Homographic image transformation distortion issue - matlab

I am trying to transform an image using a 3D transformation matrix and assuming my camera is orthonormal.
I am defining my homography using the plane-induced homography formula H=R-t*n'/d (with d=Inf so H=R) as given in Hartley and Zisserman Chapter 13.
What I am confused about is when I use a rather modest rotation, the image seems to be distorting much more than I expect (I'm sure I'm not confounding radians and degrees).
What could be going wrong here?
I've attached my code and example output.
n = [0;0;-1];
d = Inf;
im = imread('cameraman.tif');
rotations = [0 0.01 0.1 1 10];
for ind = 1:length(rotations)
theta = rotations(ind)*pi/180;
R = [ 1 0 0 ;
0 cos(theta) -sin(theta);
0 sin(theta) cos(theta)];
t = [0;0;0];
H = R-t*n'/d;
tform = maketform('projective',H');
imT = imtransform(im,tform);
subplot(1,5,ind) ;
title(['Rot=' num2str(rotations(ind)) 'deg']);
axis square

The formula H = R-t*n'/d has one assumption which is not met in your case:
This formula implies that you are using pinhole camera model with focal length=1
But in your case, for your camera to be more real and for your code to work, you should set the focal length to some positive number much greater than 1. (focal length is the distance from your camera center to the image plane)
To do this you can define a calibration matrix K which handles the focal length. You just need to change your formula to
H=K R inv(K) - 1/d K t n' inv(K)
in which K is a 3-by-3 identity matrix whose two first elements along the diagonal are set to the focal length (e.g. f=300). The formula can be easily derived if you assume a projective camera.
Below is the corrected version of your code, in which the angles make sense.
n = [0;0;-1];
d = Inf;
im = imread('cameraman.tif');
rotations = [0 0.01 0.1 30 60];
for ind = 1:length(rotations)
theta = rotations(ind)*pi/180;
R = [ 1 0 0 ;
0 cos(theta) -sin(theta);
0 sin(theta) cos(theta)];
t = [0;0;0];
K=[300 0 0;
0 300 0;
0 0 1];
tform = maketform('projective',H');
imT = imtransform(im,tform);
subplot(1,5,ind) ;
title(['Rot=' num2str(rotations(ind)) 'deg']);
axis square
You can see the result in the image below:
You can also rotate the image around its center. For it to happen you should set the image plane origin to the center of the image which I think is not possible with that method of matlab (maketform).
You can use the method below instead.
Note that if you use this method, you'll have to change some settings in n, d, t and R to get the appropriate result.
That method can be found at: https://github.com/covarep/covarep/blob/master/external/voicebox/imagehomog.m
The result of the program with imagehomog and some changes in n, d, t , and R is shown below which seems more real.
New settings are:
n = [0 0 1]';
d = 2;
t = [1 0 0]';
R = [cos(theta), 0, sin(theta);
0, 1, 0;
-sin(theta), 0, cos(theta)];

Hmm... I'm not 100% percent on this stuff, but it was an interesting question and relevant to my work, so I thought I'd play around and give it a shot.
EDIT: I tried this once using no built-ins. That was my original answer. Then I realized that you could do it your way pretty easily:
The easy answer to your question is to use the correct rotation matrix about the z-axis:
R = [cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0;
sin(theta) cos(theta) 0;
0 0 1];
Here's another way to do it (my original answer):
I'm going to share what I did; hopefully this is useful to you. I only did it in 2D (though that should be easy to expand to 3D). Note that if you want to rotate the image in plane, you will need to use a different rotation matrix that you have currently coded. You need to rotate about the Z-axis.
I did not use those matlab built-ins.
I referred to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix for some info.
im = double(imread('cameraman.tif')); % must be double for interpn
[x y] = ndgrid(1:size(im,1), 1:size(im,2));
rotation = 10;
theta = rotation*pi/180;
% calculate rotation matrix
R = [ cos(theta) -sin(theta);
sin(theta) cos(theta)]; % just 2D case
% calculate new positions of image indicies
tmp = R*[x(:)' ; y(:)']; % 2 by numel(im)
xi = reshape(tmp(1,:),size(x)); % new x-indicies
yi = reshape(tmp(2,:),size(y)); % new y-indicies
imrot = interpn(x,y,im,xi,yi); % interpolate from old->new indicies
My own question now is: "How do you change the origin about which you are rotating the image? Clearly, I'm rotating about (0,0), the top left corner.
EDIT 2 In response to the asker's comment, I've tried again.
This time I fixed a couple of things. Now I'm using the same transformation matrix (about x) as in the original question.
I rotated about the center of the image by redoing the way i do the ndgrids (put 0,0,0) in the center of the image. I also decided to show 3 planes of the image. This was not in the original question. The middle plane is the plane of interest. To get just the middle plane, you can leave out the zero-padding and redefine the 3rd ndgrid option to be just 1 instead of -1:1.
im = double(imread('cameraman.tif')); % must be double for interpn
im = padarray(im, [0 0 1],'both');
[x y z] = ndgrid(-floor(size(im,1)/2):floor(size(im,1)/2)-1, ...
rotation = 1;
theta = rotation*pi/180;
% calculate rotation matrix
R = [ 1 0 0 ;
0 cos(theta) -sin(theta);
0 sin(theta) cos(theta)];
% calculate new positions of image indicies
tmp = R*[x(:)'; y(:)'; z(:)']; % 2 by numel(im)
xi = reshape(tmp(1,:),size(x)); % new x-indicies
yi = reshape(tmp(2,:),size(y)); % new y-indicies
zi = reshape(tmp(3,:),size(z));
imrot = interpn(x,y,z,im,xi,yi,zi); % interpolate from old->new indicies
subplot(3,1,1);imagesc(imrot(:,:,1)); axis image; axis off;
subplot(3,1,2);imagesc(imrot(:,:,2)); axis image; axis off;
subplot(3,1,3);imagesc(imrot(:,:,3)); axis image; axis off;

You are performing rotations around the x-axis: in your matrix, the 1st component (x) is left unchanged by the rotation matrix. This is confirmed by the perspective deformations from your examples.
The actual amount of deformation will then depend on the distance between the camera and the image plane (or more accurately on its value relative to the focal length of the camera). It can be important when the cameraman image plane is located near the camera.


How to apply a function for each of the various entries from different matrices as index?

I'm writing a function in matlab which mimics the built-in 'imwarp' function (applying geometric transformation) without using any kind of loops. i'm in the final step when i have to call my function for bi-linear interpolation for every index in final 2D image.
I have 3 arrays here , 'pts' have homogenized vectors (x,y,1) for which i interpolate and 'row' and 'cols' have x and y coordinates respectively for resultant image where interpolated intensity value would be placed.
finalImage (rows(1,:),cols(1,:))=bilinear(pts(:,:),im);
Kindly correct my syntax here to do it properly. thanks in advance.
The following is a simple implementation of applying an affine transformation to an image. Some of the matrices may be reversed because I did this from memory. I don't know exactly how you are formatting your pts array so I figure a working example is the best I can do. The interp2 function applies bilinear interpolation, the bilinear function performs the bilinear transform which describes analog filters as digital filters. This is not what you want.
P.S. You have to make sure to use the inverse transform when applying image warping (that is, define the point you want to sample in the input image for each point in the output image). If you perform the forward transform (i.e. define the point in the output image that each point in the input image maps to) then you will end up with some serious aliasing effects and potentially holes in the output image.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have questions.
img = double(imread('rice.png'))/255;
theta = 30; % rotate 30 degrees
R = [cosd(theta) -sind(theta) 0; ...
sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0; ...
0 0 1];
sx = 15; % skew by 15 degrees in x
Skx = [1 tand(sx) 0; ...
0 1 0; ...
0 0 1];
% Translate by 1/2 size of image
tx = -size(img, 2)/2;
ty = -size(img, 1)/2;
T = [1 0 tx; ...
0 1 ty; ...
0 0 1];
% Scale image down by 1/2
sx = 0.5;
sy = 0.5;
S = [sx 0 0; ...
0 sy 0; ...
0 0 1];
% translate, scale, rotate, skew, then translate back
A = inv(T)*Skx*R*S*T;
% create meshgrid points
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:size(img,2), 1:size(img,1));
% reshape so we can apply matrix op
V = [reshape(x, 1, []); reshape(y, 1, []); ones(1, numel(x))];
Vq = inv(A)*V;
% probably not necessary for these transformations but project back to the z=1 plane
Vq(1,:) = Vq(1,:) ./ V(3,:);
Vq(2,:) = Vq(2,:) ./ V(3,:);
% reshape back into a meshgrid
xq = reshape(Vq(1,:), size(img));
yq = reshape(Vq(2,:), size(img));
% use interp2 to perform bilinear interpolation
imgnew = interp2(x, y, img, xq, yq);
% show the resulting image

rotating a vector in matlab and check that angle

I would like rotate a vector in MATLAB and right after check the angle between the original and the rotated one:
v = [-1 -12 5]; %arbitrarily rotated vector
theta =30; %arbitrary angle to rotate with
R = [cosd(theta) -sind(theta) 0; sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0; 0 0 1]; %rotate around Z axis
vR = R*v'; %calculate the new vector
%the angle between the old and rotated vector, also do normalisation before.
%atan2d is better to resolve extremely small angle
angle =
%THIS is the problem
As you can see I rotated with 30° but when checking back it's different.
You are not actually calculating the same angle. Consider the situation where your input vector is v = [0, 0, 1] (i.e., a vertical line). If you rotate the vertical line about the z-axis by 30 deg then you just get the same vertical line again, so vR = [0, 0, 1]. The angle between v and vR would be 0 based on your analysis because you are calculating the actual angle between two vectors that intersect somewhere.
So, if you want to calculate the angle between two vectors then I believe your code is correct. But, if you want to calculate the amount of rotation in a specific frame (i.e., the z-axis), then you'll have to project v and vR onto the x-y plane first before using your formula:
v = [-1 -12 5]; %arbitrarily rotated vector
theta =30; %arbitrary angle to rotate with
R = [cosd(theta) -sind(theta) 0; sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0; 0 0 1]; %rotate around Z axis
vR = R*v'; %calculate the new vector
angle=atan2d(norm(cross(v,vR)),dot(v,vR)); %calculate the angle between the vectors
% copy over the vectors and remove the z-component to project onto the x-y
% plane
v_xy = v;
v_xy(3) = 0;
vR_xy = vR;
vR_xy(3) = 0;
angle_xy=atan2d(norm(cross(v_xy,vR_xy)),dot(v_xy,vR_xy)); %calculate the angle between the vectors in the xy-plane
Edit: Note you still won't be able to get the angle for the vertical line case (there is a singularity in the solution there). Also, my suggestion works only for the case of a z-axis rotation. To do this for any general rotation axis just requires a bit more math:
Say you have an axis defined by unit vector a, then rotate vector v about axis a to get the new vector vR. Project v and vR onto the plane for which a is normal and you get vectors p and pR:
p = v - dot(v,a)*a;
pR = vR - dot(vR,a)*a;
Then you find the angle between these projected vectors based on your formula:
angle = atan2d(norm(cross(p,pR)),dot(p,pR));

Code efficiency, Rotating image without imrotate [duplicate]

I am trying to rotate an image with Matlab without using imrotate function. I actually made it by using transformation matrix.But it is not good enough.The problem is, the rotated image is "sliding".Let me tell you with pictures.
This is my image which I want to rotate:
But when I rotate it ,for example 45 degrees, it becomes this:
I am asking why this is happening.Here is my code,is there any mathematical or programming mistakes about it?
%image padding
[Rows, Cols] = size(image);
Diagonal = sqrt(Rows^2 + Cols^2);
RowPad = ceil(Diagonal - Rows) + 2;
ColPad = ceil(Diagonal - Cols) + 2;
imagepad = zeros(Rows+RowPad, Cols+ColPad);
imagepad(ceil(RowPad/2):(ceil(RowPad/2)+Rows-1),ceil(ColPad/2):(ceil(ColPad/2)+Cols-1)) = image;
for i=1:size(imagepad,1)
for j=1:size(imagepad,2)
if (x>=1 && y>=1)
imagerot(x,y)=imagepad(i,j); % k degrees rotated image
The reason you have holes in your image is because you are computing the location in imagerot of each pixel in imagepad. You need to do the computation the other way around. That is, for each pixel in imagerot interpolate in imagepad. To do this, you just need to apply the inverse transform, which in the case of a rotation matrix is just the transpose of the matrix (just change the sign on each sin and translate the other way).
Loop over pixels in imagerot:
imagerot=zeros(size(imagepad)); % midx and midy same for both
for i=1:size(imagerot,1)
for j=1:size(imagerot,2)
x= (i-midx)*cos(rads)+(j-midy)*sin(rads);
if (x>=1 && y>=1 && x<=size(imagepad,2) && y<=size(imagepad,1))
imagerot(i,j)=imagepad(x,y); % k degrees rotated image
Also note that your midx and midy need to be calculated with size(imagepad,2) and size(imagepad,1) respectively, since the first dimension refers to the number of rows (height) and the second to width.
NOTE: The same approach applies when you decide to adopt an interpolation scheme other than nearest neighbor, as in Rody's example with linear interpolation.
EDIT: I'm assuming you are using a loop for demonstrative purposes, but in practice there is no need for loops. Here's an example of nearest neighbor interpolation (what you are using), keeping the same size image, but you can modify this to produce a larger image that includes the whole source image:
imagepad = imread('peppers.png');
[nrows ncols nslices] = size(imagepad);
Mr = [cos(pi/4) sin(pi/4); -sin(pi/4) cos(pi/4)]; % e.g. 45 degree rotation
% rotate about center
[X Y] = meshgrid(1:ncols,1:nrows);
XYt = [X(:)-midx Y(:)-midy]*Mr;
XYt = bsxfun(#plus,XYt,[midx midy]);
xout = round(XYt(:,1)); yout = round(XYt(:,2)); % nearest neighbor!
outbound = yout<1 | yout>nrows | xout<1 | xout>ncols;
zout=repmat(cat(3,1,2,3),nrows,ncols,1); zout=zout(:);
xout(xout<1) = 1; xout(xout>ncols) = ncols;
yout(yout<1) = 1; yout(yout>nrows) = nrows;
xout = repmat(xout,[3 1]); yout = repmat(yout,[3 1]);
imagerot = imagepad(sub2ind(size(imagepad),yout,xout,zout(:))); % lookup
imagerot = reshape(imagerot,size(imagepad));
imagerot(repmat(outbound,[1 1 3])) = 0; % set background value to [0 0 0] (black)
To modify the above to linear interpolation, compute the 4 neighboring pixels to each coordinate in XYt and perform a weighted sum using the fractional components product as the weights. I'll leave that as an exercise, since it would only serve to bloat my answer further beyond the scope of your question. :)
The method you are using (rotate by sampling) is the fastest and simplest, but also the least accurate.
Rotation by area mapping, as given below (this is a good reference), is much better at preserving color.
But: note that this will only work on greyscale/RGB images, but NOT on colormapped images like the one you seem to be using.
image = imread('peppers.png');
figure(1), clf, hold on
degree = 45;
switch mod(degree, 360)
% Special cases
case 0
imagerot = image;
case 90
imagerot = rot90(image);
case 180
imagerot = image(end:-1:1, end:-1:1);
case 270
imagerot = rot90(image(end:-1:1, end:-1:1));
% General rotations
% Convert to radians and create transformation matrix
a = degree*pi/180;
R = [+cos(a) +sin(a); -sin(a) +cos(a)];
% Figure out the size of the transformed image
[m,n,p] = size(image);
dest = round( [1 1; 1 n; m 1; m n]*R );
dest = bsxfun(#minus, dest, min(dest)) + 1;
imagerot = zeros([max(dest) p],class(image));
% Map all pixels of the transformed image to the original image
for ii = 1:size(imagerot,1)
for jj = 1:size(imagerot,2)
source = ([ii jj]-dest(1,:))*R.';
if all(source >= 1) && all(source <= [m n])
% Get all 4 surrounding pixels
C = ceil(source);
F = floor(source);
% Compute the relative areas
A = [...
% Extract colors and re-scale them relative to area
cols = bsxfun(#times, A, double(image(F(1):C(1),F(2):C(2),:)));
% Assign
imagerot(ii,jj,:) = sum(sum(cols),2);
Rotates colored image according to angle given by user without any cropping of image in matlab.
Output of this program is similar to output of inbuilt command "imrotate" .This program dynamically creates background according to angle input given by user.By using rotation matrix and origin shifting, we get relation between coordinates of initial and final image.Using relation between coordinates of initial and final image, we now map the intensity values for each pixel.
[rowsi,colsi,z]= size(img);
%calculating array dimesions such that rotated image gets fit in it exactly.
% we are using absolute so that we get positve value in any case ie.,any quadrant.
% define an array withcalculated dimensionsand fill the array with zeros ie.,black
C=uint8(zeros([rowsf colsf 3 ]));
%calculating center of original and final image
% in this loop we calculate corresponding coordinates of pixel of A
% for each pixel of C, and its intensity will be assigned after checking
% weather it lie in the bound of A (original image)
for i=1:size(C,1)
for j=1:size(C,2)
x= (i-midx)*cos(rads)+(j-midy)*sin(rads);
y= -(i-midx)*sin(rads)+(j-midy)*cos(rads);
if (x>=1 && y>=1 && x<=size(img,1) && y<=size(img,2) )
Check this out.
this is fastest way that you can do.
img = imread('Koala.jpg');
theta = pi/10;
rmat = [
cos(theta) sin(theta) 0
-sin(theta) cos(theta) 0
0 0 1];
mx = size(img,2);
my = size(img,1);
corners = [
0 0 1
mx 0 1
0 my 1
mx my 1];
new_c = corners*rmat;
T = maketform('affine', rmat); %# represents translation
img2 = imtransform(img, T, ...
'XData',[min(new_c(:,1)) max(new_c(:,1))],...
'YData',[min(new_c(:,2)) max(new_c(:,2))]);
subplot(121), imshow(img);
subplot(122), imshow(img2);

Image rotation by Matlab without using imrotate

I am trying to rotate an image with Matlab without using imrotate function. I actually made it by using transformation matrix.But it is not good enough.The problem is, the rotated image is "sliding".Let me tell you with pictures.
This is my image which I want to rotate:
But when I rotate it ,for example 45 degrees, it becomes this:
I am asking why this is happening.Here is my code,is there any mathematical or programming mistakes about it?
%image padding
[Rows, Cols] = size(image);
Diagonal = sqrt(Rows^2 + Cols^2);
RowPad = ceil(Diagonal - Rows) + 2;
ColPad = ceil(Diagonal - Cols) + 2;
imagepad = zeros(Rows+RowPad, Cols+ColPad);
imagepad(ceil(RowPad/2):(ceil(RowPad/2)+Rows-1),ceil(ColPad/2):(ceil(ColPad/2)+Cols-1)) = image;
for i=1:size(imagepad,1)
for j=1:size(imagepad,2)
if (x>=1 && y>=1)
imagerot(x,y)=imagepad(i,j); % k degrees rotated image
The reason you have holes in your image is because you are computing the location in imagerot of each pixel in imagepad. You need to do the computation the other way around. That is, for each pixel in imagerot interpolate in imagepad. To do this, you just need to apply the inverse transform, which in the case of a rotation matrix is just the transpose of the matrix (just change the sign on each sin and translate the other way).
Loop over pixels in imagerot:
imagerot=zeros(size(imagepad)); % midx and midy same for both
for i=1:size(imagerot,1)
for j=1:size(imagerot,2)
x= (i-midx)*cos(rads)+(j-midy)*sin(rads);
if (x>=1 && y>=1 && x<=size(imagepad,2) && y<=size(imagepad,1))
imagerot(i,j)=imagepad(x,y); % k degrees rotated image
Also note that your midx and midy need to be calculated with size(imagepad,2) and size(imagepad,1) respectively, since the first dimension refers to the number of rows (height) and the second to width.
NOTE: The same approach applies when you decide to adopt an interpolation scheme other than nearest neighbor, as in Rody's example with linear interpolation.
EDIT: I'm assuming you are using a loop for demonstrative purposes, but in practice there is no need for loops. Here's an example of nearest neighbor interpolation (what you are using), keeping the same size image, but you can modify this to produce a larger image that includes the whole source image:
imagepad = imread('peppers.png');
[nrows ncols nslices] = size(imagepad);
Mr = [cos(pi/4) sin(pi/4); -sin(pi/4) cos(pi/4)]; % e.g. 45 degree rotation
% rotate about center
[X Y] = meshgrid(1:ncols,1:nrows);
XYt = [X(:)-midx Y(:)-midy]*Mr;
XYt = bsxfun(#plus,XYt,[midx midy]);
xout = round(XYt(:,1)); yout = round(XYt(:,2)); % nearest neighbor!
outbound = yout<1 | yout>nrows | xout<1 | xout>ncols;
zout=repmat(cat(3,1,2,3),nrows,ncols,1); zout=zout(:);
xout(xout<1) = 1; xout(xout>ncols) = ncols;
yout(yout<1) = 1; yout(yout>nrows) = nrows;
xout = repmat(xout,[3 1]); yout = repmat(yout,[3 1]);
imagerot = imagepad(sub2ind(size(imagepad),yout,xout,zout(:))); % lookup
imagerot = reshape(imagerot,size(imagepad));
imagerot(repmat(outbound,[1 1 3])) = 0; % set background value to [0 0 0] (black)
To modify the above to linear interpolation, compute the 4 neighboring pixels to each coordinate in XYt and perform a weighted sum using the fractional components product as the weights. I'll leave that as an exercise, since it would only serve to bloat my answer further beyond the scope of your question. :)
The method you are using (rotate by sampling) is the fastest and simplest, but also the least accurate.
Rotation by area mapping, as given below (this is a good reference), is much better at preserving color.
But: note that this will only work on greyscale/RGB images, but NOT on colormapped images like the one you seem to be using.
image = imread('peppers.png');
figure(1), clf, hold on
degree = 45;
switch mod(degree, 360)
% Special cases
case 0
imagerot = image;
case 90
imagerot = rot90(image);
case 180
imagerot = image(end:-1:1, end:-1:1);
case 270
imagerot = rot90(image(end:-1:1, end:-1:1));
% General rotations
% Convert to radians and create transformation matrix
a = degree*pi/180;
R = [+cos(a) +sin(a); -sin(a) +cos(a)];
% Figure out the size of the transformed image
[m,n,p] = size(image);
dest = round( [1 1; 1 n; m 1; m n]*R );
dest = bsxfun(#minus, dest, min(dest)) + 1;
imagerot = zeros([max(dest) p],class(image));
% Map all pixels of the transformed image to the original image
for ii = 1:size(imagerot,1)
for jj = 1:size(imagerot,2)
source = ([ii jj]-dest(1,:))*R.';
if all(source >= 1) && all(source <= [m n])
% Get all 4 surrounding pixels
C = ceil(source);
F = floor(source);
% Compute the relative areas
A = [...
% Extract colors and re-scale them relative to area
cols = bsxfun(#times, A, double(image(F(1):C(1),F(2):C(2),:)));
% Assign
imagerot(ii,jj,:) = sum(sum(cols),2);
Rotates colored image according to angle given by user without any cropping of image in matlab.
Output of this program is similar to output of inbuilt command "imrotate" .This program dynamically creates background according to angle input given by user.By using rotation matrix and origin shifting, we get relation between coordinates of initial and final image.Using relation between coordinates of initial and final image, we now map the intensity values for each pixel.
[rowsi,colsi,z]= size(img);
%calculating array dimesions such that rotated image gets fit in it exactly.
% we are using absolute so that we get positve value in any case ie.,any quadrant.
% define an array withcalculated dimensionsand fill the array with zeros ie.,black
C=uint8(zeros([rowsf colsf 3 ]));
%calculating center of original and final image
% in this loop we calculate corresponding coordinates of pixel of A
% for each pixel of C, and its intensity will be assigned after checking
% weather it lie in the bound of A (original image)
for i=1:size(C,1)
for j=1:size(C,2)
x= (i-midx)*cos(rads)+(j-midy)*sin(rads);
y= -(i-midx)*sin(rads)+(j-midy)*cos(rads);
if (x>=1 && y>=1 && x<=size(img,1) && y<=size(img,2) )
Check this out.
this is fastest way that you can do.
img = imread('Koala.jpg');
theta = pi/10;
rmat = [
cos(theta) sin(theta) 0
-sin(theta) cos(theta) 0
0 0 1];
mx = size(img,2);
my = size(img,1);
corners = [
0 0 1
mx 0 1
0 my 1
mx my 1];
new_c = corners*rmat;
T = maketform('affine', rmat); %# represents translation
img2 = imtransform(img, T, ...
'XData',[min(new_c(:,1)) max(new_c(:,1))],...
'YData',[min(new_c(:,2)) max(new_c(:,2))]);
subplot(121), imshow(img);
subplot(122), imshow(img2);

3d grayscale volume projection onto 2D plane

I have a 3-D grayscale volume corresponding to ultrasound data. In Matlab this 3-D volume is simply a 3-D matrix of MxNxP. The structure I'm interested in is not oriented along the z axis, but along a local coordinate system already known (x'y'z'). What I have up to this point is something like the figure shown below, depicting the original (xyz) and the local coordinate systems (x'y'z'):
I want to obtain the 2-D projection of this volume (i.e. an image) through a specific plane on the local coordinate system, say at z' = z0. How can I do this?
If the volume was oriented along the z axis this projection could be readily achieved. i.e. if the volume, in Matlab, is V, then:
projection = sum(V,3);
thus, the projection can be computed just as the sum along the 3rd dimension of the array. However with a change of orientation the problem becomes more complicated.
I've been looking at radon transform (2D, that applies only to 2-D images and not volumes) and also been considering ortographic projections, but at this point I'm clueless as to what to do!
Thanks for any advice!
New attempt at solution:
Following the tutorial http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2006/08/17/spatial-transformations-three-dimensional-rotation/ and making some small changes, I might have something which could help you. Bear in mind, I have little or no experience with volumetric data in MATLAB, so the implementation is quite hacky.
In the below code I use tformarray() to rotate the structure in space. First, the data is centered, then rotated using rotationmat3D to produce the spacial transformation, before the data is moved back to its original position.
As I have never used tformarray before, I handeled datapoints falling outside the defined region after rotation by simply padding the data matrix (NxMxP) with zeros all around. If anyone know a better way, please let us know :)
The code:
%Synthetic dataset, 25x50x25
blob = flow();
%Pad to allow for rotations in space. Bad solution,
%something better might be possible to better understanding
%of tformarray()
blob = padarray(blob,size(blob));
f1 = figure(1);clf;
p = patch(isosurface(blob,1));
set(p, 'FaceColor', 'red', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
daspect([1 1 1]);
view([1 1 1])
lighting gouraud
%Calculate center
blob_center = (size(blob) + 1) / 2;
%Translate to origin transformation
T1 = [1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
-blob_center 1];
%Rotation around [0 0 1]
rot = -pi/3;
Rot = rotationmat3D(rot,[0 1 1]);
T2 = [ 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1];
T2(1:3,1:3) = Rot;
%Translation back
T3 = [1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
blob_center 1];
%Total transform
T = T1 * T2 * T3;
%See http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2006/08/17/spatial-transformations-three-dimensional-rotation/
tform = maketform('affine', T);
R = makeresampler('linear', 'fill');
TDIMS_A = [1 2 3];
TDIMS_B = [1 2 3];
TSIZE_B = size(blob);
TMAP_B = [];
F = 0;
blob2 = ...
tformarray(blob, tform, R, TDIMS_A, TDIMS_B, TSIZE_B, TMAP_B, F);
p2 = patch(isosurface(blob2,1));
set(p2, 'FaceColor', 'red', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
daspect([1 1 1]);
view([1 1 1])
lighting gouraud
The arbitrary visualization below is just to confirm that the data is rotated as expected, plotting a closed surface when the data passed the value '1'. With blob2, you should know be able to project by using simple sums.
Assuming you have access to the coordinate basis R=[x' y' z'], and that those vectors are orthonormal, you can simply extract the representation in this basis by multiplying your data with the the 3x3 matrix R, where x',y',z' are column vectors.
With the data stored in D (Nx3), you can get the representation with R, by multiplying by it:
Dmarked = D*R;
and now D = Dmarked*inv(R), so going back and forth is stragihtforward.
The following code might provide help to see the transformation. Here I create a synthetic dataset, rotate it, and then rotate it back. Doing sum(DR(:,3)) would then be your sum along z'
%#Create synthetic dataset
N1 = 250;
r1 = 1;
dr1 = 0.1;
dz1 = 0;
mu1 = [0;0];
Sigma1 = eye(2);
theta1 = 0 + (2*pi).*rand(N1,1);
rRand1 = normrnd(r1,dr1,1,N1);
rZ1 = rand(N1,1)*dz1+1;
D = [([rZ1*0 rZ1*0] + repmat(rRand1',1,2)).*[sin(theta1) cos(theta1)] rZ1];
%Create roation matrix
rot = pi/8;
R = rotationmat3D(rot,[0 1 0]);
% R = 0.9239 0 0.3827
% 0 1.0000 0
% -0.3827 0 0.9239
Rinv = inv(R);
%Rotate data
DR = D*R;
%#Visaulize data
f1 = figure(1);clf
plot3(DR(:,1),DR(:,2),DR(:,3),'.');title('Your data')
view([0.5 0.5 0.2]);title('Representation using your [xmarked ymarked zmarked]');
view([0.5 0.5 0.2]);title('Original data before rotation');
If you have two normalized 3x1 vectors x2 and y2 corresponding to your local coordinate system (x' and y').
Then, for a position P, its local coordinate will be xP=P'x2 and yP=P'*y2.
So you can try to project your volume using accumarray:
[x y z]=ndgrid(1:M,1:N,1:P);
posP=[x(:) y(:) z(:)];
If you provide your data, I will test it.