Google + Domains API domain wide delegation - rest

I am trying to write a powershell script that uses the Invoke-RestMethod to connect to the Google + Api and authenticates with a service account that has been granted domain wide delegation of authority. Then I want to use a list names to retrieve the google + userid and from there I want to create a circle and insert all of those users into that circle.
The main issue I am having is retrieving the userid for the list of users, I think I would be able to figure the rest out once I had that piece.

The Google+ Domains API is unique in that it allows you to make API calls using email addresses in the place of the Google+ ID. This means that if you have a list of users within your domain, you may make API calls on their behalf, by specifying their email address when building the authorized API client.
In Java, this is done by calling setServiceAcountUser on your GoogleCredential:
GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
For additional examples and information, check out
Also, if you do wish to compile a list of Google+ IDs, you need only make a people.get API call using the email address for the authenticated user, and the Google+ ID will be included in the Person response. (


How to get Authenticated user's Google Ad Account ID using Google Ads API v0 using a REST API?

I have been trying to figure out after referring to their official documentation (Google Ads API Document) which is not clear enough
Here is what I have tried till now.
I have created an app where users can log in with their Google Ad words account. I need to fetch their Ad performance reports via REST API.
To make an API request to fetch performance reports, we need the Google Ad Words Account ID of the authenticated user. Currently, as I am testing it with my personal account, I can login to my Ad words Console and get the Ad Words Account ID. But, how do I fetch the Ad Words Account ID dynamically for other users who authenticate via my App?
I tried looking for a way in their official documentation. But I couldn't figure out.
Could someone help me with the REST API URL which needs to be called to fetch the authenticated user's Ad words Account ID.
In addition to previous answer, I guess this is what you are looking for:
It explains how to setup Google Ad Words API and get your ID.
According to the documentation here Account overview, you need to list the customers to get the ID. For each user that logs in as long as they do not have access to multiple accounts you should get a single customer and their ID.
CustomerService provides information about your accounts. It has a
getCustomers() method that takes no arguments and returns a list of
Customer objects containing fields such as customerId, currencyCode,
and dateTimeZone. CustomerService also has a mutate() method that can
be used to update various attributes of a customer, including the
autoTaggingEnabled and conversionTrackingSetting fields.
If no clientCustomerId is specified in a request, the response will
contain multiple entries if more than one account is directly
accessible by the authenticated account.

Authentication needed when chat bot conversing with user

This got stuck in my head from many days, can anyone help or say at-least this is not at all possible?
I'm working on developing a chat bot using dialogflow which integrates multiple applications along with google home assistant, dialogflow, actions on google and an application which i want to manage using chat or voice commands. Until now its good and got amazed of features providing by google.
But i'm expecting one more feature. Don't know whether any alternatives available for this or not, but i tried exploring and reached to desert. Below are my requirements, if others think this is really unique and useful to them as well then i can say they are improvements or add-ons i'm expecting from DialogFlow.
Let's take an example of a chat bot which is serving users through google assistant and as a web bot as well. Now while conversing, intents may trigger web-hook in fulfillments which may require an authentication like OTP(Nope if anyone thought it for payments) which means registered users or limited users only can perform actions. This is same as we use roles and groups in all the applications.
The way google is sending google prompt to the user for logging into gmail, is there any way that we can collect PIN or OTP or PASSWORD through some notification sent to the users phone as some card's or input box like and html while conversing with chatbot through web or home assistant etc..., so that it helps in adding more security.
I recently worked in a chatbot project where I had to authenticate my users. I'm writing an article about it, but I'll tell you what I did:
First of all, I'm using OAuth 2.0 protocol to authenticate my users, but if you doesn't use OAuth, there's no problem, you could do something equivalent.
I'm using Authorization Code Grand flow.
Let's see the steps:
Step 1 - Authorization Url:
My bot generates an authorization url which contains all needed data to identify the conversation in callback moment. Like this one:
&state={conversation_id: 123456789}
Notice that the state parameter contains the conversation_id which identifies your conversation, this state parameter will be back when users return to your handler.
Step 2 - User Authentication
When users click in this link, they'll be redirected to your login page at your authorization server.
Step 3 - Callback
After users get authenticated, they'll be redirect back to your handler (an endpoint which will receive the authorization code from authentication server and the state parameter).
When it received this authorization code, it'll be exchanged by an access token in authorization server.
Step 4 - Store token
In the final step, you already has an access token and the conversation_id parameter, you can store it in a database, in a cache or be stateless. Your rules!
In my case, I'm using Watson Assistant with Cloudant database, and I store those access tokens in my database. So, when users request something to my bot, it could get this token from database and pass to my back-end servers.
This kind of approach, I call "magic link". And you could improve it by shortening the url as does.
I hope it could help you, feel free to ask me if you need.
You probably don't want to implement the OTP scheme yourself. While you could do this, there are other systems already in place that will do this for you.
The best is the one that you reference - Google Sign In.
Fortunately, you can leverage Google Sign In for both your website (where you would get the user to sign in and then pass this information along as you do the Dialogflow calls) and for the Assistant (where Google will pass along an ID token, indicating it has authenticated the user).

How to map social credentials with custom ones

My company has userbase of course, but I want to allow users to login and use my applications with their social accounts e.g. Outlook, Facebook, Gmail. Something that is usually not clear to me when I read resources on the Internet on the topic is how to map the social credentials with ones in our database? I know we should use an API platform or something like that, but the user identity part is not clear to me.
You basically need to, as you noted, tap into the provided response and transform or link or provision it to existing identities in your own userbase. A lot of this depends on your method of delegating authentication to external provides and things they expose back to you as part of the user profile. You basically need to grab the user profile, parse it and then determine which field can be used to link that profile to an existing account, and then establish the authentication session based on the final result.
Here is a link to a technical walkthrough that describes the same process with an SSO solution:

How to get the list all users in confluence using rest API

I am trying to get the list of all users with their email addresses from a confluence cloud instance using their REST API. There is nothing in their documentation regarding users. Also the email address is never embedded in any of the response containing user objects. Is there a way to retrieve email address of the user based on the username.
You will have to use their older APIs -- the methods are there.

REST related query- for use in Java web app

I am trying to create a REST API using Java.
Now, for the front end, I am using socialauth, so that facebook/twitter/yahoo/hotmail/gmail users can sign in to the application.
After a user is signed in, he should be able to access the data for his account- I want to create a REST API that enables each user to access his data. I have understood the basics of creating a REST API using Jersey framework, however how do I ensure that only a user who is correctly logged in to the application, can access data via the REST API?
What I thought of is, I will store the user's email ID in session, when he logs in. And whenever he makes a request to the API, the email ID in session is passed as a input parameter to the REST API, and the REST API checks that data is asked for same email ID, as the email ID parameter.
Is the above way of thinking correct? What is the recommended/best way to implement REST API in the scenario as given above?