Updating with Nested Select Statements - tsql

I have a table that holds 3 fields of data: Acct#, YMCode, and EmployeeID. The YMCode is an Int that is formatted 201308, 201307, etc. For each Acct#, I need to select the EmployeedID used for the YMCode 201308 and then update all of the other YMCodes for the Acct# to the EmployeedID used in 201308.
so for each customer account in the table...
Update MyTable
Set EmployeeID = EmployeeID used in YMCode 201308
Having a hard time with it.

Put it in a transaction and look at the results before committing, but I think this is what you want:
SET EmployeeID = a.EmployeeID
FROM MyTable a
ON a.[Acct#] = b.[Acct#]
where a.YMCode =
(SELECT MAX(YMCode) from MyTable)
To get max YMCode, just add select statement at the end.


Updating a column by counting data from another table

I have two tables let’s say A & B and would like to count the results of column2 in table B by comparing them to table A column2 and update them in table A column1.
I am using the script shown here, but it's taking a really long time so I'd appreciate it if somebody could provide an alternative / better and faster option/script
SET tableA.column1 = (SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tableB
WHERE tableA.column2 = tableB.column2)
Use the proprietary UPDATE ... FROM to perform a join that can be something else than a nested loop:
UPDATE tableA SET tableA.column1 = tbc.count
FROM (SELECT column2,
count(*) AS count
FROM tableB
GROUP BY column2) AS tbc
WHERE tableA.column2 = tbc.column2;

After doing CTE Select Order By and then Update, Update results are not ordered the same (TSQL)

The code is roughly like this:
SELECT TOP 4 id, due_date, check
FROM table_a a
INNER JOIN table_b b ON a.linkid = b.linkid
b.status = 1
AND due_date > GetDate()
ORDER BY due_date, id
SET check = 1
Note: the actual data has same due_date.
When I ran the SELECT statement only inside the cte, I could get the result, for ex: 1, 2, 3, 4.
But after the UPDATE statement, the updated results are: 4, 1, 2, 3
Why is this (order-change) happening?
How to keep or re-order the results back to 1,2,3,4 in this same 1 query?
In MSDN https://msdn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/library/ms177564(v=sql.110).aspx you can read that
There is no guarantee that the order in which the changes are applied
to the table and the order in which the rows are inserted into the
output table or table variable will correspond.
Thats mean you can't solve your problem with only one query. But you still can use one batch to do what you need. Because your output don't guarantee the order then you have to save it in another table and order it after update. This code will return your output values in order that you assume:
declare #outputTable table( id int, due_date date);
with cte as (
select top 4 id, due_date, check
from table_a a
inner join table_b b on a.linkid = b.linkid
where b.status = 1
and due_date > GetDate()
order by due_date, id
update cte
set check = 1
output inserted.id, inserted.due_date
into #outputTable;
select *
from #outputTable
order by due_date, id;

Updating a CTE table fail cause of derived or constant field

I'm using MS-SQL 2012
SELECT ID, 0 as Match, Field2, Count(*)
GROUP BY ID, Fields2
UPDATE C1 SET Match = 1
This TSQL statement gives me the following error:
Update or insert of view or function 'C1' failed because it contains a derived or constant field.
Ideally I would like to create a "fake field" named Match and set its default value to 0. Then with the update I would like to Update ONLY the records that have an existing entry on the "AnotherTable".
Any thoughts what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advanced.
Try doing a Left Outer Join like
SELECT x.ID, ISNULL(a.Matching_ID, 0) as Match, x.Field2, Count(*)
FROM TableX x
LEFT OUTER JOIN AnotherTable a on x.ID = a.ID
GROUP BY x.ID, ISNULL(a.Matching_ID, 0), x.Fields2
without the need of a C1
If I am understanding correctly, the problem is that you are trying to update the CTE table. If you update the table directly you should be fine.
Does this modified version help?
FROM TableX t
GROUP BY ID, Fields2

Need better summation select statement in postgres function

I've got two tables in my database. One of them, 'orders', contains a set of columns with an integer which represents what the order should contain (like 5 of A and 15 of B). The second table, 'production_work', contains those same order columns, and a date, so whenever somebody completes part of an order, I track it.
So now i need a fast way to know which orders are completed, and I'm hoping to avoid a 'completed' table on the first column as orders are editable and it's just more logic to keep correct.
This query works, but it's horribly written. What's a better way to do this? There are actually 12 of these columns that go into this query...I'm just showing 3 of them for the example.
FROM orders o
WHERE ud = (SELECT SUM(ud) FROM production_work WHERE order_id = o.ident)
AND dp = (SELECT SUM(dp) FROM production_work WHERE order_id = o.ident)
AND swrv = (SELECT SUM(swrv) FROM production_work WHERE order_id = o.ident)
select o.*
orders o
inner join
select order_id, sum(ud) as ud, sum(dp) as dp, sum(swrv) as swrv
from production_work
group by order_id
) pw on o.ident = pw.order_id
o.ud = pw.ud
and o.dp = pw.dp
and o.swrv = pw.swrv

SQL Server 2008 De-duping

Long story short, I took over a project and a table in the database is in serious need of de-duping. The table looks like this:
supply_req_id | int | [primary key]
supply_req_dt | datetime |
request_id | int | [foreign key]
supply_id | int | [foreign key]
is_disabled | bit |
The duplication is exists with records having the same request_id and supply_id. I'd like to find a best practice way to de-dupe this table.
#Kirk_Broadhurst, thanks for the question. Since supply_req_id is not referenced anywhere else, I would answer by saying keep the first, delete any subsequent occurances.
Happy Holidays
This creates a rank for each row in the (supply_req_dt, request_id) grouping, starting with 1 = lowest supply_req_id. Any dupe has a value > 1
;WITH cDupes AS
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY supply_req_dt, request_id ORDER BY supply_req_id) AS RowNum
RowNum > 1
Then add a unique constraint or INDEX
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IXU_NoDupes ON MyTable (supply_req_dt, request_id)
Seems like there should be a command for this, but maybe that's because I'm used to a different database server. Here's the relevant support doc:
How to remove duplicate rows from a table in SQL Server
You need to clarify your rule for determining which record to keep in the case of a 'match' - the most recent, the earliest, the one that has is_disabled true, or false?
Once you've identified that rule, the rest is fairly simple:
select the records you want to keep - the distinct records
join back to the original table to get the ids for those records.
delete everthing where not in the joined dataset.
So let's say you want to keep the most recent records of any 'duplicate' pair. Your query would look like this:
DELETE FROM [table] WHERE supply_req_id NOT IN
(SELECT supply_req_id from [table] t
(SELECT MAX(supply_req_dt) dt, request_id, supply_id
FROM [table]
GROUP BY request_id, supply_id) d
ON t.supply_req_dt = d.dt
AND t.request_id = d.request_id
AND t.supply_id = d.supply_id)
The catch is that if the supply_req_dt is also duplicated, then you'll be keeping both of the duplicates. The fix is to do another group by and select the top id
select MAX(supply_req_id), supply_req_dt, request_id, supply_id
group by supply_req_dt, request_id, supply_id
as an interim step. But if you don't need to do that, don't bother with it.