ActiveReports 3 - Underlay Next property gets section partially printed - activereports

I have a report that has two headers. On the top one I have a subreport on the right side, that shows the report's main data. On the header below, I have two subreports. The one on the left has tabular information while the one on the right has more form-type info. This last subreport is set to match the upper header report width and position on the page.
Now, the top header is set as UnderlayNext = true, so it gets printed side by side with the tabular report. All is well except when the footer section of the subreport on the left does not fit on the page it is supposed to be printed and is moved to the next page. When that happens, the upper header section only gets partially printed, with the same height as the footer section of the other report.
EDIT: Rethinking (but not retesting) I think that what's going on is that the section set to underlay next does not go beyond the next section, thus when the section is not large enough, it gets cropped. In my case, the second section is larger than the UnderlayNext (top) one, but as I have a new page and the top section is set to repeat on every page, it gets cropped too. Funny thing is that if I select the data on the generated PDF, the information IS there, just not visible.

It would be suggested to set the KeepTogether property to "True" and the GroupKeepTogether property to "All" of the GroupHeader.

What I finally did was to add an empty group footer section with size zero at the bottom of the report and set PrintAtBottom to true.


iReport - How to prevent texfield go to next page

I need help!
When Textfield Text is too big and does not fit all the content on the page, it is automatically moved to the next page, can anyone help?
The result is the following:
The structure of the report is as follows:
structure of the report
The expected result would be to completely fill the first page, and then break to next.
You can manage your detail band selecting it and change the property Split type as the following image:
The meanings of three options:
The band is allowed to split, but never within its declared height. This means the band splits only when its content stretches.
Prevents the band from splitting on first break attempt. On subsequent pages/columns, the band is allowed to split, to avoid infinite loops.
The band is allowed to split anywhere, as early as needed, but not before at least one element being printed on the current page/column.
You can see here

Document band Occupying white space when not printed

I need to print a set of information on the bottom of my document's first page (right after detail band). Since the information printed on detail is too large, the document creates a pagination to display the rest of the information, but independent of what I use (Group,ColumnFooter,PageFooter,etc) to print the information tha should be printed on the first page only, this band keeps occupying a white space on consequent pages.
You can create a dummy group that would break with every record, but only while we are on the first page.
Such group would not have a group header or footer, but would use minHeightToStartNewPage with a value that would match the taller page footer required on the first page.
The group expression would look like the following:
$V{PAGE_NUMBER} == 1 ? $V{REPORT_COUNT} : null
This dummy group would cause a page break to occur upper on the first page, leaving more space for a larger page footer.
Now, the second trick is to place content in the page footer section, but at a position having a negative Y coordinate. By doing so, you can keep the height of the page footer section small, while being able to render content above it.
This content having negative Y inside the page footer would be printed conditionally, only on the first page, using the printWhenExpression.

How to reduce space in crystal report detail section?

I have a crystal report. In that I need to reduce much more space in detail section. how to do that?
I tried suppress method.but again it showing same problem. how to solve this ?
Here is my crstal report design and output samples
Here is output sample
while taking print it is showing more space . after first report entry , it is showing more space. indicated using next report in red line.
Here are a few ways:
align the top edge of each item to the top edge of each section
make the height of each item in each section equal to the height of the shortest item in that section; if you need any field to grow, toggle its 'can grow' property to checked
set each section's height to match the height of its tallest field
delete or suppress PageHeaderSection4 and ReportFooterSection2
does the Supplier ID and associated field need to be in its own section?

Border in Detail band

I have a question about how border should display in detail band, and I would like to get some help.
Say, a column in detail band that might have LOTS data, by lots, I meant sometimes a single record might actually took 2~3 page to display.
Now customer ask that we should make report always display bottom line of the border as long as it meets end of page (even this record its not end yet)
What I tried:
Make a column footer with 1px height line.
Set "Floating column footer" to TRUE.
Result : It works great, but this line will make extra empty space at end of the table if there is a Summary band after the column footer. I think I am close, but I just can't get rid of the strange empty space
Make a Frame with border, set "Print when detail overflow" to TRUE then put everything in detail band into this frame.
Result : Not work as I expected :(
Since this report contains not just a table in detail band, and the height of the table are random. Tricks like a border in Background or Page Footer are not suitable here
What else can I do ?
There is a PrintWhenExpression trick that can help with the page footer:
How to hide Page X / Y when report is 1 page ? - JasperForge Forum
The trick is to put a flag in the Report Parameter Map, then use the flag to decide whether text (or fields, lines, etc.) should be printed.
To use a line in Page Footer there will always be some pages with extra line. In this case, the report is always starting from page 1, and the table in the report always end before printing the Summary band. That means, the line is no longer necessary as long as Summary band has been reached. Thus:
Add a line in Page Footer with PrintWhenExpression :
new Boolean(!(Boolean.TRUE).equals($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("stopFlag")))
Then make a dummy textField in Summary band with PrintWhenExpression like this :
This trick works, but might need some tweaking for different layouts.
The option given by Dave is right.
If you care about the space still being used, then set the band and textfield heights to zero.
In my case using Dave's option worked (and I needed no extra space to be used).
I put this as PrintWhenExpression in the fields I just wanted to show in the last page:
And this as PrintWhenExpression in a 0-height textfield in the 0-heigth summary band:
When it comes to page termination the options are limited. Its made even hard because if you have items that do not display when null it still assumes that space is used.
I would stick with messing around with the column footer or page footer as your best options.

Blank space at end of page

A subreport with a column title and a detail section both set to 20px high.
When the subreport record displays on the main report, the subreport prints as expected until when it reaches at the bottom of the page.
Then the subreport prints just the column header and left blank space, then again starts on new page with column header and its detail.
So, would you make it either print the whole subreport on same page, or start whole report from new page?
Master Report JRXML
Image of the problem faces
Thank You
Mihir Parekh
Another way to delete the last blank page that appears in the report, is eliminating the pagination of the report
Try set the Split Type of related band to Prevent. (Might be detail band)