Eclipse insists on opening java files in Sublime - eclipse

We recently upgraded our copies of Sublime. Problem is now our developers that use eclipse are having trouble opening java files. It seems that Eclipse has for one reason or another decided that half of the java files should be opened with "Java Editor" (when you right click and go to Open With) and the other half should open in "System Default" which as it turns out, is Sublime.
Where is the button I press to reset this stupid thing so Eclipse will open java files in Eclipse?

Eclipse "remembers" when files were "Open with"-ed with a certain Viewer and opens that file always with that Viewer from than on (it gets highlighted in the Options list and overrides the file-association).
You could try to change it back to the default by choosing "Default Editor" in the "Open with" context menu option in Project Explorer for each file that behaves strange.

The default editor for a file type can be set through Window>Preferences>General>Editors>File Associations. If multiple editors are set for .java and it's bugging out then possibly removing all editors except the default will help.


Eclipse - files open with no tab title or and empty content window

I just installed Eclipse on a computer and it has been working fine for the past few days. However it suddenly stopped working this morning.
When I double click a file in the File Explorer to open it, nothing happens - a new tab is opened, but the tab has no title, just a button to close the tab. The "contents" of the tab is just a light blue screen, with no text.
I have tried the following procedures, with no success:
Right click > Open with > various Eclipse editor
Reset perspective (I am in Java EE perspective)
Change perspective to Java
Opening different file formats (.java, .properties, .xml, etc)
F3 and Ctrl-Shift-T
Creating a new project and opening a file from there
Restarting, cleaning workspace
When I open a different workspace, the files open as usual, but I still want to use my old workspace.
I am using Eclipse JEE Oxygen.
Doing a re-install fixed the problem.
Try to create a new workspace and put all your projects there from the old one.
If it does not work, it's likely that there is an error in one of the projects, try to find it, delete the project from the new workspace 1 and try to open the file, repeat it until the file opens, if you make a mistake in 1 of the projects, then you can create new classes. and copy there codes from the old ones.
P. S. If nothing works, you can download INTELIJ and open your workspace there (generally Intelij is more comfortable than Eclipse in my opinion)

How can I change Eclipse color scheme for a specific file extension?

I've installed Eclipse Debugger Plugin for v8.
When a Javascript file is brought up from the remote connection, it has a .chromium extension.
Acutal color scheme for *.chromium files is not ideal but I haven't been able to figure out how to change it.
I went into Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations and changed *.chromium file association from "JS Editor" to "JavaScript Editor" (used for .js files edition, and having the color scheme I want.)
However making this change had no effect.
I have the "Eclipse Color Theme" add-on installed and am using Eclipse version 4.2.1.M20120914-1800 running on windows 7.
Once I right clicked on one of the .chromium files and selected "Open With->JavaScript Editor" that file came up with the same editor as the js files. Doing this once must have fixed something in eclipse because now subsequently all .chromium files open up with the other editor.

Eclipse project explorer retains focus when opening a file

Opening a file in Eclipse's Project Explorer with a double click opens the file in the built-in editor but does not transfer the focus to the file for immediate editing. Instead the focus remains in the Project Explorer and a further click in the editor window or tab is required before editing or moving around the document. I guess this is by design but I am hoping there is an option or workaround of some kind. Thanks.
Using Eclipse 3.7.2 with C++ development tools installed on Ubuntu 12-04

Eclipse: Open in New Window

In Package Explorer I right-clicked on project and selected "Open in New Window". New Eclipse window was opened with that project. Then I closed old, "main" Eclipse window, so only new "project" window remained.
Now each time I launch Eclipse I have this "project" window with project name in window title and Package Explorer drilled down into this project. And I need to press "Up" button in Package Explorer to see all my projects.
How can I restore default behaviour and launch Eclipse with workspace scope and not project?
My original answer: Once you get the Package Explorer the way you want it, if you exit Eclipse cleanly it should come back that way.
My revised answer: It looks like a bug, even if you exit cleanly it comes back inside of the project. And in fact when you create a new window no matter what it puts you into the project. Even if you switch to the project explorer.
I found a way to fix it though, do a Window -> Close All Perspectives, then open the Java perspective and exit and come back in and you should be OK. I have filed this bug about it.
Close the project properly " File --> Close All", Then restart eclipse.
OR you can create a new work space " File --> Switch Workspace --> Other..."
Im not sure this is what you are looking for but the Documentation offers a command line option to select the start workspace:
The workspace is the physical location (file path) you are working in.
You can choose the workspace during startup of Eclipse or via the menu
( File → Switch Workspace → Others.

How to prevent Eclipse from showing the opened file in package explorer

somehow I've ended up in a situation such that when I navigate through source files with Eclipse, the Eclipse always selects (and expands) the opened file with package explorer. With this I end up
losing my location on Package Explorer
Having my Package explorer expanded and pretty confusing.
With brief googling/exploring on the preferences I couldn't find this one..
Eclipse version is 3.4 if that happens to matter.
Thanks in advance,
Turn off the "Link with Editor" option in the Package Explorer toolbar.
(the left/right arrow icon, turned on here)
Select a source file, right click on it, choose "Open with" and then "Java Editor". The Java Editor should be the default after that for all java files.