EF code migration in reference dll coming through nuget - entity-framework

We have a situation. Our company has Framework build on .net which is used by products developed using that Framework. Now this Framework is using EF code first. We want to implement EF Code Migration though generated migrations definitions because our entities are there in one of the Framework project. So I have implemented it. But the situation is this Framework we are distributing to other products as Nuget package (internal).
Now the situation is lets say ProductA is consuming the package which has xyz.dll which has migrations enabled in it. Now the developers of "ProductA" wants to upgrade the database created by Framework EF code first using that xyz.dll migrations, but this dll is only added as referenced dll. So running command in package manager console like Update-Database is not working because project is not in the current solution and its in reference dll
How do I solve this?

This is actually pretty easy to solve, the project which you add your nuget package to also needs to reference EF.
You can actually enforce this inside your nuget packages with a dependency eg:
<dependency id="EntityFramework" version="" />
in your nuspec (obviously update the version with the one you are using)
See: http://docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/nuspec-reference#Specifying_Dependencies
for some more details around how the dependancy syntax works


Problem with Entity Framework 6 migrations

I have a problem with creating migration for Entity Framework 6 in code first approach. I already created migration, but later when I tried to create new, this was the errror:
Your target project 'Blog' doesn't reference EntityFramework. This
package is required for the Entity Framework Core Tools to work.
Ensure your target project is correct, install the package, and try
I checked NuGet, EF6 is installed, alongside with these packages

Could not load file or assembly error in .Net Standard 2.0 class library

I have a .NET Standard 2.0 class library project with installed Nuget package System.Data.SqlClient version 4.4.0 and a Windows Form .NET Framework 4.7 project that has a reference to that class library.
Installing the Nuget Package and building the solution is successful. but in runtime every time that the code reaches a method that has any thing from SqlClient assembly inside it (for example an instance from SqlConnection) it gets this error:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SqlClient,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or
one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Considering this question, I assume the problem was also there in the last major version of the Nuget package.
I downloaded the Nuget package and unzipped it and from \ref\netstandard2.0 folder copied the System.DataSqlClient.dll manually in \bin\Debug folder of my Windows Form Project and now it works. The exact situation also happened with Microsoft.Win32.Registry package. So I was almost convinced that it's my fault and I'm doing something the wrong way, but when I tested it with System.Drawing.Primitive Package it worked perfectly without any need to copy a dll. Now I'm really confused.
I guess you may have figured it out already but hope it would help someone - wasted some time too on this.
So, in order to make everything work you would need to reference System.Data.SqlClient in Windows Form project that is referencing your .NET Standard Library
From that point everything should be working like a charm
As you already mentioned System.Data.SqlClient.dll was not in output directory.
Sounds like .NET Standard Library haven't grabbed with itself dependent library binary. There is nothing like "Copy Local" option in .NET Standard references so I don't see any way to check or set this behavior too
I had same problem.
Solution for me was adding dependecy from nuget for latest System.Data.SqlClient at my .NET Standard Library project.
I had the same problem. The .NETStandard assembly was added as a reference to my WPF project. I needed to make changes in the .csproj of the WPF project.
The solution mentioned in https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/901 fixes it.
Edit your core .csproj file in notepad.
Add the below two lines in each that you find in it.
Clean and rebuild your solution.
I had a similar problem, bindingRedirect helped in my case:
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

Reducing dependencies for a .NET Standard class library?

I have converted some of my class libraries to .NET Standard with Visual Studio 2017.
This was easy, add a .NET Standard class library project in place of the original project and add all the files in there. The .csproj file even looks like a nuspec file now with package information and such. Inside the project options there was a checkbox for "Generate NuGet package on build", which I checked. Easy peasy.
However, .NET Framework consumers of my class library now gets a ton of dependencies, I counted at least 20 other nuget packages that were added, most of which was completely unecessary for my library. In other words, was "easy peasy too easy?"
Is this just a byproduct of me using .NET Standard as the only build output and I should add back a .NET Framework library as well?
Packages such as the following will be added to a project that consumes my library, even though they are completely unnecessary:
etc. there's plenty of packages being added. My library does "glorified" array analysis and doesn't require much at all.
The Visual Studio project is configured to target .NET Standard 1.0 and the only reference visible is the "NETStandardLibrary" so it's not like I added all of those myself.
I've inspected the package and it doesn't seem to list all of those either.
Can I add only the packages I need and still target .NET Standard 1.0?
My class library is open source here: https://github.com/lassevk/DiffLib
The nuget package is here: http://www.nuget.org/packages/difflib/2017.4.24.2347
This is quite a complex situation at the moment:
Can I add only the packages I need and still target .NET Standard 1.0?
Yes you can do it, but this is no longer recommended. In essence, .NET Standard is a specification that is made up of the packages referencing it. The supported way is to reference NETStandard.Library since it guarantees to bring you all needed compilation references and logic that you need in order to build correctly.
Beginning with the upcoming netstandard2.0, NETStandard.Library will be a flat package without dependencies and the individual packages will be removed from the dependency tree if your project or any other project references them. Also, NETStandard.Library will not be published as a dependency - so if you build a netstandard2.0 library, the resulting NuGet package will have no dependencies. (NETStandard.Library.NETFramework is required to be installed when using it in .net framework projects - NuGet is supposed to do this automatically).
That being said, if you really want to do it, you can set
in the csproj file and then add items like <PackageReference Include="System.[Something]" Version="4.3.0" /> for everything you need.

Installing EF to .NET core library project

I am new to .NET core. Trying to get used to it. But its kind of complicated.
I have my poco classes in 'solution.Entity' library project and I want to use them to create a database with EF code first in my 'solution.Data' library project.
But when I try to install Entity Framework via Nuget to my 'solution.Data' project it says 'Package Restore Failed. Rolling back...'
Both projects are .NET Core Library projects.
What do I need to do to be able to use EF in .NET core library projects? It's look like I need some kind of configuration.
Thanks for helps.
Make sure you're installing EF Core. .NET Core has it's own implementation of Entity Framework.
This should be the NuGet package you're installing.
There are lots of pieces to getting Entity Framework Core working right. I highly recommend taking a look at the docs. There are dozens of samples that show how to setup a project.
In particular, I suggest this guide. It will talk you how to take your POCO classes and make a database in a .NET Core project. You will likely find it easiest to keep.everything in one project for now and move code into separate libraries once you get more familiar with EF.

Can't add Entity Framework migrations when project is split

I am porting a project from MVC 5 to MVC 6. My project has two components the MVC application itself and a assembly that has all of the database code in it, including all db models, and the DbContext.
In the assembly I modified the project.json to have the ef commands dll and removed it from the MVC project.json. I have ported over all of my models, etc. and the application is compiling without errors. I want to execute
dnx ef migrations add
from a command shell in the subdirectory of the assembly in the project. When I do that I get
No DbContext was found. Ensure that you're using the correct assembly and that the type is neither abstract nor generic.
What is the correct way to accomplish this type of project organization?
Make sure your run this command from the project.json that has your EF Commands and your DBContext. You will not be able to run this from the artifacts folder since dnx custom commands like ef are registered on a per project.json basis.
If you are not already on the latest beta, it would be a good opportunity to try it again on beta8 to make sure everything works.
PS: Not just dnvm upgrade but the tooling as well.
If nothing works, checkout this other question. You will need a Startup.cs but it doesn't need to run anything in particular. It just need able to configure the dependencies.