Quickbooks API V2 QBD - Looking for example of how to use RecordCountQuery - intuit-partner-platform

I am working in .NET, using the QuickBooks V2 API to try and fetch a count of the number of Items the user's QBD.
Does anyone have a working example of how to implement the "RecordCountQuery" class to find the # of Items in QBD?
Here is one of my attempt to do so:
// Get a record count of the items
var qbItemsCount = new RecordCountQuery();
var myResults = qbItemsCount.ExecuteQuery<Item>(_oQBIDataServices.ServiceContext);
Intuit.Ipp.Exception.IdsException was unhandled by user code
Message= The RecordCountQuery xml must wrap an existing supported query object. Please modify your query and try again.
I gather by this that I should be using an different type in the "ExecuteQuery" method like Intuit.Ipp.Data.QBD.ItemQuery. I tried this but got a different error.
So what I am asking for is not necessarily correction to the above code, but a WORKING EXAMPLE of the RecordCountQuery class in .NET.
Thank you.

Edit - Adding .net code
RecordCountQuery query = new RecordCountQuery();
CustomerQuery custQuery = new CustomerQuery();
query.Item1 = custQuery;
List<RecordCount> customerRecordCountQuery = query.ExecuteQuery<RecordCount>(context).ToList();
string customerCount = customerRecordCountQuery[0].Count;
I hv a working java code. Please check if it is useful.
API endpoint - https://services.intuit.com/sb/recordcount/v2/{*relam_id*}
POST body
<RecordCountQuery xmlns="http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--XML GENERATED by IntuitDataSyncEngine (IDS) using \\SBDomainServices\CDM\branches\3.9.0-rel-1-->
<RestResponse xmlns="http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2"
xmlns:xdb ="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb"
xmlns:xsi ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation ="http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2 ../common/RestDataFilter.xsd"><RecordCounts>
Java Code
public int testGetCount() {
int objectCount = 0;
try {
QBCustomerQuery CustomerQuery = QBObjectFactory.getQBObject(
context, QBCustomerQuery.class);
QBDRecordCountService iRecordCountSer = QBDServiceFactory
.getService(context, QBDRecordCountService.class);
List<QBRecordCountImpl> recordCounts = iRecordCountSer.getCount(
context, CustomerQuery);
Iterator<QBRecordCountImpl> iterator = recordCounts.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
QBRecordCountImpl next = iterator.next();
objectCount = Integer.parseInt(next.getCount().toString());
System.out.println("Customer count - " + objectCount);
} catch (QBInvalidContextException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return objectCount;


Can two ASP . NET Core 5.0 web api cause "The content may be already have been read by another component" errpr 400 if they accessed same db be4?

My API was as follows:
public async Task<ActionResult<HomeContextModel>> EditHomeContext(int id, string title, string context, string subcontext, IFormFile imageFile)
HomeContextModel homeContextModel = await _context.HomeContext.Include(x => x.Image).Include(x => x.Button).Include(x => x.Logo).ThenInclude(y => y.Image)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Context_Id == id);
//HomeContextModel homeContextModel = await GetHomeContextModel(id);
if (homeContextModel == null)
return BadRequest("Context Id cannot be null");
if (imageFile != null)
ImageModel imageModel = homeContextModel.Image;
if (imageModel != null)
string cloudDomain = "https://privacy-web.conveyor.cloud";
string uploadPath = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath + "\\Images\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(uploadPath))
string filePath = uploadPath + imageFile.FileName;
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
await imageFile.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
await fileStream.FlushAsync();
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
await imageFile.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
imageModel.Image_Byte = memoryStream.ToArray();
imageModel.ImagePath = cloudDomain + "/Images/" + imageFile.FileName;
imageModel.Modify_By = "CMS Admin";
imageModel.Modity_dt = DateTime.Now;
homeContextModel.Title = title;
homeContextModel.Context = context;
homeContextModel.SubContext = subcontext;
_context.Entry(homeContextModel).State = EntityState.Modified;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
if (!HomeContextModelExists(homeContextModel.Context_Id))
return NotFound();
return Ok("Home Context Edit Successfully");
It's an API for the Content Management System (CMS) to change the content of the Homepage using a Flutter webpage that make put request onto this API.
Everything works fine. In the last few days, where I tested and tested again during the development. So before today, I've wrapped up them and submitted to the necessary place (It's a university FYP).
Until now it cause me this error when I was using this to prepare my presentation:
Error 400 failed to read the request form Unexpected end of stream ..."
After all the tested I tried:
Internet solutions
restore the database
repair Microsoft VS 2019 (As this issue was fixed before after I
updated my VS 2019 from 16.8. to the latest 16.11.7)
Use the ASP .NET file which didn't caused this issue before
Then I realized it may be because of I used another older ASP file to accessed the same database before. Does this really cause this matter?
If yes, then now how should I solved it, with the action I already done (listed as above)?
EDIT: Additional description to the situation
The above API I set breakpoint before, on the first line, using Swagger to test it.
It turns out that it didn't go into the API and straightaway return the error 400
REST API can have parameters in at least two ways:
As part of the URL-path
(i.e. /api/resource/parametervalue)
As a query argument
(i.e. /api/resource?parameter=value)
You are passing your parameters as a query instead of a path as indicated in your code. And that is why it is not executing your code and returning 400.

CodeFluentDuplicateException what i'm i missing

I have problem getting a "CodeFluent.Runtime.CodeFluentDuplicateException" and i'm probably missing something fundamental.
However i first followed this blog about using Servicestack and codefluents and made my own template.
I have no problems to get entities but doing a put give me an exception mentioned.
Ok maybe i have done some wrong in my template so i took another approach looking for answers i found a "complete" project using Webapi and a template, ready to use. Generate ASP .NET Web API Controllers using Templates.
This generates all the controllers and seems to work. However i have the same exeption when using the "put".
This is an example of generated controller code for Put
public HttpResponseMessage Put([FromBody]Country value)
if (value == null || !value.Save())
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, value);
This is how i use the controller above inside a Xamarin.Forms solution.
public async Task UpdateAsync(Country update, bool isNewItem=false)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// RestUrl = http://developer.xamarin.com:8081/api/todoitems{0}
var uri = new Uri(string.Format(Constants.RestUrl2, update.Id));
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(update);
var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
if (isNewItem)
response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);
response = await client.PutAsync(uri, content);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Debug.WriteLine(#" TodoItem successfully saved.");
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine(#" ERROR {0}", ex.Message);
Any suggestions of what i'm missing?
Thanks for any help
I got the answer from the softfluent support
Another case of duplicate exception is when you enable optimistic concurrency and the RowVersion of the instance you are updating is null. In this case, the stored procedure will insert the row instead of updating it.
Changeing the concurrencyMode=None did the trick

Xamarin.Forms Consume Rest Service

I'm new to Xamarin and developing native apps in general (I have made html5 apps in the past).
I have started on a Xamarin.Forms project and I'm trying to contact a REST like API (need to GET an URL which will return a json array).
Normally from C# I would use RestSharp and perform this call using the RestClient.
I'm not having any luck installing that package from Xamarin Studio though, but I have got the Microsoft HTTP Libraries installed.
I'm pretty sure this is a very trivial task to perform, I just haven't been able to adapt the samples I have found online to work for me.
Anyone who could post how this is done please (remember I'm new to this so don't expect me to understand everything that is different from say a normal console app)?
It is easy with HTTP Client and JSON.NET here is a example of a GET:
public async Task<List<Appointment>> GetDayAppointments(DateTime day)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + App.apiToken);
//Your url.
string resourceUri = ApiBaseAddress;
HttpResponseMessage result = await client.GetAsync (resourceUri, CancellationToken.None);
if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
try {
return GetDayAppointmentsList(result);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine (ex.Message);
} else {
App.SessionExpired = true;
return null;
return null;
private List<Appointment> GetDayAppointmentsList(HttpResponseMessage result){
string content = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ().Result;
JObject jresponse = JObject.Parse (content);
var jarray = jresponse ["citas"];
List<Appointment> AppoinmentsList = new List<Appointment> ();
foreach (var jObj in jarray) {
Appointment newApt = new Appointment ();
newApt.Guid = (int)jObj ["id"];
newApt.PatientId = (string)jObj ["paciente"];
newApt.Name = (string)jObj ["nombre"];
newApt.FatherLstName = (string)jObj ["paterno"];
newApt.MotherLstName = (string)jObj ["materno"];
string strStart = (string)jObj ["horaIni"];
TimeSpan start;
TimeSpan.TryParse (strStart, out start);
newApt.StartDate = start;
string strEnd = (string)jObj ["horaFin"];
TimeSpan end;
TimeSpan.TryParse (strEnd, out end);
newApt.EndDate = end;
AppoinmentsList.Add (newApt);
return AppoinmentsList;
I use System.Net.WebClient and our asp.net WebAPI interface:
public string GetData(Uri uri)
{//uri like "https://webapi.main.cz/api/root"
string ret = "ERROR";
using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
//You can set webClient.Headers there
webClient.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
ret = webClient.DownloadString(uri));//Test some data received
//In ret you can have JSON string
catch (Exception ex) { ret = ex.Message; }
return ret;
public string SendData(Uri uri, byte[] data)
{//uri like https://webapi.main.cz/api/PostCheckLicence/
string ret = "ERROR";
using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Accept] = "application/octet-stream";
webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "text/bytes";
webClient.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII;
byte[] result = webClient.UploadData(uri, data);
ret = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result);
if (ret.Contains("\"ResultWebApi\":\"OK"))
{//In ret you can have JSON string
catch (Exception ex) { ret = ex.Message; }
return ret;
I've some examples in my Github repo. Just grab the classes there and give them a try. The API is really easy to use:
await new Request<T>()
.SetHttpMethod(HttpMethod.[Post|Put|Get|Delete].Method) //Obligatory
.SetEndpoint("http://www.yourserver.com/profilepic/") //Obligatory
.SetJsonPayload(someJsonObject) //Optional if you're using Get or Delete, Obligatory if you're using Put or Post
.OnSuccess((serverResponse) => {
//Optional action triggered when you have a succesful 200 response from the server
//serverResponse is of type T
.OnNoInternetConnection(() =>
// Optional action triggered when you try to make a request without internet connetion
.OnRequestStarted(() =>
// Optional action triggered always as soon as we start making the request i.e. very useful when
// We want to start an UI related action such as showing a ProgressBar or a Spinner.
.OnRequestCompleted(() =>
// Optional action triggered always when a request finishes, no matter if it finished successufully or
// It failed. It's useful for when you need to finish some UI related action such as hiding a ProgressBar or
// a Spinner.
.OnError((exception) =>
// Optional action triggered always when something went wrong it can be caused by a server-side error, for
// example a internal server error or for something in the callbacks, for example a NullPointerException.
.OnHttpError((httpErrorStatus) =>
// Optional action triggered when something when sending a request, for example, the server returned a internal
// server error, a bad request error, an unauthorize error, etc. The httpErrorStatus variable is the error code.
.OnBadRequest(() =>
// Optional action triggered when the server returned a bad request error.
.OnUnauthorize(() =>
// Optional action triggered when the server returned an unauthorize error.
.OnInternalServerError(() =>
// Optional action triggered when the server returned an internal server error.
And there's a couple of examples.
For all my Xamarin Forms app I use Tiny.RestClient.
It's easy to get it and easy to use it.
You have to download this nuget.
And after it just very easy to use it :
var client = new TinyRestClient(new HttpClient(), "http://MyAPI.com/api");
var cities = client.
AddQueryParameter("id", 2).
AddQueryParameter("country", "France").
ExecuteAsync<City>> ();
Hopes that helps.

java api to get a file content for enterprise github

I tried so hard for a simple line of code that read a file content from enterprise github with oauth token, but could not find a example of such.
I tried https://github.com/jcabi/jcabi-github, but it does not support enterprise github?(maybe I am wrong)
Now i am trying egit:
GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient("enterprise url");
GitHubRequest request = new GitHubRequest();
GitHubResponse response = client.get(request);
Then what? I only saw a getBody, maybe I need to parse it with some kinda json library? It has to be simpler..I am expecting something like: repo.get(url).getContent()
Finally figure out by reading source code..
GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient(YOURENTERPRICEURL);
// first use token service
RepositoryService repoService = new RepositoryService(client);
try {
Repository repo = repoService.getRepository(USER, REPONAME);
// now contents service
ContentsService contentService = new ContentsService(client);
List<RepositoryContents> test = contentService.getContents(repo, YOURFILENAME);
List<RepositoryContents> contentList = contentService.getContents(repo);
for(RepositoryContents content : test){
String fileConent = content.getContent();
String valueDecoded= new String(Base64.decodeBase64(fileConent.getBytes() ));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

Spring RestTemplate Parse Custom Error Response

Given a REST service call
This client code works:
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
XStreamMarshaller xStreamMarshaller = new XStreamMarshaller();
new Class[] {
HttpMessageConverter<?> marshallingConverter = new MarshallingHttpMessageConverter(
xStreamMarshaller, xStreamMarshaller);
List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters = new ArrayList<HttpMessageConverter<?>>();
Widget w = restTemplate.getForObject(
"http://acme.com/app/widget/{id}", Widget.class, 123L);
However, calling http://acme.com/app/widget/456 returns:
<message>Widget 456 does not exist</message>
<timestamp>Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:34:37 GMT</timestamp>
but this client code throws an Exception:
Widget w = restTemplate.getForObject(
"http://acme.com/app/widget/{id}", Widget.class, 456L);
org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 404 Not Found
I tried:
try {
Widget w = restTemplate.getForObject(
"http://acme.com/app/widget/{id}", Widget.class, 456L);
catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
ErrorMessage errorMessage = restTemplate.getForObject(
"http://acme.com/app/widget/{id}", ErrorMessage.class, 456L);
// etc...
The second invocation just threw another HttpClientErrorException, plus it does not feel right calling the service twice.
Is there a way to call the service once and parse the response into a Widget on success and an ErrorMessage when not found?
Following from my comment, I checked the HttpClientErrorException JavaDoc and it does support both setting/getting the statusText as well as the responseBody. However they are optional and RestTemplate may not populate them - you'll need to try something like:
try {
Widget w = restTemplate.getForObject(
"http://acme.com/app/widget/{id}", Widget.class, 456L);
catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
String responseBody = e.getResponseBodyAsString();
String statusText = e.getStatusText();
// log or process either of these...
// you'll probably have to unmarshall the XML manually (only 2 fields so easy)
If they are both empty/null then you may have to extend the RestTemplate class involved and populate those fields yourself and/or raise a Jira issue on the Spring site.
You can also create an object from Error response body if you like:
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
String errorResponse = ex.getResponseBodyAsString();
MyClass obj = om.readValue(errorResponse, MyClass.class);
As you already catch the HttpClientErrorException object, it should allows you to easily extract useful information about the error and pass that to the caller.
For example:
<call to rest endpoint using RestTemplate>
} catch(HttpClientErrorException e){
HttpStatus statusCode = e.getStatusCode();
String body = e.getResponseBodyAsString();
IMO if one needs to further de-serialize the error message body into some relevant object, that can be handled somewhere outside of the catch statement scope.
I too have found this a disturbing change in the Spring library. You used to be able to throw a ResponseStatusException and pass it the HttpStatus code and a custom message and then catch the HttpClientErrorException and simply print getMessage() to see the custom error. This no longer works. In order for me to print the custom error, I had to capture the ResponseBody as a String, getResponseBodyAsString on the HttpClientErrorException. Then I needed to parse this as a String doing some pretty hokey substring manipulation. Doing this strips out the information from the ResponseBody and gives the message sent by my server. The code to do this follows:
String message = hce.getResponseBodyAsString();
int start, end;
start = message.lastIndexOf(":", message.lastIndexOf(",")-1) + 2;
end = message.lastIndexOf(",") -1;
message = message.substring(start, end);
When I test this using ARC or Postman, they can display the correct message after I add server.error.include-message=always to my application.properties file on the server. I am not sure what method they are using to extract the message but that would be nice to know.