how to jump from one page to another page in bottle? - bottle

In bottle, how to jump form one url to another url in one page?
import webbrowser'http://localhost:8080/login.html')
I tried like above, but it's not been opened in one page! I want it to be redirect, but not raise 303 or 302 error!

It sounds like maybe (?) you're looking for a way to redirect incoming HTTP requests. You mention not wanting to return a 302 or 303 (why not, exactly?), so here's how you'd do it with a 301 ("Permanently Moved"):
def hello():
bottle.redirect('/the/destination/page', 301)


Choosing between response codes when redirecting with React-Router

In a React-based application with server-side rendering, I am using the match utility of React Router. To redirect from some urls to others, I use React Router's Redirect component. On the server side, I am checking the redirect parameter of the callback function that match takes (which is the Location object), and if this parameter is present (as it is when the Redirect component is matched), I use it for redirecting, like so:
if (redirect) {
let { pathname, search } = redirect;
res.redirect(301, `${pathname}${search}`);
Here is the problem. In the code snippet above, my server will always redirect with http code 301, while I need to send 302 responses in some cases, and 301's in others. I can't figure out a good, idiomatic way to pass an extra piece of information through React Router, which the server can then use to decide between a 301 or a 302 redirect. Could you please offer any suggestions?

Where do I place a 301 redirect when using ColdFusion?

I found this code for 301 redirects in ColdFusion:
<cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved Permanently">
<cfheader name="Location" value="[the URL to be redirected to]">
What file do I place this code in? Is it the "missing page" that is now supposed to be giving a 301 error when someone lands on it? Or is there a file that's similar to .htaccess that I should put it in?
First of all: 3xx status codes are not errors but redirects.
Your code snippet isn't wrong, but ColdFusion has a more comfy way to do these 3 lines with a single statement:
<cflocation url="[the URL to be redirected to]" statusCode="301">
You can put this tag anywhere in your .cfm template. ColdFusion executes everything up to this point and then stops execution, sets the response header accordingly, discards the output buffer (because 3xx are not supposed to contain a body) and transmits the response (header with location reference).
Note: Your code snippet would include content in the response body (e.g. everything you put in <cfoutput> tags), which is usually not desired. So I strongly recommend to use the cflocation tag for common redirects. It'll also protect you from forgetting to place <cfabort> after it.
For a common scenario like "redirect visitor from a no longer existing page to a new page", you can simply do this:
<cflocation url="the_new_page.cfm" statusCode="301" addToken="false">
<cfoutput>Hello World !!</cfoutput>
Requests to both pages will now point to the_new_page.cfm and return Hello World !!. (This is a redirect, not a rewrite, so the address in the browser will change to the_new_page.cfm in both cases.)

server response (header status) to google spreadsheet

found this answer:
How to pull a response code into Google Spreadsheet
which would solve my issue almost - but not fully.
instead of the simple status code (i.e. 301) i would need the full response code? i.e. if there is a 301 redirect, i'd like to know, the 301 redirection.
script above delivers: 301
i need 301 Moved Permanently http://www.mydomain/new-path
i found some infos here - but no way to implement the functions for my as marketeer.
301 is the full response code. The redirect URL will be in the Location header of the response. I'll leave retrieving that as an exercise...

redirect from old page - 302, 303 or 403 forbidden

I create the site about realty.
It has three page about one item (flat)
/flat/item/1 -main page about flat
/flat/gallery/1 -photos
/flat/map/1 -map
Customer wants that if flat is out of stock then two pages(gallery, map) have unaccesible for view.
I want to know. What kind of status code I have to set 403 or 404?
May be 302, 303 and redirect to /flat/item/1?
If you don't want to redirect, you should be using 410 ("Gone"). This means that the resource is permanently no longer available.
If you want to redirect the gallery and map to the main page, use code 301 ("Moved Permanently").

IIS 7.5 URL Rewrite Module & Redirects

My company is embarking on a large website redirection at the moment and I decided it would give us the perfect opportunity to make the URL's more user and google friendly.
To give you a brief outline of the situation, I am the SEO guy and I am dealing with an external developer in order to redirect the website without hurting the current rankings in Google. I don't have much experience regarding sharepoint hence why I would really appreciate any assistance in understanding and knowing if there is a work around to my situation.
The website is using IIS7.5, they recently installed the URL Rewrite Module in order to create more user friendly URL's. My question is, by creating a more user friendly URL, does this cause an additional redirect?
For example: if a user types in this permanently (301) redirects to developer told me that in order to rewrite the URL to display something more friendly (like this will have to cause another permanent redirect. So in essence the process will look like this:
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP /1.1 301 Redirect
1) Redirecting to: http://
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP /1.1 301 Redirect
2) Redirecting to: http://
Is this how the URL Rewrite Module really works? I would have thought that it would not have to create another redirect in order to create a more user friendly URL?
My second problem is this.... The redirect is happening on the same server. So here is essentially the situation:
The old-domain needs to be redirected to the new domain so we ran a test in order to see if the HTTP status codes were correct before going ahead with the project. So the developer redirected the dev-domain to the new-domain and the redirects look like this: (The developers comments in italic below)
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
1) Redirecting to: http://
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect
2) Redirecting to: http://
SharePoint’s alternate access mappings causes this to happen and there is no way around this.
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
3) Redirecting to: http://
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
4) Redirecting to: http://
The developer states the reason for redirecting back to the dev-domain then back to the new-domain is because of SharePoint's alternate access mappings and there is no way around this. Is that entirely true?
Any assitance at all will be GREATLY appreciated!