Add-Content With Condition On One Line - powershell

I'm trying to get all of this to be on one line, but everything I try doesn't work. I tried `b but that doesn't backspace you to the line above. I tried putting the condition inline with the first Add-Content, but that didn't work either.
Add-Content $txtpath "p: $strPhone x $strXTEN | "
if ($strMobile -ne $null) { Add-Content $txtpath "`m: strMobile | " }
Add-Content $txtpath "$strFax"

You can't use multiple Add-Content calls because each one will append a newline. I logged a suggestion a long time ago for a NoNewline parameter on Add-Content. You can vote for it here.
You can use a StringBuilder for this and then output its contents via Add-Content or Set-Content:
$sb = new system.text.stringbuilder
[void]$sb.Append("p: $strPhone x $strXTEN | ")
if ($strMobile -ne $null) { [void]$sb.Append("`m: strMobile | ") }
Add-Content $txtPath $sb.ToString()

One way to do what I think you are wanting to do is to use the -f format operator, like so:
$text = "p: $strPhone x $strXTEN {0}" -f $( if ($strMobile) {"| m: $strMobile"})
Add-Content $txtpath $text

It looks like Microsoft listened and added the -NoNewLine Parameter to Add-Content back in 2015:


out-file with foreach | explanation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Runtime of Foreach-Object vs Foreach loop
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I would like to ask you pretty easy question about foreach and output,
I noticed that while we are trying to run foreach and then export it by out-file it is more complicated, my question is what is the right way to export the content with foreach ?
For instance I prepare this:
Get-Content C:\Windows.old\1.txt
$output =
Foreach ($line in $file)
$line + " "+ $line.Length + " is the lengh of you user name"
And I know that is incorrect, I am looking for good explanation
Why is it more complicated? I would use the Foreach-Object cmdlet (but you can also go with the loop) and pipe the result to the Set-Content cmdlet (but you can also go with Out-File:
$filePath = 'C:\Windows.old\1.txt'
$content = Get-Content $filePath
$content | ForEach-Object {
"$_ $($_.Length) is the lengh of you user name"
} | Set-Content $filePath
Note: You may need to set the encoding.
Edit: Without changing the script:
Get-Content C:\Windows.old\1.txt
$output = Foreach ($line in $file)
$line + " "+ $line.Length + " is the lengh of you user name"
$output| Out-File 'your-new-filepath.txt'

Prepend "!" to the beginning of the first line of a file

I have several files that I need to add a "!" to the beginning, just on the first line. I still need to keep the first line's content, just add a "!" as the first character.
Any help would be really appreciated.
The only thing I could figure out so far was to do the following:
$a = Get-Content 'hh_Regulars3.csv'
$b = '!'
Set-Content 'hh_Regulars3-new.csv' -value $b,$a
This just added the "!" to the top of the file, instead of to the beginning of the first line.
You sent an array to Set-Content with $b,$a. Each array item will be given its own line as you have seen. It would displayed the same way on the prompt if executed.
As long as the file is not too big read it in as one string and add the character in.
$path = 'hh_Regulars3.csv'
"!" + (Get-Content $path -Raw) | Set-Content $path
If you only have PowerShell 2.0 then Out-String would work in place of -Raw
"!" + (Get-Content $path | Out-String) | Set-Content $path
The brackets are important to be sure the file is read in before it goes to through the pipeline. It allows us to both read and write on the same pipeline.
If the file is larger look into using StreamReaders and StreamWriters. This would also have to be used if the trailing new line, created by the Add-Content and Set-Content, is not warranted.
Late to the party, but thought this might be useful. I needed to perform the operation over a thousand+ large files, and needed something a little more robust and less prone to OOM exceptions. Ended up just writing it leveraging .Net libraries:
function PrependTo-File{
write-error "$file does not exist";
$filepath = $file.fullname;
$tmptoken = (get-location).path + "\_tmpfile" + $;
write-verbose "$tmptoken created to as buffer";
$tfs = []::create($tmptoken);
$fs = [System.IO.File]::Open($file.fullname,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite);
$msg = $content.tochararray();
$fs.position = 0;
write-verbose $_.Exception.Message;
# close calls dispose and gc.supressfinalize internally
if($error.count -eq 0){
write-verbose ("updating $filepath");
write-verbose ("an error occured, rolling back. $filepath not effected");
PS> get-item fileName.ext | PrependTo-File "contentToAdd`r`n"
This oneliner might works :
get-ChildItem *.txt | % { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$lines=Get-Content $_;
$lines[0]=$lines[0].Insert(0,"!") ;
Set-Content "new_$($" -Value $lines}
Try this:
$a = get-content "c:\yourfile.csv"
$a | %{ $b = "!" + $a ; $b | add-content "c:\newfile.csv" }

Powershell Host File edit

Guys i'm having some issues converting my Perl script to powershell, I need some help. In the host file of our machines, we have all of the URL's to our test environments blocked. In my PERL script, based on which environment is selected, it will comment out the line of the environment selected to allow access and block others so the testers can't mistakenly do things in the wrong environment.
I need help converting to powershell
Below is what I have in PERL:
sub editHosts {
print "Editing hosts file...\n";
my $file = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\Drivers\\etc\\hosts';
my $data = readFile($file);
my #lines = split /\n/, $data;
my $row = '1';
open (FILE, ">$file") or die "Cannot open $file\n";
foreach my $line (#lines) {
if ($line =~ m/$web/) {
print FILE '#'."$line\n"; }
else {
if ($row > '21') {
$line =~ s/^\#*127\.0\.0\.1/127\.0\.0\.1/;
$line =~ s/[#;].*$//s; }
print FILE "$line\n"; }
Here is what i've tried in Powershell:
foreach ($line in get-content "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts") {
if ($line -contains $web) {
$line + "#"
I've tried variation including set-content with what used to be in the host file, etc.
Any help would be appreciated!
-contains is a "set" operator, not a substring operator. Try .Contains() or -like.
This will comment out lines matching the variable $word, while removing # from non-matches (except the header):
function Edit-Hosts ([string]$Web, $File = "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts") {
#If file exists and $web is not empty/whitespace
if((Test-Path -Path $file -PathType Leaf) -and $web.Trim()) {
$row = 1
(Get-Content -Path $file) | ForEach-Object {
if($_ -like "*$web*") {
#Matched PROD, comment out line
} else {
#No match. If past header = remove comment
if($row -gt 21) { $_ -replace '^#' } else { $_ }
} | Set-Content -Path $file
} else {
Write-Error -Category InvalidArgument -Message "'$file' doesn't exist or Web-parameter is empty"
Edit-Hosts -Web "PROD"
This is a similar answer to Frode F.'s answer, but I'm not yet able to comment to add my 2c worth, so have to provide an alternative answer instead.
It looks like one of the gotchas moving from perl to PowerShell, in this example, is that when we get the content of the file using Get-Content it is an "offline" copy, i.e. any edits are not made directly to the file itself. One approach is to compile the new content to the whole file and then write that back to disk.
I suppose that the print FILE "some text\n"; construct in perl might be similar to "some text" | Out-File $filename -Encoding ascii -Append in PowerShell, albeit you would use the latter either (1) to write line-by-line to a new/empty file or (2) accept that you are appending to existing content.
Two other things about editing the hosts file:
Be sure to make sure that your hosts file is ASCII encoded; I have caused a major outage for a key enterprise application (50k+ users) in learning that...
You may need to remember to run your PowerShell / PowerShell ISE by right-clicking and choosing Run as Administrator else you might not be able to modify the file.
Anyway, here's a version of the previous answer using Out-File:
$FileName = "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"
$web = "PROD"
# Get "offline" copy of file contents
$FileContent = Get-Content $FileName
# The following creates an empty file and returns a file
# object (type [System.IO.FileInfo])
$EmptyFile = New-Item -Path $FileName -ItemType File -Force
foreach($Line in $FileContent) {
if($Line -match "$web") {
"# $Line" | Out-File $EmptyFile -Append -Encoding ascii
} else {
"$Line" | Out-File $EmptyFile -Append -Encoding ascii
The ($Line -match "$web") takes whatever is in the $web variable and treats it as a regular expression. In my example I was assuming that you were just wanting to match a simple text string, but you might well be trying to match an IP address, etc. You have a couple of options:
Use ($Line -like "*$web*") instead.
Convert what is in $web to be an escaped regex, i.e. one that will match literally. Do this with ($Line -match [Regex]::Escape($web)).
You also wanted to strip off comments from any line past row 21 of the hosts file, should that line not match $web. In perl you have used the s substitution operator; the PowerShell equivalent is -replace.
So... here is an updated version of that foreach loop:
$LineCount = 1
foreach($Line in $FileContent) {
if($Line -match [Regex]::Escape($web) {
# ADD comment to any matched line
$Line = "#" + $Line
} elseif($LineCount -gt 21) {
# Uncomment the other lines
$Line = $Line -replace '^[# ]+',''
# Remove 'stacked up' comment characters, if any
$Line = $Line -replace '[#]+','#'
$Line | Out-File $EmptyFile -Append -Encoding ascii
More Information
Are there good references for moving from Perl to Powershell?
How to use operator '-replace' in PowerShell to replace strings of texts with special characters and replace successfully
If you wanted to verify what was in there and then add entries, you could use the below which is designed to be ran interactively and returns any existing entries you specify in the varibles:
Note: the `t is powershell's in script method for 'Tab' command.
# Script to Verify and Add Host File Entries
$hostfile = gc 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts'
$hostscontent1 = $hostfile | select-string ""
$hostscontent2 = $hostfile | select-string ""
$1 = "XX.XX.XXX.XX`"
$2 = ""
# Replace this machines path with a path to your list of machines e.g. $machines = gc \\machine\machines.txt
$machines = gc 'c:\mytestmachine.txt'
ForEach ($machine in $machines) {
If ($hostscontent1 -ne $null) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host "$machine Already has Entry $1" -ForegroundColor Green
} Else {
Write-Host "Adding Entry $1 for $machine" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Add-Content -Path C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -Value "XX.XX.XXX.XX`" -Force
If ($hostscontent2 -ne $null) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host "$machine Already has Entry $2" -ForegroundColor Green
} Else {
Write-Host "Adding Entry $2 for $machine" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Add-Content -Path C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -Value "XX.XX.XXX.XX`" -Force

how to use out-file with a foreach loop

$web = Get-SPWeb http://mysite
ForEach($list in $web.Lists)
if($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary")
Write-Host $list.Fields
if($list.Fields.ContainsField("marking") -eq $true)
Write-Host "found" $list.Title
} | Out-File test.txt
I have this code, which doesn't work due to write-host outputting to command line so obviously it won't write to the file.
How can I make it so it doesn't output to the command line but just outputs all the items found to the text file
Place your Out-File with the -Append switch after the lines you want to write, and take out theWrite-Host.
This would be a cleaner way to do it and probably faster. You're not going to get the carriage
return you're getting in your script after $list.Fields but I suspect you don't want that anyway
$doclibraries = (Get-SPWeb http://mysite).Lists | where {$_.BaseType -eq 'DocumentLibrary'}
foreach ($library in $doclibraries) {
$line = $library.Fields
if ($Line.ContainsField('marking')) {
Add-Content -Value "$line found $($library.title)" -Path test.txt

Get-Content - Get all Content, starting from a specific linenumber

My first question here, and just want to say thanks for all the input I've gotten over the years from this site.
I'm also new to powershell so the answar might be very simple.
I'm working on a Script that ment check a log file every 5 mins. (schedulded from ActiveBatch).
At the moment the script is searching for ERROR in a logfile. And it works fine.
But my problem is that the script searches the entire file throgh every time. So when an ERROR do occur, the check "fails" every 5 minutes the rest of the day. Untill a new logfile is generated.
My script:
Write-Host Opretter variabler...
$file = "${file}"
$errorString = "${errorString}"
Write-Host file variable is: $file
Write-Host errorString variable is: $errorString
Write-Host Select String Results:
$ssResult = Get-Content $file | Select-String $errorString -SimpleMatch
Write-Host There was $ssResult.Count `"$errorString`" statements found...
IF ($ssResult.Count -gt 0) {Exit $ssResult.Count}
So what i would like, is to Find the ERROR, and then Remeber the Linenumber (Perhaps in a file). Then in the next run (5minutes later) i want to start the search from that line.
for example. And error is found on line 142, the Script exits with error code 142. five minutes later the script is run again, and it should start from line 143, and go through the rest of the file.
You can remember number of error strings found in file:
$ssResult.Count > C:\path\to\file.txt
Then number of new erros is:
$errorCount = $ssResult.Count - (Get-Content C:\path\to\file.txt)
Remember to set the value in file to zero on first run of script and every time a new logfile is generated.
You basically gave a pretty good description of how it will work:
Read the last line number
$if (Test-Path $Env:TEMP\last-line-number.txt) {
[int]$LastLineNumber = #(Get-Content $Env:TEMP\last-line-number.txt)[0]
} else {
$LastLineNumber = 0
Read the file
$contents = Get-Content $file
Find the first error starting at $LastLineNumber (one of the rare cases where for is appropriate in PowerShell, lest we want to create nicer objects)
for ($i = $LastLineNumber; $i -lt $contents.Count; $i++) {
if ($contents[$i] -like "*$errorString*") {
$i + 1 > $Env:TEMP\last-line-number.txt
exit ($i + 1)
Select-String returns matchinfo objects, which have the line number, so you can should be able to do something like this:
$lasterror = Get-Content $lasterrorfile
$newerrors = select-string -Path $file -Pattern $errorstring -SimpleMatch |
where $_.LineNumber -gt $lasterror
Write-Host "$($newerrors.count) found."
if ($newerrors.count)
{$newerrors[-1].LineNumber | Set-Content $lasterrorfile}
So this is my final Script, Thanks Dano. I'm sure the Day-Reset thing can be done smarter, but this seems to work :)
#logic for Day-Reset
Write-Host checking if its a new day...
$today = Get-Date -format dddd
$yesterday = Get-Content $ENV:TEMP\${adapterName}_yesterday.txt
Write-Host today variable is: $today
Write-Host yesterday variable is: $yesterday
IF ($today.CompareTo($yesterday))
Get-Date -format dddd > $ENV:TEMP\${adapterName}_yesterday.txt
0 > $ENV:TEMP\${adapterName}_numberofErrors.txt
Write-Host Setting variables...
$file = "${file}"
$errorString = "${errorString}"
Write-Host file variable is: $file
Write-Host errorString variable is: $errorString
Write-Host Select String Results:
$ssResult = Get-Content $file | Select-String $errorString -SimpleMatch
Write-Host There was $ssResult.Count `"$errorString`" statements found...
$errorCount = $ssResult.Count - (Get-Content $ENV:TEMP\${adapterName}_numberofErrors.txt)
Write-Host There was $errorCount new `"$errorString`" statements found...
$ssResult.Count > $Env:TEMP\FXAll_numberofErrors.txt
Exit $errorCount