Concatenating multiple files in emacs - emacs

Is there a fast (automatic) way to create one long file from all of the files in a directory using emacs? IE
>{contents of Text_1}
>{contents of text2}
>{contents of Text_1
>contents of Text2}

How about this:
(defun insert-my-files ()
(let ((dir (read-directory-name "Directory to insert: ")))
(mapc #'(lambda (file)
(let ((file-full (concat dir file)))
(insert-file-contents file-full)))
(cddr (directory-files dir)))))
Call it with M-x insert-my-files, and it will insert the contents of the directory you supply.

I don't know if you'd call it a fast way, but insert-file can be used to insert a file into an existing buffer.
For the specific case you're talking about though, the fastest way is probably from the command line: cat * > FinalResult.txt


How can I create a file in a sub-directory in Emacs Dired?

I use dired to browse a directory and its sub-directories with i (dired-maybe-insert-subdir)
When the cursor is in a sub-directory, and I do C-x C-f, the default directory is the root of my buffer, is there a way to change that?
So if I visit /foo/bar and then I insert in bar's buffer the content of /foo/bar/baz and have my cursor there, get a mini-buffer with /foo/bar/baz/ when I ask to visit a file (with the default keybinding or another, that doesn't matter to me).
The following is my own solution.
(defun dired-subdir-aware (orig-fun &rest args)
(if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
(let ((default-directory (dired-current-directory)))
(apply orig-fun args))
(apply orig-fun args)))
(advice-add 'find-file-read-args :around 'dired-subdir-aware)
I just learned how to use the advice function to augment existing functions (and macros). See (elisp) Advising Functions.
Now if you go to a subdir under dired and run C-x C-f, you will be prompted with a correct path.
Recently, I began to play with (ido) Top. With dired-subdir-aware defined, I easily extend ido-find-file to recognize subdir with the following code.
(dolist (fun '(find-file-read-args ido-expand-directory))
(advice-add fun :around 'dired-subdir-aware))
No, default-directory is local to a buffer, not just part of a buffer. This is by design, and there is no way to change it.
But you could of course define a command that picks up the subdir directory and then binds default-directory to that while it reads a file name to visit, etc.).
For example, this command will read a file name with the default directory being what you want, and then visit that file:
(defun foo (file)
(let ((default-directory (dired-current-directory)))
(list (read-file-name "File: "))))
(find-file file))
And, out of the box, you can certainly visit the subdir in another Dired buffer, where default-directory is what you want. Commands such as dired-do-find-marked-files (F) and dired-display-file (C-o) do that.
But why do you want default-directory to reflect the subdir whose listing you are in? What's your use case?
I refined Drew's answer to a function that does exactly what I wanted:
(defun dired-find-file ()
"Find a file in the current dired directory"
(let ((default-directory (dired-current-directory)))
(find-file (read-file-name "Find file:"))))
I then bound this function to a convenient key combination:
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd "C-x M-f") 'dired-find-file)))

Recursively adding .org files in a top-level directory for org-agenda-files takes a long time

I'm trying to find a way to quickly recurse through every subdirectory searching for org files. I've found several solutions (Elisp Cookbook, and several solutions on github), but they don't handle my real world usage (hundreds of directories (and subdirectories) and hundreds of org files). They seem to run forever on my system (Windows 7, with max-lisp-eval-depth = 10000). My work around is to add each directory manually to my org-agenda-list, but it's annoying and I know I've probably forgotten some. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Haven't seen other people post this, so I will do.
Have you tried load "find-list" library and use its "find-lisp-find-files" function?
I added these lines in my org config and it works, but it may not fit your performance requirement:
(load-library "find-lisp")
(setq org-agenda-files
(find-lisp-find-files "FOLDERNAME" "\.org$"))
The following code works well in emacs 24.3+:
;; Collect all .org from my Org directory and subdirs
(setq org-agenda-file-regexp "\\`[^.].*\\.org\\'") ; default value
(defun load-org-agenda-files-recursively (dir) "Find all directories in DIR."
(unless (file-directory-p dir) (error "Not a directory `%s'" dir))
(unless (equal (directory-files dir nil org-agenda-file-regexp t) nil)
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-files dir)
(dolist (file (directory-files dir nil nil t))
(unless (member file '("." ".."))
(let ((file (concat dir file "/")))
(when (file-directory-p file)
(load-org-agenda-files-recursively file)
(load-org-agenda-files-recursively "/path/to/your/org/dir/" ) ; trailing slash required
It does not require intermediate files creation and you can put it on a shortcut as well.
To be able to refile to any file found add this:
(setq org-refile-targets
'((nil :maxlevel . 3)
(org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 1)))
How about storing the list of org-agenda directories in a file that you (automatically) update every once in a while, when you know the direcory structure has changed and you have some time.
You could for example use something like this:
;; From
(defun directory-dirs (dir)
"Find all directories in DIR."
(unless (file-directory-p dir)
(error "Not a directory `%s'" dir))
(let ((dir (directory-file-name dir))
(dirs '())
(files (directory-files dir nil nil t)))
(dolist (file files)
(unless (member file '("." ".."))
(let ((file (concat dir "/" file)))
(when (file-directory-p file)
(setq dirs (append (cons file
(directory-dirs file))
(setq my-org-agenda-root "~/org")
(setq my-org-agenda-files-list "~/.emacs.d/org-agenda-list.el")
(defun my-update-org-agenda-files ()
"Create or update the `my-org-agenda-files-list' file.
This file contains elisp code to set `org-agenda-files' to a
recursive list of all children under `my-org-agenda-root'. "
";; Warning: this file has been automatically generated\n"
";; by `my-update-org-agenda-files'\n")
(let ((dir-list (directory-dirs my-org-agenda-root))
(print-level nil)
(print-length nil))
(cl-prettyprint `(setq org-agenda-files (quote ,dir-list))))
(write-file my-org-agenda-files-list)))
(load my-org-agenda-files-list)
Every once in a while, run M-xmy-update-org-agenda-files to update the list.
As of Emacs 25, you can use directory-files-recursively which returns all files matching a regex from a root directory.
(defun org-get-agenda-files-recursively (dir)
"Get org agenda files from root DIR."
(directory-files-recursively dir "\.org$"))
(defun org-set-agenda-files-recursively (dir)
"Set org-agenda files from root DIR."
(setq org-agenda-files
(org-get-agenda-files-recursively dir)))
(defun org-add-agenda-files-recursively (dir)
"Add org-agenda files from root DIR."
(nconc org-agenda-files
(org-get-agenda-files-recursively dir)))
(setq org-agenda-files nil) ; zero out for testing
(org-set-agenda-files-recursively "~/Github") ; test set
(org-add-agenda-files-recursively "~/Dropbox") ; test add
You can view the contents of org-agenda-files by typing C-hv org-agenda-files.
Little late to the party, and probably not the answer you were hoping for, but the only way I found to speed up my agenda load times was by not including some directories which had thousands of org files.
(setq org-directory "~/org/"
my-agenda-dirs '("personal" "projects" "todos" "work")
org-agenda-files (mapcan (lambda (x) (directory-files-recursively
(expand-file-name x org-directory)
Essentially rather than recursing over my entire org dir I only recurse through a select few of it's subdirs.
I also tried "recursive directory listing" at Emacs startup. It simply is way to loooong to be usable. So, try to stick with a limited number of "root" directories where you put your agenda files.
Even better is sticking with "~/org", and possibly a few subdirs like "work" and "personal", and that's it. You can put there your agenda files, and have links Inside them to your real project root dirs.
I know, this is not optimal, but I don't have anything better right now.

How to find the files in TAGS file in emacs

I have generated the TAGS file using ctags for the *.h and *.cpp file in a directory.
How to find the files in TAGS file.
Assuming i have generated the TAGS file for the files one.h two.h three.h. What is the command to find the file one.h, two.h, three.h not the tags in those files.
Assuming that you simply want to know how to use the TAGS file...
Load the TAGS file with:
M-x visit-tags-table RET TAGS file or parent directory RET
Then you can use it with:
M-. (i.e. find-tag)
M-x tags-search RET pattern RET
(with M-, to move to each successive match)
M-x tags-apropos RET pattern RET
M-x tags-query-replace RET pattern RET replacement RET
Those are the defaults. Naturally there are enhancements available:
Personally I use etags-select (which you can obtain via ELPA), and I have M-. bound to etags-select-find-tag.
I wrote this a couple of years ago, I haven't gotten around to releasing it yet, though... Enjoy!
The function tags-extra-find-file will let you visit a file in the current tags table, complete with file-name completion. This is perfect if you have many source files spread out over a large number of directories. (Honestly, I use this at least one hundred times every day...)
(defun tags-extra-get-all-tags-files ()
"Return all, fully qualified, file names."
(let ((first-time t))
(while (visit-tags-table-buffer (not first-time))
(setq first-time nil)
(setq res
(append res (mapcar 'expand-file-name (tags-table-files)))))))
(defun tags-extra-find-file (name)
"Edit file named NAME that is part of the current tags table.
The file name should not include parts of the path."
(completing-read "Name of file: "
;; Make an a-list of all files without path.
(lambda (file)
(cons (file-name-nondirectory file) nil))
(let ((files (tags-extra-get-all-tags-files))
(done nil)
(name-re (concat "^" (regexp-quote name) "$")))
(while (and (not done)
(let ((case-fold-search t))
(if (string-match name-re (file-name-nondirectory (car files)))
(setq done t)
(setq files (cdr files)))))
(if files
(find-file (car files))
(error "File not found in the tags table."))))
This correction works in emacs 26.3. With an old etags, M-. would accept a file name, such as Setup.cpp, and visit the file wherever etags found it. Very handy with lots of files in many directories. No need to remember what directory the file was in to visit it. I'm surprised that's not an out-of-the-box feature!
(defun tags-extra-get-all-tags-files ()
"Return all, fully qualified, file names."
(setq res nil)
(let ((first-time t))
(while (visit-tags-table-buffer (not first-time))
(setq first-time nil)
(setq res
(append res (mapcar 'expand-file-name (tags-table-files)))))))
Something like this? It might not be entirely robust.
(defun visit-tags-table-and-files (file)
"Run `visit-tags-table FILE', then visit all the referenced files."
(interactive "fTags file: ")
(visit-tags-table file)
(set-buffer (get-file-buffer tags-file-name))
(mapc #'find-file (tags-table-files)) ) )
Thanks #Lindydancer's answer and emacswiki ido. The emacswiki version only support one tag file. Combining them which allows me jumping to any file in all TAG files. Petty close to the sublime text's goto anything.
Here is the code.
;;; using ido find file in tag files
(defun tags-extra-get-all-tags-files ()
"Return all, fully qualified, file names."
(let ((first-time t)
(res nil))
(while (visit-tags-table-buffer (not first-time))
(setq first-time nil)
(setq res
(append res (mapcar 'expand-file-name (tags-table-files)))))
(defun ido-find-file-in-tag-files ()
"Files: " (tags-extra-get-all-tags-files) nil t))))

How to format all files under a dir in emacs?

In emacs, I format a file as:
1) C-x h (or M-x mark-whole-buffer)
2) C-M-\ (or M-x indent-region)
I need help show me how to format all files under a dir?
Here's another way to go about it:
First, evaluate this function definition in your *scratch* buffer:
(defun indent-marked-files ()
(dolist (file (dired-get-marked-files))
(find-file file)
(indent-region (point-min) (point-max))
(kill-buffer nil)))
Next, open a Dired buffer at the top level of the directory under which you want to change all of the files. Give the dired command a numeric prefix so that it will ask for the switches to give to the ls command, and add the R (recurse) switch: C-u C-x d R RET your-directory RET.
Next, mark all of the regular files in the recursive directory listing: first * / to mark all the directories, then * t to toggle the selection.
Finally, run the above command: M-x indent-marked-files.
Be aware that if you already have any buffers visiting any of the target files, they'll be killed by indent-marked-files. Also be aware that none of the file changes will be undoable; use with caution! I tested it in a simple case and it seems to work as described, but I make no guarantees.
Create a macro to do it. Open the directory in dired (C-x d), and then:
Put point on the first file.
Press F3 to start recording the macro.
Hit RET to open the file.
Format it with C-x h, C-M-\.
Bury the buffer with M-x bury-buffer. You'll be back in the dired buffer.
Go down one line.
Hit F4 to stop recording the macro.
So now you have a macro that opens the file on the current line, formats it, drops back to dired, and puts point to the next line. Run it with F4 as many times as needed.
I am late in answering this question, but this is still the first result on Google.
I made an improvement to #Sean's answer to remove the need for the complicated Dired interaction.
(defun my/indent-files (directory extension)
(interactive (list (read-directory-name "Directory: ")
(read-string "File extension: ")))
(dolist (file (directory-files-recursively directory extension))
(find-file file)
(indent-region (point-min) (point-max))
(kill-buffer nil)))
Sample use: M-x my/indent-files then ~/Dropbox then .org.
This will run indent-region on the all .org files, save the buffer then kill it.
You can try this:
(defun format-all-files (regexp)
"Format multiple files in one command."
(interactive "sFind files matching regexp (default all): ")
(when (string= "" regexp) (setq regexp ""))
(let ((dir (file-name-directory regexp))
(nodir (file-name-nondirectory regexp)))
(when dir (cd dir))
(when (string= "" nodir) (setq nodir "."))
(let ((files (directory-files "." t nodir nil t))
(errors 0))
(while (not (null files))
(let ((filename (car files)))
(if (file-readable-p filename)
(set-buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
(incf errors))
(setq files (cdr files))))
(when (> errors 0)
(message (format "%d files were unreadable." errors))))))
But note that this must load the file-specific mode over and over again, which may involve syntax highlighting or whatever initialization happens on a load of that type. For really big formatting jobs, a batch program such as indent which only indents will be much faster.

File path to clipboard in Emacs

What is the most simple way to send current full file name with file path to clipboard?
What I am using now is messages buffer: I copy file name that appears there after saving a file. But, I suppose, there should be much more simple way.
Why no one tell the simple solution.
Just go to your dired buffer then press 0 w or C-u 0 w.
This will call dired-copy-filename-as-kill which gives you full path of a file. If you want current dir, just delete the file at the end of it or you can use the function below, then bind it to any key you like.
(defun my/dired-copy-dirname-as-kill ()
"Copy the current directory into the kill ring."
(kill-new default-directory))
PS: personally I go to current directory from file buffer using dired-jump
I use this:
(defun my-put-file-name-on-clipboard ()
"Put the current file name on the clipboard"
(let ((filename (if (equal major-mode 'dired-mode)
(when filename
(insert filename)
(clipboard-kill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(message filename))))
In Emacs Prelude I use:
(defun prelude-copy-file-name-to-clipboard ()
"Copy the current buffer file name to the clipboard."
(let ((filename (if (equal major-mode 'dired-mode)
(when filename
(kill-new filename)
(message "Copied buffer file name '%s' to the clipboard." filename))))
If you want to write the name/path of the current buffer you can type C-u M-: and then either (buffer-file-name) - for the full path - or (buffer-name) for the buffer name.
That is:
M-: + ellisp expression evaluates an ellisp expression in the mini-buffer
C-u write the output to the current buffer
Does not exactly answer to the question but could be useful if someone use this or other function sporadically, and prefers to not initialize the function at every startup.
In the Spacemacs distribution, you can press Spacefyy to display the buffer name in the minibuffer and copy it to the kill ring.
The function spacemacs/show-and-copy-buffer-filename seems to originate from this blog post: Emacs: Show Buffer File Name.
(defun camdez/show-buffer-file-name ()
"Show the full path to the current file in the minibuffer."
(let ((file-name (buffer-file-name)))
(if file-name
(message file-name)
(kill-new file-name))
(error "Buffer not visiting a file"))))
There's a buffer-extension - and it has copy-buffer-file-name-as-kill function. It even asks You what to copy: name, full name or a directory name.
I use modified version of copy-buffer-file-name-as-kill from buffer-extension.el:
(defun copy-buffer-file-name-as-kill (choice)
"Copyies the buffer {name/mode}, file {name/full path/directory} to the kill-ring."
(interactive "cCopy (b) buffer name, (m) buffer major mode, (f) full buffer-file path, (d) buffer-file directory, (n) buffer-file basename")
(let ((new-kill-string)
(name (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
(or (buffer-file-name) ""))))
(cond ((eq choice ?f)
(setq new-kill-string name))
((eq choice ?d)
(setq new-kill-string (file-name-directory name)))
((eq choice ?n)
(setq new-kill-string (file-name-nondirectory name)))
((eq choice ?b)
(setq new-kill-string (buffer-name)))
((eq choice ?m)
(setq new-kill-string (format "%s" major-mode)))
(t (message "Quit")))
(when new-kill-string
(message "%s copied" new-kill-string)
(kill-new new-kill-string))))
If you use Doom Emacs, it can be done with SPC f y.
To paste the current file path in the buffer, the most simple way I see is to do: C-u M-! pwd (this might not work on Windows systems though).
Alternatively, you can use C-x C-b to show the file paths of all opened buffers.
This is what has worked for me on MacOS 10.15.7, GNU Emacs 27.1
(defun copy-current-buffer-file-name ()
(shell-command (concat "echo " (buffer-file-name) " | pbcopy")))
set keybinding to "C-x M-f":
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-f") 'copy-current-buffer-file-name)
FYI: For a real beginner reading this, you need to add those lines to your init.el file.
Lots of good answers here, though I think for the "most simple way", as described in the question, there's room for improvement. Here's what I came up with (with thanks to other answers for the bits and pieces):
M-: (kill-new (buffer-file-name)) RET
This does precisely what you asked for -- takes the filename of the current buffer, and puts it in the "kill ring" and, depending on your settings, also the system clipboard. (See emacswiki/CopyAndPaste for more details on that part.)
If you want to do this regularly, then setting up a function like listed in the other answers, and binding it to an available key sequence, would make it easier to do frequently. But the above works with no prior setup, which I'm interpreting to be more "simple".