp $line;
print STDOUT $line;
sub printitLines
print MergeScript <<ENDGS;
CURRENT Database,"RAD_F146.gdb"
GX mergline.gx
so I think all you were really missing was close(part2); to allow it to be reopened as SEL..
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# this reformats the SEL file to remove the first line and replace the " with nothing
my $file = shift;
my $temp = shift;
my $linesH = shift;
open my $in, '<', $file or die "Can't read old file: Inappropriate I/O control operation";
open my $out, '>', $temp or die "Can't write new file: Inappropriate I/O control operation";
my $firstLine = 1;
while (my $line = <$in>){
print "LINE: $line\n";
if ($firstLine){
$firstLine = 0;
} else {
$line =~ s/"L/L/g; # replace "L with L
$line =~ s/"/,/g; # replace " with,
$line =~ s/\s+//g; # concatenates it all into one line
print $out $line;
close $out;
open (part1, $temp) || die "Couldn't open selection file";
open (part2, ">", $linesH) || die "Couldn't open selection file";
while (my $temp_line = <part1>){
print "TEMPLINE: $temp_line\n";
my $string = substr($temp_line, 0, -1);
print part2 <<ENDGS;
#### this creates the merge script from the output
#### file from the previous loop.
open (MergeScript, ">")||die "couldn't open output .gs file";
open (SEL, $linesH) || die "Couldn't open selection file";
#iterate over required files
while ( my $sel_line = <SEL> ){
chomp $sel_line;
print STDOUT $sel_line;
print MergeScript <<"ENDGS";
CURRENT Database,"RAD_F146.gdb"
GX mergline.gx
and one alternative way of doing it..
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $file = shift;
open my $in, '<', $file or die "Can't read old file: Inappropriate I/O control operation";
my #lines = <$in>; # read in all the lines
shift #lines; # discard the first line
my $line = join(',', #lines); # join the lines with commas
$line =~ s/[\r\n"]+//g; # remove the quotes and newlines
# print the line into the mergescript
open (MergeScript, ">")||die "couldn't open output .gs file";
print MergeScript <<"ENDGS";
CURRENT Database,"RAD_F146.gdb"
GX mergline.gx

Avoid empty file creation

I want to split the large file in to small files by splitting at the specific line with the help of regex. Any help?
My code doing the job but it also creating a empty file.
open( INFILE, 'test.txt' );
#lines = <INFILE>;
$file = "outfile";
for ( $j = 0; $j <= $#lines; $j++ ) {
open( OUTFILE, ">", $file . $j );
$file_name = $file . $j;
#print "file is $file_name\n";
$i = 0;
while (#lines) {
$_ = shift #lines;
if ( $_ =~ /^###\s*(.*)\s*###/ && $i > 1 ) {
unshift #lines, "$_\n";
print "$filename\n";
print OUTFILE "$_\n";
My input file contains :
### abcd hdkjfkdj ####
body 1 dsjklsjdfskl
### zyz fhid ###
abcdksdsd djnfkldsfmnsldk ;lkjfkl
it is creating 3 outfiles called outfile0,outfile1,outfile2. but outfile0 is empty I want to avoid this.
The way to fix it is to open the file only in response to the line being found. Your program will open a new file regardless and that's why it has an empty output file
Here is a rewrite that works. I've also removed the temporary #lines array
use warnings;
use strict;
open(my $file,"<", "test.txt") || die $!;
my $counter=1;
my $out;
while(<$file>) {
if (/###\s*(.*)\s*###/) {
open($out, ">", "outfile$counter") || warn "outfile$counter $!";
print $out $_ if $out;
If you want to use the material between the ### blocks as file titles, you can set the file name when you're doing the pattern match on the lines with ### blocks.
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $fh, '<', 'my_file.txt' or die "Could not open file: $!";
# initialise a variable that will hold the output file handle
my $out;
while (<$fh>) {
# capture the title between the # signs
if (/##+ (.*?) ##+/) {
open $out, '>', $1.".txt" or die "Could not create file $1.txt: $!";
elsif ($out) {
print $out $_;
else {
# if $out is not set, we haven't yet encountered a title block
warn "Error: line found with no title block: $_";
Sample input:
Text files containing their own name
### questions-1 ####
Why are a motorcycle's front brakes more effective than back?
Is it possible to make a gradient follow a path in Illustrator?
Text files containing their own name
### questions-2 ###
Why does Yoda mourn the Jedi after order 66 is executed?
what are the standard gui elements called?
Flybe just cancelled my return flight. Will they refund that part of the trip?
### questions-3 ###
Merge two arrays of ElementModels?
Is this set open or closed?
Output: three files, questions-1.txt, questions-2.txt, questions-3.txt, containing the appropriate lines. e.g. questions-1.txt:
Why are a motorcycle's front brakes more effective than back?
Is it possible to make a gradient follow a path in Illustrator?
Text files containing their own name
You haven't stated whether you want the ### lines in the output or not, so I've left them off.
Depending on what OS you're on and what your potential file names contain, you may want to filter them and replace special characters with an underscore (or just remove the special characters).

Perl - Read multiple files and read line by line of the text file

I am trying to read multiple .txt files in a folder. Each file should be read line by line, however, I failed to read multiple .txt files by using glob. Any advice on my code?
my %data;
#FILES = glob("*.txt");
$EmailMsg .= "EG. Folder(week) = Folder(CW01) --CW01 = Week 1 -- Number is week\n ";
$EmailMsg .= "=======================================================================================================\n";
# Try to Loop multiple files here
foreach my $file (#FILES) {
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, '<', $file;
$data{$file} = <$fh>;
# Read the file one line at a time.
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($name, $date, $week) = split /\:/, $line;
if ($name eq "NoneFolder") {
$EmailMsg .= "Folder ($week) - No Folder created on the FTP! Failed to open folder!\n";
if ($name eq "EmptyFiles") {
$EmailMsg .= "Folder ($week) - No Files insides the folder! Failed download files!\n";
$EmailMsg .= "=======================================================================================================\n";
$EmailMsg .= "Please note that if you receive this email means that the script is running fine just that no folder is created or no files inside the folder for the week on the FTP.\n";
# close the file.
#close <$fh>;
Currently output:
EG. Folder(week) = Folder(CW01) --CW01 = Week 1 -- Number is week
Please note that if you receive this email means that the script is running fine just that no folder is created or no files inside the folder for the week on the FTP.
It failed to get any .txt files.
You are trying to read each file twice: firstly into the hash %data and then again line by line.
Once you have reached end of file, you have to either reopen the file or use seek to move the read pointer back to the beginning.
You also need to set $/ back to its original value, otherwise your loop will read the entire file instead of one line at a time.
It's not clear whether you really need the second copy of the file data in the hash, but you can avoid having to reset $/ by putting the change within a block, like this
open my $fh, '<', $file;
$data{$file} = do {
local $/ = undef;
and then reset the file pointer to the start again before the while loop.
seek $fh, 0, 0;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
my #files=('Read a','Read a single text','Read only one','Read the file using','Reading the');
foreach my $i(#files) {
open(FH, "<$i");
while (my $row = <FH>) {
chomp $row;
print "$row\n";
The file globbing works for me. You might want to specify scope for your #FILES variable and check that there actually are files matching the path you have specified,
#!/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
## glob on all files in home directory
## see:
use File::Glob ':globally';
my #configs = <~myname/project/etc/*.cfg>;
foreach my $fn (#configs) {
print "file $fn\n";
your code,
my %data;
#here are some .c files,
my #FILES = glob("../*.c");
foreach my $fn (#FILES) {
print "file $fn\n";
This way catches more garbage for about the same amount of code.
my $PATH = shift #ARGV ;
chomp $PATH ;
opendir(TXTFILE,$PATH) || die ("failed to opendir: $PATH") ;
my #file = readdir TXTFILE ;
closedir(TXTFILE) ;
foreach(#file) { #
next unless ($_ =~ /\.txt$/i) ; # Only get .txt files
$PATH =~ s/\/$//g ; $PATH =~ s/$/\// ; # Uniform trailing slash
my $thisfile = $PATH . $_ ; # now a fully qualified filename
unless (open(THISFILE,$thisfile)) { # Notify on busted files.
warn ("$thisfile failed to open") ;
next ;
while(<THISFILE>) {
# etc. etc.
close(THISFILE) ;

How to read from a file and direct output to a file if a file name is given in the command line, and printing to console if no argument given

I made a file, "rootfile", that contains paths to certain files and the perl program mymd5.perl gets the md5sum for each file and prints it in a certain order. How do I redirect the output to a file if a name is given in the command line? For instance if I do
perl mymd5.perl md5file
then it will feed output to md5file. And if I just do
perl mydm5.perl
it will just print to the console.
This is my rootfile:
This is my program right now:
open($in, "rootfile") or die "Can't open rootfile: $!";
$flag = 0;
if ($ARGV[0]){
open($out,$ARGV[0]) or die "Can't open $ARGV[0]: $!";
$flag = 1;
if ($flag == 1) {
select $out;
while ($line = <$in>) {
$md5line = `md5sum $line`;
#md5arr = split(" ",$md5line);
if ($flag == 0) {
If you don't give a FILEHANDLE to print or printf, the output will go to STDOUT (the console).
There are several way you can redirect the output of your print statements.
select $out; #everything you print after this line will go the file specified by the filehandle $out.
... #your print statements come here.
close $out; #close connection when done to avoid counfusing the rest of the program.
#or you can use the filehandle right after the print statement as in:
print $out "Hello World!\n";
You can print a filename influenced by the value in #ARGV as follows:
This will take the name of the file in $ARGV[0] and use it to name a new file, edit.$ARGV[0]
use warnings;
use strict;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
open my $input, '<', $file or die $!;
my $editedfile = "edit.$file";
open my $name_change, '>', $editedfile or die $!;
if ($input eq "md5file"){
while ($in){
# Do something...
print $name_change "$_\n";
Perhaps the following will be helpful:
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<>) {
my $md5line = `md5sum $_`;
my #md5arr = split( " ", $md5line );
printf( "%s\t%s\n", $md5arr[1], $md5arr[0] );
Usage: perl rootfile [>md5file]
The last, optional parameter will direct output to the file md5file; if absent, the results are printed to the console.

opening file in perl gives errors?

I am writing a perl script which reads a text file (which contains absolute paths of many files one below the other), calculates the file names from abs path & then appends all file names separated by a space to the same file. So, consider a test.txt file:
So after running the script the same file will contain:
I have this script
use strict;
foreach my $arg (#ARGV)
open my $file_handle, '>>', $arg or die "\nError trying to open the file $arg : $!";
print "Opened File : $arg\n";
my #lines = <$file_handle>;
my $all_names = "";
foreach my $line (#lines)
my #paths = split(/\\|\//, $line);
my $last = #paths;
$last = $last - 1;
my $name = $paths[$last];
$all_names = "$all_names $name";
print $file_handle "\n\n$all_names";
close $file_handle;
When I run the script I am getting the following error:
>> perl ..\ .\test.txt
Too many arguments for open at ..\ line 5, near "$arg or"
Execution of ..\ aborted due to compilation errors.
What is wrong over here?
UPDATE: The problem is that we are using a very old version of perl. So changed the code to:
use strict;
for my $arg (#ARGV)
print "$arg\n";
open (FH, ">>$arg") or die "\nError trying to open the file $arg : $!";
print "Opened File : $arg\n";
my $all_names = "";
my $line = "";
for $line (<FH>)
print "$line\n";
my #paths = split(/\\|\//, $line);
my $last = #paths;
$last = $last - 1;
my $name = $paths[$last];
$all_names = "$all_names $name";
print "$line\n";
if ($all_names == "")
print "Could not detect any file name.\n";
print FH "\n\n$all_names";
print "Success!\n";
close FH;
Now its printing the following:
>> perl ..\ .\test.txt
Opened File : .\test.txt
Could not detect any file name.
What could be wrong now?
Perhaps you are running an old perl version, so you have to use the 2 params open version:
open(File_handle, ">>$arg") or die "\nError trying to open the file $arg : $!";
note I wrote File_handle without the $. Also, read and writting operations to the file will be:
#lines = <File_handle>;
print File_handle "\n\n$all_names";
close File_handle;
Update: reading file lines:
open FH, "+>>$arg" or die "open file error: $!";
while( $line = <FH> ) {