Matlab get an average plot out of several plot - matlab

I'm just getting started with matlab and I'm trying to plot some graph with it.
The problem is I don't know how to get the average data out of 10 plot().
Can anyone guide me for it? Thank you :)

Assuming you don't have access to the original data you used for doing the plots:
plot_data = get(get(gca,'Children'),'YData'); % cell array of all "y" data of plots
average = mean(cell2mat(plot_data));
In order for this to work, you have to use this code right after doing the plots, that is, without plotting to any other figure (gca is a handle to the current axes).

Assume your data is stored row-wise in a m x n matrix A, with n columns corresponding to different values of the continuous error, and m rows corresponding to different curves. Then to inspect the mean over the curves just use
Amean = mean(A,1);

Please take a look at this link: it solve my problem getting the average plot.
After downloading the files just put those script on your working folder and add this line to your script.


Index synchronization

I have a one column which shows my distance and another column with corresponding time like below:
Y=[1;3;6;7.5;7;10;13] and t=[1;2;3;5;8;10;11]
In case of plotting, it would be easy just using below command:
which gives me what I want, a vector of distance according to corresponding times but what if I want to use another function like findpeak on mix of my column not just over one column like Y.
Indeed I want to find the local peak in a vector which its time sequence in not completed. I have to interpolate missing data in Y at the corresponding time by NaN. Indeed my data should be Like below: Y=[1;3;6;NaN;7.5;NaN;NaN;7;NaN;10;13] and t=[1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11]. Firstly, how to do that, and secondly how could I find the peaks in Y vector with NaN.
I hope I well explained the problem.
This is two questions (which have been answered on SO before): first question is how to interpolate within a dataset to estimate missing points. Use interp1 to interpolate missing entries:
% here's where it all happens ...
ind = ~isnan(Y);
Ynew = interp1(t(ind),Y(ind),t,'cubic');
hold on
The second question is how to find peaks. This is a more open ended question which depends on what you are looking for (are local maxima ok, what kind of thresholds are you using?). You can use findpeaks for instance:
[ypeaks ipeaks]=findpeaks(Ynew);

Plotting from 3D matrix in Matlab

I have a matrix which is 1*1*10000, the slightly odd dimensions are the result of the matrix algebra used to calculate it.
I simply want to be able to plot the 10000 data points contained in it, but matlab seems unable to do it?
Can someone please tell me how I can plot the data?
Seems simple but I really can't figure out how to do it!
yes you need to reduce the dimensions to a vector:
A = zeros(1,1,100)
vector = squeeze(A(1,1,:))
as when you'd access the third dimension this would only return a 3D-Matrix again:
z = A(1,1,:)
would NOT work. So use squeeze() ;-) Then plot as usual.
And as Ander pointed out in comments, no need to give any dimensions, as it removes singleton-dimensions by itself. So just use vector = squeeze(A). MATLAB recognizes the way to go itself.

Plotting 3 vectors in Matlab GUI axes handle

I am trying to plot 3 vectors onto matlab GUI in a serial object's callback.
I want to plot this on axes handle but the problem is it only plot last vector;
I searched on internet and find that this issue can be solved with hold on and hold of feature so I tried this
hold on ;
hold off;
but in this case a new figure is opened(dont know why) and again only the last plot is drawn.
I am stucked. If any one have idea of what would be the issue?
I'm not sure why your first try using "hold" didn't work. Seems like it should have.
But in any case, you can get the desired behavior in a single command:
This specifies both an X = length(sensor_) and a Y = sensor_ to the plot command. When you only give plot a Y input, it assumes an X of length(Y). But you can't combine multiple traces in a single plot command by giving only the Y input for each, because it will try to treat the inputs as X,Y pairs.
As the vectors are the same length we can simply combine them as the columns of a matrix and then plot the matrix
However these will have the default colour order. Without specifying x values setting colors within the plot command is tricky. However (luckily) the default order starts:
so swapping the column order will plot the lines with the colours requested
(this assumes the vectors are rows, if they are columns don't transpose them)

how to merge two array into single histogram in matlab

I want to compare two histogram.
In array A and B there are 50 values.
I want to show them in to one histogram using different color for A and B plot in matlab.
This is my current code:
load iris.txt;
Can anyone help me to do that?
Just put all your data in a matrix
for example:
data = randn(1000,3);

MATLAB Adding Gaussian fit to histogram

I am trying to add Gaussian fit to the histogram in MATLAB, but I do not know how to apply the fit to one particular peak only. first plot second plot
I am also posting part of the code I have been using:
data_Rb = (importdata('path\name.txt'));
counts_Rb =,3);
hist(counts_Rb, nbins);
xlim([0 120]);
PDF=pdf(pd,x); %PDF is a vector of y values: it's our fit
PDF=PDF/max(PDF); %nor
hold on
hold off
These two blocks give me two different Gaussians as shown in the first picture. I do not understand why they fit data so badly: is it because of the tail on the RHS?
In the second plot I need to apply Gaussian fit to the last peak only. How should I do it?
And finally, after applying the fit, fit results are outputed onto the screen. Is there a function to save them into an array or so for later use?
Thanks in advance!
Regarding your last question, see How can I access the fitted distribution parameters from the HISTFIT function in Statistiics Toolbox ?
There is a workaround for this isssue by making a copy of the HISTFIT
function and modifying the code to pass out the "pd" variable. One way
to do this is to change the "h" output on the first line of the code
to "varargout" and add the following to the end of the file:
h = [hh; hh1];
if nargout > length(argout)
error('Too many output arguments.');