Starting Scala application in SBT for integration test - scala

I have a Scalatra web service that runs with embedded Jetty. I'd now like to write integration tests that:
start the service (using the main method of the application)
run the tests (driving the HTTP interface)
stop the service.
This should all be triggered by an SBT command.
How should I go about this?

You could write such integration tests on top of BDD test frameworks like Specs. Unfiltered project has many such examples that should work for other web frameworks like Scalatra.
For example, take a look at ServerSpec:
"A Server" should {
"respond to requests" in {
http(host as_str) must_== "test"
It's starting up a test server specified in setup and hitting it using Dispatch in the specification. The key part is implemented in unfiltered.spec.jetty.Served trait, which does that you described: starting and stopping the service. There's also Specs2 version: unfiltered.specs2.jetty.Served.
Another trick you could use is sbt-revolver, which my favorite plugin while doing any web development, especially used in conjunction with JRebel. This plugin can load your web server in the background. I haven't tried test together, but it could work if you don't have to change the server-side during the test.

Scalatra offers a DSL to write tests. There is support for specs2 and scalatest.
By default an embedded Jetty will be used for testing. If you want to provide your own server, you can reuse the EmbeddedJettyContainer implementation and override start, stop and servletContextHandler.
start will be called before executing the tests, which allows to start your server if required. stop is called after the tests. servletContextHandler is required in order to add your servlets using addServlet(..).
This is from the spec2 integration:
trait BaseScalatraSpec extends SpecificationStructure with FragmentsBuilder with ScalatraTests {
override def map(fs: =>Fragments) = Step(start()) ^ ^ Step(stop())
trait ScalatraTests extends EmbeddedJettyContainer with HttpComponentsClient { }
Alternatively you can provide your own Container implementation.


How to integrate rest api test using soapui with selenium using junit framework

I want to integrate selenium-webdriver framework written using junit with soapui rest api test suites, is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance
Based on your comments, here is how you need to change your tests, so that, you will be able to run both kinds of tests together from within SoapUI i.e.,rest and ui.
I am not sure, if you already happened to create a soapui project. If not, create the project, import your .wadl or swagger definition of REST API.
Then create test suite, and test cases as required.
Now the test case should be having the steps as defined:
Rest Request Step(one or multiple steps) : this contains all your rest api calls
Groovy Script : Whatever test code that you have in your junit test, needs to come here. Groovy should be able to run most of your java code. But, if you are familiar, you can add groovy code itself. So, that it will be able to do exactly the same as you run it from your eclipse IDE.
Bringing your test steps into soapui test case will also have an added advantage that you can even share the data (in the form of variables ) across rest and UI as well.
You can even execute the tests using SoapUI's commandline utility testrunner.bat/.sh of SOAPUI_HOME/bin directory.
It is also possible to define application url / credentials in the form of Project / test suite / test case level properties (as applicable to the tests) and use Property Expansion. This even helps to run the tests against different servers such as dev, qa etc.,
I understand that you wanted to junit to execute the tests, but if you wanted to purely junit, then there is no need / get benefit using SoapUI. Instead of SoapUI, you can use different library, such as groovy wslite to make rest calls in junit itself .
Hope this helps.

scala online code execution

I'd like to develop an web-based application that allows user to submit Scala code from their web browser client and compile / execute their code on the server.
I was trying to use the / ILoop classes to load the client file and then execute the file on the server. How do I do this?
How does using the IMain / ILoop classes compare to forking off an external process to compile and execute the code?
Zeppelin is another opensource project worth to take a look at.
It's got scala interpreter embedded for Apache Spark.
I guess it's worth to take a look at

How to deploy my spray API into production?

I'm thinking about how should be the process to deploy my already locally tested rest api to the cloud, lets say an infrastructure as a service (not a platform as a service such as Heroku) like amazon.
I have my local envorinment set up with sbt up and running but my question is How should I deploy this in a production environment?
Is it sane to define a process in which the devops pulls the most recent changes from the git repo and then simply executes sbt run?
I want to know how does the teams that uses scala+spray+sbt deploys their apis to a production environment.
The heart of our services is scala + akka + spray + mongo. So we are using GitHub for version control. After merging checked PRs to the master branch, Jenkins automaticaly tests'n'builds project. If all tests were successful then Jenking runs a couple of scripts:
Increment project version (currently written in shell, but will be changed to sbt)
Run assembly task with sbt-assembly
Run deploy script (written in Python with Fabric) wich deploys our jar to EC2
Basicaly on the thrid step you have a couple of choices:
Make a runnable jar using IO/Spray boot file:
object Boot extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("ServiceName")
val log = system.log
val service = system.actorOf(Props[Service], name="serviceActor")
IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(service, interface = host, port = port)
Make a runnable jar as Akka's microkernel:
In this case you should extend Bootable trait and override startup and shutdown methods:
class Kernel extends Bootable {
// many lines of code
def startup() {
def shutdown() {
Using a TypeSafe startscript:
Can't show an example, but it has a good intro on github =)
We are using all of this way in different cases.
You should build a jar with the plugin sbt-assembly
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.9.0")
Then you can run the jar in production with java -jar
If you give version number to your project, this is a rather classic process.
Hope it helps.
Never went to PRO with spray-akka. Only pet projects. My suggestions here should be taken as inspiration. I know some of the options I present are costly in terms of maintenance or prone to errors.
I only used maven-shade-plugin (no experience with sbt) but I guess there's a similar solution.
Packaging Issues
There's few issues with this approach though. Akka and many of the spray modules use the references.conf and application.conf convention. When assembly/shading all your dependencies the resources (since they are named the same) may overwrite and you'd be unable to start the application.
The quick and dirty solution I found was to copy/paste the application and ref.conf of the dependencies into one controlled by me.

Eclipse grails run as JUnit test

I'm new to using Eclipse for Grails (using STS) and I'm trying to figure out an easy way to run the unit tests. I've seen that I can do it by right clicking Run As > Grails Command (test-app). This works but is slow and the test output goes to the test report html page and has no apparent clickable stack traces.
I can also do Run As > JUnit Test, which appears to be much faster and gives me the traditional JUnit console available in non-Grails tests. When running unit tests, is there a difference in the two? Is the grails command setting up other things or doing anything else?
You are performing a full blown test with all bells and whistles on. :)
According to the docs:
test-app: Runs all Grails unit and integration tests and generates reports.
Setting up the container for the integration tests is what makes it more 'expensive'.
You can limit the test cases that are being run by using 'unit:' as a parameter to indicate that only unit tests need to be run. (When not using JUnit directly from eclipse)
In your case you could do:
test-app unit:
or for a specific FooBarTests.groovy file:
test-app unit: FooBar
optionally you can add -echoOut or -echoErr to get more verbose output.
Check out the docs for more info and different phases of testing.

Combining Akka, Spray, and embedded Jetty

I'm trying to create a standalone JAR containing Akka, Spray, and Jetty. Ideally I distribute the entire application in that single file, without any external files whatsoever.
I understand how to create an embedded Jetty server instance
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val server = new Server(9012);
and I've followed the Spray example code in creating a HelloService and Boot class, but I have no earthly idea of how to connect the two, so that when a URL is requested on the Jetty server a Spray service responds to it. Any help would be much appreciated.
Update: I'm getting a lot closer to solving this problem, thanks to a thread of inquiry prompted by Alois Cochard (I'm coming from a web scripting background, and getting my head around Java web services has been ... challenging!). I've modified my main method to start the server and read the Jetty and akka configuration files that are in the getting started template. It's reading both of those files, but now I'm getting this when I navigate to / on the Jetty server:
Problem accessing /. Reason:
assertion failed: 0 actors for id 'spray-root-service' found, expected exactly one
I know I'm missing something silly (and probably that I should break down and use SBT, but being able to just compile and run in Eclipse, and then refresh in the browser, is so simple and appealing).
Update #2: Figured out the problem. I wasn't creating a WebAppContext object, which meant that the web.xml was never getting read, and thus Akka was never being loaded. This is the revised main method which is now working.
According to the spray-template, you should add the Spray servlet connector in the web.xml configuration file:
You can find some informations about how to configure a standealone jetty to use this file here (there is surely better references in netty documentation directly):
BTW, using the spray template as a basis for your project looks like a good idea ;)