Eclipse not compiling changes in any projects - eclipse

Eclipse has just stopped compiling changes to any of my projects, not sure why. I still have build automatically selected. Seeing as it affects all my projects I doubt that is the issue.

Well, it depends.
Imported project from SVN/GIT? - Make sure the classpath and buildpath configurations are correct
Make sure your projects are Java projects
Make sure that your Source folders are on build path
Try restarting Eclipse or your machine from time to time
Prefs -> Java Compiler -> Use default compliance settings

Starting Eclipse with the -clean parameter might also help if everything GGrec wrote doesn't help.

Check this, if you have multiple projects in your Project Explorer that depend on each other:
Make sure there are no build path errors in one of your projects. You can find them in the Markers view (Window -> Show View -> Markers). Your project will have a red exclamation mark in the Project Explorer view as well.


Maven install fired during Eclipse build

Lately, I've noticed that whenever I run a build in Eclipse also the maven-install-plugin is fired (copying the jars in my machine local artifacts repository).
I also tried to exclude it from the Eclipse build with org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping plugin but nothing changed.
Is that the standard behavior (that I honestly never realized) or is it my fault?
This definitely isn't standard behaviour. See How to interpret the Lifecycle Mapping Dialog Box in M2E? for more details on how to interpret the mapping.
This is not standard behaviour. Is it possible that this workspace has "install" defined under Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> "Goals to run when updating project configuration"? This setting defaults to "process-resources"

Why does my eclipse project not have a build path?

What is the advantage with not having a build path in eclipse? Why is that setting default when it's like something you'd never use? It seems eclipse indigo was developed to make software development as obscure as possible. I just checked out a fresh copy of the project I checked in (called dungeonworld) this afternoon from another computer and automatically nothing works, can't compile, can't choose build path, can't add jre, can't add jdk, can't add that to project properties.
Is my eclipse broken? I can't believe this is happening, such an easy thing not feasible.
Nothing above solutions worked for me so i tried below
Right click on project >> properties >> project facets >> click on java
It looks like you did not add Eclipse project metadata files to your source control system, so Eclipse doesn't know what your build path is or whether it is even a java project. You can see that the little folder on your dungeonworld project is missing the little 'j', which means Eclipse doesn't think it's a java project.
Go back to your other computer and look for the following files in your original project root...
Make sure all of the end up in your source control system or nothing will work right.
I have same problem, but i have solved
project right click -> properties -> java build path -> src/main/sources
all remove items on "Excluded", and then that item turn the status "(None)"
I tried below steps and it works for me.
Right click on project >> properties >> project facets >> click on java
Eclipse has a build path.
It's stored in a (by default hidden) .classpath file in your project.
You can also access it through the UI in project properties (right click on your project, properties, java build path).
Well, this is probably not your problem, but similar is happening if you are in Eclipse different perspective (for example for Python).
There where no entrys after right click on my projekt in Eclipse. How to click something, wenn build path entries are missing. So my Eclpise didn't detect my java project. I used following Maven command and after that I cleaned the project too. Now Projekt works as expected. So...
If you are using Maven, try mvn eclipse:eclipse in cmd console in your project directory! Make sure to use the path to your Maven folder for the command.
For example:
cd C:\yourEclipseProject\
C:\yourPathToMaven\apache-maven-2.2.1\bin\mvn eclipse:eclipse
This was helping me. After unsuccessful web research, a coworker told me this tip.
I just had a similar problem and I figured out that I had been choosing General Project instead of Java Project while creating a project. After I chose Java>Project it solved my problem. Maybe it'll solve yours as well.
After choosing that, eclipse automatically included java libraries as well.
It's not a good practice to commit IDE related files into source control. What if someone in team uses different IDE? It might have been only option at a time when OP asked this question.
New versions on eclipse (4.x) takes care of this automatically. Probably by observing what kind of source and build files you have in your project.
Don't know the reason. But this works for me, so posting it.
Right click on project -> 'Properties' -> 'Java Build Path'.

The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved.

While compiling an android project in eclipse 3.4.2, I am getting The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved.
I got a temporary solution from the blog
The resolution was to force a resave of the selected projects (and their .classpath files):
Open the project properties
Select Java Build Path > Libraries
Add a new, arbitrary library (to be deleted later) > OK
Wait for the workspace to refresh (or force a refresh of the project)
The error(s) will go away
Remove the dummy library
The only other references I could find were to make minor alterations of contents of the .classpath file.
Is there any permanent fix for this issue?
Have you tried using Project > Clean... from the menu? This will force a new build on the selected projects in Eclipse.
1-Right CLick on your project folder, Choose Build Path > Configure Build Path
2-Select Libraries Tab and delete any arbitrary library present there.
3-Click on Add Library option, Select JRE System Library and click Next.
4-Choose last Radiobutton option Workspace default JRE and click Finish.
5-press f5 for refresh.
6-run ur program .
This what fixed it for me...
I was having an issue with my spring-core.jar.
I deleted the entire release directory located here. (I'm on win 10).
I right clicked on the project > Maven > Update project and my exclamation mark disappeared. No problems any more.
Here is the source where I found the information:
This happens when libraries added to the project doesn't have the correct path.
Right click on your project (from package explorer)
Got build path -> configure build path
Select the libraries tab
Fix the path error (give the correct path) by editing jars or classes at fault
This works for me: close the project then re-open it, this will force eclipse to reload a fresh project and detects the correct build path.
None of the other answers worked for me. Even after fixing my build path issues, doing a refresh, clean, rebuild, and restart (of both eclipse and the computer), I was still getting the little red exclamation point.
I fixed it by closing the project (right-click, close project) and reopening it (double-click the closed project), which seemed to force eclipse to "notice" that the build path problems had been corrected.
For my mac osx Eclipse, I followed following steps:
Right CLick on your project, Choose Build Path > Configure Build Path
Select Libraries Tab and delete any arbitrary library or anything else causing errors in Build Path.
Click on Add Library button, Select JRE System Library and click Next.
Choose last Radiobutton option Workspace default JRE and click Finish.
Clean and build your project.
get a cmd and run
mvn eclipse:eclipse
This is what worked for me:
Go to ~/.m2/repository and deleted everything there by running rm
-rf. Make sure everything is deleted.
Re-launch eclipse or STS
Right click on project -> Maven -> update project.
On my Mac this is what worked for me
Project > Clean (errors and warnings will remain or increase after this)
Close Eclipse
Reopen Eclipse (errors show momentarily and then disappear, warnings remain)
You are good to go and can now run your project
I've seen this problem a few times (got it again right now on my home computer with Eclipse 4.2).
Forcing a resave (by changing the classpath e.g. by adding a library, save, change-back) works temporarily. But the problem comes back when Eclipse is restarted :(
Nuking the Eclipse workspace from orbit will permanently fix it (until next time). But there must be a better way!
just check if any unnecessary Jars are added in your library or not. if yes, then simply remove that jars from your library and clean your project once. Its worked for me.
In Eclipse this worked for me: right click project. -> Properties -> Library Section; Add (any library at all) -> select library and click remove -> press okay.
I ran into this annoying issue with the Play framework. It would be nice if there was some way of knowing what build errors Eclipse is unhappy about, but it's not going to tell you. With one project, I was able to close the project, rebuild the Eclipse configuration with sbt eclipse, and reopen. With an almost identical project, that didn't work. But deleting the project, rebuilding the Eclipse configuration with sbt eclipse, and importing, did the trick.
If you think you've done everything correctly but Eclipse still complains about the jars, refresh the folder where the jars are and make sure eclipse knows they've been added to the project. Specifying the file path alone is (apparently) not enough
I've faced this issue a couple of times and following the below steps has resolved both the times.
1. Navigate to C:\Users\
2. locate the ".m2" folder and delete it.
Now navigate to the particular project in eclipse and Right-click on the project > Maven > Update Project
wait until the project is updated and in my case following the above steps resolved both the times.
I was getting an additional warning
The compiler compliance specified is 1.6 but a JRE 1.8 is used
Resolving this warning make the error also go away. The steps are as follows:
I right-clicked on it, then clicked on Quick Fix. From the dialog that opened I selected Open the Compiler Compliance property page, and clicked the Finish button.
(This is same as Java Compiler section.)
In this dialog I found the Compiler compliance level drop down and changed 1.6 to 1.8, and clicked on Apply and close.
I got a message box Compiler Settings Changed which asked if I wanted to Build the project now?. I clicked on Yes.
The build path error went away.
Go to > Right CLick on your project folder > Build Path > Configure Build Path > Libraries Tab > remove project and external dependencies > apply & close
Now, Gradle refresh your project.
Added below to pom.xml file and it worked eventually:
Goto to Project=>Build Automatically . Make sure it is ticked

Red exclamation mark in Eclipse with mercurial

I have imported a project with Mercurial (hg clone ...).
When opening it with Eclipse, a red exclamation mark appears by the project's name in the Project Explorer, and it cannot be built. Silly messages like "import java.util cannot be resolved" appear, and errors in files are not marked in the Package Explorer.
How can I resolve this?
Check the problem view. By exclamation it is usually means a problem with build path
Check the Build Path of the project by right clicking the project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path.
One problem I often encountered is different people using different Java SDK and so when the exact SDK is not available in your machine, you need to change to your Java SDK (via JRE System Library -> Alternate JRE). A better way to avoid this problem is to always select the JRE System Library from Workspace default JRE or Execution Environment.
I solved the problem by adding the external .jar file in to my project.
RightClick on the project -> Properties -> Java Build path -> libraries tab -> Add jar
Select your jar file and added it
Thats it the red ! mark gone.
Some times it happens that you have added a jar file earlier but currently not using it. Then after some time you delete the jar file from your system. But since you are not using the library file, so you will not get any error.But then you will see the red exclamation mark for the project. So all you need is to remove the added jar from the Build Path.
The Java Runtime Library was defined wrong for the pulled project.
It had to be reset under Project | Properties | Java Build Path | Libraries.
It means there is a problem with the build path in your project. If it is an android project then it mostly means the target value specified in file cannot be found. This can also be caused because of other kinds of built problems. But it is shown mostly for built problems only. See here for more details. It is about built error decorater seen in eclipse.
An extract from that page:
Build path problems are sometimes easy to miss among other problems in a project. The Package Explorer and Project Explorer views now show a new decorator on Java projects and working sets that contain build path errors:
The concrete errors can be seen in the Problems view, and if you open the view menu and select Group By > Java Problem Type, they all show up in the Build Path category:
I figured out each time i am trying to import a library into my android project, i have a red exclamation mark with both ActionBarSherlock and Facebook libraries
This is how i solved it:
After adding the library into your project "project properties->Android->Librairy->add"
If you are using Eclipse, all you have to do is to clean your project and build all your workspace:
"project -> clean... -> "clean selected project" -> build the entire workspace
For me, the problem was a simple one - the reference project was compiled in 1.5 and my project 1.6. Matching the two solved the issue.
Right-hand-click on the project, select properties, select java compiler.
This is how I solved this problem:- Right-Click to project->properties->Java Build Path->Libraries(tab)->Remove the Jar which is already present there with a Path given along.

Why is eclipse trying to compile files not in my build path?

I have a rather large project which contains a number of third-party dependencies which are linked via svn:externals. These include tomcat and blazeDS, which are packaged by our installer via ant. The problem is that these projects contain dozens of sample JSP pages, and eclipse chokes on them when trying to build the project, producing hundreds of errors.
Our project setup is something like this:
Now, in eclipse, my project's build path is set to only include subfolders in src/main and src/test. Yet, for some reason, it still tries to build everything beneath third-party. I have clicked on third-party and selected "remove from build path", but this had no effect. I even tried adding the third-party folder to the build path, and then excluding "", "/*", and "**/*.jsp", but again, to no effect.
What is going on here?
Edit: Thanks for the suggestions, though unfortunately, they don't seem to fix the issue. I don't have the CheckStyle plugin installed (I'm using Eclipse 3.4.1 with the only custom plugins being subclipse and flex builder), and I tried disabling all extra builders except for Java, but the errors are still being thrown.
I usually have this kind of issue with CheckStyle plugin, where you need to specify in its properties (right-click on project -> Properties -> CheckStyle):
"Exclude from check Files non located in a source directory"
Otherwise it does analyze (and reports warning/errors on) files which are not candidate to be compiled in the first place.
Couple of other suggestions:
try restarting your eclipse with the -clean option (eclipse software version of 'did you reboot it ?' ;) ). Beware it can reset your workspace perspectives, so you may want to try that with a copy of your workspace instead.
try deleting your project (your workspace reference of your project, not its actual content), and reimporting it (beware of your custom launchers, they may get removed in the process).
check if you do not have any linked directory within src or test, which would point to thirdparty(/**): that would explain the unwanted compilation.
It could be that your eclipse project is configured to have extra Builders. You can check that in the project's properties (right-click on project -> Properties -> Builders).
In my case it was because there was a reference to the file (which I had excluded from the build path) in another file which was in the build path. I wanted to exclude SegModel.hpp from the build path, but in another file, I had specified template short K::KEstimate<SegModel>(SegModel& m, short stepCode);