Is there a standard way to declare your preferred diff tool under Unix/Linux? - diff

I want to know if there is a standardized way to declare your prefer diff tool (as for file or directory comparison).
For preferred editor there is the EDITOR environment variable, but I wasn't able to find one for diff.
If not maybe someone wrote a script that can reconfigure most used tools to do this.

EDITOR is usually used by various shells that provide line-editing functionality on certain things like your command history. For example, pressing v in vi-edit mode within bash will bring up the command for editing in your preferred editor.
I'm unaware of any aspects of the shell that do diff processing so the need for a DIFF variable seems unnecessary. If you want to diff some files, just use diff or your preferred one if not diff.
However, nothing is stopping you from writing a program of your own which does use a DIFF variable to perform difference analysis on files.


ctags or similar tagging system for a kernel source tree

ctags is a simple source code tagging system, also integrated in vi (and its flavours nvi, vim, etc.). AFAIK, it builds a plain text file where all the elements (functions, macros, ...) of the source code are indexed. But this file may become too large and unmanageable when the source code tree is extremely huge: this is the case of a kernel (Linux, *BSD, or similar).
Is still ctags or exuberant-ctags suitable for a complex source tree like a kernel?
If not, what tools (with the same integration in vi as ctags) can replace it? This may become subjective, so if possible provide a list of suggested tools: any comments, and references to a guide with the keyboard shortcuts in vi, are welcome.
Supported languages should be at least C, C++, assembly. The tool should be usable through CLI. I would principally like to jump to the definition of functions, macros, struct and similar objects (with ctags, pressing Ctrl+] with the cursor over the item name), to their manpages if possible, and back to the code.
The only alternative tool I know so far is GNU global, with a pretty complex vi integration, which seems to be possible only through Perl (and I can't find the equivalent of Ctrl+]).
The answer to your first point is a resounding yes.
You can use ctags to generate a tags file for different subtrees, thus keeping the size of the generated file to a minimum. At this point, you need to have a mechanism in place for searching for these multiple tags files. Vim provides this, of course.
I have given some advice here, so you may want to check that out.
Of course, I use exuberant-ctags there, so keep that in mind.

How to create custom commands in VSCode?

In Emacs, I can create functions in Lisp language and place them in .emacs file. Those function will become commands that can be called from the editor or bound to keys just like any other built-in command.
Is there a way to do that in VSCode?
Note: The custom commands need to be able to call other commands. Simply using a batch file and running it as a task will not work.
A few marketplace extensions may be of interest:
Script Commands by Marcel J. Kloubert
multi-command by ryuta46
However in general, you'll need to write an extension to do anything complex.
There's also a VS Code issue tracking support for built-in macros
There's Power Tools by e.GO:digital. It has support for custom commands and event triggers (ie. on file changed), among other things.

Argument passing strategy - environment variables vs. command line

Most of the applications we developers write need to be externally parametrized at startup. We pass file paths, pipe names, TCP/IP addresses etc. So far I've been using command line to pass these to the appplication being launched. I had to parse the command line in main and direct the arguments to where they're needed, which is of course a good design, but is hard to maintain for a large number of arguments. Recently I've decided to use the environment variables mechanism. They are global and accessible from anywhere, which is less elegant from architectural point of view, but limits the amount of code.
These are my first (and possibly quite shallow) impressions on both strategies but I'd like to hear opinions of more experienced developers -- What are the ups and downs of using environment variables and command line arguments to pass arguments to a process? I'd like to take into account the following matters:
design quality (flexibility/maintainability),
memory constraints,
solution portability.
Ad. 1. This is the main aspect I'm interested in.
Ad. 2. This is a bit pragmatic. I know of some limitations on Windows which are currently huge (over 32kB for both command line and environment block). I guess this is not an issue though, since you just should use a file to pass tons of arguments if you need.
Ad. 3. I know almost nothing of Unix so I'm not sure whether both strategies are as similarily usable as on Windows. Elaborate on this if you please.
1) I would recommend avoiding environmental variables as much as possible.
Pros of environmental variables
easy to use because they're visible from anywhere. If lots of independent programs need a piece of information, this approach is a whole lot more convenient.
Cons of environmental variables
hard to use correctly because they're visible (delete-able, set-able) from anywhere. If I install a new program that relies on environmental variables, are they going to stomp on my existing ones? Did I inadvertently screw up my environmental variables when I was monkeying around yesterday?
My opinion
use command-line arguments for those arguments which are most likely to be different for each individual invocation of the program (i.e. n for a program which calculates n!)
use config files for arguments which a user might reasonably want to change, but not very often (i.e. display size when the window pops up)
use environmental variables sparingly -- preferably only for arguments which are expected not to change (i.e. the location of the Python interpreter)
your point They are global and accessible from anywhere, which is less elegant from architectural point of view, but limits the amount of code reminds me of justifications for the use of global variables ;)
My scars from experiencing first-hand the horrors of environmental variable overuse
two programs we need at work, which can't run on the same computer at the same time due to environmental clashes
multiple versions of programs with the same name but different bugs -- brought an entire workshop to its knees for hours because the location of the program was pulled from the environment, and was (silently, subtly) wrong.
2) Limits
If I were pushing the limits of either what the command line can hold, or what the environment can handle, I would refactor immediately.
I've used JSON in the past for a command-line application which needed a lot of parameters. It was very convenient to be able to use dictionaries and lists, along with strings and numbers. The application only took a couple of command line args, one of which was the location of the JSON file.
Advantages of this approach
didn't have to write a lot of (painful) code to interact with a CLI library -- it can be a pain to get many of the common libraries to enforce complicated constraints (by 'complicated' I mean more complex than checking for a specific key or alternation between a set of keys)
don't have to worry about the CLI libraries requirements for order of arguments -- just use a JSON object!
easy to represent complicated data (answering What won't fit into command line parameters?) such as lists
easy to use the data from other applications -- both to create and to parse programmatically
easy to accommodate future extensions
Note: I want to distinguish this from the .config-file approach -- this is not for storing user configuration. Maybe I should call this the 'command-line parameter-file' approach, because I use it for a program that needs lots of values that don't fit well on the command line.
3) Solution portability: I don't know a whole lot about the differences between Mac, PC, and Linux with regard to environmental variables and command line arguments, but I can tell you:
all three have support for environmental variables
they all support command line arguments
Yes, I know -- it wasn't very helpful. I'm sorry. But the key point is that you can expect a reasonable solution to be portable, although you would definitely want to verify this for your programs (for example, are command line args case sensitive on any platforms? on all platforms? I don't know).
One last point:
As Tomasz mentioned, it shouldn't matter to most of the application where the parameters came from.
You should abstract reading parameters using Strategy pattern. Create an abstraction named ConfigurationSource having readConfig(key) -> value method (or returning some Configuration object/structure) with following implementations:
WindowsFileConfigurationSource - loading from a configuration file from C:/Document and settings...
UnixFileConfigurationSource - - loading from a configuration file from /home/user/...
DefaultConfigurationSource - defaults
You can also use Chain of responsibility pattern to chain sources in various configurations like: if command line argument is not supplied, try environment variable and if everything else fails, return defauls.
Ad 1. This approach not only allows you to abstract reading configuration, but you can easily change the underlying mechanism without any affect on client code. Also you can use several sources at once, falling back or gathering configuration from different sources.
Ad 2. Just choose whichever implementation is suitable. Of course some configuration entries won't fit for instance into command line arguments.
Ad 3. If some implementations aren't portable, have two, one silently ignored/skipped when not suitable for a given system.
I think this question has been answered rather well already, but I feel like it deserves a 2018 update. I feel like an unmentioned benefit of environmental variables is that they generally require less boiler plate code to work with. This makes for cleaner more readable code. However a major disadvatnage is that they remove a layers of isolation from different applications running on the same machine. I think this is where Docker really shines. My favorite design pattern is to exclusively use environment variables and run the application inside of a Docker container. This removes the isolation issue.
I generally agree with previous answers, but there is another important aspect: usability.
For example, in git you can create a repository with the .git directory outside of that. To specify that, you can use a command line argument --git-dir or an environmental variable GIT_DIR.
Of course, if you change the current directory to another repository or inherit environmental variables in scripts, you get a mistake. But if you need to type several git commands in a detached repository in one terminal session, this is extremely handy: you don't need to repeat the git-dir argument.
Another example is GIT_AUTHOR_NAME. It seems that it even doesn't have a command line partner (however, git commit has an --author argument). GIT_AUTHOR_NAME overrides the and configuration settings.
In general, usage of command line or environmental arguments is equally simple on UNIX: one can use a command line argument
$ command --arg=myarg
or an environmental variable in one line:
$ ARG=myarg command
It is also easy to capture command line arguments in an alias:
alias cfg='git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME' # for dotfiles
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
In general most arguments are passed through the command line. I agree with the previous answers that this is more functional and direct, and that environmental variables in scripts are like global variables in programs.
GNU libc says this:
The argv mechanism is typically used to pass command-line arguments specific to the particular program being invoked. The environment, on the other hand, keeps track of information that is shared by many programs, changes infrequently, and that is less frequently used.
Apart from what was said about dangers of environmental variables, there are good use cases of them. GNU make has a very flexible handling of environmental variables (and thus is very integrated with shell):
Every environment variable that make sees when it starts up is transformed into a make variable with the same name and value. However, an explicit assignment in the makefile, or with a command argument, overrides the environment. (-- and there is an option to change this behaviour) ...
Thus, by setting the variable CFLAGS in your environment, you can cause all C compilations in most makefiles to use the compiler switches you prefer. This is safe for variables with standard or conventional meanings because you know that no makefile will use them for other things.
Finally, I would stress that the most important for a program is not programmer, but user experience. Maybe you included that into the design aspect, but internal and external design are pretty different entities.
And a few words about programming aspects. You didn't write what language you use, but let's imagine your tools allow you the best possible argument parsing. In Python I use argparse, which is very flexible and rich. To get the parsed arguments, one can use a command like
args = parser.parse_args()
args can be further split into parsed arguments (say args.my_option), but I can also pass them as a whole to my function. This solution is absolutely not "hard to maintain for a large number of arguments" (if your language allows that). Indeed, if you have many parameters and they are not used during argument parsing, pass them in a container to their final destination and avoid code duplication (which leads to inflexibility).
And the very final comment is that it's much easier to parse environmental variables than command line arguments. An environmental variable is simply a pair, VARIABLE=value. Command line arguments can be much more complicated: they can be positional or keyword arguments, or subcommands (like git push). They can capture zero or several values (recall the command echo and flags like -vvv). See argparse for more examples.
And one more thing. Your worrying about memory is a bit disturbing. Don't write overgeneral programs. A library should be flexible, but a good program is useful without any arguments. If you need to pass a lot, this is probably data, not arguments. How to read data into a program is a much more general question with no single solution for all cases.

Is there a tool to automatically extract common subroutines from files?

I have two 1000+ line programs in Perl, each with about 20 subroutines in the main file. One was forked from the other some time ago and I want to factor out the common parts (before porting features backward.) Is there a diff tool that will treat the subroutines (and preceding comments) as units, and extract the common units into a new file? (if one line of a subroutine is different, the unit doesn’t match.)
My SCM is currently Subversion if that helps. A Perl script that processes the code would be cool.
You can try to use the PPI module; to my knowledge there's no tool for refactoring as the one you mentioned.
If you had 500,000 lines of code it might be useful to have or write such a tool. For 1000 lines, this shouldn't be too hard with a simple visual diff tool, like BeyondCompare ($) or WinMerge (free).
You're trying to compare two different versions of the files?
I use VIM which comes with a built in diff program vimdiff and a fully gui one called gvimdiff. It'll fold common lines and just show you the lines that differ and where.
With gvim, you can open up three splits in one window (the two versions and a blank) and then copy over the various lines you want. If you're using Subversion, you can use the built in merge tool (if you're talking about different versions of the same file). The Subversion merge is pretty good and will probably help you with the merge issues.

Code formatting and source control diffs

What source control products have a "diff" facility that ignores white space, braces, etc., in calculating the difference between checked-in versions? I seem to remember that Clearcase's diff did this but Visual SourceSafe (or at least the version I used) did not.
The reason I ask is probably pretty typical. Four perfectly reasonable developers on a team have four entirely different ways of formatting their code. Upon checking out the code last changed by someone else, each will immediately run some kind of program or editor macro to format things the way they like. They make actual code changes. They check-in their changes. They go on vacation. Two days later that program, which had been running fine for two years, blows up. The developer assigned to the bug does a diff between versions and finds 204 differences, only 3 of which are of any significance, because the diff algorithm is lame.
Yes, you can have coding standards. Most everyone finds them dreadful. A solution where everyone can have their cake and eat it too seems far more preferable.
EDIT: Thanks to everyone for some great suggestions.
What I take away from this is:
(1) A source control system with plug-in type diffs is preferable.
(2) Find a diff with suitable options.
(3) Use a good source formatting program and settle on a check-in standard.
Sounds like a plan. Thanks again.
Git does have these options:
Ignore changes in whitespace at EOL.
-b, --ignore-space-change
Ignore changes in amount of whitespace. This ignores whitespace at line end, and considers all other sequences of one or more
whitespace characters to be equivalent.
-w, --ignore-all-space
Ignore whitespace when comparing lines. This ignores differences even if one line has whitespace where the other line has
I am not sure if brace changes can be ignored using Git's diff.
If it is C/C++ code, you can define Astyle rules and then convert the source code's brace style to the one that you want, using Astyle. A git diff will then produce sane output.
Choose one (dreadful) coding standard, write it down in some official coding standards document, and get on with your life, messing with whitespace is not productive work.
And remember you are a professional developer, it's your job to get the project done, changing anything in the code because of a personal style preference hurts the project - it wont only make diff-ing more difficult, it can also introduce hard to find problems if your source formatter or compiler has bugs (and your fancy diff tool won't save you when two co-worker start fighting over casing).
And if someone just doesn't agree to work with the selected style just remind him (or her) that he is programming as a profession not as an hobby, see
Maybe you should choose one format and run some indentation tool before checking in so that each person can check out, reformat to his/her own preferences, do the changes, reformat back to the official standard and then check in?
A couple of extra steps but they already use indentation tools when working. Maybe it can be a triggered check-in script?
Edit: this would perhaps also solve the brace problem.
(I haven't tried this solution myself, hence the "perhapes" and "maybes", but I have been in projects with the same problems, and it is a pain to try to go through diffs with hundreds of irrelevant changes that are not limited to whitespace, but includes the formatting itself.)
As explained in Is it possible for git-merge to ignore line-ending differences?, it is more a matter to associate the right diff tool to your favorite VCS, rather than to rely on the right VCS option (even if Git does have some options regarding whitespace, like the one mentioned in Alan's answer, it will always be not as complete as one would like).
DiffMerge is the more complete on those "ignore" options, as it can not only ignore spaces but also other "variations" based on the programming language used in a given file.
Subversion apparently supports this, either natively in the latest versions, or by using an alternate diff like Gnu Diff.
Beyond Compare does this (and much much more) and you can integrate it either in Subversion or Sourcesafe as an external diff tool.