multiple tasks in nodeunit with mongo fail - mongodb

I've taken How do I get an asynchronous result back with node unit and mongoose? and VERY slightly modified it to be simpler to show my failure.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var db;
module.exports = {
setUp: function(callback) {
try {
//db.connection.on('open', function() {
mongoose.connection.on('open', function() {
console.log('Opened connection');
db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test_1');
console.log('Started connection, waiting for it to open');
} catch (err) {
console.log('Setting up failed:', err.message);
tearDown: function(callback) {
console.log('In tearDown');
try {
console.log('Closing connection');
} catch (err) {
console.log('Tearing down failed:', err.message);
test1: function(test) {
test2: function(test) {
When running this with nodeunit I get the following:
Started connection, waiting for it to open
Opened connection
In tearDown
Closing connection
✔ test1
Started connection, waiting for it to open
Opened connection
FAILURES: Undone tests (or their setups/teardowns):
- test2
To fix this, make sure all tests call test.done()
Some more info:
If in the setUp/tearDown i don't user mongo but just a test code, like increasing a counter, it all works.
If I have only one test, everything works.
Adding another test AND having mongo in the setup consistently fails it so I guess I'm doing something wrong in the setup.
Thank you in advance.

The reason for the failure seems that the event subscription in mongoose.connection.on('open',...) remains bound to the callback from test1 even after disconnect and connect for test2. The extra call to the previous callback is the one causing trouble.
You should make sure to remove the subscription somehow when you are done with it. Since mongoose connection is based on nodejs EventEmitter then a simple solution might be to replace the call
but you could also use the general add/removeListener() as needed.
On a different note, it seems unneeded to connect and disconnect in each test of a unit test. You could just connect once by something like requiring a module that connects to your test database as in require('db_connect_test'), the module db_connect_test should just call mongoose.connect(...) and all the tests would run with the same connection (or pool as mongoose creates).
Have a good one!


How do I gracefully disconnect MongoDB in Google Functions? Behavior of "normal" Cloud Run and "Functions Cloud Run" seems to be different

In a normal Cloud Run something like the following seems to properly close a Mongoose/MongoDB connection.
const cleanup = async () => {
await mongoose.disconnect()
console.log('database | disconnected from db')
const shutdownSignals = ['SIGTERM', 'SIGINT']
shutdownSignals.forEach((sig) => process.once(sig, cleanup))
But for a Cloud-Functions-managed Cloud Run this seems not to be the case. The instances shut down without waiting the usual 10s that "normal" Cloud Runs give after the SIGTERM is sent, so I never see the database | disconnected from db.
How would one go about this? I don't wanna create a connection for every single Cloud Functions call (very wasteful in my case).
Well, here is what I went with for now:
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
import { Sema } from 'async-sema'
functions.cloudEvent('someCloudFunction', async (event) => {
await connect()
// actual computation here
await disconnect()
const state = {
num: 0,
sema: new Sema(1),
export async function connect() {
await state.sema.acquire()
if (state.num === 0) {
try {
await mongoose.connect(MONGO_DB_URL)
} catch (e) {
state.num += 1
export async function disconnect() {
await state.sema.acquire()
state.num -= 1
if (state.num === 0) {
await mongoose.disconnect()
As one can see I used kind of a "reference counting" of the processes which want to use the connection, and ensured proper concurrency with async-sema.
I should note that this works well with the setup I have; I allow many concurrent requests to one of my Cloud Functions instances. In other cases this solution might not improve over just opening up (and closing) a connection every single time the function is called. But as stuff like seems to imply, everything has to be handled inside the cloudEvent function.

Make promise calls with a fixed timeout

I am currently trying to make it check for a database connection. but it seems like the result, ie connection is pending.
I am looking to impliment a system where i can send an timeout input, where the promise would be rejected due to a fixed timeout.
Something like;
try {
start(timeout: 6000) // 6 secs timeout on promise. default, ie no params: 3sec
} catch(e) {
// failed due to, in this case, timeout, since there is no connection running, and the database is pending their promise.
How can i accomplish such timeout?
current running example gives the following:
connected to mongo Promise { <pending> }
starting server code:
const start = async () => {
console.log("connecting to database");
try {
console.log("Attempting to establish connection....");
var result = await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/db',{useNewUrlParser: true});
console.log("connected to mongo",result);
return result;
} catch (error) {
console.log("failed to connect to mongo",error);
try {
} catch(e) {
console.log("failed to start server",e);
throw new Error("failed to start server",e);

Is it necessary to close a Mongodb Change Stream?

I coded the next Node/Express/Mongo script:
const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");
const stream = require("stream");
async function main() {
const client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27018");
await client.connect();
console.log("Watching ...");
await myWatcher(client, 15000);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Error > ${e}`);
} finally {
await client.close(); << ????
async function myWatcher(client, timeInMs, pipeline = []) {
const watching = client.db("myDatabase").collection("myCollection").watch(pipeline);
watching.on("change", (next) => {
console.log(`Doing my things...`);
closeChangeStream(timeInMs, watching); << ????
function closeChangeStream(timeInMs = 60000, watching) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Closing the change stream");
}, timeInMs);
So, the goal is to keep always myWatcher function in an active state, to watch any database changes and for example, send an user notification when is detected some updating. The closeChangeStream function close myWatcher function in X seconds after any database changes. So, to keep the myWatcher always active, do you recomment not to use the closeChangeStream function ??
Another thing. With this goal in mind, to keep always myWatcher function in an active state, if I keep the await client.close();, my code emits an error: Topology is closed, so when I ignore this await client.close(), my code works perfectly. Do you recomment not to use the await client.close() function to keep always myWatcher function in an active state ??
Im a newbee in this topics !
thanks for the advice !
Thanks for help !
MongoDB change streams are implemented in a pub/sub paradigm.
Send your application to a friend in the Sudan. Have both you and your friend run the application (that has the change stream implemented). If you open up mongosh and run db.getCollection('myCollection').updateOne({_id: ObjectId("6220ee09197c13d24a7997b7")}, {FirstName: Bob}); both you and your friend will get the console.log for the change stream.
This is assuming you're not running localhost, but you can simulate this with two copies of the applications locally.
The issue comes from going into production and suddenly you have 200 load bearers, 5 developers, etc. running and your watch fires a ton of writes around the globe.
I believe, the practice is to functionize it. Wrap your watch in a function and fire the function when you're about to do a write (and close after you do your associated writes).

Sequelize transaction retry doens't work as expected

I don't understand how transaction retry works in sequelize.
I am using managed transaction, though I also tried with unmanaged with same outcome
await sequelize.transaction({ isolationLevel: Sequelize.Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.REPEATABLE_READ}, async (t) => {
user = await User.findOne({
where: { id: },
transaction: t,
lock: t.LOCK.UPDATE,
user.activationCodeCreatedAt = new Date();
user.activationCode = activationCode;
await{transaction: t});
Now if I run this when the row is already locked, I am getting
DatabaseError [SequelizeDatabaseError]: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
which is normal. This is my retry configuration:
retry: {
match: [
/concurrent update/,
max: 5
I want at this point sequelize to retry this transaction. But instead I see that right after SELECT... FOR UPDATE it's calling again SELECT... FOR UPDATE. This is causing another error
DatabaseError [SequelizeDatabaseError]: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
How to use sequelizes internal retry mechanism to retry the whole transaction?
Manual retry workaround function
Since Sequelize devs simply aren't interested in patching this for some reason after many years, here's my workaround:
async function transactionWithRetry(sequelize, transactionArgs, cb) {
let done = false
while (!done) {
try {
await sequelize.transaction(transactionArgs, cb)
done = true
} catch (e) {
if (
sequelize.options.dialect === 'postgres' &&
e instanceof Sequelize.DatabaseError &&
e.original.code === '40001'
) {
await sequelize.query(`ROLLBACK`)
} else {
// Error that we don't know how to handle.
throw e;
Sample usage:
const { Transaction } = require('sequelize');
await transactionWithRetry(sequelize,
{ isolationLevel: Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.SERIALIZABLE },
async t => {
const rows = await sequelize.models.MyInt.findAll({ transaction: t })
await sequelize.models.MyInt.update({ i: newI }, { where: {}, transaction: t })
The error code 40001 is documented at: and it's the only one I've managed to observe so far on Serialization failures: What are the conditions for encountering a serialization failure? Let me know if you find any others that should be auto looped and I'll patch them in.
Here's a full runnable test for it which seems to indicate that it is working fine:
Tested on:
"pg": "8.5.1",
"pg-hstore": "2.3.3",
"sequelize": "6.5.1",
PostgreSQL 13.5, Ubuntu 21.10.
Infinite list of related requests from 2014. Original issue was MySQL but thread diverged everywhere. from 2017. Also asked on Stack Overflow, but got Tumbleweed badge and the question appears to have been auto deleted, can't find it on search. Mentions MySQL. Is a bit of a mess, as it also includes connection errors, which are not clear retries such as PostgreSQL serialization failures. mentions Postgres by the OP of this question
Meaning of current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
The error is pretty explicit, but just to clarify to other PostgreSQL newbies: in PostgreSQL, when you get a failure in the middle of a transaction, Postgres just auto-errors any following queries until a ROLLBACK or COMMIT happens and ends the transaction.
The DB client code is then supposed to notice that just re-run the transaction.
These errors are therefore benign, and ideally Sequelize should not raise on them. Those errors are actually expected when using ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE and ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ, and prevent concurrent errors from happening.
But unfortunately sequelize does raise them just like any other errors, so it is inevitable for our workaround to have a while/try/catch loop. duplicate emit events on browser refresh

I'm running into an issue with my implementation and don't know how to solve it. I'm using pg_notify with LISTEN so when a certain value is modified in the db, it emits 'is_logged_in' to a certain client.
That in itself is working fine - my issue is when I refresh the page, disconnects the current socket_id, creates a new socket_id as usual, but when this happens, it's creating a second pgsql client instance and duplicating requests - fires the "logged_in" event 2x.
If I refresh the page again, and then manually fire the pg "logged_in" trigger, it will now emit 3 times etc. I have a leak.
const io = require('')();
const pg = require('pg');
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
const pgsql = new pg.Client({
(host, port, user, pass, db)
pgsql.query("LISTEN logged_in");
pgsql.on('notification', function (data) {'is_logged_in', { status:'Y' });
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
I've tried killing the pgsql instance (in the socket.on disconnect) but for some reason the LISTEN stops working when I do that.
I've also tried moving the new pg.Client outside the io.on connection but when I refresh the page, the old socket_id disconnects, the new one connects, and it never executes the code to recreate the pg client.
Any ideas?
These are creating problems probably:
The pgsql instance is created on each socket connection request and is not being destroyed on disconnection
notification handler is not being removed on disconnection
I'm not much familiar with postgres, but I have worked extensively with socket. so, something like this should fix your issue:
const io = require('')();
const pg = require('pg');
const pgsql = new pg.Client({
(host, port, user, pass, db)
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
pgsql.query("LISTEN logged_in");
const handler = function (data) {'is_logged_in', { status:'Y' });
// You could also do'notification', handler) here probably
// or check if pgsql.once method is available as we need to call this handler only once?
pgsql.on('notification', handler);
socket.on('disconnect', () => {'notification', handler);
//pgsql.end(); // Call it in server termination logic