eclipse plugin missing in hadoop-1.2.1 - eclipse

I am trying to install hadoop on Windows. Following all the steps provided on
I am facing a problem installing the hadoop-plugin. The hadoop version downloaded from does not contain the 'eclipse-plugin' folder in 'hadoop-1.2.1/contrib/'
Is there any other way that I can get this done.

The folder might be src/contrib/eclips-plugin (not just contrib/eclips-plugin)
Try taking it from
Use for other releases


libsqlite3-0.dll was not found error when launching shp2pgsql-gui on Windows (PostGIS)

I recently installed PostgreSQL 13 on windows 10 and the PostGIS extension via the stack builder. However, when trying to launch the shp2pgsql-gui application to import a shapefile, I get a "libsqlite3-0.dll was not found" error. I can see the file under the bin folder, so I'm not sure where the problem is and googling did not help very much. I wonder what the problem may be because the installation seemed pretty straightforward to have done something wrong.
Copying the "libsqlite3-0.dll" file from \PostgreSQL\13\bin to PostgreSQL\13\bin\postgisgui and then running the shp2pgsql-gui application seemed to fix this issue for me.
This problem can occur for different reasons, but I recommend that you download that .dll from the following link ( Then replace the file in the installation folder.

Can't Find certain extensions in CODE-OSS(Open source variant of Visual Studio Code)

I have been using Code-OSS in manjaro linux for some months now and this is the first time I am encountering this. (After I reinstalled manjaro) When I search for e.g, Java Extension Pack or Intellisense I don't get any result in the extension marketplace. I don't know if it's the problem of my setup or everyone is experiencing this. If you know of a solution please tell me.
Thanks in advance
This can be fixed by adding following to product.json:
"extensionsGallery": {
"serviceUrl": "",
"cacheUrl": "",
"itemUrl": ""
This can also be fixed by copying product.json from an official build (in the .zip archvie, product.json is under /usr/share/code/resources/app/product.json which contains above lines). Depending on your distribution, exact location may vary.
More information:
As an alternative to manually editing product.json or building whole visual-studio-code-bin from AUR you can use different AUR package - code-marketplace - that patches product.json from Code OSS package (code)
Thank you #Clay for responding. I saw that post prior to me posting this question. Those bits of json code were already in my product.json file but still I was not able to get the extensions. Then I built the VISUAL STUDIO CODE (visual-studio-code-bin) from AUR and now its working normally as expected. I don't know what's the reason behind this,but that's how I fixed it.
Also if someone is reading this and wanna know about the different variants of VSCode then here is the archWiki page for VSCode.
For anyone using the docker container like me, the .json is located at /app/code-server/lib/vscode/product.json.
I've encountered this using OSS Code on Manjaro as well, trying to install the Azure Resource Manager Tools extension. Not sure if this was an option when this question was posted, but you can download the extension (.vsix) file if possible, then bring up 'quick open' in OSS Code using Ctrl+Shift+P, search for "VSIX" and choose "Extensions: install from VSIX" to locate and install the downloaded .vsix file.
After this, the extension was installed and usable in OSS Code, and is also configurable in the extension manager panel.

Unable to publish Smartface 4.4.04 project

I am using jdk1.8.0_05 and unable to publish the project to Android. I am getting message 'Need 1.7 jdk'. Should I downgrade my jdk?
Also don't forget to check (if you've already set the path to the jdk 1.7) if your path go into the "bin" folder like "jdk1.7blabla/bin" and not only "jdk1.7blabla".
I solved the same problem with this solution :)
You need to use jdk1.7.0_71 in order to get Android publish with the existing setup of Smartface which is 4.4.0.
Also you should check this document about configuration :

error while trying to run MapReduce job using eclipse Indigo

I am trying to run MapReduce jobs using hadoop-eclipse plugin with Eclipse Indigo, but I am getting the following error:
Error: failure to login
While looking for some help, I found there is a problem with Hadoop-, so I tried Hadoop- as the issues are fixed in this version.
I am still facing the same problem. Am I missing something or making a mistake?
Sorry for my poor English, as your question has no more detail, I guess that you meet the same problme as me, if so, the following link resolved my problem, pls. pay attention to step "4".
Sorry for that is a page in Chinese. It said the problem is because the file hadoop-eclipse-plugin- lost 5 files "commons-configuration-1.6.jar , commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar , commons-lang-2.4.jar , jackson-core-asl-1.0.1.jar 和 jackson-mapper-asl-1.0.1.jar ". You should:
Extract the "hadoop-eclipse-plugin-",
Add the 5 files into "hadoop-eclipse-plugin-\lib" ,
Modify "hadoop-eclipse-plugin-\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF" (modify the Bundle-ClassPath).
Re 'jar' the package and replace the old "hadoop-eclipse-plugin-".
The os the page referred is linux, my os is Win7.
good luck!
Instead of going for adding plugin u can just add the required libraries in eclipse and do your programming.
here is the list of library u will need. These files exists with the Apache hadoop distribution in lib folder.

Could not initialize class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser

I'm trying to display my reports on the browser , but I keep getting this error:
the strange thing about this, is that it only happens when I attempt to generate the reports from the version installed on the server, but not when I do it locally from my pc
Have you any idea why this is happening ?
For those still running into this issue: on Ubuntu Server 12.04 with headless OpenJDK JRE, it was simply solved by
apt-get install ttf-dejavu-extra
This seems like a Headless mode issue. You need to set the java.awt.headless property to true. That can be done using:
static {
System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true");
Or, by setting the headless property in your tomcat startup command as -Djava.awt.headless=true
Also, you can read more on why this is necessary, you can read about the Headless mode here
For me the issue was regarding a bug in AdoptOpenJDK:
I fixed the issue by installing ttf-dejavu manually in my dockerfile
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:alpine-jre
# Workaround for wrong font configuration in adoptopenjdk
RUN apk update && apk upgrade \
&& apk add --no-cache ttf-dejavu \
# Install windows fonts as well. Not required..
&& apk add --no-cache msttcorefonts-installer \
&& update-ms-fonts && fc-cache -f
AND by running the application with the flag -Djava.awt.headless=true
This is a missing jars in the class path issue.
I had this issue and found that with by adding the missing jars to the class path it resolved the issue.
From the below article article
I found that the minimal jars necessary are...Now The versions numbers have changed but with these libraries only I managed to get it working.
commons-collections-2.1.jar (commons-collections.jar)
iText-2.0.7.jar (used infor PDF exporting)
This can as well be caused by missing/inaccessible Java 'temp' directory. In, temp files are being created:
Files.createTempFile("+~JF", ".tmp").toFile();
On one system, the 'temp' dir was missing under Tomcat folder but Java was configured to use it:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\temp
BTW. first time around, after restarting Tomcat, the service was actually throwing an IOException, but then JasperReports cached something and on subsequent calls the stack trace was exactly as reported here.
I got this error while deploying springboot app (including jasper reporting) in docker container.The problem was with openjdk:8-jdk-alpine which I used for building docker container environment. That has a bug in fonts support. Therefore I switched to openjdk:8-jre (or OpenJDK 7 versions will also help) and it worked for me. I spent days to fix this bug.
To resolve the issue, do the following:
Switched from Open JDK to Sun JDK
Installed MS Core Fonts
Packaged JasperReport font library jar with the application
this may be problems with memory, reboot the server.
I know I'm late but couldn't resist answering this one to help out a lot of guys in trouble. After a lot of trial and error, figured out that xml-apis jar is excluded in of tomcat. Remove it from there and it should work. Didn't notice any side effects till now, works great.
Also, make sure the fonts are installed and check gradle/pom for merge strategy if any exclusions are made on xml-apis jar.
BTW, this problem started coming for us after upgrading to jdk11 and moving from tomcat 8 to 9.
I searched several hours for the same issue, and my solution is none of the others mentioned.
Due to a bad update of my jasper reports version I had multiple versions of the jasperreports jar file on my classpath. Make sure you only have a single jasperreports jar file...
A little late, but here is why we had this problem... We recently started developing with IntelliJ instead of Eclipse. We simply forgot to run IntelliJ as administrator... We had done this with Eclipse for a long time already, but simply didn't think about it with IntelliJ.
In the end, I guess the fonts weren't found or a folder was not found since there were insufficient rights to read/write on the c drive.
Got the same error - apparently JRStyledTextParser is using dependency from xml-apis
By adding xml-apis I got it fixed
In my case i was using Arial fonts for this i have configured arial fonts in irfonts.xml
which was like below
<fontFamily name="Arial"><normal><![CDATA[fonts/arial.ttf]]>
</normal><bold><![CDATA[fonts/arialbd.ttf]]></bold> <italic><![CDATA[fonts/ariali.ttf]]></italic><boldItalic><![CDATA[fonts/arialbi.ttf]]></boldItalic><pdfEmbedded><![CDATA[true]]></pdfEmbedded></fontFamily>
but it should be like :
<fontFamily name="Arial"><normal><![CDATA[fonts/arial.ttf]]></normal><bold><![CDATA[fonts/arialbd.ttf]]></bold><italic><![CDATA[fonts/ariali.ttf]]></italic><boldItalic><![CDATA[fonts/arialbi.ttf]]></boldItalic><pdfEmbedded><![CDATA[true]]></pdfEmbedded></fontFamily>
so their was a space before the end tag of each tag in above configuration file.i fixed it by removing space between them.
This might help ,I had the same error and every other solution didn't work.
I fixed it by updating to java8.
In our case it helped to delete the temp server (thus making sure there are no jar duplicities) and restart server.
Hint: try this in case if the error starts occurring after a new release (but worked before and nothing relevant changed in the release)
I've faced the same issue on my development machine. Basically it was happened due to problem in application server (Apache tomcat)
Basically I've accidentally deleted the "temp" folder in server root. So jasper cant compile the report and proceed with the report generation.
You can try make a downgrade to jdk7, it's works to me.
sorry my english!
In my case problem was with the jdk8 which I was using to build docker image, but after some search I switched to jre. That fixed my bug. I think you can try any image rather than using jdk8.
There are 2 steps to solve this problem.
-Djaav.awt.headless=true in startup script or vm options
Install the fonts
yum install fontconfig
Then you can verify
rpm -qa | grep font
This is on CentOS 7.
We had been using Google Noto fonts and thought that we do not need any font installation but was wrong.
For me this error was because I had upgraded JasperSoft Studio and thereafter new or edited reports were compiled in a newer JasperReports version and were therefore unreadable by the server. There is a compile compatibility mode in Studio, but I couldn't get it to work, and the version I was running on the server (6.6.0) wasn't listed as an option in the list of compatibility versions (and using other "close" versions didn't work either).
I ended up installing a legacy Studio version 6.6.0, and recompiled my reports in it. When I deployed the new .jasper files to the server they worked right away and all is well again.
Using Payara (4 in my case) already has -Djava.awt.headless=true, We are using Jasper 6.6.0 but downgraded to 6.4.0 (for another dependency)
we had the same problem when did a fresh install of payara4 with oracle JDK 8u281, downgrading to 8u181 or 8u171 solved it
Upgrade your jasperreports-dependency.
I got a similar stacktrace, when using this outdated version of jasperreports:
This fixed my issues:
For us the problem was that we had to use the standard Openjdk version not the alpine one. I assure you that all the other fixes don't work.