EF DbContext from Database vs. EF power tools reverse engineer from database. What is difference ? - entity-framework

I am using an existing database and my normal method is to add a new Entity Data Model and point it to the existing database. If I was to use the EF power tools and reverse engineer to make it 'code first' style what is the advantage of this ?
Both are classes that inherit from DbContext right ? So can someone explain to me what an advantage might be working with the code base over time if I was to use the EF power tools reverse engineer tool instead ?

Code First to an existing database generates your model (at runtime) from your C# classes. Database First stores the model inside of an .edmx file and generates your classes (at design time).
The video Entity Framework Development Workflows gives a good overview. Ultimately, it comes down to whether you want to maintain your model using a designer surface or using C# classes.
It is also worth mentioning that, if you want to use Code First Migrations, you have to use Code First since it currently doesn't work with Database First.


Code First Existing Database vs EF Designer to Existing Database

We are starting a new large corporate project. The database will be 100+ tables and we will be using Entity Framework, Web API and MVC.
My question is specifically related to the Entity Framework aspects of the solution.
I am trying to make a choice between the following:
Code first to an existing Database
EF Designer to an Existing Database (Database First)
I know we can use EF to generate the database from code first or from the EF designer, but we prefer to have full control over the database and develop that in the traditional way, so we have excluded the EF options that allow us to auto-generate the database.
Most of what I can find on the internet relating to Code First deals with creating a new database and then using code migrations. And when the discussions deal with Database first then the discussions favour the EF Designer. Example here: Code-first vs Model/Database-first
My preference is to go with the combination of Code First to an existing database.
The following are my considerations for favouring this option and I'm wondering if there is anything else I need to consider, and whether my assumptions/thoughts are correct.
Code first to an Existing database
There will be a large number of classes to construct at the start, but we could do the initial generation from the EF Model Wizard.
The classes could then modified with any custom properties or to remove anything we don't need, rather than the EF Designer that would require us to extend any classes.
The disadvantage is that any changes to the database would have to be manually added to our classes, unlike using the designer which will allow easy updating.
I think I was confused in this area. From reading, it appears that the correct way to do Data First is to create partial classes for all the auto generated classes, and then to make any modifications to the partial classes as part of the 'business' layer.
My thought has therefore changed from favouring the Code First from Database, to using the EF Designer to existing database and then creating the partial classes.
In any case you'll have to synchronize the EDM (entity data model) and the DB. You have to make sure that the EDM is fully compatible with your database. If not, it will fail, no matter if it's Code First or you use a Model.
The only difference is that:
using the designer you can do it graphically, and easyly set properties, column names, and so on
using Code First, you have to set these properties, columns names, data types and so on using conventions, Fluent API or attributes
With Code First the only advantage is that once you've synchronized the Code First model (see "Code First is also an EDM, but somewhat limited") and the database, you can start using Migrations, and evolve your model using them, which later makes it easier to apply changes to the production DB (whenever a new version is released). With graphic model you cannot use migrations, and have to upgrade the Db directly from Visual Studio, or creating SQL DDL scripts by hand.
Code First is also an EDM, but with a few missing functionalities
It doesn't matter if you use Code First or draw a model, an EDM (entity data model) will be generated. If you're used to design databases, probably you'll be more comfortable using the designer. Beware of the notes on EF Core (former EF7) below!.
However, the EDM generated by Code First has a few limitations that the designer doesn't have.
The most outstanding limitations of Code First is that in the designer you can easily map user defined functions from the BD, for example scalar and table value functions, and stored procedures. With Code First there are much more limitations.
in EF 6.1 most of this limitations dissapear, but it's still a bit difficult to make the mappings.(In fact, as of today, 2014, there's only a sample, and a simple Nuget package on how to do it.).
As of march 2017, non-Core EF, i.e. EF 6.1, is no longer being updated. MS will probably solve bugs if they appear, (this was wrong: but don't expect further changes)
New features appeared in 6.2: What's new in EF 6.2, which includes definition of indices with Fluent API, support for Like, support for non-identity DB generated keys, like SEQUENCE and some other changes
Changes on EF Core, former EF7 (as of may 2015)
At this time Microsoft is developing EF 7, but it's also maintaining EF 6.x. The current recommendation is to keep using EF 6 for some time, because EF 7 is not mature enough.
EF 7 is being developed from scratch to overcome the inherited ObjectContext which was posing terrible limitations to implemente new features. But it implements the most widely used DbContext with little changes. So, if you use DbContext you'll have an easy migraiton path to incoming new versions of EF.
However there is a very important change: in EF Core (former EF7) the EDM model dissapears in favor of Code First models. So, if you want to use the technology of today and assure an easy upgrade to new versions, don't use Model First or Database First: use Code First. There are important reasons for Microsoft to have taken this decision: Code First works much better in a team environmet with version control, and allows to work with Migrations. Anyway tou can still see the model in a graphical way (with Power Toools) or use a third party tool to create the model using a designer (several of the current commercial solutions will support this for EF7).
NOTE: Why is much better Code First in team environments? If several team members modify the model it's much easier to merge changes in several code files, than in a big XML file, with lots of lines which defines the model. It's also much harder to understand the changes between versions in this hugh XML file. For medium or big projects, I recommend you to move to Code First ASAP

Adding Hand-Built Models to an EDMX

I'm following an MSDN article on applying the Repository Pattern and the Unit Of Work Pattern to Entity Framework, but I'm stuck at the mapping between the custom-made domain models and the as-yet-nonexistant database.
The article has me create two simple POCOs, Employee and TimeCard. It also walks through creating generic repositories and custom implementations therein. (I'm using the custom repositories so I can try to keep EF dependencies in the data access assembly.) However, they sort of glaze over an important step in the mapping. The article says:
With the POCOs in place we can create an Entity Data Model (EDM) in Visual Studio (see figure 1). We will not use the EDM to generate code for our entities. Instead, we want to use the entities we lovingly craft by hand. We will only use the EDM to generate our database schema and provide the metadata EF4 needs to map objects into the database.
The "Figure 1" it references is here:
But that's all it says on the subject. There's an aside on how to generate POCOs from an EDMX. There's lots of information via Google on how to generate POCOs, generate EDMX from a database, etc. But in this walk-through we already have the POCOs and I need to use them in the EDMX which would, in turn, generate the database (I'm assuming, based on other code-first walk-throughs).
I've added an "ADO.NET Entity Data Model" to the project, which is basically a blank canvas. But I'm not seeing how to add my existing POCOs to that canvas. Do I have to re-create them manually on the design surface (which would be a pretty significant duplication problem in a larger domain)? If so, how do they map to the existing ones?
Typically when you use the designer the flow is the opposite - you create the model with the designer (or create/update the model from the database) and then the code is created for you. The created code can be either the EF1 style code with entities derived from EntityObject and attributes etc. which is created with a Single File Generator which is a part of VS (Code Generation Strategy set to "Default") or the code can be created with T4 templates (Code Generation Strategy set to "None") in which case you need to add T4 templates to your project. EF matches POCOs with Entities from the edmx file by convention (names of entities have to be the same, names and types of properties have to match etc.). In the article for some reason they went the opposite way which is weird since it requires that you create all the entities and relationships with the designer manually (since the designer does not know how to create entities from the code) and make sure that the requirements for the conventions (you may not even be aware of some of them) are met. However when you start with code the better approach is to use the EF Code First approach and skip the designer entirely. Code First can create database from your code. It also contains migrations feature which allows evolving your database along with your code. Finally (as you seem to use Visual Studio 2010) you could use EF6 which allows using all the goodness that was previously only available on .NET Framework 4.5 to be used on .NET Framework 4. See here for more details: http://entityframework.codeplex.com/
*the names are going to change in the new version designer that supports EF6 and works with Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013
EDIT to address questions from the comment
If you would like to use Code First would use the DbContext API which is a streamlined wrapper of the ObjectContext API. Here is a walkthrough that should help get you started.
You can still use Code First if you have an existing database - the difference is that you will not be able to use migrations. The easiest way to get started with this is to use EF Power Tools. Take a look at this tutorial to see how to do that.
More help here

Have anyone used Entity Framework with code first approach mixed with Edmx file?

I'm currently assign to a project where their legacy system is designed in a horrible way and it's been too much focus on database design. I trying to put together a new design where the customer can migrate the legacy system bit by bit.
They are currently using EF 4.1 BUT not code first approach with entity descriptive/mapping is located in an edmx file. They do Reverse engineering everytime to want to extend the model (First make changes in database, then reflect them upwards to Model layer through a custom tool).
What I would like to know, if anyone has used BOTH edmx and code first approach with mapping classes. And is there drawbacks to know about?
You can use EDMX and code mapping together only if you have separate context type for each approach (you cannot mix approaches in single context type). That is probably the biggest disadvantage because it leads to more complex code and maintenance.
For example if you need to have some entity in both contexts types to use it with both new and legacy code you must maintain its mapping twice. You must also be very careful about not duplicating entity class itself = your code first must use class generated by custom tool for EDMX but this will not be possible if they are not using POCOs in current solution.
Another problem will be database integrity. If you will need to save changes to both context types in single transaction you will have to use TransactionScope and distributed transaction = MSDTC (each context instance will handle its own database connection).
If you are sure that whole system will be migrated you can probably think about using code first instead of EDMX (but be aware that code first mapping and DbContext generally offers more limited feature set). If you are not sure that you will be able to complete whole migration don't even think about using code first because leaving system in the state where half uses code first and half EDMX will make everything only worse and much more horrible.
Being sure is little bit theoretical because in SW development the only think you can be sure about is that requirements / situation will change. It means that migration should be very carefully considered.
I also was struck with this problem. What I found was that you can model the database and "generate the database from the model" in a "Ado.NET Entity model Project".
But you can not create stored procedures in that project, What only you can do is you can import the stored procedures from the server.
But if you do not want to create stored procedures on the server, you can create another project on VS, "SQl CLR Database Project" and you can code your stored procedures and tigers in that project and deploy them to the server.
then you can again import these stored procedures from the "Ado.NET Entity model Project" by "Update Model From Database".
Like wise you can develop your server project using both approaches(Code first and Model first)
Hope this will add something more :)

EntityFramework withour EDMX

We are about to start using EF as our ORM. We have our own MetaData representing the databse stracture and we will generate whatever we need off of that.
We are wondering whether to use the "old" EDMX approace, or to use the new EDMX free approach (wiht DbSet and DbContext). As we do our own code/edmx generation it seems odd to generate an EDMX and then generate objects and context off of it.
The thing is I don't see much talk about about the EDMX free approach. Is it being used by anyone? Can someone with experience share their impressions? Are there known limitations? Are there pros and cons?
Are you asking if anybody is using code-first? :) By checking the number of questions in entity-framework-4.1 and code-first and ef-code-first I guess people are using it a lot. There were several questions about code-first x non code-first. Some of I answered:
EF POCO code only VS EF POCO with Entity Data Model
EF Model First or Code First Approach?
EF 4.1 Code-first vs Model/Database-first
Generally there are four approaches:
Model first (database generated from EDMX)
Database first (EDMX generated from database)
Code first (database generated from code mapping)
Database first with code mapping (code mapping manually created for existing database or manually updated mapping generated by EF Power Tools CTP)
Selection of the approach usually depends on the way how you want to develop application (as described in linked answers). It also depends if you want to use ObjectContext API or DbContext API. The former one is usually used with first two approaches (but the secret is it should work with code-first as well) the later one with all of them.
Code first has some limitations - it doesn't support all mapping features EDMX does for example:
Stored procedures mapping (it doesn't mean you cannot execute SP when using code first)
SQL functions mapping
Advanced EDMX features like defining queries, query views, model defined functions
What I don't understand is why are you trying to combine your code generation tool with EF. Either use your stuff or use EF's stuff. You will avoid complications and incompatibilities.

Using Entity Framework with poco by model first

I'm a bit lost with Entity Framework ...
Here is the context : Desktop Application (C# / Winform)
VS 2010 (SP1), SQL COMPACT (4.0 for identity), ... for now EF 4 (default version)
I've just started a new app and i've thinking of using EF because it seems that it's a quickest way to design both model and database (i know that it's not the best way but my project is not critical).
building the model with graphic designer is very convenient, i can easyly build the sql compact schema' and i can access model class directly.
But i need to add some feature to my model class (overriding ToString for example or some basics functions), so it seem that i need to make POCO classes.
But the problem is after generating these classes, how can i update these without losing added code , what's the best way to doing that ? partial class ?
Moreover, it seem that EF dev are focusing on Code First, so does it mean that Entity Model are already deprecated ?
EF generates partial classes, so you are right - in order not to lose the extra code you add, you need to create separate files and use the partial class feature. Those files won't be re-written once the model is saved.
Moreover, it seem that EF dev are
focusing on Code First, so does it
mean that Entity Model are already
deprecated ?
No, it's not deprecated. Using Code First is just a matter of preference, but you can feel free to use the EDM - it's not going anywhere.