Mongodb EC2 EBS Backups - mongodb

I have confusion on what I need to do here. I am new to Mongo. I have set up a small Mongo server on Amazon EC2, with EBS volumes, one for data, one for logs. I need to do a backup. It's okay to take the DB down in the middle of the night, at least currently.
Using the boto library, EBS snapshots and python to do the backup, I built a simple script that does the following:
sudo service mongodb stop
run backup of data
run backup of logs
sudo service mongodb start
The script ran through and restarted, but I noted in the AWS console that the snapshots are still being created, even through boto has come back, but Mongo has restarted. Certainly not ideal.
I checked the Mongo docs, and found this explanation on what to do for backups:
This is good info, but a bit unclear. If you are using journaling, which we are, it says:
If the dbpath is mapped to a single EBS volume then proceed to Backup the Database Files.
We have a single volume for data. So, I'm assuming that means to bypass the steps on flushing and locking. But at the end of Backup the Database Files, it discusses removing the locks.
So, I'm a bit confused. As I read it originally, then I don't actually need to do anything - I can just run the backup, and not worry about flushing/locking period. I probably don't need to take the DB down. But the paranoid part of me says no, that sounds suspicious.
Any thoughts from anyone on this, or experience, or good old fashioned knowledge?

Since you are using journaling, you can just run the snapshot without taking the DB down. This will be fine as long as the journal files are on the same EBS volume, which they would be unless you symlink them elsewhere.
We run a lot of mongodb servers on Amazon and this is how we do it too.


What's a good way to backup a (AWS) Postgres DB

what's a good way to backup a Postgres DB (running on Amazon RDS).
The built in snapshoting from RDS is by default daily and you can not export the snapshots. Besides that, it can take quite a long time to import a snapshot.
Is there a good service that takes dumps on a regular basis and stores them on e.g. S3? We don't want to spin up and maintain a ec2 instance which does that.
Thank you!
I want the backups to be automated, so I would prefer to have dedicated service for that.
Your choices:
run pg_dump from an EC2 instance on a schedule. This is a great use case for Spot instances.
restore a snapshot to a new RDS instance, then run pg_dump as above. This reduces database load.
Want to run a RDS snapshot more often than daily? Kick it off manually.
These are all automateable. For "free" (low effort on your part) you get daily snapshots. I agree, I wish they could be sent to S3.
SOLUTION: Now you can do a pg_dumpall and dump all Postgres databases on a single AWS RDS Instance.
It has caveats and so its better to read the post before going ahead and compiling your own version of pg_dumpall for this. Details here.

MongoDB 2.2: why didn't replication catch up a collection following a dump/restore?

We have a three-server replicaset running MongoDB 2.2 on Ubuntu 10.04, and recently had to upgrade the hard drive for each server where one particular database resides. This database contains log information for web service requests, where they write to collections in hourly buckets using the current timestamp to determine the name, e.g. log_yyyymmddhh.
I performed this process:
backup the database on the primary server with mongodump --db log_db
take a secondary server offline, replace the disk
bring the secondary server up in standalone mode (i.e. comment out the replSet entry
in /etc/mongodb.conf before starting the service)
restore the database on the secondary server with mongorestore --drop --db log_db
add the secondary server back into the replicaset and bring it online,
letting replication catch up the hourly buckets that were updated/created
while it had been offline
Everything seemed to go as expected, except that the collection which was the current bucket at the time of the backup was not brought up to date by replication. I had to manually copy that collection over by hand to get it up to date. Note that collections which were created after the backup were synched just fine.
What did I miss in this process that caused MongoDB not to get things back in synch for that one collection? I assume something got out of whack with regard to the oplog?
Edit 1:
The oplog on the primary showed that its earliest timestamp went back a couple of days, so there should have been plenty of space to maintain transactions for a few hours (which was the time the secondary was offline).
Edit 2:
Our MongoDB installation uses two disk partitions: /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1. The primary MongoDB directory /var/lib/mongodb/ is on /dev/sda1, and holds several databases, while the log database resides by itself on /dev/sdb1. There's a sym link /var/lib/mongodb/log_db which points to a directory on /dev/sdb1. Since the log db was getting full, we needed to upgrade the disk for /dev/sdb1.
You should be using mongodump with the --oplog option. Running a full database backup with mongodump on a replicaset that is updating collections at the same time may not leave you with a consistent backup. This becomes worse with larger databases, more collections and more frequent updates/inserts/deletes.
From the documentation for your version (2.2) of MongoDB (it's the same for 2.6 but just to be as accurate as possible):
Use this option to ensure that mongodump creates a dump of the
database that includes an oplog, to create a point-in-time snapshot of
the state of a mongod instance. To restore to a specific point-in-time
backup, use the output created with this option in conjunction with
mongorestore --oplogReplay.
Without --oplog, if there are write operations during the dump
operation, the dump will not reflect a single moment in time. Changes
made to the database during the update process can affect the output
of the backup.
This is not covered well in most MongoDB tutorials around backups and restores. Generally you are better off if you can perform a live snapshot of the storage volume your database resides on (assuming your storage solution has a live snapshot ability compatible with MongoDB). Failing that, your next best bet is taking a secondary offline and then performing a snapshot or backup of the database files. Mongodump on a live database is increasingly a less optimal solution for larger databases due to performance issues.
I'd definitely take a look at the MongoDB overview of backup options:
I would guess this has to do with the oplog not being long enough, although it seems like you checked that and it looked reasonably big.
Still, when adding new members to a replica set you shouldn't be snapshotting and restoring them. It's better to simply add a new member and let replication happen by itself. This is described in the Mongo docs and is the process I've always followed.

MongoDB Backups - Is it safe to snapshot only the dbpath volume?

Assumption: Single MongoDB instance.
I have tested a backup and restore using an EBS snapshot of only the volume storing my data (dbpath) and NOT the /logs or /journal volumes. The restore seems to work fine and the data is available.
Are there any risks or downsides to doing this? In other words, do I lose anything if I don't have a backup snapshot of the /logs and /journal volumes?
Backing up if journal and dbpath are on separate EBS volumes
If your /journal directory is on a different EBS volume from your dbpath, the only way to get a consistent backup would be to use db.fsyncLock() to ensure there are no pending write operations. The fsyncLock() command has the side effect of blocking all writes to your database, so typically you would only want to use this approach if you are backing up from a secondary in a replica set (rather than a sole mongod, as per your assumption in the question description).
Backing up if journal and dbpath are on the same EBS volumes
If the journal and dbpath are on the same EBS volume you can get a consistent backup using EBS snapshots.
Do you need to backup the log directory?
Strictly speaking, you do not need to backup the logs. For troubleshooting purposes it can be useful to rotate the logs and keep a few days of recent log files.
I have tested a backup and restore using an EBS snapshot of only the volume storing my data (dbpath) and NOT the /logs or /journal volumes. The restore seems to work fine and the data is available.
This approach will be fine, until it isn't -- that fateful day when you want to need to restore from backup and realise that your last n backups are unusable as you try them one at a time, or perhaps encounter unexpected errors days after you assumed a restored database was OK. If you don't backup the journal file this is effectively the same as running without journaling, and the recommended recovery procedures involve running a repair before restarting. The risk isn't so much about changes that haven't been flushed from the journal, but rather the unlucky timing if the power goes out in the middle of a write to the data files leaving things in an inconsistent state with no recovery information (aka: the journal).
If you're going to take backups, definitely follow the correct procedure to remove unnecessary risk.
For more information see EC2 Backup and Restore in the MongoDB manual.

Does mongodump lock the database?

I'm in the middle of setting up a backup strategy for mongo, was just curious to know if mongodump locks the database before performing the database dump?
I found this on mongo's google group:
Mongodump does a simple query on the live system and does not require
a shutdown. Like all queries it requires a read lock while running but
doesn't not block any more than normal queries.
If you have a replica set you will probably want to use the --oplog
flag to do your backups.
See the docs for more information
Additionally I found this previously asked question
MongoDB: mongodump/restore vs. backup up files directly
Excerpt from above question
Locking and copying files is only an option when you don't have heavy
write load.
mongodump can be run against live server. It will create some
additional load, so don't do it on peak hours. Also, it is advised to
do it on a secondary node (if you don't use replica sets, you should).
There are some complications when you have a DB so large that no
single machine can hold it. See this document.
Also, if you have replica set, you take down one of secondaries and copy its files directly. See
Mongdump does not lock the db. It means other read and write operations will continue normally.
Actually, both mongodump and mongorestore are non-blocking. So if you want to mongodump mongorestore a db then its your responsibility to make sure that it is really a desired snapshot backup/restore. To do this, you must stop all other write operations while taking/restoring backups with mongodump/mongorestore. If you are running a sharded environment then its recommended you stop the balancer also.

Backing up the DB vs. backing up the VM

We're serving a Django/Postgres site running on a VM hypervisor. We're now trying to figure out our back up strategy and have two probable options:
Back up the DB directly using pg_dump
Back up the VM directly by copying the VM image
I'm with the latter as I think, I could simply back up everything that has to do with the site. I'm not sure whether I have to shut down the VM for this though.
What is a better and more recommended way of backing up a DB? Are there any reasons for not using the VM backup?
The question basically boils down to, can you consider a hot copy of PostgreSQL's data files a backup?
The answer is: not really. PostgreSQL tries very hard through the use of WAL to ensure that its files are in a consistent state all the time and that it can survive a power failure, but starting it up from a copy of these files puts PostgreSQL into recovery mode. If the backup happened at the wrong second and PostgreSQL can't recover from the state of these files, your backup is useless. You don't want your backup/restore mechanism to depend on the recovery mechanism (unless you're dealing with "crash only" software, which PostgreSQL is not).
The probability of PostgreSQL not being able to recover from these files is not high, but it's not zero either. The probability of PostgreSQL not being able to load an SQL dump that it made, on the other hand, is zero. I prefer backup choices with lower probabilities of failure. pg_dump was designed for doing backups.
PostgreSQL recommends using pg_dump for backups, as a file system (or VM) backup requires the database to be shut down (and has other drawbacks):
Edit: Also, a pg_dump backup will be significantly smaller than a filesystem dump of the same database.
There is an additional option. With PostgreSQL you can make an online backup that allows you to snapshot the file system and maintain consistency. You can see details here:
We use this exact method for making backups when we run PostgreSQL in a VM.