cut a sprite sheet on cocos2d for animation - iphone

I want to cut a sprite in 6 equivalent parts just with one image, a .png file which I found on the web, no with texturepacker, (the image below by example)
I can take other way, but I want to know if I can do that. any one haves idea?

I'll revise my answer if this isn't what you were asking about, but I think you are asking how to 'manually run an animation' using a spritesheet without a plist.
Here's one way. It would be better if you encapsulated this into it's own class, but this can push you in the right direction I think:
#interface ManualAnimationTest : CCLayer
CCSprite *animatedSprite;
int x,y;
float animatedSpriteWidth, animatedSpriteHeight;
int animatedSpriteColumns, animatedSpriteRows;
#import "ManualAnimationTest.h"
#implementation ManualAnimationTest
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
CGSize s = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
x = 0;
y = 0;
animatedSpriteColumns = 3;
animatedSpriteRows = 2;
animatedSpriteWidth = 95.0f;
animatedSpriteHeight = 125.0f;
animatedSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"animal_animation.png" rect:CGRectMake(x * animatedSpriteWidth,y * animatedSpriteHeight,animatedSpriteWidth,animatedSpriteHeight)];
[self addChild:animatedSprite];
[animatedSprite setPosition:ccp(s.width / 2.0f, s.height / 2.0f)];
[self schedule:#selector(animateAnimatedSprite) interval:0.5f];
return self;
-(void) animateAnimatedSprite
[animatedSprite setTextureRect:CGRectMake(x * animatedSpriteWidth, y * animatedSpriteHeight, animatedSpriteWidth, animatedSpriteHeight)];
x +=1;
if(x > (animatedSpriteColumns - 1))
x = 0;
y +=1;
if(y > (animatedSpriteRows - 1))
y = 0;


How to use global / static variables OBJ-C

I'm looking to save a variable that is used for one method, and then call it in another method for an App. Does this have something to do with global/extern/static variables? If so, I was wondering how it would be set up. I've tried to use global and static with no success.
I'm trying to hold the information of newX and newY
-(void) accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration
int newX = (int)( + valueX);
int newY = (int)( + valueY);
and then call it in
randX = arc4random() % 320;
randY = arc4random() % 548;
CGPoint randNewPlace = CGPointMake(randX, randY); = randNewPlace;
if (newX == randX || newY == randY)
[Rand sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
Just do as below
Declare properties
#property(nonatomic,weak) int newX;
#property(nonatomic,weak) int newY;
-(void) accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration
self.newX = (int)( + valueX);
self.newY = (int)( + valueY);
randX = arc4random() % 320;
randY = arc4random() % 548;
CGPoint randNewPlace = CGPointMake(randX, randY); = randNewPlace;
if (self.newX == randX || self.newY == randY)
[Rand sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
If you want to define an unchanging constant variable define it in your .h and .m
For example, if i want to define the color black as a hexadecimal string in my .h I put above the #interface.
// Default Black
extern NSString * const Black;
Then in my .m above the #implementation
// Default Black
NSString * const Black = #"0xFF000000";
Any time I call the variable Black, out comes 0xFF000000
Of course you could define any type of variable, it doesn't have to be an NSString. extern simply exposes your variables to the rest of your application.
Hope that helps!
#property (nonatomic) int newX,newY;
To access them just instantiate the class then use dot notation. Class.newX

How do I get a particle effect to follow my sprite in cocos2d?

I want a snow particle effect to follow my sprite and I tried some methods but all that ends up happening is the snow will just stay still instead of following. I did this one tutorial (will post as soon as I find it) thats shows how it do it with fire but didn't work out at all. Any tutorials or suggestions will be appreciated. I believe i have to add some kind of code to the snippet part where it says create enemy off screen.
[self schedule:#selector(gameLogicboss:) interval:180 ];
[self schedule:#selector(updateboss:)];
-(void)addTarget1 {
Boss *target1 = nil;
if ((arc4random() % 2) == 0) {{
target1 = [WeakAndFastBoss boss];
}} else {
target1 = [WeakAndFastBoss boss];
// Determine where to spawn the target along the Y axis
CGSize winSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
int minY = target1.contentSize.height/2;
int maxY = winSize.height - target1.contentSize.height/2;
int rangeY = maxY - minY;
int actualY = (arc4random() % rangeY) + minY;
// Create the target slightly off-screen along the right edge,
// and along a random position along the Y axis as calculated above
target1.position = ccp(winSize.width + (target1.contentSize.width/2), actualY);
[self addChild:target1 ];
// Determine speed of the target
int minDuration = target1.minMoveDuration;
int maxDuration = target1.maxMoveDuration;
int rangeDuration = maxDuration - minDuration;
int actualDuration = (arc4random() % rangeDuration) + minDuration;
// Create the actions
id actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:actualDuration position:ccp(-target1.contentSize.width/2, actualY)];
id actionMoveDone = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self
[target1 runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove, actionMoveDone, nil]];
target1.tag = 1;
[_targets addObject:target1];
-(void)gameLogicboss:(ccTime)dt {
[self addTarget1];
- (void)updateboss:(ccTime)dt {
CGRect projectileRect = CGRectMake(projectile.position.x - (projectile.contentSize.width/2), projectile.position.y - (projectile.contentSize.height/2), projectile.contentSize.width, projectile.contentSize.height);
BOOL bossHit = FALSE;
NSMutableArray *targetsToDelete = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (CCSprite *target1 in _targets) {
CGRect target1Rect = CGRectMake(target1.position.x - (target1.contentSize.width/2), target1.position.y - (target1.contentSize.height/2), target1.contentSize.width, target1.contentSize.height);
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(projectileRect, target1Rect)) {
//[targetsToDelete addObject:target];
bossHit = TRUE;
Boss *boss = (Boss *)target1;
if (boss.hp <= 0) {
_score ++;
[targetsToDelete addObject:target1];
for (CCSprite *target in targetsToDelete) {
[_targets removeObject:target];
[self removeChild:target cleanup:YES];
if (_projectilesDestroyed > 2) {
if (bossHit) {
//[projectilesToDelete addObject:projectile];
[[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:#"explosion.caf"];
[targetsToDelete release];
-(void)spriteMoveFinishedboss:(id)sender {
CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)sender;
[self removeChild:sprite cleanup:YES];
GameOverScene *gameOverScene = [GameOverScene node];
[gameOverScene.layer.label setString:#"You Lose"];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:gameOverScene];
if (sprite.tag == 1) { // target
[_targets removeObject:sprite];
} else if (sprite.tag == 2) { // projectile
[_projectiles removeObject:sprite];
I Have found this, at CCParticleSystem.h
/** #typedef tCCPositionType
possible types of particle positions
typedef enum {
/* Living particles are attached to the world and are unaffected by emitter repositioning. */
/** Living particles are attached to the world but will follow the emitter repositioning.
Use case: Attach an emitter to an sprite, and you want that the emitter follows the sprite.
/** Living particles are attached to the emitter and are translated along with it. */
you should set it like
Hope it helps.
You don't need to update the particle emitter's position with the sprite.
You can add a particle system to the sprite as a child.
The particle system does need to be typed as such:
CCParticleSystem * booster = [CCParticleSystem particleWithFile:#"boosterParticles.plist"];
//customize your particles' options
//assuming you have a sprite defined as _motherShip
[_motherShip addChild:booster];
* now that the particles are the _motherShip's child, you must remember
* to set the position relative to the mothership's origin...
particles.position = ccp(15,0);
...So now whenever _motherShip.position changes, the booster will follow. It will even rotate with the ship.
Very simple logic without getting into code:
I spawn a sprite and give it a location (x, y).
For each sprite, I also spawn a CCParticleSystem, give it the required particle type, spawn rates etc.
The CCParticleSystem location is now set to be the same (x,y) location as the sprite, and it should get updated as the sprite's (x,y) location is update.
As the sprite and the CCParticleSystem move around, this location (x, y) is getting updates constantly at random in your schedule method per the interval step time.
Hope that makes sense.
I do this
vehicleParticleSystem = [CCParticleSystemQuad particleWithFile:#"vehicleParticle.plist"];
vehicleParticleSystem.position = ccp(_ship.position.x - _ship.contentSize.width/3, _ship.position.y - _ship.contentSize.height/3);
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() != UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
vehicleParticleSystem.scale = 0.5;
[self addChild:vehicleParticleSystem z:-1];
and update its position with this
- (void) updateParticleSystem:(ccTime)dt {
vehicleParticleSystem.position = ccp(_ship.position.x - _ship.contentSize.width/3, _ship.position.y - _ship.contentSize.height/3);
which is called in the -(void) update:(ccTime)dt method.
The ship is moved by the user via a joypad.
hope this helps. The positioning for the particle is slightly behind the vehicle for an engine effect.
Did you tried to update your particle position taking advantage of the update method?
I'm doing something like the following lines in one of my games and it works as I think you expect
-(void) update:(CCTime)delta{
_sprite.position = CGPointMake(newXPosition, newYPosition);
_fire.position = CGPointMake(_sprite.position.x, _sprite.position.y);
I hope it helps!

iPhone:How can I shuffle buttons in view

I have many no. of buttons on my view and I want to shuffle the buttons(change in position) then how can I shuffle the button in my view.
use arc4random()
and change position of your buttons
In your .h file : UIButton *buttonsarray[10];
In your .m file :
// Make array of button using following way.I used this method to creates button and you can use yours.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
float y = 5;
int x = 0;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i++)
count ++;
buttonsarray[i] = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
buttonsarray[i].frame = CGRectMake(x, y, 100, 100);
[buttonsarray[i] setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",i+1] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
x = x + 105;
[self.view addSubview:b[i]];
if(count == 3)
count = 0;
x = 0;
y = y+ 105;
// This function will soufflé your buttons
- (IBAction)btnClicked:(id)sender
int n = 10;
int swaper;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
int r = arc4random()%n;
if(r != swaper){
swaper = r;
CGRect r1 = buttonsarray[i].frame;
buttonsarray[i].frame = buttonsarray[swaper].frame;
buttonsarray[swaper].frame = r1;
Hope,this will help you..
You can do this
Make an Array with a group of CGPoints you will need to store the points as strings.
In the layoutSubViews method set something like this:
[self.subviews enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
CGPoint newPoint = CGPointFromString([positionsArray objectAtIndex:idx]);
object.frame = CGRectMake(newPoint.x,newPoint.y,object.frame.size.width,object.frame.size.height);
Then you will need to shuffle the positions in the positions array, you can see an example method here :How to Shuffle an Array
Now every time you need to Shuffle the positions you can call -(void)setNeedsLayout on your view.
There are more options but that was the first I thought of.
Good Luck

How to implement powerUps and other game altering objects in objective-C or cocos2d

Ok, so I have these powerups that I want to slow/speed up the movement of the other objects in the game for a few seconds.
I have an array of objects that I have a variable called spawnInterval that gets faster and faster as the game progresses, making the ame get harder after a few mins.
But I can't really grasp how to make it so the character in the game will react differently to different objects as in when the fastPowerUp is hit by the character sprite, the spawn interval doesn't change.
And vice versa with the slowPowerUp.
the code I have at the moment is this in a move sequence method that gets called in an update method:
(void) updateObstacles:(ccTime)delta{
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
//int randomizer = CCRANDOM_0_1() * [obstacles count];
//NSLog(#"randomizer: %i",randomizer);
CCSprite* randomObject = [obstacles randomObject];
currentObject = [obstacles indexOfObject:randomObject];
if ([randomObject numberOfRunningActions] == 0) {
[self runObstacleMoveSequence:randomObject withTimer:delta];
-(void) runObstacleMoveSequence:(CCSprite *)object withTimer:(ccTime)delta{
static int time;
//Slowly increase object speed
if (!slowPowerUp && !fastPowerUp) {
time += delta;
if (numObstaclesMoved % 17 == 0 && obstacleMoveDuration > 2.0f) {
obstacleMoveDuration -= 0.2f;
if (spawnInterval > 0.1f) {
[self unschedule:#selector(updateObstacles:)];
[self schedule:#selector(updateObstacles:) interval:spawnInterval];
NSLog(#"interval: %f",spawnInterval);
}else if (slowPowerUp && !fastPowerUp) {
if (numObstaclesMoved % 17 == 0 && obstacleMoveDuration > 2.0f) {
obstacleMoveDuration += 3.0f;
if (spawnInterval > 0.1f) {
[self unschedule:#selector(updateObstacles:)];
[self schedule:#selector(updateObstacles:) interval:spawnInterval];
NSLog(#"interval: %f",spawnInterval);
if (time >= (delta + 3)) {
slowPowerUp = NO;
obstacleMoveDuration -= 3.0f;
}else if (!slowPowerUp && fastPowerUp) {
if (numObstaclesMoved % 17 == 0 && obstacleMoveDuration > 2.0f) {
obstacleMoveDuration -= 3.0f;
if (spawnInterval > 0.1f) {
[self unschedule:#selector(updateObstacles:)];
[self schedule:#selector(updateObstacles:) interval:spawnInterval];
NSLog(#"interval: %f",spawnInterval);
if (time >= (delta + 3)) {
fastPowerUp = NO;
obstacleMoveDuration += 3.0f;
CGSize screenSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector]winSize];
CGPoint aboveScreenPosition = CGPointMake(object.position.x, screenSize.height - object.position.y);
int rotations = (CCRANDOM_0_1()*3) * 360;
float duration = (CCRANDOM_0_1()*5.0f) + 8.0f;
CCMoveTo* move = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:obstacleMoveDuration position:aboveScreenPosition];
CCRotateTo* rotate = [CCRotateBy actionWithDuration:duration angle:rotations];
CCSpawn* moveRotate = [CCSpawn actions: move, rotate, nil];
CCCallFuncN* call = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(objectAboveScreen:)];
CCSequence* sequence = [CCSequence actions:moveRotate, call, nil];
[object runAction:sequence];
if (time >= (delta + 3)) {
fastPowerUp = NO;
-(void) objectAboveScreen:(id) sender{
//make sure sender is actually of the right class
NSAssert([sender isKindOfClass:[CCSprite class]], #"sender is not a CCSprite!");
CCSprite* obstacle = (CCSprite*)sender;
//move the back to the bottom of the screen
CGPoint pos = obstacle.position;
CGSize screenSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector]winSize];
pos.y = (-screenSize.height - [obstacle texture].contentSize.height);
pos.x = CCRANDOM_0_1() * screenSize.width;
obstacle.position = pos;
I really just don't know where to go from here... Should I make the powerUps a different class? If so, how would I implement something like this? I really hate trying to ask for someone to solve my question, but I really just can't rack my brain around this and I'm rather new... if it were explained to me, then I know I would be able to implement it in future games on my own...
Thanks in advance, and let me know if more information is needed...
I'd do something like
in the .h file
float speedModifier;
in the .m
speedModifier = 1;
wherever you are initializing the level
[self resetPowerUp];
upon collision with powerup:
speedModifier = 2;
[self performSelector:#selector(resetPowerUp) withObject:nil afterDelay:5];
then wherever you are moving whatever it is which speed should be effected by the powerup mode, multiply the speed of the animation (or divide the duration it takes for it to get wherever it's going) by speedModified
hope that helps

iphone code - CGPoint question

i have 10 moving objects (UIImageView),
is there a better way to write this code?
- (void) jumpOnTimer { = CGPointMake(,;
if( > 60 || < 0)
pos1.x = -pos1.x;
if( > 211 || < 82)
pos1.y = -pos1.y; = CGPointMake(,;
if( > 40 || < 0)
pos2.x = -pos2.x;
if( > 206 || < 82)
pos2.y = -pos2.y;
and so on...
Judging by that code snippet, it looks like you have a single controller which "owns" the ten balls, and you want the balls to bounce around according to a set of rules that are unique to each ball. A more object-oriented approach would be as follows:
#interface JumpBallClass
CGPoint center;
CGPoint speed;
CGPoint lowerLimit;
CGPoint upperLimit;
#property (assign) CGPoint lowerLimit;
#property (assign) CGPoint upperLimit;
- (void)update;
#implementation JumpBallClass
- (void)update
center.x += speed.x;
center.y += speed.y;
if (center.x > upperLimit.x || center.x < lowerLimit.x)
{ speed.x = -speed.x; }
if (center.y > upperLimit.y || center.y < lowerLimit.y)
{ speed.y = -speed.y; }
This setup would allow you to configure all of the balls once, by setting their upper and lower limits:
[jumpBall1 setUpperLimit:CGPointMake(60, 211)];
[jumpBall1 setLowerLimit:CGPointMake(0, 82)];
And then simply calling update on each ball in your timer method:
- (void) jumpOnTimer {
[jumpBall1 update];
[jumpBall2 update];
You can simplify this even further by storing all of the balls in an NSArray:
NSArray * balls = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:jumpBall1, jumpBall2, ..., nil];
And then calling makeObjectsPerformSelector:
[balls makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(update)];
You can make an array of jumpBalls and then loop through each and do the code for that. You can do something like this:
JumpBallClass *myjumpballs[10];
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
myjumpballs[i].center = CGPointMake(myjumpballs[i].center.x+pos1.x,myjumpballs[i].center.y+pos1.y);
if(myjumpballs[i].center.x > 60 || myjumpballs[i].center.x < 0)
pos1.x = -pos1.x;
if(myjumpballs[i].center.y > 211 || myjumpballs[i].center.y < 82)
pos1.y = -pos1.y;
Looks like you're trying to manually animate. Have a look at using UIView animations instead