how to collaborate with other authors using org-mode? - emacs

I'm using org-mode. How do I collaborate with other people who are not using Emacs?
It seems like the standard for document collaboration is Google Drive/Google Docs. This is fine, but my preferred environment is Emacs org-mode. Short of cutting the full text, editing it in Emacs, and then pasting it when I'm done, is there a way to share edits and updates back and forth with people who are not using Emacs?

I've read a great story of people collaborating on a book
on github: Homotopy Type Theory.
The repository is here.
This was two dozen mathematicians working simultaneously for half a year
on a 600 page book. I thought it was pretty cool.


Where I can find the most popular Emacs settings?

While it is fun to customize, the Emacs has 100s of mode and there is lots of customization. I like to find popular choices, so it makes my life easier and I can spend time productively. It could be about hooks, registers, buffers, keybindings,bookmarks etc..
If such a thing does not exist, I am still happy to customize in my way.
Have a look at the Emacs Prelude.
A very popular compilation of popular default settings is the Emacs Starter Kit, originally developed by Phil Hagelberg, then by Eric Schulte and finally updated for emacs-24. It mentions:
The main advantage of this Emacs Starter Kit are
better default settings
inclusion of many useful libraries and configurations
"literate" customization embedded in Org-mode files
an organizational directory structure
git provides for version control, backup, and sharing
Then there are some specialized extensions of it:
the starter kit for social sciences
the emacs kicker
the emacs expert kick
For most popular "aha" settings, the Emacs NiftyTricks page from the emacs wiki has already been linked to in another question.
I don't know a single collection of settings, but Emacs nifty tricks can be a good starting place to pick up useful customizations and features you may not know.
It's not strictly customization, but this stackoverflow question list useful features of Emacs.
I personally advise:
Link - how to make Emacs settings compatible with modern conventions
Link - ergonomic keybinding scheme
There is also Emacs Prelude - a set of customization to make Emacs learning curve more gradual.
I also recommend going through Mastering Emacs - it has many of customizations, that may improve your productivity.
I tried the starter some time ago, but I found that I got better results by writing my own init.el so that I actually know what each line of cod e does. Emacs Fu is the best resource that I know, because it has blog posts about many different modes instead of just code: And there is also sample .emacs based on the posts.
I think maintainer of Emacs rocks series ended up with a good .emacs settings and a useful start-up-kit for newbies to help them morph their finger habits quickly into Emacs'. The better-defaults package lives up to its title.

Is it worth learning to use Emacs for web development

I have never used Emacs before and the first time I tried it I was so repulsed by its interface which seemed not very user friendly . But since then I have heard a lot about it improving productivity and this has rekindled my interest . But is it true for the case of web development as well? for the likes of php,python,javascript/jquery etc . How good are the code completion features?
Please suggest some resources to get me started in the right direction.
I'm a bit of a religious user when it comes to Emacs so please take this with a few bags of salt. I'll try to state my reasons for using Emacs (including for web development).
Emacs' primary strength is it's extensibility and the fact that at it's core, it's a lisp interpreter with a bunch of primitive functions useful for text editing and display. This makes it "programmable". You can customise it almost endlessly.
This has spurred a number of libraries which do (common) things like code completion, source code browsing, test harness integration, refactoring tool integration, version control integration etc. If a developer working on a project is an Emacs user, it's not uncommon to see her adding something to her project just to get it to work well with Emacs. The extensibility has also spurred a number of less that conventional libraries like mail clients, web browsers, IRC clients, music players etc.
Many Emacs users keep most of their work (except for maybe their browsers) inside Emacs. This allows them to use the same keystrokes and high level techniques for everything that they use. I myself use it for my daily coding, for my email, as my PIM and a bunch of other things. I can for example, while working on my code, just write something like "TBD" as a comment somewhere and let the PIM part remember this as a TODO item next time I open the editor. I can also for example while coding simply switch to another "buffer" (the emacs term for windows) with an IRC client and ask questions I might have to other people who are online. This makes me quite productive and quick. Also, the keystrokes are almost the same on a large number of command line UNIX programs (like my shell etc.) which helps me do my work faster.
Another advantage is that Emacs is old. People have tweaked and polished it endlessly and still do. The result is a set of commands for editing that I didn't even know that I needed. Things like "capitalise word" to make the first letter of the word my cursor is on upper case sounds trivial but while you're editing, it's quite useful.
Being extensible, Emacs has "modes". These are environments for specific programming languages. Indentation rules, syntaxes, completion etc. will change depending on the mode you're in. There are modes for almost all modern languages and they provide substantial help while editing. You have things for javascript, php etc. which help you while coding in those languages. There are also web specific tools (e.g. Emacs can talk to MozRepl so that you can refresh you browser and things while editing). People write modes all the time for what they want and it's not too hard. I recently started using jekyll to maintain my blog and wrote a mode to make my life easier). The modes add functionality but at a base level are the same (e.g. same keys to delete a character, move forward by a sentence etc.). I like this because I don't have to learn a whole new set of keys and get used to them just to code in another language.
That being said, Emacs is a tool for a different kind of developer. Most hardcore Emacs users (and there are quite a few famous ones out there) don't use many IDE type features. They usually like just a window (Without toolbars, menu bars and all that) so that the real estate for code is maximum. If you're used to leaning on a feature heavy IDE to do your work, Emacs might not be the right tool for you (I think this is what Trey meant in his comment). If however, you want a programmers editor that stays out of the way and let's you get your job done with minimum hassle, it's something you should definitely try out.
Okay, resources. The first thing to do is to start up Emacs and type Ctrl-h t. This gives you a "hands on" tutorial you can use to learn the editor basics. Once you're done with that, you can read the fine manual at Once you're happy with that, you can read the Emacs lisp tutorial and start extending and customising Emacs as per your wishes. The EmacsWiki is a great place for tips, tricks and docs as is the Emacs IRC channel.
All the best!
If you don't like the interface, it's not worth it.
The question isn't is it worth learning Emacs, it is do you want to learn the interface?
If you do, then it's worth it. If you don't, then it's not.
More concretely, I'll answer your broad question with a series of links you could have gotten from the Emacs wiki:
Yes, people like using Emacs for web development. The above is just a sampling of modes people have written and use on a daily basis.
Is it for you? I don't know.
Is it better than editor X? or IDE Y? Yes for some things, no for others.
The code completion features are great! (unless they're not) It depends on what you want, what languages you're talking about, etc. etc. etc.
People use vi, people use Emacs, people use Notepad, people use all sorts of text editors.
Note: asking vague questions leads to vague answers.
The ultimate web programming mode is arguably nxhtml mode. You might start by taking a look at it. You might also want to check out some rich preexisting Emacs configurations like the Emacs Starter Kit or the Emacs Dev Kit.
The PHP & Python modes in Emacs are not particularly great, but are fairly decent. The JavaScript mode is certainly great. Packages such as autocomplete mode provide good completion almost everywhere.
I'm certainly biased, but I think that if you do spend some time exploring Emacs you'll find out that it will boost your productivity.
As some other posters have eluded to, it all depends on what you want out of it. If you want to feel as good about the customizations you've been able to get working in emacs as you do about the actual code that you write, then sure.. Emacs is great ;)
(Before anyone jumps down my throat, emacs is by far my favorite editor for 'nix C/C++ editing, but that's not what the OP's looking for here ;))
In my crusade to find the most productive editor for PHP, Python, Javascript etc, my favorite thus far has been Komodo Edit. It features not only code completion, but jump-to-definition (as well as many other features that a full-featured IDE should have) and is really the closest thing to Visual Studio for OS scripting development that I've seen. Oh, and it's free.
Honestly, braces against the rotten fruit/vegetables that will surely be thrown my way I've recently become a fan of the NetBeans IDE for web development. Particularly when It comes to PHP.
But to answer you question: It's only worth it if it's worth it to you. Sorry, vague questions get vague answers. ;)
If you're using an existing IDE that can do web development, than use the IDE. If not Emacs is worthwhile to learn as the text editor to go to for text editing or for programming in language that do not have a good IDE.

Is Dreamweaver worth getting if I probably won't use its WYSIWYG editor?

In the past I've done web application development using Visual Studio. Initially I'd use the design view, editing the page visually. But over time I learned more and more (X)HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I became familiar with the tags for ASP.NET server controls and their common attributes.
I got to the point where I'd do all the markup by hand (still in Visual Studio though) and then test the site in an actual browser. Of course I'd also still use Visual Studio for programming server side functionality in C#, but never the WYSIWYG page editor. I was able to get work done faster too, getting the site to look just the way I wanted, and the same across different browsers.
Now I'm going to be taking charge of a public facing website (entirely static content - no ASP.NET, PHP, or anything). The website was created and maintained using Dreamweaver, which I don't have and never used before.
I'll be working from home, so the organization is looking into getting me a copy of Dreamweaver. Even though it's not money out of my own pocket ...
Is it worth using Dreamweaver if I probably won't touch the visual editor?
Or should I tell them to save their money and I'll just use Notepad++.
Or am I crazy and should relearn to use a WYSIWYG editor?
I do 95% of my web dev stuff using Dreamweaver's code editor. But, for the other 5%, the WYSIWYG stuff really comes in handy.
Plus, it's not your money anyway. I'd say get it and if the WYSIWYG stuff is too much for you just keep it in source code mode and use it as an editor.
You may not know until you see the code. If they were using things like Dreamweaver templates, unless you are going to extricate them, you may end up needing Dreamweaver for sanity sake.
Dreamweaver is really useful if you maintain a site with templates. If the site is in PHP or ASP, then all you need to do is put the common parts (header, footer etc.) in a separate file and include them in the different pages. If the pages are static then the common parts can't be included. Which means that if you want to change the menu, you have to change it in all pages. With dreamweaver, you can save a page as a template and when you create a new page from a template, dreamweaver stores it in the comments. Next time you update the template, all the pages that use the template are updated. I found this to be the best use of dreamweaver.
I haven't used a WYSIWYG HTML editor in years, all the HTML I produce these days is hand-coded, and it's something I would recommend to anyone. WYSIWYG Editors simply make it far too easy to throw in tons of unnecessary markup, and then you end up with unwieldy pages that are tricky to work with and hard to fix browser compatibility problems in.
However. If you're taking over a large existing codebase that has been produced this way, I'd say you probably want to make sure you at least have access to Dreamweaver or a similar editor (if they were produced in Dreamweaver, that's probably the best choice). Simply because many pages designed in this way are rather verbose, and can be a nightmare to deal with in a text editor.
This depends - you mean old school Dreamweaver or CS4 Dreamweaver?
With all the new additions (code hinting with some of the newer javascript frameworks, a "preview" that is integrated with webkit so you can see your page in action, being able to test AJAX calls and do a "code freeze") I'm tempted to walk away from jedit and try it out.
I believe that DreamWeaver gives you intellisense in the code editor for HTML, so I would use it for that, if you're not paying for it. I wouldn't pay for that myself though :)
If the Visual Studio editor works fine for you, there is no point in switching.
And if you don't like WYSIWIG editing, then there's no point in learning it. I stopped using WYSIWIG years ago, and like you, I've found it to be much more flexible and reliable to edit HTML/CSS by hand.
If you like DreamWeaver more and the organisation is willing to pay for it, then go for it!
FWIW, I do a lot of HTML and javascript coding in dreamweaver's code view- the JSF extensions are nice as well. I got it as part of the CS3 bundle, since I needed to get my hands on photoshop and illustrator as well to carve up graphics. If possible, try to get your company to get the whole bundle, since graphics manipulation is always important when you're maintaining a site- and most designers will be giving you photoshop source files. I never ever go in wysiwyg mode, and it's still useful.
I use dreamweaver, but not for the same reasons as everyone here seem to. I like the syntax highlighting, and I absolutely LOVE the way Dreamweaver handles FTP in the window on the right. If I could find another editor that would offer these two things, I would, but none seem to be that great.
I code my pages by hand usually (I do a LOT of PHP, which dreamweaver 8 obviously can't preview) so I do a lot of things like (1) edit page (2) upload changes (3) preview live on testing server. However, I still use the WYSIWIG editor occasionally, especially if I need to throw something together using tables or form elements. I just find it to be a bit quicker that way than doing things by hand.
That said, I never use Dreamweaver (8, mind) for CSS, as the implementation is buggy at best. I much prefer to do CSS and more complex HTML by hand. I also do not use the standard method of templating, as I prefer to have one "index.php" that calls in the appropriate template and stuffs data into it that it generated before.
All that said though, Dreamweaver offers a nice enough set of tools that I don't really want to leave it, and it certainly won't hurt to learn it, especially if its free. I'd say at least try it out and see if its going to work before making a final decision. It comes down to what you personally prefer to use.
I hand-code but there are times Dreamweaver is incredibly useful:
Making visual-tweaks to someone else's complex HTML. It's much quicker to use the WYSIWYG if you're short on time and the code is a mess.
Dreamweaver has got an incredibly good search and replace. The tag-based searching is the best I've seen anywhere for you whilst the regex seach/replace allows back-references, named groups in the replace field etc.
The code Dreamweaver produces isn't too horrific and it's fairly good at not breaking your own nice code if you ever dip into the visual editor.
I use dreamweaver CS5 for code only on a daily basis, and it's a great tool. It is very effective, and its a great tool even for people who already know how to write code. Some of its' features that make it one of the best editors, in my opinion, are:
Code coloring
Customizable color-schemes
Error highlighting
in-app validation
Autocomplete & Codehinting (works great!)
in-app FTP
New document type dialog (great for quick start)
Search & replace
Code Snippets
There are many more features, like setting up a local server and binding it to a database so you can write queries more easily and use dreamweaver's "help" with server-side code, but I haven't really got into it.
Bottom line:
If you are considering getting Dreamweaver mostly for code editing, then I'd say it's definitely a great deal - even if you aren't going to use some of its' other features.
Dreamweaver's a tad bloated for something which you really can just do in Notepad (++ or otherwise). No WYSIWYG will give you code to the same quality as hand-crafted code. Especially since it's vanilla HTML, just use an everyday programmer's text editor. Having intellisense isn't that important: I mean, there's only about 10 tags you need to know.

MS Word is evil! Is there a good alternative? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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As a developer I really don't like writing documentation but when I have to I'd like to make the process as painless as possible.
The problem with Word is that it constantly gets in my way. I worry more about the layout than about the actual content ... that's why I'd like to get rid of Word.
Ideally I'd like to write my content and then 'compile' it into a document.
I've heard of LaTeX but I don't have any experience with it whatsoever. Would this be the right technology for the job? What editor (Windows) should I use? Is it a good idea to start with LyX?
EDIT: I'm not asking about documenting code (I use Sandcastle for that).
Update 2014:
We have now switched to GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown).
It's really easy to work with.
Write code & documentation in the same IDE!
Everything can be versioned!
Get great output either as raw txt, html or pdf!
My solution to this was to invest some time in creating a decent Word Template for myself.
The important thing to do is make sure you have a Style defined for everything you can put in the document.
Once you have all the Styles defined and all of the document content tagged with the correct Style instead of formatted in an ad hoc fashion, you'll be surprised how easy it is to produce good looking Word documents quickly every time.
The wider problem here is that everyone spends hours in Word and yet it is very rare for companies to invest in Word training. At some point you have to bite the bullet and take the time to teach yourself how to use it properly, just like you would with any other tool.
Anything you can do with LyX you can do with LaTeX. LaTeX is suitable for all sorts of things; it has been used for everything from manuals to lecture slides to novels.
I think LaTeX is probably worth looking into as an option; if you've ever wanted to "code" for your word processor, LaTeX is for you. At the simplest level you can define new commands to do things for you, but there's a lot of power there. And the output looks really neat.
In my opinion, LyX is fantastic in certain circumstances, handy in others, and occasionally just gets in your way. I think it should be seen as a productivity booster for LaTeX. In other words, learn to use LaTeX before trying LyX. Both are of course free and available for Windows, though the learning curve is quite steep compared with MS Word. For long documents, or plenty of similar documents, LaTeX/LyX is probably a worthwhile investment.
I've found that wikis can be good for this. Find a wiki you like that lets you do a bit of formatting, but nothing really heavy. Ideally it should let you format code easily too - to be honest, the markdown available on SO is probably a good start.
That way:
You have change tracking built-in (assuming a decent wiki)
You can edit from anywhere
Everyone always sees the same documentation (instant distribution)
You can concentrate on content instead of formatting
You could write your documentation using your own XML format and then transform it into any format with XSL (e.g. PDF via FOP+XSL-FO ).
See also the DocBook XML format.
LaTeX is an extremely powerful tool and might well be overkill here as it is designed for scientific/mathematical literature. It has a (relatively) steep learning curve and can be tricky to coax to do exactly as you want if you're new to it. I LOVE LaTeX, but it is not really a general purpose word processor.
Have you considered OpenOffice instead?
LaTeX is really a very powerful language if you need to write documents.
Perhaps you can try texmaker, a cross-platform LaTeX editor:
Texmaker is a clean, highly
configurable LaTeX editor with good
hot key support and extensive Latex
documentation. Texmaker integrates
many tools needed to develop
documents with LaTeX, in just one
application. It has some nice
features such as syntax highlighting,
insertion of 370 mathematical symbols
with only one click, and "structure
view" of the document for easier
What about using HTML? This way you could then publish the documentation if there will be need for many people to access it from many places.
Despite all efforts and reasonable expectation I don't think Word Processing has been "solved" yet.
My response to what I also personally find a deeply frustrating experience with MS Word is to avoid it altogether and use an auto-documenting tool like GhostDoc to generate XML from what I've already written in the code (DRY!) and deal with the XML from an XSLT based intranet site or similar later.
Are you talking about documenting your actual code? If so, I recommend Doxygen for unmanaged code and Sandcastle for managed code. Both will compile your help or build it as a website for you.
Both applications will read special tags above functions / classes / variables and compile that into the help.
Well I've never found anything wrong with MS-Word in the first place. (i.e if you take the time to know how to use it effectively). OpenOffice indeed is an amazing & credible free alternative - but then if you hate MS Word for layout related problems, the same problem is gonna occur with OpenOffice too.
Never tried the Latex system myself, but have heard its good for scientific work. I think using some HTML WYSIWYG editor would be best for you, if you want to just focus on the content.
I considered a wiki, but I decided to go with a modified Markdown notation, for the simple reason, that a wiki's content isn't easily exported and distributed outside of the wiki itself, while the Markdown can be rendered into HTML.
Answer to chris' question about my workflow: I write the documentation with a Notepad-like application (TextWrangler, only because of its word-wrapping feature) in its raw Markdown format. Then I have a small localhost documentation website with my modified Markdown parser (extended for a few features and a bit more HTML-oriented functionality) that checks for the timestamps for the documentation files - if a file has been updated, it parses that file into HTML, and stores the file in a cache.
This way I'm able to edit the source documentation on my desktop, and just press F5 in my browser to see the results immediately.
I haven't got around to trying it yet, but I've always thought AsciiDoc would be good for this kind of thing.
If you want something simpler than LaTeX, you can have a look at ReStructured Text
Read this book: . There is some idee fixe inside, so that documentation should be built automatically. Think about using your IDE for this, or look for some additional tools. Most modern languages support generating documentation as you write the code. This can simply maintain your doc in touch with latest changes in the code.
I prefer to use a RTF editor which is a lot less clunkier than words. This way the formatting and all the headers/footers nonsense will not take up half your time. Wordpad has worked for me on several occasions. I'm stuck with Word for now though :(
there are a lot of possible ways:
embedded documentation, e.g. javadoc: good for describing APIs, not so good for the "big picture"
plain html: can be checked in under version control, a definite plus
a wiki, e.g. confluence -- great for collaboration, but has version control different from your source
LaTeX or somesuch: better suited for books or papers than typical documentation; support for graphics is cumbersome
an Office clone, e.g. OpenOffice: mostly the same as Word+Visio, but open source, with a nicer document format
I usually document the software structure (the "metaphors" of a project, component interrelations, external systems) up front, using Visio, in "freeform" UML. These are then embedded in confluence, which can be converted to PDF if someone wants a printout.
LyX is a WYSIWYM front end to LaTeX: You get the convenience of a document processor (somewhat similar to Word) with the consistency and power of LaTeX: It doesn't get in your way and can do a lot of things that professional writers need.
Note: The correct answer for you really depends on your way of thinking --- we can't decide this for you. This answer simply shows an excellent choice if you think of documentations as documents and want something similar to Word (where Word is good) that doesn't suck as Word (where Word is bad for programmers).
But many programmers think of documentation differently and hence prefer different metaphors. I myself had the same problem years ago, worked with LaTeX (as I am a mathematician), found LyX and finally settled on a Wiki/Source system that I wrote myself.
Vim is the solution for anything that means writing plain text in the most efficient possible way. If you need formatting, then use XML, Latex or something similar (in Vim).
Vim changed my life!
Simple answer: LaTeX sounds like just what you are looking for.
I use it for writing documentation myself. I will never go back to Word if I have the option.
At phc, we started with latex, then moved to docbook, and have settled (permanently I hope) on Restructured Text/Sphinx.
Latex was chosen because we are academics, and latex is the tool of choice. I believe it didn't generate good enough HTML.
Docbook was chosen for power, but it was very unwieldy. It put us off writing any documentation: code had to be manually formatted, we kept forgetting the syntax, and it was difficult to read. The learning curve was also steep.
Finally, we moved to reST, using sphinx, and that was a great decision. Documentation is now very easy to write, and both PDF and HTML versions look beautiful (though the PDF could do with some customization). Its very easy to customize too.
The best bit about reST though, is that its human readable in source form. That is a wonderful advantage. I've switched to using reST for all my stuff now, especially anything over the web (except of course academic papers, where one would be foolish to use anything but latex).
You may want to look into doxygen at, see their nice examples. In this case, the documentation is presented by tags in comments in the source.
Another option would be to use an online system like trac from which is a wiki/doc/issuetracking system that lives on top of subversion.

Using MarkDown on dynamic websites?

Do any WYSIWYG editors exist that work natively in Markdown? (any Platform/Language)
...So consumers don't have to see the code behind, just work in an MS-Word like interface.
An assisted MarkDown editor where you're viewing and editing the Markdown-source (like the one I'm writing this question with) would also be okay.
There is the Wysiwym Markdown Editor (The one we're using here). It shows live-markdown though, rather than masking it. I think the great thing about Markdown is that just about anybody can understand the basics of it.
This is the only editor I know of. After doing a cursory browsing of Google it appears to be one of the few, if not the only one in wide-spread use at the moment.
A large list of Markdown implementations at the Markdown Wiki.
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