How to switch from LocalDB instance to SQL Express? - entity-framework

I created an SQL Express database and built an Entity Data Model off of it using the wizard, then used the Repository Pattern to generate a helper class that does my querying for me.
Unfortunately what I didn't realize is that Code First creates a localdb copy and basically ALL my add/removes now go to this ethereal location that I can't find so I can't run queries off the data in SQL Express. Now I know the data is being saved because I'm able to check the underlying model through breakpoints and queries during page load with using(Context = new Context()) { /query stuff/ }, but I don't know how to switch from the underlying model back to my SqlExpress instance.
Any thoughts?

LocalDb is just another sql server database, which is started by Visual Studio. It's data most of the time are in %USER% directory and you can open it with Sql Server Management Studio. To switch your project to your sql express instance, you need to change the connection string, that's all.


I am having trouble creating DB in SQL Server Express with Entity Framework Core 2.0

I am going through the MvcMusicStore tutorial on the website.
I am able to use Entity Framework Core 2.0 and migrations to create a DB in localDb.
Here is the connection string from that in appsettings.json:
"MvcMovieContext": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=MvcMovieContext-19840e0a-5fb4-409c-9f38-7f2946cd3937;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true",
When ever I do these tutorials I usually at this point once the DB is created and everything works switch to SQL Server Express, because this is how I actually develop my projects.
So Entity Framework checks the new connection string, doesn't see the DB exists, and creates the new DB based on the Model.
But I can't seem to get the connection string to SQL Express working.
Here is what I have tried so far:
"MvcMovieContext": "Server=MyComputerName\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MvcMovie;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
"MvcMovieContext": "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MvcMovie;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
Both give the same result. The dreaded message:
SqlException: Cannot open database "MvcMovie" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'Domain\smiller'.
I installed SQL Server Express in Mixed Mode so Windows Authentication works and I made my 'Domain\smiller' account a DbCreater in Server Roles.
Just can't seem to get it.
I needed to run:
I went through this last year:
Why is dotnet ef not able to create a database against SQL Server Express?
It seems I never learn.

How to export data from SQL Server to PostgreSQL?

I need to export all tables from SQL Server to PostgreSQL.
Try: I tried from SQL Server IDE but at some stage its giving the error about data types are different.
Question:How can I do export of data from SQL Server to PostgreSQL? Is COPY does my job? If yes, then how can I export all tables including records?
You can't export data from MSsql then import to PostgreSql because it is not same syntax, data type, but you can use tool to migration data from mssql to postgreSql,
See more in topic
migrate data from MS SQL to PostgreSQL?
Create MS SQL and PostgreSQL database connections (login)
Create target tables in PostgreSQL (same structures in MS SQL)
F5 to see new tables
Right-click on new tables -> 'Import Data' -> You will see 'Data Transfer' window
Choose 'Table' type then click 'Next' -> You will see 'Select input object', where you can choose tables from MS SQL connection
Just 'next' and check settings that you need, done :D
First export the schema into a file and run it against PostgreSQL until you've removed all incompatibilities.
You could try to do the same with the data you want to export but you may be better off writing a Python script to migrate it.
There is an absolutely simple way using built-in SSIS tool using Management Studio. You can find the detailed answer here.
Use , as An Le mentioned.
After 40 years of DB development, migrating DB data is still a challenge. DBeaver is a free tool to use for data migration. But you still have to migrate the schema.
Exporting data from DBeaver
From contextual menu of your SQLServer database or schema select Tools > Create new Task > Common > Data Export
You will generate SQL insert files or CSV files. For migration between database types use CSV files.
Cons of SQL Server Migration Tool
Unable to migrate rows containing booleans.
Export ended up in errors of migrationg data with Bool columns, complaining that value is not boolean, although both source and destination columns where of boolean type.
Unable to continue with the next tables afer one table migration fails.
SQL Server - A single error stops all migration even for tables that are not related to the initial error.
Configuring the tool over and over again, trying to export your data is a waste of time. SQL Server migration task does not save the configuration of the source and destination connections. And the wizard is not user friendly, spending your time on it is frustrating. I assume the migration project was abandoned for at least 10 years.

How to copy an entire DB in entity framework

Our clients do not have admin access to our web servers and we run MVC , how can i clone an existing DB to fork the data without shutting down the current DB ?. At the moment EF creates the new DB but all the records need to be manually created so we wanted to do a fork.
I suppose i could go through all entities in all tables , detach them all and insert into the DB but is there a nicer way ? As writing that code for 100 tables is not quick even if we use reflection .
The other option of doing a backup and restore is a bit painful as some of the DBs are hosted on SQL server and some as attached files .
EF is not tool for this. Either use native SQL tools like backup / restore or if there is any additional logic needed create SSIS package or custom ADO.NET application for data migration. With EF it will not only take long to do that but it will be also terrible bad and slow solution.

Why does Entity give me an "SSDL fragment is required" statement with a remote DB, but not SQL Express?

Similar to this question, I am trying to run an Entity CodeFirst project. I'm using the CreateDatabaseIfNotExists initializer. I am a sysadmin on the box the connect string points to.
If I change (or remove) the connection string, Entity will create the database on my local SQLExpress instance. Why won't it create the database on my remote instance? And, furthermore, why does it seem to require an artifact of data-first? This is a brand new project that is using nothing but code-first.
Using EF4.2. Remote machine is SQL2k8.

Unable to run my app again after opening my database with the Server Explorer

I successfully use EF4 to build my database from scratch. My database is an SQL EXPRESS database file. I can manage this one with Sql Server Management Studio. So far so good.
I noticed that if I open my database with the Server Explorer in Visual Studio, the next time I run the application I got errors.
I also noticed that a new log file has been created. So now I have 2 log files.
Below is my connectionstring:
<add name="DocumentManagerEntities"
connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS2008;Initial Catalog=DocumentManagerDB;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|DocumentManagerDB.mdf;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
What's wrong?
Thank you very much.
That maybe because multiple applications are trying to use your database at once. You need to close one connection to open another.
This article notes that
SQL Server Express Edition allows only a single connection to an .mdf
file when you connect with a connection string that has User Instance
set to true.
Further more
When you connect to a local database project, Visual Web Developer
connects to the SQL Server Express Edition database with user
instances enabled, by default. For example, the following code example
shows a typical connection string used by Visual Web Developer to
connect to a SQL Server Express Edition database.