How to configure eclipse to ignore a (false?) error - eclipse

I copied the templates from here to add scaffolding with Twitter Bootstrap thanks to the twitter-bootstrap:2.3.2 plugin.
generates-all works with no errors and creates everything with the look of Twitter Bootstrap.
But I get the next (false?) error:
- Groovy:unexpected token: < # line 1, column 1.
At the next line of code:
<%=packageName ? "package ${packageName}\n\n" : ''%>import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
This is the Eclipse structure:
If it is just a mistake of eclipse, how could I tell it to ignore it?

My solution so far is to comment out all the Controller.groovy class. The issue is that if I want to use "grails generate-all domain_class" I should remember remuving the comment previously.


TYPO3 v11 and fluidtypo3/flux v9.5.0: Class Page does not exist. Reflection failed

I did a fresh composer installation of TYPO3 v11.5.9...
composer require "typo3/cms-adminpanel:^11.5" "typo3/cms-backend:^11.5" "typo3/cms-belog:^11.5" "typo3/cms-beuser:^11.5" "typo3/cms-core:^11.5" "typo3/cms-dashboard:^11.5" "typo3/cms-extbase:^11.5" "typo3/cms-extensionmanager:^11.5" "typo3/cms-filelist:^11.5" "typo3/cms-fluid:^11.5" "typo3/cms-fluid-styled-content:^11.5" "typo3/cms-form:^11.5" "typo3/cms-frontend:^11.5" "typo3/cms-impexp:^11.5" "typo3/cms-info:^11.5" "typo3/cms-install:^11.5" "typo3/cms-lowlevel:^11.5" "typo3/cms-opendocs:^11.5" "typo3/cms-recordlist:^11.5" "typo3/cms-recycler:^11.5" "typo3/cms-redirects:^11.5" "typo3/cms-reports:^11.5" "typo3/cms-rte-ckeditor:^11.5" "typo3/cms-scheduler:^11.5" "typo3/cms-seo:^11.5" "typo3/cms-setup:^11.5" "typo3/cms-tstemplate:^11.5" "typo3/cms-viewpage:^11.5"
and added fluidtypo3/flux, composer installed v9.5.0:
composer require fluidtypo3/flux
I created a sitepackage with
In the ext_localconf.php I registered Flux like this:
\FluidTYPO3\Flux\Core::registerProviderExtensionKey('Vendor.Sitepackage', 'Content');
\FluidTYPO3\Flux\Core::registerProviderExtensionKey('Vendor.Sitepackage', 'Page');
After adding a root page, creating a main template record, including all static templates and adding the TypoScript to the page, I opened the page in the frontend. The following error occured:
(1/2) #1278450972 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\Exception\UnknownClassException
Class Page does not exist. Reflection failed.
No matter what extension settings are defined or if any templates are present in Resources/Private/Tempaltes/Content/, the exception persists.
But, if I change the version of Flux to dev-development, the frontend loads perfectly fine.
Does anybody know what's going on here? What am I doing wrong?
I found the problem.
The file ext_localconf.php has a faulty condition to check the TYPO3 core version, which leads to a wrong $pageControllerName (row 136). It's Pageinstead of \FluidTYPO3\Flux\Controller\PageController::class which explains the exception message. (The wrong condition also occurs in file Classes/Integration/ContentTypeBuilder.php).
This bug has been fixed in branch development commit #19279684f1792f373d3a1fafdbde4dea0e4e12d9.

PHP Fatal error: Class 'RemoteWebElement' not found in

I have a symfony project that run normal in command line:
php app/console server:run
But, I want to run inside PhpStorm. When I try to do this, it gives the fatal error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'RemoteWebElement' not found in
I already tried to look the oficial documentation of the classe: But I didn't found information that culd help me.
I also added the compose dependency:
composer require facebook/webdriver
But had no effect!
I'll explain step-step how to get this the bug (It will be very long!):
I have:
PHP 5.5.9
PhpStorm 10.0.3
composer 1.0-dev (7117a5775ffdcdfd31bbd52a138a6f9c65e7e3c2) 2016-02-03
So, create a new symfony project (current version 3.0) and add composer dependencies:
symfony new project
cd project
composer update
Then, open this project inside of phpstorm and I configure settings for to run the project:
Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP
"PHP language level": 5.5
"Interpreter": 5.5.9
Add through plus(+) the PHP folder:
Click 'OK'
Now, try to run de project through PhpStorm by the shortcut:
Will appear the bug:
PHP Fatal error: Class
'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase' not found in
Solve this by this way inside of PhpStorm:
Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> PHPUnit
Choose: "Use custom autoloader"
And, in the field "Path to script", informe the autoloader's address. For example:
/home/murilo/git/slu/app/autoload.php. Click 'OK'.
Again, try to run de project through PhpStorm by the shortcut:
Will appear the bug:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Doctrine\Tests\Common\Cache\CacheTest' not
found in
Solve this through this command inside the project folder:
composer require maslosoft/cachetest:dev-master -n --no-progress
For the last time, try to run de project through PhpStorm by the shortcut:
Will appear the bug:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'RemoteWebElement' not found in
I'm at this bug.
Please, someone knows how I can overcome this bug? o.O
I struggled with the same exact issue as you have described. After breaking my head for most of the day with this problem, I found the issue.
When you execute the command php app/console server:run in command line, it sets up a server and runs the website. However, when you run the project in PHPStorm, it doesn't actually run it as a server but runs it as a PHPUnit. What you need to do is configure a PHP Web Application in PHPStorm and run that.
Check the image below where I have configured the website. When I run the Web Application, it will run by the url and it will show up in your browser.

sbt scalatest returning '0 test class found in package '<default package>''

I pulled the 'test-patterns-scala' Typesafe Activator template. Once loaded into Intellij 13.1.5 I right-clicked on the test/scala directory and selected 'Run->All Tests' this returned the output :
0 test class found in package '
There is also a popup which says:
Tests were not found in module 'test-patterns-scala', Use module "test-patterns-scala-build" instead
This is my first stackoverflow post, I searched for similar problems and only found the unanswered link below, however I couldn't up-vote it as a first time poster and the circumstances are a little different so I thought a new question was justified. Any help much appreciated!
Link to similar post: 0 test class found in package ‘<default package>’
I had the same problem a while ago. I got a fix by running 'sbt test' from the command line for the first go (in the project directory ofcourse).
After this the IntelliJ didn't have any problem in identifying the package and ran the test.

Eclipse + PyDev says json.load() and json.dump() do not exist

The following lines in Eclipse + PyDev with Python 3.4 work, but it is highlighted as Undefined variable from import: dump error:
import json
with open('C:\\test', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump([1, 2, 3], outfile)
Here is a snapshot of the Eclipse editor:
How do I get rid of that error?
The output of:
import json
with open('C:\\test', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump([1, 2, 3], outfile)
Here is the list of attributes that Eclipse shows:
problem in line 313 in file ../lib/json/
if s.startswith(u'\ufeff'):
change this line to
if s.startswith('\ufeff'):
or wait for the new version
I was not able to get Eclipse to work, but I was able to get rid of the error (and of similar error/warnings): select the highlighted word, press ctrl+1 and select the line containing #UndefinedVariable to add a comment at the end of the row that will tell Eclipse to ignore that error on that line.
I use the same technique to ignore other errors with other modules, and it helps keeping the project clean.
See here for more details.
I had the same problem, but I had a file called Renaming my file to from Eclipse left behind a json.pyc. Deleting that file did not help. Doing a Project->Clean did not help. Finally, I created a new workspace and things now work as expected. This was with Eclipse Kepler Release 2.
Adding json to the list of Forced Builtins of your Python Interpreter in PyDev Preferences also fix this issue.

Symfony 1.4x and sfTCPDFPlugin

I have installed sfTCPDFPlugin in my project, but when I try to test if the installation is alright (with the source found on the official site) I get the error:
Fatal error: Class 'TCPDF' not found in C:\wamp\www\mairie\plugins\sfTCPDFPlugin\lib\sfTCPDF.class.php on line 12
How can I fix it?
Read the readme tab here :
It says you have to download the tcpdf library, not only the sfTCPDFPlugin.
i faced with same problem, and i did the following task it will also help you.
first of all run: symfony plugin:uninstall sfTCPDFPlugin then remove the sfTCPDFPlugin directory form your plugin folder.
mow do the following setps:
1. cd your project path/symfony
2. symfony plugin:install sfTCPDFPlugin
3. download the tcpdf library unzip it and past into your sfTCPDFPlugin/lib now your directory looks like your project path/symfony/plugins/sfTCPDFPlugin/lib/tcpdf
now change your ProjectConfiguration.class.php to add $this->enablePlugins( array('sfTCPDFPlugin') ); now run the symfony plugin:publish-asstes and finally clear the cache symfony cc.