Did I apply pumping lemma correctly? - pumping-lemma

L = { w | w in {0,1}* and w has equal number of 0s and 1s }
Let n be the number of the pumping lemma.
I pick s = 0n 1n and y = 0t where 1 <= t <= n.
Which gives xyz = 0(n-t) 0t 1n= 0n 1n which is in L.
But xz = 0(n-t) 1n is not in L. Contradiction.
Did I apply it correct?

Hmmm ... You were almost ! there. Just in the last statement you are not pumping the string w = xyz at y.
Now we start by assuming that L is regular where L = { w | w in {0,1}* and w has equal number of 0s and 1s } and then we will go on to prove that for any i >= 0 the pumped string i.e w = xyiz does not contain the equal number of 0s and 1s ( a contradiction per se) therefore, the language is not regular :
L is given by :
L = {0n1n | n >= 0}
Iff y = 0t => w = 0n-t0t1n
Now after pumping y for i >= 0 we get
xyiz = 0n-t0it1n
-> xyiz = 0n+(i-1)t1n
Now since n+(i-1)t is not equal to n this contradicts our assumption that L = { w | w in {0,1}* and w has equal number of 0s and 1s } therefore xyiz does not belong to L
NOTE- You also need to consider other cases like y = 0t11 , y = 1t etc and later on prove that these do imply a contradiction.


Error: Cannot interpret this number as a value of type nat

My current goal is:
x - 1 + 1 = x
I tried to use rewrite -> (Nat.add_comm (-1) 1). to change the current goal to x + 1 - 1, but it gave me the error Error: Cannot interpret this number as a value of type nat. How can I solve this question?
Assuming x is indeed a natural number, I believe your goal is false. Note that subtraction on the natural numbers is truncated. Thus, if x = 0, what we have is
0 - 1 + 1 = (0 - 1) + 1 = 0 + 1 = 1 != 0
where the parenthesis I added are already there, I just made them explicit (*).
The error you get makes perfect sense. -1 is not a natural number, and hence Coq can't interpret it as a natural number.
(*) You can do this with Set Printing Parentheses.
Edit: If you are able to prove that 1 <= x in your context, you can use
Nat.sub_add: forall n m : nat, n <= m -> m - n + n = m
Nat.add_sub_swap: forall n m p : nat, p <= n -> n + m - p = n - p + m
I found these results by importing Arith and searching like so:
Search (_ - _ + _).

approximate low rank matrix with weighted sum of rows

I'd like to approximate a given n x m matrix A with n >> m as a weighted sum W of some k rows B (ideally selected from A, but could also be arbitrary). The weights must sum up to 1 and need to be positive.
import numpy as np
n = 1000 # rows
m = 3 # columns
k = 2 # hidden rank
# create random matrix with rank k
A = np.random.rand(n, k).dot(np.random.rand(k, m))
# estimate hidden rank
u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True)
k_est = np.count_nonzero(~np.isclose(s, 0))
# truncate to k_est
B = np.diag(s[:k_est]) # vt[..., :k_est, :]
W = u[..., :k_est]
# do some magic with B and W to come up with
assert np.all(W >= 0)
assert np.all(np.isclose(W.sum(1), 1))
assert np.all(np.isclose(A, W # B))
I tried with SVD which is able to reproduce A by W # B, but the weights are negative and don't sum up to 1.
From my gut feeling it seems like I'm searching for a convex hull of A, but with only k_est points.

Pumping Lemma problems for determining Regular Language and CFL

{a^p b^p; p is a prime number}
{a^p b^p; p is a prime number, m is a fixed number and m≥p≥0}
How do I prove if this is a regular language/context free language (or not)?
1) L = {a^n b^n; n is a prime number} :
So the prove can be done by contradiction. Suppose L is regular, and p is the pumping length.
The test string is w = a^p b^p, w belongs to L, and |w| = 2p >= p
We subdivide w=xyz. There are 3 conditions to prove the pumping lemma:
from the third condition, |xy| < p, so xy contains only a's
from the second condition, |y| > 0, so y has the form y = a^k, where 1 <= k <= p
from the first condition, xy^iz belongs to L for i = 0, 1, 2, ... So if you pump down (i = 0) you got:
w = a^(p - k) b^p , and w does not belongs to L (Because the quantity of a's and b's are different)
So you prove that L is not regular.

How to perform Modulo greatest common divisor?

Suppose that gcd(e,m) = g. Find integer d such that (e x d) = g mod m
Where m and e are greater than or equal to 1.
The following problem seems to be solvable algebraically but I've tried doing it and it give me an integer number. Sometimes, the solution for d is an integer and sometimes it isn't. How can I approach this problem?
d can be computed with the extended euklidean algorithm, see e.g. here:
The a,b on that page are your e,m, and your d will be the x.
Perhaps you are assuming that both e and m are integers, but the problem allows them to be non-integers? There is only one case that gives an integer solution when both e and m are integers.
Why strictly integer output is not a reasonable outcome if e != m:
When you look at a fraction like 3/7 say, and refer to its denominator as the numerator's "divisor", this is a loose sense of the word from a classical math-y perspective. When you talk about the gcd (greatest common divisor), the "d" refers to an integer that divides the numerator (an integer) evenly, resulting in another integer: 4 is a divisor of 8, because 8/4 = 2 and 2 is an integer. A computer science or discrete mathematics perspective might frame a divisor as a number d that for a given number a gives 0 when we take a % d (a mod d for discrete math). Can you see that the absolute value of a divisor can't exceed the absolute value of the numerator? If it did, you would get pieces of pie, instead of whole pies - example:
4 % a = 0 for a in Z (Z being the set of integers) while |a| <= 4 (in math-y notation, that set is: {a ∈ Z : |a| <= 4}), but
4 % a != 0 for a in Z while |a| > 4 (math-y: {a ∈ Z : |a| > 4}
), because when we divide 4 by stuff bigger than it, like 5, we get fractions (i.e. |4/a| < 1 when |a| > 4). Don't worry too much about the absolute value stuff if it throws you off - it is there to account for working with negative numbers since they are integers as well.
So, even the "greatest" of divisors for any given integer will be smaller than the integer. Otherwise it's not a divisor (see above, or Wikipedia on divisors).
Look at gcd(e, m) = g:
By the definition of % (mod for math people), for any two numbers number1 and number2, number1 % number2 never makes number1 bigger: number1 % number2 <= number1.
So substitute: (e * d) = g % m --> (e * d) <= g
By the paragraphs above and definition of gcd being a divisor of both e and m: g <= e, m.
To make (e * d) <= g such that d, g are both integers, knowing that g <= e since g is a divisor of e, we have to make the left side smaller to match g. You can only make an integer smaller with multiplcation if the other multipland is 0 or a fraction. The problem specifies that d is an integer, so we one case that works - the d = 0 case - and infinitely many that give a contradiction - contradiction that e, m, and d all be integers.
If e == m:
This is the d = 0 case:
If e == m, then gcd(e, m) = e = m - example: greatest common divisor of 3 and 3 is 3
Then (e * d) = g % m is (e * d) = m % m and m % m = 0 so (e * d) = 0 implying d = 0
How to code a function that will find d when either of e or m might be NON-integer:
A lot of divisor problems are done iteratively, like "find the gcd" or "find a prime number". That works in part because those problems deal strictly with integers, which are countable. With this problem, we need to allow e or m to be non-integer in order to have a solution for cases other than e = m. The set of rational numbers is NOT countable, however, so an iterative solution would eventually make your program crash. With this problem, you really just want a formula, and possibly some cases. You might set it up like this:
If e == m
return 0 # since (e * d) = m % m -> d = 0
return g / e
Another thing that might be useful depending on what you do with this problem is the fact that the right-hand-side is always either g or 0, because g <= m since g is a divisor of m (see all the stuff above). In the cases where g < m, g % m = g. In the case where g == m, g % m = 0.
The #asp answer with the link to the Wikipedia page on the Euclidean Algorithm is good.
The #aidenhjj comment about trying the math-specific version of StackOverflow is good.
In case this is for a math class and you aren't used to coding: <=, >=, ==, and != are computer speak for ≤, ≥, "are equal", and "not equal" respectively.
Good luck.

Cannot understand this MATLAB syntax?

for i=0:255
m(i+1)=sum((0:i)'.*p(1:i+1)); end
What is happening can anyone explain. p is an array of size 256 elements same as m.
p = (0:255)';
m = zeros(1,256);
for i=0:255
m[i+1] contains the scalar product of [0,1,2,..,i] with (p[1],...,p[i+1])
You can write it as :
p = (0:255);
m = zeros(1,256);
for i=0:255
p = (0:255);
m = zeros(1,256);
for i=0:255
In case you don't recall, that is the definition of scalar product
Whatever the p is, you can calculate m by:
dm = (0 : length(p) - 1)' .* p(:); % process as column vector
m = cumsum(dm);
Hint: write the formula for m[n], then for m[n+1], then subtract to get the formula:
m[n+1] - m[n] = (n - 1) * p[n]
and this is dm.