How to remap a function to another in Emacs? - emacs

In coffee-mode RET is bound to coffee-newline-and-indent which works fine.
I also use evil-mode to have Vim emulation. evil-mode uses the standard newline-and-indent so the indentation is not correct for some vim commands such as o or O.
What would be the best way to rebind newline-and-indent to coffee-newline-and-indent ?
I'm still a newbie in ELisp and tried the line below but it doesn't work.
(add-hook 'coffee-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(setq newline-and-indent '(funcall coffee-newline-and-indent))))

Here's my attempt. It should work, but I don't really like it.
(lambda ()
(if (eq major-mode 'coffee-mode)
(delete-horizontal-space t)
I wish I could use something more elegant that just copying the source
of newline-and-indent, but make-variable-buffer-local doesn't work for this case,
and I couldn't get a deep copy for symbol-function either.
I'd be happy to see a better method.

The standard way to accomplish what you seem to be asking for is
(autoload 'coffee-newline-and-indent "coffee-mode") ; (or whatever)
(define-key evil-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'coffee-newline-and-indent)
EDIT: to enable coffee-newline-and-indent only in coffee-mode:
(define-key evil-mode-map (kbd "RET")
(lambda ()
(if (eq major-mode 'coffee-mode)

Try the following:
(define-key evil-mode-map (kbd "RET") nil)
I know it looks overly simple, but if evil-mode works the way I think it does then it should work.
This will wipe the ret key from your evil-mode-map, which will let the binding of coffee-mode-map shine through.
In non-coffee buffers, the ret key will still work, because it's still bind in the global map.

I found the solution.
Evil-mode actually uses coffee-indent-line. The problem comes from coffee-indent-line which doesn't indent correctly. Evil-mode works correctly after patching it to behave like coffee-newline-and-indent:
(defadvice coffee-indent-line (after wants-indent activate)
(let ((tabs-needed (- (/ (coffee-previous-indent) coffee-tab-width) 1)))
(when (> tabs-needed 0)
(insert-tab tabs-needed)))

if you want to remap a func, but only if some major mode is active
- create a func which defines an alias
and run the func (A)
- another func (B) calls (A)
- finally, a major mode can advice the func A to set the correct
func. It has to test major mode.
let's say A is define-my-indent-f
then it says (defalias my-indent 'newline-and-indent)
the func b runs A then run command my-indent.
finally coffe mode does defadice A to say
(if eq major mode coffee defalais my-indent 'coffe-newline-and-indent)
of course this is super heavy to define, but then
- each major mode can add its piece
- only loaded major mode will advice


How to make a buffer-local key binding in Emacs?

I've been working on an Emacs minor mode lately and part of its functionality was displaying images in separate buffers. So far I've been using a function like this:
(defun create-buffer-with-image (name)
(let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer name))
(image (get-svg-for-kanji-code name)))
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(iimage-mode-buffer t)
(insert-image image)))
and it produces a buffer with the image passed as argument, but closing the buffer requires hitting C-x k and Return, which started to get cumbersome after a while. The way to simplify closing of such transient buffers would be to have a key binding for the kill-this-buffer function, but it would need to be buffer-specific, so as not to mess up anything else. The question is how to make such a binding with the creation of a buffer.
From EmacsWiki:
For buffer-local keys, you cannot use local-set-key, unless you want to modify the keymap of the entire major-mode in question: local-set-key is local to a major-mode, not to a buffer.
For buffer-local modifications, use this instead:
(use-local-map (copy-keymap foo-mode-map))
(local-set-key "d" 'some-function)
Written by:  TiagoSaboga
To inspect the change, type C-h b aka M-x describe-bindings
I'd suggest you add a call to special-mode after the call to switch-to-buffer.
In the longer run, you'll want to use your own major mode, so you'd do:
(define-derived-mode my-image-mode special-mode "MyImage"
"My own major mode to display images."
;; We could add more things here
(defun create-buffer-with-image (name)
(with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer name)
(let ((image (get-svg-for-kanji-code name)))
(iimage-mode-buffer t)
(insert-image image)
(pop-to-bffer (current-buffer)))))
I was a bit mislead by some posts on the web suggesting the use of local-key-binding, but somehow it did not work for me - when the image was displayed and I examined the key bindings, my choice of q was not in effect. After some experimentation and digging through elisp references I found that I needed to use local-set-key. So now my function looks like this:
(defun create-buffer-with-image (name)
(let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer name))
(image (get-svg-for-kanji-code name)))
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(local-set-key (kbd "q") 'kill-this-buffer)
(iimage-mode-buffer t)
(insert-image image)))
and the newly created image buffer can easily be closed by pressing q.
Create a minor mode:
(define-minor-mode my-mode "my doc" nil nil (make-sparse-keymap))
Then you can use this mode's my-mode-map to define your keybindings. Activate the mode with (my-mode).

Conflicting keyboard shortcuts in two Emacs minor modes

I have an ErgoEmacs minor mode turned on globally, which defines many custom keyboard shortcuts for basic editing. However when I open any lisp file, slime-mode turns on automatically and overrides M-p and M-n with its own commands. However I want M-p and M-n to be always defined by ergoemacs-mode. How do I set up order in which minor modes load and define keybindings? Or how do I raise ergoemacs-mode keybindings priority?
How do I set up order in which minor modes load and define keybindings? Or how do I raise ergoemacs-mode keybindings priority?
I think you need to ensure that ErgoEmacs appears before slime-mode in the variable minor-mode-map-alist. There's probably a much better way, but the code below should achieve this. Let me know if it does what you want.
(require 'cl)
(lambda ()
(let ((elem (first
(lambda (item) (equal 'ergoemacs-mode (car item)))
(setq minor-mode-map-alist (remove elem minor-mode-map-alist))
(add-to-list 'minor-mode-map-alist elem))))
Maybe a simpler solution is to remove Slime's bindings:
(add-hook 'slime-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key slime-mode-map [?\M-p] nil)
(define-key slime-mode-map [?\M-n] nil)))
Beware: guarantedd 100% untested, the variable's name might be different from slime-mode-map (and it probably will only exist after loading slime-mode).

In Emacs, can we make one keystroke to do different command?

I want to make one keystroke, say C-F12, to do delete-other-windows or winner-undo. I think it's easy if I already learning Emacs Lisp programming, and set a boolean flag. That is, if previously it run delete-other-window, now it'll run winner-undo.
How do you do that in Emacs Lisp?
Try something like this
(setq c-f12-winner-undo t)
(define-key (current-global-map) [C-f12]
(if c-f12-winner-undo
(setq c-f12-winner-undo (not c-f12-winner-undo))))
(defun swdev-toggle-sole-window ()
(if (cdr (window-list))
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-f12>") 'swdev-toggle-sole-window)
The first line starts the declaration of a function called swdev-toggle-sole-window, taking no argument.
This function is declared as interactive, i.e. it can be called with M-x or through a key binding.
If the window list contains more than one element, i.e. if there is more than one window, …
… then delete other windows …
… else undo the window deletion.
Bind the function to the key C-f12.
Here's a solution using the approach taken by Emacs' recenter-top-bottom function:
(defun delete-other-window-or-winner-undo ()
"call delete-other-window on first invocation and winner-undo on subsequent invocations"
(if (eq this-command last-command)
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-f12>") 'delete-other-window-or-winner-undo)

Code completion key bindings in Emacs

When doing a M-x describe-mode in a .el file, I noticed that the Emacs-Lisp mode actually does code completion. However, lisp-complete-symbol is bound to M-TAB. In Windows, this key binding is taken by Windows for switching the active window. Most IDE's use C-SPC, but that's taken in Emacs as well. What is a good, fairly common key binding for code completion?
If you like completion of all kinds, I recommend M-/ and binding that to hippie-expand.
(global-set-key (kbd "M-/") 'hippie-expand)
It does a variety of completions, which are controlled by the variable hippie-expand-try-functions-list. In the .el files, you can set that to do the 'try-complete-lisp-symbol first to get the behavior you're asking for above, along with all the other expansions hippie-expand provides.
This would do that for you:
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'move-lisp-completion-to-front)
(defun move-lisp-completion-to-front ()
"Adjust hippie-expand-try-functions-list to have lisp completion at the front."
(make-local-variable 'hippie-expand-try-functions-list)
(setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list
(cons 'try-complete-lisp-symbol
(delq 'try-complete-lisp-symbol hippie-expand-try-functions-list)))
(setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list
(cons 'try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially
(delq 'try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially hippie-expand-try-functions-list))))
As Trey Jackson mentioned, hippie-expand is the way to go, but along with binding it to M-/, I also like having the TAB key do all my completion work for me. So I have this from the Emacs-Wiki in my .emacs file:
;;function to implement a smarter TAB (EmacsWiki)
(defun smart-tab ()
"This smart tab is minibuffer compliant: it acts as usual in
the minibuffer. Else, if mark is active, indents region. Else if
point is at the end of a symbol, expands it. Else indents the
current line."
(if (minibufferp)
(unless (minibuffer-complete)
(hippie-expand nil))
(if mark-active
(indent-region (region-beginning)
(if (looking-at "\\_>")
(hippie-expand nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "TAB") 'smart-tab)
You could have hippie expand settings as follows:
;;settings for hippie-expand
(setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list
C-M-i; no customization required.
I use:
(define-key function-key-map [(control tab)] [?\M-\t])
I use M-. and M-/ for the 2 completion modes - hippie-expand and the standard emacs one.
Put this in your .emacs to make Windows give Emacs the use of M-TAB:
(when (fboundp 'w32-register-hot-key) (w32-register-hot-key [M-tab]))

in Emacs, what's the best way for keyboard-escape-quit not destroy other windows?

EDIT: I understand there is keyboard-quit (which is normally bound to C-g); but I'm more interested to know about how one deals with editing functions that come with Emacs (like in this case). I run into this kind of situations from time to time when I want to change just a little bit of some build-in functions.
In emacs, when you hit M-ESC ESC (or ESC three times), you can get out of a lots of situations like transient-mark, etc. But I habitually hit the escape key (I actually remap this to a single hit of the escape key) more than I intended, and that ends up killing my windows configuration, which is quite annoying. The function keyboard-escape-quit is defined in simple.el:
(defun keyboard-escape-quit ()
"Exit the current \"mode\" (in a generalized sense of the word).
This command can exit an interactive command such as `query-replace',
can clear out a prefix argument or a region,
can get out of the minibuffer or other recursive edit,
cancel the use of the current buffer (for special-purpose buffers),
or go back to just one window (by deleting all but the selected window)."
(cond ((eq last-command 'mode-exited) nil)
((> (minibuffer-depth) 0)
((and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
((> (recursion-depth) 0)
(funcall buffer-quit-function))
((not (one-window-p t))
((string-match "^ \\*" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
And I can see that I don't want the lines:
((not (one-window-p t))
But what is the best way to modify this function? I can see only two ways: 1) modify simple.el 2) copy this function to my .emacs file and do the modifications there. Both ways are not really good; ideally I would like to see something on the line of defadvice, but I can't see how I can do it in this case.
You could use around advice and redefine the offending function to do what you want (i.e. one-window-p should always return t):
(defadvice keyboard-escape-quit (around my-keyboard-escape-quit activate)
(let (orig-one-window-p)
(fset 'orig-one-window-p (symbol-function 'one-window-p))
(fset 'one-window-p (lambda (&optional nomini all-frames) t))
(fset 'one-window-p (symbol-function 'orig-one-window-p)))))
This kind of acts like a (let ...) but has to be more complicated because you need to override a function for a limited scope instead of a variable.
I usually find that 'keyboard-quit (C-g) works to get out of all of those situations.
However, if you really want to have a variant of this function, I think that copying to your .emacs file (and renaming, I usually usa a prefix of bp) and making the edits there is probably the best option.
EDIT, in response to edit: In general, whenever I want an edited version of an emacs function, I either write it myself, or copy it to my .emacs, rename it bp-whotever and then do appropriate edits.
The downside of this is that my .emacs is HUGE, and probably extra-crufty with ancient functions that are nolonger used... the upside is that whenever I need to write something new, I've got tons of sample code to look at...
Here's another, simpler piece of advice that takes advantage of the fact that keyboard-escape-quit calls buffer-quit-function before closing windows:
(defadvice keyboard-escape-quit
(around keyboard-escape-quit-dont-close-windows activate)
(let ((buffer-quit-function (lambda () ())))
Works with Emacs 25.1. (I originally used #scottfrazer's advice, but it's unhappy in 25.1. Haven't bothered debugging yet.)
A single press of the Escape key, by default, acts as a Meta prefix key; that is, a keybinding which involves the Meta key.
Triple-pressing the Escape key will run keyboard-escape-quit, which is like keyboard-quit but with more of a "do what I mean" behaviour.
This code may help with your use case. You can use this in your Emacs init file:
;;; esc always quits
(define-key minibuffer-local-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-isearch-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(global-set-key [escape] 'keyboard-quit)
I'm more interested to know about how one deals with editing functions that come with Emacs (like in this case). I run into this kind of situations from time to time when I want to change just a little bit of some build-in functions.
This is exactly the purpose for which I created the library el-patch. You would put this in your init-file:
(el-patch-defun keyboard-escape-quit ()
"Exit the current \"mode\" (in a generalized sense of the word).
This command can exit an interactive command such as `query-replace',
can clear out a prefix argument or a region,
can get out of the minibuffer or other recursive edit,
cancel the use of the current buffer (for special-purpose buffers),
or go back to just one window (by deleting all but the selected window)."
(cond ((eq last-command 'mode-exited) nil)
((> (minibuffer-depth) 0)
((and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
((> (recursion-depth) 0)
(funcall buffer-quit-function))
((not (one-window-p t))
((string-match "^ \\*" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
Here's a new way using cl-lib instead of cl which is now deprecated:
;; Make it so keyboard-escape-quit doesn't delete-other-windows
(defadvice keyboard-escape-quit
(around keyboard-escape-quit-dont-delete-other-windows activate)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'delete-other-windows)
(lambda () nil)))
You'll need to make sure prior to it you have called:
(require 'cl-lib)