Deferred type inference on method call - scala

I was reading the (great) post A Generic Quicksort in Scala from Josh Suereth. Especially interesting was the part about the deferring of type inference for collections.
Now I wonder if this also applies for non-collections. The following 2 methods create a Foo[T,O]
def sort1[T, O](from: T, to: T)(implicit ev: O <:< Ordering[T], ord: O):Foo[T,O] = {
def sort2[T, O <: Ordering[Int]](from: T, to: T)(implicit ord: O):Foo[T,O] = {
Which of the two methods is preferred and why?
sort2(2,5) does work, with sort1(2,5) the compiler seems find more implicits since there is an ambiguous implicit resolution error.

Deferring type inference using generalized type constraints is all about going around limitations with type inference. These limitations are not necessarily bugs, they can be by design.
I can think of two common situations where they are useful:
You want to get the type inside another higher-kinded type, but you have no constraint to get it.
def sort[T, Coll <: SeqLike[T, Coll](a: Coll): Coll
The compiler has no way to get the type parameter T because it is not constraint in any way: it does not appear on the left-hand side of a <: or >: in the type parameter list, and does not appear in the argument's types.
Generalized type constraints allow here to constraint (through an argument) the type T:
def sort[T, Coll](a: Coll)(implicit ev: Coll <:< SeqLike[T, Coll]): Coll
Note: this is only one way to do this. There is usually a way to get the same thing something very close without the implicit evidence. Here it would be:
def sort[T, Coll <: SeqLike[T, Coll]](a: Coll with SeqLike[T, Coll]): Coll
You have no control over the type parameter, because it comes from the enclosing class.
For example, adding a flatten method on List[A] that only works if A is a collection itself. You cannot change the type parameter A just for that one method, but you can locally add a constraint with an implicit ev: A <:< Traversable[B] or something similar.
Note 2: this isn't what is done in the collection library, which uses implicit ev: (A) => Traversable[B], so that anything that can be converted to a collection works (like String or Array), but sometimes you do not want that.
Edit to address the sort1 vs sort2 question: adding a generalized type constraint when none is needed can create this kind of error because types become under-constrained. Since there is no constraint on O in sort1, ord: O can be anything. The implicit evidence can only be used to view an O as an Ordering[T] within the body of the method.
If you really wanted to keep the implicit evidence, you would have to re-introduce some constraint somewhere. On the type parameter like in sort2, or on ord itself:
def sort3[T, O](from: T, to: T)
(implicit ev: O <:< Ordering[T], ord: O with Ordering[T]):Foo[T,O]
in this case, sort2 seems to be the best way to do this.

Indeed, this can seems unintuitive.
The reason is that sort1 defines no constraints on O, so 'ord: O' is ambiguous.
(the constraint on the first implicit parameter only defines a constraint on 'ev' type).
Hope it helps :)


Type parameter under self-type doesn't conform to upper bound despite evidence

I have a trait with a self-type annotation that has a type parameter. This trait is from a library and cannot be modified. I want to pass this trait to a function that will require an upper bound for the type parameter. For example, I have this code snippet:
sealed trait Job[K] { self =>
type T
case class Encoder[T <: Product]()
def encoder(job: Job[_])(implicit ev: job.T <:< Product): Encoder[job.T] =
new Encoder[job.T]()
This returns an error that Type argument job.T does not conform to upper bound Product and a warning that ev is never used. How should I design the encoder function?
Why it doesn't work?
Your issue has nothing to do with the generalized type constraint. You can remove it and still get the same error. A generalized type constraint is used to constrain the type of arguments the method can receive.
(implicit ev: job.T <:< Product) provides an evidence in scope that matches only if job.T <: Product, allowing only calls to the method with Job arguments where job.T <: Product. This is its purpose.
Your issue is because the Encoder class has its type parameter T <: Product. The generalized type constraint does not treat the type job.T itself as a subtype of Product, as you expected. The evidence only applies to value arguments, not to the type itself, because this is how implicit conversions work.
For example, assuming a value x of type job.T that can be passed to the method as an argument:
def encoder(job: Job[_])(x: job.T)(implicit ev: job.T <:< Product): Unit = {
val y: Product = x // expands to: ev.apply(x)
val z: Encoder[Product] = new Encoder[job.T] // does not compile
The first line compiles because x is expanded to ev.apply(x), but the second one cannot be expanded, regardless if Encoder is covariant or not.
First workaround
One workaround you can do is this:
def encoder[U <: Product](job: Job[_])(implicit ev: job.T <:< Product): Encoder[U] =
new Encoder[U]()
The problem with this is that while both type parameters U and T are subtypes of Product, this definition does not says much about the relation between them, and the compiler (and even Intellij) will not infer the correct resulting type, unless you specify it explicitly. For example:
val myjob = new Job[Int] {
type T = (Int, Int)
val myencoder: Encoder[Nothing] = encoder(myjob) // infers type Nothing
val myencoder2: Encoder[(Int, Int)] = encoder[(Int, Int)](myjob) // fix
But why use job.T <:< Product if we already have U <: Product. We can instead use the =:= evidence to make sure their types are equal.
def encoder[U <: Product](job: Job[_])(implicit ev: job.T =:= U): Encoder[U] =
new Encoder[U]()
Now the resulting type will be correctly inferred.
Second workaround
A shorter workaround is using a structural type instead:
def encoder(job: Job[_] { type T <: Product }): Encoder[job.T] =
new Encoder[job.T]()
Which is not only cleaner (doesn't require a generalized type constraint), but also avoids the earlier problem.
Both versions work on Scala 2.13.8.
Expanding on Alin's answer, you may also use a type alias to express the same thing like this:
type JobProduct[K, P <: Product] = Job[K] { type T = P }
// Here I personally prefer to use a type parameter rather than an existential
// since I have had troubles with those, but if you don't find issues you may just use
// JobProdut[_, P] instead and remove the K type parameter.
def encoder[K, P <: Product](job: JobProduct[K, P]): Encoder[P] =
new Encoder[P]()
This approach may be more readable to newcomers and allows reuse; however, is essentially the same as what Alin did.

Scala: Why is an abstract type member equal to a type parameter by =:= not equal in use?

I am starting to embrace abstract type members over type parameters - mainly because they seem to work better with type inference for me. However, I am still struggling to understand how to use them from outside of the types they are defined in. For example, I cannot understand why the following Scala program should not compile:
trait Thing
trait Describer {
type X<:Thing
def describe(x:X) = println(x)
object Program extends App {
def print[T <: Thing, D <: Describer]
(describer: D, thing:T)
(implicit ev: D#X =:= T)
= describer.describe(thing)
Intuitively, I would expect that the requirement D#X =:= T would guarantee that the two types are indeed equal and hence that instances of two could be used interchangeably, but I get this compilation error:
error: type mismatch;
found : thing.type (with underlying type T)
required: describer.X
= describer.describe(thing)
What have I misunderstood? Is there another way to do what I want to do? Or failing that, is it safe to cast thing to the required type (describer.X)?
The type of the parameter of describer.describe is actually describer.X and not D#X. Another thing you have to know is that A =:= B also functions as a conversion from A to B but (at least currently) not the other way around. So the following should work.
def print[T <: Thing]
(describer: Describer, thing: T)
(implicit ev: T =:= describer.X)
= describer.describe(thing)

What specific use case deserves the =:= operator instead of a context bound, and why? [duplicate]

I can see in the API docs for Predef that they're subclasses of a generic function type (From) => To, but that's all it says. Um, what? Maybe there's documentation somewhere, but search engines don't handle "names" like "<:<" very well, so I haven't been able to find it.
Follow-up question: when should I use these funky symbols/classes, and why?
These are called generalized type constraints. They allow you, from within a type-parameterized class or trait, to further constrain one of its type parameters. Here's an example:
case class Foo[A](a:A) { // 'A' can be substituted with any type
// getStringLength can only be used if this is a Foo[String]
def getStringLength(implicit evidence: A =:= String) = a.length
The implicit argument evidence is supplied by the compiler, iff A is String. You can think of it as a proof that A is String--the argument itself isn't important, only knowing that it exists. [edit: well, technically it actually is important because it represents an implicit conversion from A to String, which is what allows you to call a.length and not have the compiler yell at you]
Now I can use it like so:
scala> Foo("blah").getStringLength
res6: Int = 4
But if I tried use it with a Foo containing something other than a String:
scala> Foo(123).getStringLength
<console>:9: error: could not find implicit value for parameter evidence: =:=[Int,String]
You can read that error as "could not find evidence that Int == String"... that's as it should be! getStringLength is imposing further restrictions on the type of A than what Foo in general requires; namely, you can only invoke getStringLength on a Foo[String]. This constraint is enforced at compile-time, which is cool!
<:< and <%< work similarly, but with slight variations:
A =:= B means A must be exactly B
A <:< B means A must be a subtype of B (analogous to the simple type constraint <:)
A <%< B means A must be viewable as B, possibly via implicit conversion (analogous to the simple type constraint <%)
This snippet by #retronym is a good explanation of how this sort of thing used to be accomplished and how generalized type constraints make it easier now.
To answer your follow-up question, admittedly the example I gave is pretty contrived and not obviously useful. But imagine using it to define something like a List.sumInts method, which adds up a list of integers. You don't want to allow this method to be invoked on any old List, just a List[Int]. However the List type constructor can't be so constrainted; you still want to be able to have lists of strings, foos, bars, and whatnots. So by placing a generalized type constraint on sumInts, you can ensure that just that method has an additional constraint that it can only be used on a List[Int]. Essentially you're writing special-case code for certain kinds of lists.
Not a complete answer (others have already answered this), I just wanted to note the following, which maybe helps to understand the syntax better: The way you normally use these "operators", as for example in pelotom's example:
def getStringLength(implicit evidence: A =:= String)
makes use of Scala's alternative infix syntax for type operators.
So, A =:= String is the same as =:=[A, String] (and =:= is just a class or trait with a fancy-looking name). Note that this syntax also works with "regular" classes, for example you can write:
val a: Tuple2[Int, String] = (1, "one")
like this:
val a: Int Tuple2 String = (1, "one")
It's similar to the two syntaxes for method calls, the "normal" with . and () and the operator syntax.
Read the other answers to understand what these constructs are. Here is when you should use them. You use them when you need to constrain a method for specific types only.
Here is an example. Suppose you want to define a homogeneous Pair, like this:
class Pair[T](val first: T, val second: T)
Now you want to add a method smaller, like this:
def smaller = if (first < second) first else second
That only works if T is ordered. You could restrict the entire class:
class Pair[T <: Ordered[T]](val first: T, val second: T)
But that seems a shame--there could be uses for the class when T isn't ordered. With a type constraint, you can still define the smaller method:
def smaller(implicit ev: T <:< Ordered[T]) = if (first < second) first else second
It's ok to instantiate, say, a Pair[File], as long as you don't call smaller on it.
In the case of Option, the implementors wanted an orNull method, even though it doesn't make sense for Option[Int]. By using a type constraint, all is well. You can use orNull on an Option[String], and you can form an Option[Int] and use it, as long as you don't call orNull on it. If you try Some(42).orNull, you get the charming message
error: Cannot prove that Null <:< Int
It depends on where they are being used. Most often, when used while declaring types of implicit parameters, they are classes. They can be objects too in rare instances. Finally, they can be operators on Manifest objects. They are defined inside scala.Predef in the first two cases, though not particularly well documented.
They are meant to provide a way to test the relationship between the classes, just like <: and <% do, in situations when the latter cannot be used.
As for the question "when should I use them?", the answer is you shouldn't, unless you know you should. :-) EDIT: Ok, ok, here are some examples from the library. On Either, you have:
* Joins an <code>Either</code> through <code>Right</code>.
def joinRight[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: B1 <:< Either[A1, C]): Either[A1, C] = this match {
case Left(a) => Left(a)
case Right(b) => b
* Joins an <code>Either</code> through <code>Left</code>.
def joinLeft[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: A1 <:< Either[C, B1]): Either[C, B1] = this match {
case Left(a) => a
case Right(b) => Right(b)
On Option, you have:
def orNull[A1 >: A](implicit ev: Null <:< A1): A1 = this getOrElse null
You'll find some other examples on the collections.

How are Scala <:< and =:= operators used, and how does their Predef implementation work? [duplicate]

I can see in the API docs for Predef that they're subclasses of a generic function type (From) => To, but that's all it says. Um, what? Maybe there's documentation somewhere, but search engines don't handle "names" like "<:<" very well, so I haven't been able to find it.
Follow-up question: when should I use these funky symbols/classes, and why?
These are called generalized type constraints. They allow you, from within a type-parameterized class or trait, to further constrain one of its type parameters. Here's an example:
case class Foo[A](a:A) { // 'A' can be substituted with any type
// getStringLength can only be used if this is a Foo[String]
def getStringLength(implicit evidence: A =:= String) = a.length
The implicit argument evidence is supplied by the compiler, iff A is String. You can think of it as a proof that A is String--the argument itself isn't important, only knowing that it exists. [edit: well, technically it actually is important because it represents an implicit conversion from A to String, which is what allows you to call a.length and not have the compiler yell at you]
Now I can use it like so:
scala> Foo("blah").getStringLength
res6: Int = 4
But if I tried use it with a Foo containing something other than a String:
scala> Foo(123).getStringLength
<console>:9: error: could not find implicit value for parameter evidence: =:=[Int,String]
You can read that error as "could not find evidence that Int == String"... that's as it should be! getStringLength is imposing further restrictions on the type of A than what Foo in general requires; namely, you can only invoke getStringLength on a Foo[String]. This constraint is enforced at compile-time, which is cool!
<:< and <%< work similarly, but with slight variations:
A =:= B means A must be exactly B
A <:< B means A must be a subtype of B (analogous to the simple type constraint <:)
A <%< B means A must be viewable as B, possibly via implicit conversion (analogous to the simple type constraint <%)
This snippet by #retronym is a good explanation of how this sort of thing used to be accomplished and how generalized type constraints make it easier now.
To answer your follow-up question, admittedly the example I gave is pretty contrived and not obviously useful. But imagine using it to define something like a List.sumInts method, which adds up a list of integers. You don't want to allow this method to be invoked on any old List, just a List[Int]. However the List type constructor can't be so constrainted; you still want to be able to have lists of strings, foos, bars, and whatnots. So by placing a generalized type constraint on sumInts, you can ensure that just that method has an additional constraint that it can only be used on a List[Int]. Essentially you're writing special-case code for certain kinds of lists.
Not a complete answer (others have already answered this), I just wanted to note the following, which maybe helps to understand the syntax better: The way you normally use these "operators", as for example in pelotom's example:
def getStringLength(implicit evidence: A =:= String)
makes use of Scala's alternative infix syntax for type operators.
So, A =:= String is the same as =:=[A, String] (and =:= is just a class or trait with a fancy-looking name). Note that this syntax also works with "regular" classes, for example you can write:
val a: Tuple2[Int, String] = (1, "one")
like this:
val a: Int Tuple2 String = (1, "one")
It's similar to the two syntaxes for method calls, the "normal" with . and () and the operator syntax.
Read the other answers to understand what these constructs are. Here is when you should use them. You use them when you need to constrain a method for specific types only.
Here is an example. Suppose you want to define a homogeneous Pair, like this:
class Pair[T](val first: T, val second: T)
Now you want to add a method smaller, like this:
def smaller = if (first < second) first else second
That only works if T is ordered. You could restrict the entire class:
class Pair[T <: Ordered[T]](val first: T, val second: T)
But that seems a shame--there could be uses for the class when T isn't ordered. With a type constraint, you can still define the smaller method:
def smaller(implicit ev: T <:< Ordered[T]) = if (first < second) first else second
It's ok to instantiate, say, a Pair[File], as long as you don't call smaller on it.
In the case of Option, the implementors wanted an orNull method, even though it doesn't make sense for Option[Int]. By using a type constraint, all is well. You can use orNull on an Option[String], and you can form an Option[Int] and use it, as long as you don't call orNull on it. If you try Some(42).orNull, you get the charming message
error: Cannot prove that Null <:< Int
It depends on where they are being used. Most often, when used while declaring types of implicit parameters, they are classes. They can be objects too in rare instances. Finally, they can be operators on Manifest objects. They are defined inside scala.Predef in the first two cases, though not particularly well documented.
They are meant to provide a way to test the relationship between the classes, just like <: and <% do, in situations when the latter cannot be used.
As for the question "when should I use them?", the answer is you shouldn't, unless you know you should. :-) EDIT: Ok, ok, here are some examples from the library. On Either, you have:
* Joins an <code>Either</code> through <code>Right</code>.
def joinRight[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: B1 <:< Either[A1, C]): Either[A1, C] = this match {
case Left(a) => Left(a)
case Right(b) => b
* Joins an <code>Either</code> through <code>Left</code>.
def joinLeft[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: A1 <:< Either[C, B1]): Either[C, B1] = this match {
case Left(a) => a
case Right(b) => Right(b)
On Option, you have:
def orNull[A1 >: A](implicit ev: Null <:< A1): A1 = this getOrElse null
You'll find some other examples on the collections.

What are Scala <:<, =:= and <%< classes for? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What do <:<, <%<, and =:= mean in Scala 2.8, and where are they documented?
I'm curious since I saw them in Scala library code, but I found it quite hard to Google something about them since their names are not words.
These classes are used for implicit parameters that restrict the applicability of a method. Below is a description of each class. In general they are useful to restrain the a type parameter of an enclosing class within the context of a single method.
<:<[A,B] or A <:< B
The compiler can provide an implicit instance of this type only when A is a subtype of B. This is similar to A <: B in a type parameter list.
This can be useful when you want to put an additional constraint on a class type parameter in the context of a particular method. For example the class Foo below can be used with any type, but the method bar is only valid when T is a subtype of Number.
class Foo[T](x: T) {
// In general T could be any type
def bar(implicit ev: T <:< Number) = {
// This method can now only be used when T is a subtype of Number
// also, you can use ev to convert a T to number
new Foo(123 : java.lang.Integer).bar // returns 123.0: Double
new Foo("123").bar // compile error: Cannot prove java.lang.String <:< java.lang.Number
=:=[A,B] or A =:= B
The compiler can provide an implicit instance of this type only when A is the same type as B. This doesn't have an equivalent syntax in a type parameter list, you'd just use the same type parameter twice.
This can be used much like <:< except that it requires the types to match exactly. This could be used to make a pair of methods mutually exclusive.
class Foo[T<:Number](x:T) {
def numOnly(implicit ev: T =:= Number) = ()
def floatOnly(implicit ev: T =:= Float) = ()
val asFloat = new Foo(123.0f:java.lang.Float)
asFloat.numOnly // Compile error
asFloat.floatOnly // Ok
val asNum = new Foo(123.0f:java.lang.Number)
asFloat.floatOnly // Ok
asFloat.numOnly // Compile error
Essentially if the type parameter is more specific than the constraint you can force the more specific method to be used.
<%<[A,B] or A <%< B
The compiler can provide an implicit instance of this type only when A can be converted to B. This is similar to A <% B in a type parameter list.
This requires that there is an implicit function available to turn an A into a B. This will always be possible when A <: B since the implicit A <:< B satisfies this constraint.
This class is actually marked as deprecated. It says you should instead just use A => B.
<:<, =:= and <%< are generic classes, all of them with two type parameters, and all of them extends Function1 (function with one argument). They are defined in Predef.
They are intended to supply very basic conversion as implicits. The conversions are so basic that most of the time, they are identity. The point of having those classes and not Functions is that they may be distinguished from other functions that might be in implicit scopes. Predef gives the following implicit
For every type A, a <:<[A,A] is available. As <:< is [-From, +To],
<:<[A,A] will satisfy any <:<[A,B] where A conforms to B. The
implementation is identity.
For every type A, there is also a =:=[A,A], but =:= is invariant,
so it will not satisfy any A =:= B if A is not exactly B.
implementation is identity
There is also a A <%< B each time A <% B. Implementation is the
implicit conversion implied by A <% B.
The point is not to provide clever conversions (identity is not too clever), but to provide a library level way enforce some typing constraint at compile time, similar to language level constraint <:, <%, and simple lack of type argument, (which is quite a strong constraint too), in places where the language constraints are not available. A typical example is, in a generic class, when you want a method to be available only for some value of a type parameter. Suppose Collection[A], and I want a method sort that will be available only if A <: Ordered[A]. I don't want to put the constraint in the declaration of the class, because I want to accept collections whose elements are not Ordered. I just don't want them to have a sort method. I cannot put the constraint on the method sort either, because A does not even appear as a type parameter of method sort. <:< provides a solution :
class MyCollection[A] {
def sort(implicit ev: A <:< Ordered[A])
// other methods, without constraints
Doing that, sort is technically available on all instances of MyCollection, but practically, when one does not pass ev parameter explicitely, it will look for an A <:< Ordered[A] in implicit scope, and conforms in predef will give one only if A is a subtype of Ordered[A]. As the (identity) conversion between A and Ordered[A] is made available in the implicit scope of the routine, A will be usable as an Ordered[A] in the body of method sort.
Using =:= would force the type to be exactly Ordered[A] (the equivalent constraint on MyCollection would be simply to make it non generic, and put the given type everywhere there is the generic parameter). <%< would ensure there is an implicit conversion. That would be the more likely one here.
Actually for this particular method sort, the proper solution would be to get an Ordering[A] in implicit context, with def sort(implicit ev: Ordering[A]) but that would not have demonstrated the point of those classes.
They are generalized type constraints for type arguments. Check out their definitions along with corresponding implicit conforms() methods in Predef.
In brief it works like this:
you add implicit parameter to your method like implicit tc: T <:< U, that works like implicit tc: <:<[T, U]
there is implicit conforms() method that returns required instance ensures that T <: U (just like with regular generics)
if T <: U is not the case, compilation of method call fails with "implicit not found"
Look at usage sample here: