Not able to Close blackberry 7 browser from my code - blackberry-webworks

Thanks! Hello everyone! I am making a BlackBerry 7 mobile native application. On click of button from my native application. It will be open a URL in a separate browser. So, I want to close the opened browser. The URL it is opening. This URL is separate domain, but this is my page, in this page i have tried following code. But, it is not working -;
I have tried to open the URL in my native application using iframe. But, here always taking me splash screen instead of loading URL.

Are you using WebWorks or Cordova (nee PhoneGap) ? One solution is to use Cordova 2.9 (the last version to support BBOS) and the InAppBrowser API.


I am using in app browser in ionic . Its opening the url on the mobile browser instead of app

I am using in app browser in ionic to implement my web in app.Its working fine but its opening the url on mobile browser instead of opening it on mobile app. I am using this in my .ts file
So adding _self: Opens in the Cordova WebView if the URL is in the white list, otherwise it opens in the InAppBrowser.
So you need to have _blank instead.
Following should work as expected.
More info can be found here

Is there a way to use the mailto: or message: scheme in a PWA in iOS 12.2?

I've built a PWA using Ionic 4 that had a "Contact" Button with a simple href using the 'mailto:' scheme.
This used to open the native Mail app in iOS 12.1 when starting the PWA from homescreen. Since I updated to iOS 12.2 it just opens the PWA internal Safari with a message that Safari can't open links starting with 'mailto:'
I have tried using other URI schemes like 'instagram:' or 'message:' but they all lead to the same problem. The only one that I have found to still be functional when I start my PWA from homescreen is the 'tel:' scheme.
Has anyone else encountered this problem and has any idea how to still open URI schemes other than tel: from a PWA that has been opened from homescreen?
I managed to get it working using the below click function.
Tested on both Android and iOS PWA.
window.location.href = "" + emailSubject + "&body=" + emailBody
I have a PWA which is installed on iOS 12.2, my link uses target="_blank" and it works.
Did you try this ?
Have a nice day,

Opening facebook page and app store using ionic 3 in iOS

I wanna open my facebook page link using the ionic: It's working in Android using:'fb://page/620967164688741', '_system')
and through some tutorials I came to know that in order to open Facebook page, use the:'fb://profile/620967164688741', '_system')
But even after doing that, I'm unable to open.
And same goes with open the store, on Android it's working fine but again issue on iOS. Below is the code:
let promise ='com.teach9.teach9');
Can someone correct me where I'm making mistake?
How about you check this plugin out for iOS - "inAppBrowser" at ""?
P.S. In iOS you should be able to open any webpage inside the inAppBrowser, Make sure that the target is set as "_blank" instead of "_system".

How do I open any app from my web browser (Chrome) in Android, automatically?

I am struggling a little bit. I have a common url like
and i want Android users to get my app open if "test" is included, otherwise if they don't have the app their should be directed to the play store. I got everything implemented and it works with mozilla browser. But using chrome on Android it should be forbidden to automatically open the app if it is available!?. Now if the user enters and i recognize he is using Android and Chrome i tried the intent stuff in a script in a redirected
But the App won't open automatically. If i use a regular Link:
Take a QR code
it works. But i want to let it open automatically!
Google restricted starting intents from javascript apps, that's why it isn't working. Security reasons I guess. You should just display nice big link to let user switch to your app instead of website - or let him continue if he doesn't want to launch the app.
Forcing users into using app is bad, IMO. Splash screen suggesting to use it is okay, but don't push it.

Possible to open iPhone Safari and target a specific window?

I have an app that uses OAuth to authenticate, which means the user must be directed to the website to authorize the application. I prefer to make it obvious to the user that they are using a standard browser to authorize at the original site rather than just using a web view to show the content within my app. However, every time they are directed to Safari (via openURL), it launches a new Safari window and once Safari has 8 windows open, it simply fails to work at all.
I'm wondering if there is an equivalen to the "target" attribute of an anchor tag in html which would allow me to cause all openURL calls from my application to open in the same window.
There is other functionality that I can expose via the web application, creating a hybrid app between native iphone functionality and web app functionality in Safari, but if I have to launch a new window every time I switch between the app and Safari, it becomes unworkable. The Youtube app is obviously able to return the user to the previous page after showing a video, but that might well be a custom plugin in Safari for iphone. Also, while returning to the previous page is somewhat useful, sending them to a new URL in the existing window really opens up a lot of possiblities.
I'm pretty sure there is no way to pass a target parameter to openURL:.
What I noticed about Safari is that it won't open another tab if the page you are opening with openURL: is/was already open in Safari. It just reloads that page. This might sound trivial and not helpful but perhaps you could use it to your advantage if you can make your web application only use one page. Different views or states could be expressed with #anchor tags.
An example is Notice their URL structure? It goes,, and so on. All of these are different web pages to the user but to Safari it's all the same page.
I found iOS 6.0.1 Safari will open the same tab with a simple hashtag, without the slashes. So with the above example, openURL to opens to the same tab.
In your webpage, use window.location.hash to return the params. In the above example it will return #someinfo.