Import .kml into .osm file - merge

I have a pretty big .kml file (it is the property of my company, and I can legally use it), what I want to import into an .osm file, downloaded from I can open this .osm map in softwares, for completely offline usage, such as Marble.
My question is: can I somehow merge this kml and osm file, so when I open the merged file in Marble, the routes described by the kml are also visible? So basically, I want to merge a.kml with b.osm, resulting in c.osm, what I can use offline.
Is it possible? If yes, can you direct me in the right direction?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Some notes:
I have tried GPSBabel, it indicates that it can convert .kml to .osm. It generates a 65MB .osm file from my 12MB .kml, but when I open it in Marble, it does not show any routes, so it looks like a dead end. :/
The weird thing is, GPSBabel produced an input what QGIS could open. I merged the two .osm file with osmosis, but the problem is, the output is invalid, nothing can open it.
JOSM does not open the original .osm file, what is 1GB of size.
ps: I have posted this on as well, but for now, nobody could help me, so I am trying to get some answer here, maybe... Sorry for the "repost", and thanks for the help! :)

What you want to do is honestly the wrong way to go about it, but still possible.
The first step is to use ogr2osm with the command-line flags --positive-id, --add-version, --add-timestampand with--id 3000000000` (or some other number larger than the largest node ID in the file.
You will then have a .osm file that Osmosis or Osmconvert can merge with another file, in this case your downloaded software. In the case of osmosis, osmosis --read-xml internal.osm --sort --read-xml extract.osm --sort --merge --write-xml combined.osm (untested)
A more common way would be to download the shapefiles for the region from geofabrik then use ogr2ogr and similar tools to combine them with the .kml file in the output format of your choice.
Keep in mind that if you distribute this "derivative database" you have created, it has to be licensed under the ODbL. This does not apply if you're distributing it internally only.


Convert a folder containing asciidocs and pictures to pdf

I would like to convert this book Mastering the Lightning Network, which is freely available through GitHub to a pdf for personal use.
Unfortunately, I have only figured out how to "translate" single files using asciidoc or asciidoctor-pdf. The options for folders don't seem to work with the configuration of the repository.
There has to be an easy way to translate everything, including all files and pictures. Would be very thankful if somebody could help me out.
As far as I know it is not possible to convert a folder containing AsciiDoc files to a pdf, a simple script could do it but the problem would be in what order do you want your files to be converted?
The simplest solution for you is to create your own content.adoc file and use the include macro to select what files you want to convert and in what order, it could look something like this:
= Mastering the Lightning Network
and you convert using asciidoctor-pdf content.adoc
You could try using imagemagick:
magick *.jpg out.pdf

2 files with same hash, but 1 is corrupted and 1 isn't

I found something very weird on a project.
I have 2 files :
One is the input file, it's a .bip file which you can open with GIS software like QGIS
here's the input. this file is provided by the CCSDS and accessible here
The other is the output after been compressed and decompressed by a lossless compression algorithm (CCSDS 123 by ESA)
Those 2 files shares the exact same sha256 and sha1 hash, so they are identical.
3226009de97d66589fc58cdc9af377e6315ccc69a7095bec8dc04447bf3cea2e test_ptn_x100y36z17_16u.bip
3226009de97d66589fc58cdc9af377e6315ccc69a7095bec8dc04447bf3cea2e test_ptn_decomp.bip (sha256 shown here).
The thing is, if the entry is showed by QGIS, the second one displays a message and refuses to open it shows this message (translated : the file test_ptn_decomp.bip is not a recognized or valid data source)
Is there something i don't understand with hashes ? i've tried moving files to other directories and renaming but nothing changes QGIS wise.
It is highly unlikely you got a different content with same sha256 hash by chance. So I'll assume the files are identical. Anyway, it is easy to use any diff program to compare.
So there should be some other differences, things that come to mind:
file name might contain some meaningful information needed by QGIS. Try renaming decompressed file e.g. decomp_ptn_x100y36z17_16u.bip, maybe x100.. is essential?
There are some additional files, that must have matching names. Do you have a .hdr file, as explained in QGIS tutorials?

How to convert las file to ply file?

I want to open my 3D point cloud in MATLAB. But they are in .las files. How can I display them in MATLAB???
I heard about .ply file can open 3D point data on MATLAB. So I want to know how to convert las files to ply files.
There is a .las file reader for matlab here:
Once you have the data in matlab you can use these point cloud tools, which are part of the computer vision toolbox:
If you want to embrace the open source force, I'm writing a Python (easy transition from matlab) library for point cloud processing:
You can use the free and open-source CloudCompare software.
On the command line:
CloudCompare -O file_to_convert.las -C_EXPORT_FMT PLY -SAVE_CLOUDS
Take care to the order of the options: it seems that -SAVE_CLOUDS must be at the end.
That will result in a binary-format PLY file in the same directory as the file to convert, named using the original filename and the date of export, like: file_to_convert_2019-07-18_13h32_06_751.ply
I found no way to specify the output file name (should you find one please comment below).
Should you want a more predictable name, add option -NO_TIMESTAMP before the option -SAVE_CLOUDS (but then you risk overwriting files so be careful).
More help (such as how to export in ASCII-format) in the documentation.
I timed this on powerful PC, it took 170s to convert a 2.7GB LAS file with 102M points (XYZ,intensity,time).
if you have LAStools installed, you can use las2txt to convert your *.las/*.laz files into *.xyz format which MeshLab can import natively as a point cloud, which may then be converted into a Mesh.
There are a multitude of caveats to that depending on the source of your data-set.

Pipe multiple files into a zip file

I have several files in a GridFS Document Store and what I'd like to do is to pipe this data into a zip file via stdin in NodeJS. So that I will end up with a zip file containing all these files.
Now my question is how can I give the files a valid filename inside of the zip file. I think I need to emulate/fake a file header containing the filename?
Any help is appreciated!
I had problems when writing zip files with Node.js not long ago. I ended up doing something similar to what is described in Zip archives in node.js
I can't help you directly with your problem, but at least I hope I can point out some things:
Don't try to use node-archive. Even if the description says it allows to create zip files, the moment I read the source code (since documentation is unexistant) I realized that's just a lie. It only exposes methods for reading.
Using zip by spawning a process, like recommended on the provided link, seems to be the best way. Something that would work is copying the files to a local folder with whatever name you desire and then calling the zip command, just to delete the files afterwards.
The other option, which seems ok, is to use zipper (, although better just use npm). The reason I'm not really wishing to use it is because there's not that much flexibility, it seems to have been done in a day and it hasn't been modified since the first commit, so I'm not sure it will receive maintenance (sure, you could just fork it...).
I swear the day I have an entire free weekend with no work I will write a freaking module that does this as complete as possible. It's silly that there isn't and it shouldn't be that much struggle. blablablarant.
Not sure if it was there before, but now I've been using the node-compress module (also using gzippo). It works fine.

Getting more out of *.diff -files

I wonder if there are tools to show *.diff files used in patching related to debian packaging. What I need from the tool is that it could just read the diff file and show the actual files changed with changed rows, like kdiff or meld would do when comparing directly 2 different files. Or maybe I have totally wrong kind of approach to this, maybe I should ask how can I get more out of diff-files?
Kompare is able to open a .diff, and it shows you the files changed at the top, alist of changes of the selected file, and a side by side diff (for the lines that it is able to extract from the .diff.
However, when I feed it a debdiff, it got confused. The diff did not have === file headers, only --- and +++ headers, and so it included the changes from the /debian/changelog, /debian/copyright, and /debian/rules with in the /debian/control file. Ymmv.
The Debian diff format seems to be a special diff format. As my short google search didn't result in a graphical tool, which could handle these files in the way normal diff tools do, I'm not sure, if such a tool exists. Perhaps you could try to convert these debiff files to normal diff files (I didn't find a tool, which would do that, either).
There is a tool to visualize changes in Linux packages (Deb, RPM, TAR.GZ, etc.) - pkgdiff.
pkgdiff -old OLD.deb -new NEW.deb
Sample reports: