Scroll tableview cell in cube effect in iOS? - iphone

Writing up an code for creating table view in such a manner when user scroll table view it behaves like cube. Please find below youtube link for the vision what I am asking for:
Meanwhile, I tried with CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(angle, 1, 0, 0); and it working for adding up an row at the top but not for scrolling.
Further, due to lack of knowledge of OpenGLES I can not go with it for rotating the cubes with touch gesture. Please suggest for the same as per your feasibility.
Look forward to hear from you.

check it out.. hope it helps you..
Link 1:
Link 2:

you can achieve this effects with Layer transform and a scrollview. To build a cube take a look at this post. You might add some overlays to your cube-sides to simulate lightning and you are done.

I got an answer for cubical scrolling. Earlier I was using below source code link:
Meanwhile, above tableview demo was using gesture and allow me to only add first row in tableview cell while scrolling down but my requirement was to have cubical scrolling up or down both.
Further, I tried with vertical iCarousel cylindrical and I achieved the vertical cubical scrolling. Thanks

You might also want to check our implementation of a gesture based 3D-cube over at Chubamobile:
It's fully featured, ready to use out of the box - and pretty much exactly what you want

Maybe it helps.
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
animation.duration = 1;
animation.type = #"cube";
animation.subtype = #"fromRight";
[self.contentView.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:#"animation"];
[self.contentView bringSubviewToFront:view];
or that link
Don't dislike - there are few information about it.


Iphone: Page flipping animation

My code is flipping my view as if you were reading a book in reverse page order (right to left). I'm trying to achieve the opposite but I can't seem to figure out how to make the page flip from the other side of the views coordinate system.
Here's my code:
_memoryOneView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(1.0f, .5f);
_memoryOneView.layer.position = CGPointMake(_memoryOneView.layer.position.x + _memoryOneView.bounds.size.width/2.0f, _memoryOneView.layer.position.y);
[UIView animateWithDuration:.5 animations:^{
_memoryOneView.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation((M_PI / 2.0), 0, 1.0f, 0);
I've tried making many of the values negative but this simply hides the animation behind views behind it. Any ideas? ty.
Edit I also need to be able to use this animation for dragging, meaning I need to have something I can easily transfer into code where the user is dragging to the next page.
iOS 5 has an in-built PageViewController exactly for this. Tutorial here:

Is it good choice to move a Sublayer around a view using UIPanGestureRecognizer?

I have a CALayer and as sublayer to this CALayer i have added an imageLayer which contains an image of resolution 276x183.
I added a UIPanGestureRecognizer to the main view and calculation the coordinates of the CALayer as follows:
- (void)panned:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)sender{
subLayer.frame=CGRectMake([sender locationInView:self.view].x-138, [sender locationInView:self.view].y-92, 276, 183);
in viedDidLoad i have:
subLayer.backgroundColor=[UIColor whiteColor].CGColor;
subLayer.frame=CGRectMake(22, 33, 276, 183);
imageLayer.contents=(id)[UIImage imageNamed:#"A.jpg"].CGImage;
subLayer.shadowColor=[UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
subLayer.shadowOffset=CGSizeMake(0, 3);
[subLayer addSublayer:imageLayer];
[self.view.layer addSublayer:subLayer];
It is giving desired output but a bit slow in the simulator. I have not yet tested it in Device. so my question is - Is it OK to move a CALayer containing an image??
Yes, it is OK to move a CALayer containing an image.
If all you want to do with the panning gesture is move the image, then instead of updating the whole frame, you should just update the layer's position property. Like thus:
- (void)panned:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)sender {
subLayer.position=CGPointMake([sender locationInView:self.view].x, [sender locationInView:self.view].y);
Two things:
First, you can't draw ANY conclusions based on the performance of the simulator. Some things on the simulator are an order of magnitude faster than on a device, and other things are significantly slower. Animation is especially a mixed bag.
If you're doing performance-critical work, test it on the device, early and often.
Second, you can certainly animate a layer using a gesture recognizer, but that is an awfully round-about way to do it. Gesture recognizers are designed to work on views, and it's much easier and cleaner to tie the recognizer to a subview rather than a sub layer.
One of the big problems you will have with using a layer is hit-testing. If you let go of your image, then try to drag it some more, you'll have to have the gesture on the containing view, take the gesture coordinates and do hit testing on the layer. Ugh.
Take a look at the gesture based version of the touches sample app from Apple. It shows you how to cleanly move UIView objects around the screen using gestures.
Note that you can create a view that has custom layer content, and drag that around.

2 CATransition, left and right

I am trying to develop a simple CATransition that shows an UIView appearing from the left.
Here it is the code:
CATransition *transDerecha=[CATransition animation];
[transDerecha setDuration:1];
[transDerecha setStartProgress:0];
[transDerecha setType:kCATransitionMoveIn];
[transDerecha setSubtype:kCATransitionFromLeft];
[transDerecha setDelegate:self];
Ok, but to get the aspect that i am looking for, i have created a UIView (blue one on the video).
I think that in the following video, you can see better what i am trying to say.
The problem comes when i try to make the same thing on the left. If i create another UIView to cover the left UIView, it will cover also the right cover.
So, is there any other CATransition type to make that? Or any solution?
I dont think you need to dive down to CA to do this kind of thing. It can be done using UIView animations. Here is a good tutorial on UIView animations.

UIImageview won't update after changing the center

I am trying to create a small augmented reality application where I move an image on top of the camera capture. So the only thing I change is the center of the UIImageview:
[imageView1 setCenter:CGPointMake(x-16, 240)];
and the center gets updated but the position of the image on the screen stays the same.
after the center update, this gets called:
[self.imageView1 performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(setImage:) withObject:testImage waitUntilDone:YES];
The funny thing is that in the first iteration it actually updates the position. But only the first time.
Any ideas?
Try: = CGPointMake(, 240);
The accepted answer in this post (UIImageView not responding to centering) suggests that the problem is autolayout, which makes sense.
This post (Can I disable autolayout for a specific subview at runtime?) explains how to disable autolayout for specific elements.
Another answer suggest you add constraints (for x and y), create IBOutlets for these constrataints and update those to move the UI-element.

How can I replicate the trashing animation of

In my iPhone app, I have put a UIBarBUtton of type UIBarButtonSystemItemTrash in my UIToolBar. When pressed, I'd like to replicate the animation of the bin opens, the UIView folds and flies into it.
Is there a way to access this animation ithrough the iPhone SDK?
Presently I am using a custom made animation, but there are some limits; for example, I cannot animate the bin itself.
Do you have any suggestion? Code samples?
Use the suckEffect type on an animation. Also: spewEffect, genieEffect, unGenieEffect, twist, tubey, swirl, cameraIris, cameraIrisHollowClose, cameraIrisHollowOpen, rippleEffect, charminUltra, zoomyIn, and zoomyOut. Doesn't work in the simulator.
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
animation.type = #"suckEffect";
animation.duration = 2.0f;
animation.timingFunction = UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut;
view.opacity = 1.0f;
[view.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:#"transitionViewAnimation"];
Note: Code snippet was pulled from a larger codebase. I hope it works :)
Just to add some info:
You can use "suckEffect" with the standard +[UIView setAnimationTransition:forView:cache:]. Just pass the number 103 to the animationTransition variable. This won't avoid your app being rejected by Apple though :p
"spewEffect", "genieEffect", "unGenieEffect", etc. no longer exist on iPhoneOS 3.x. The only undocumented transition left are "cube" (--), "rippleEffect" (110), the three "cameraIris" effects (105,106,107) and "suckEffect" (103).
See for detail.
Also, to animate the bin (with private API):
Unfortunately, I think this is going to need to be an entirely custom animation. The UIView folding can be approximated using Core Animation, perhaps by adding perspective to the CATransform3D of the UIView's underlying layer to distort the UIView into a trapezoid which gets sucked into the trash can.
As far as the trash can, you can create a UIBarButtonItem using initWithCustomView:, which might let you insert a custom UIView that has an animatable trashcan. It looks like the trash can has two elements, the can base and the lid, which are rotated independently to open and close the can. Draw PNGs for both, make UIImageViews for them, and make them subviews of the UIBarButtonItem custom view. For opening and closing, apply rotational transforms to them to animate the subviews.
I'm not sure if this is an answer but here is lib that do "genie effect" so it's quite similar to what you want achieve.
CGRect endRect = CGRectMake(30, 40, 50, 60);
[view genieInTransitionWithDuration:0.7
NSLog(#"I'm done!");