Scala. Get first element of List - scala

Why does queue.get() return empty list?
class MyQueue{
var queue=List[Int](3,5,7)
def get(){
object QueueOperator {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val queue=new MyQueue
How i can get first element?

It's not returning the empty list, it's returning Unit (a zero-tuple), which is Scala's equivalent of void in Java. If it were returning the empty list you'd see List() printed to the console rather than the () (nullary tuple).
The problem is you're using the wrong syntax for your get method. You need to use an = to indicate that get returns a value:
def get() = {
Or this is probably even better:
def get = this.queue.head
In Scala you usually leave off the parentheses (parameter list) for nullary functions that have no side-effects, but this requires you to leave the parentheses off when you call queue.get as well.
You might want to take a quick look over the Scala Style Guide, specifically the section on methods.

Sometimes it can be good to use
take 1
instead of head because it doesnt cause an exception on empty lists and returns again an empty list.


Evaluating a Scala List[Either] into a Boolean

I am using scanamo to query a dynamodb and all i want to do is check that the db actually exists. I'm not really concerned with the record I get back, just that there were no errors. For the query part I'm using this:
trait DynamoTestTrait extends AbstractDynamoConfig { def test(): Future[List[Either[DynamoReadError, T]]] = ScanamoAsync.exec(client)table.consistently.limit(1).scan())}
that returns the Future List. I want to evaluate the first? item in the list and just return true if it is not a read error.
I thought this would work but it doesn't:
val result = test() match {
case r: DynamoReadError => Future.successful(false)
case r: Registration => Future.successful(true)
I'm new to scala so struggling with return types and things. This is a Play api call so i need to evaluate that boolen future at some point. With something like this:
def health = Action {
val isHealthy = h.testDynamo()
val b: Boolean = Await.result(isHealthy, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration(5, "seconds"))
I think this is probably wrong also as i don't want to use Await but i can't get async to work either.
Sorry, i'm kind of lost.
When i try to evaluate result i only get a message about the Future:
"status": 500,
"message": "Future(<not completed>) (of class scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise)"
The result is a Future so you can't test the result without doing something like Await.result (as you do later). What you can do is modify the result returned by the Future to be the result you need.
In your case you can do this:
This will return Future[Boolean] which you can then use in your Await.result call.
Here is how it works:
map calls a function on the result of the Future, which is type List[Either[DynamoReadError, T]] and returns a new Future that gives the result of that function call.
_.headOption takes the head of the list and returns an Option[Either[DynamoReadError, T]]. This is Some(...) if there are one or more elements in the list, or None if the list is empty.
forall checks the contents of the Option and returns the result of the test on that option. If the Option is None then it returns true.
_.isRight tests the value Either[...] and returns true if the value is Right[...] and false if it is Left[...].
This does what you specified, but perhaps it would be better to check if any of the results failed, rather than just the first one? If so, it is actually a bit simpler:
This checks that all the entries in the List are Right, and fails as soon as a Left is found.
The problem with returning this from Play is a separate issue and should probably be in a separate question.

Scala function tries to return Unit instead of Future

I am writting a scala function which follows the following workflow:
take an id as parameter.
use the id to get a object from mongo database. Here I am using reactive mongo.
after getting the object make another query to the database to get a list of items and return it.
I have implemented this workflow in the following way:
def functionA(id:String):Future[List[Hotel]]={
var futureHotel = hotelRepository.getHotel(id) // returns Futue[Option[Hotel]]
val result = for {
}yield (hotelRepository.getHotels(r.get.giataid)) // this is supposed to be Future[List[Hotel]]
It gives me error message like: Type mismatch. Found Unit require Future[List[Hotel]]
As I am new to Scala, I am sure I am missing something. Will be cool if someone can point out. Any clue or help will be appreciated.
You are assigning the result to result. Assignment in scala is of type Unit (doesn't return anything). Remove the assignment, since the last expression becomes the return value.
Also, if the getHotels method returns Future[List[...]] you'll end up with Future[Future[List[...]]. You probably want something like this:
def functionA(id:String):Future[List[Hotel]]= {
for {
r <- hotelRepository.getHotel(id)
result <- hotelRepository.getHotels(r.get.giataid)
} yield result
This gets translated to a call to flatMap that doesn't produce the doubly nested future.

What are the semantics of the last expression in a block of scala code?

Following code does not work if I don't uncomment the commented line.It says
type mismatch; found : Unit required: Option[String]
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument
import org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper
object PdfToText {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val filename = "D:\\Scala\\DATA\\HelloWorld.pdf"
def getTextFromPdf(filename: String): Option[String] = {
val pdf = PDDocument.load(new File(filename))
println(new PDFTextStripper().getText(pdf))
// Some(new PDFTextStripper().getText(pdf))
Code executes fine if I keep the line -
Some(new PDFTextStripper().getText(pdf))
The World of Scala
Could anyone please explain the behaviour of the line
" Some(new PDFTextStripper().getText(pdf)"
The result of a method is the result of the final line of code. println returns Unit. If that's the last line then that's what the method returns, which conflicts with the stated Option[String] return type.
The code new PDFTextStripper().getText(pdf) returns a String and wrapping it in Some() makes it an Option[String] which does match the stated method return type.
Here is a method that compiles.
def six(): Int = { // takes no arguments and returns an Int
println("top") // string sent to stdout
6 // this is the Int it returns
Here is a method that does not compile.
def six(): Int = { // takes no arguments and returns an Int
6 // this is the Int it should return
println("end") // Error: type mismatch
This method is supposed to return an Int (that's what the : Int means) but the last line is a println() statement and println returns a Unit, not an Int, so that causes the error. This method is trying to return Unit when it is supposed to return Int.
This is a very basic concept in the Scala language.
Option is a Scala type that represents the presence or absence of a value. Instead of runtime constructs like null and exceptions which have significant downsides, Option (and equivalent constructs in other languages) allows for compile-time checking that you are handling both possibilities.
A common use of Option is a database lookup by id. It is quite possible there is no entity with that id. The return type of the function in Scala would be Option[Employee]. If you find one, it would return Some(employee); otherwise simply None. Both subclass Option. Note that you can think of Option like a container of zero or one element.
In your case, you have defined your function to return Option[String], which is why returning Some(String) containing the text of the file makes the compiler happy. I hope that answers your question.
Please note though that your function isn't really designed in a way that uses Option effectively since there is no issue of presence/absence--just always present. In other words, returning an Option isn't useful here. However, it would be perfectly appropriate to use Option to represent the cases where the file is or isn't available on the file system to be read.
For example:
object PdfToText {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val filename = "D:\\Scala\\DATA\\HelloWorld.pdf"
val text = getTextFromPdf(filename)
val result = => s"File contents: ${t}").getOrElse("Empty file")
def getTextFromPdf(filename: String): Option[String] = {
val file = new File(filename)
if (file.exists() && !file.isDirectory) {
val pdf = PDDocument.load(new File(filename))
Some(new PDFTextStripper().getText(pdf))
} else {
Here presence is defined by the existence of a readable file, which allows me to return its contents in a Some, and absence is defined by the nonexistence of the file or the file being a directory, which manifests as a None
I then account for both possibilities in main. If there's text to be read because the function gave me back a Some, I call map (which only fires on Somes) to transform the text into a different string. If I get None, we skip over to the getOrElse and produce a default string.
Either way, we print out whatever we got, which is guaranteed to be a String no matter what happened with the original File.
As a shameless plug, you can learn more about Option in our tutorial Nine Reasons to Try Scala. Just fast forward to 8:36.

What does the word "Action" do in a Scala function definition using the Play framework?

I am developing Play application and I've just started with Scala. I see that there is this word Action after the equals sign in the function below and before curly brace.
def index = Action {
Ok(views.html.index("Hi there"))
What does this code do? I've seen it used with def index = { but not with the word before the curly brace.
I would assume that the name of the function is index. But I do not know what the word Action does in this situation.
This word is a part of Play Framework, and it's an object, which has method apply(block: ⇒ Result), so your code is actually:
def index: Action[AnyContent] = Action.apply({
Ok.apply(views.html.index("Hi there"))
Your index method returns an instance of the class Action[AnyContent].
By the way, you're passing a block of code {Ok(...)} to apply method, which (block of code) is actually acts as anonymous function here, because the required type for apply's input is not just Result but ⇒ Result, which means that it takes an anonymous function with no input parameters, which returns Result. So, your Ok-block will be executed when container, received your instance of class Action (from index method), decided to execute this block. Which simply means that you're just describing an action here - not executing - it will be actually executed when Play received your request - and find binding to your action inside routing file.
Also, you don't have to use def here as you always return same action - val or lazy val is usually enough. You will need a def only if you actually want to pass some parameter from routing table (for instance):
GET /clients/:id controllers.SomeController.index(id: Long)
def index(id: Long) = Action { ... } // new action generated for every new request here
Another possible approach is to choose Action, based on parameter:
def index(id: Long) = {
if (id == 0) Action {...} else Action{...}
But uasually you can use routing table itself for that, which is better for decoupling. This example just shows that Action is nothing more than return value.
Update for #Kazuya
val method1 = Action{...} //could be def too, no big difference here
// this (code inside Action) gonna be called separately after "index" (if method2 is requested of course)
// notice that it needs the whole request, so it (request) should be completely parsed at the time
val method2 = Action{ req => // you can extract additional params from request
val param1 = req.headers("header1")
//This is gonna be called first, notice that Play doesn't need the whole request body here, so it might not even be parsed on this stage
def index(methodName: String) = methodName match {
case "method1" => method1
case "method2" => method2
GWT/Scala.js use simillar approach for client-server interaction. This is just one possible solution to explain importance of the parameter "methodName" passed from routing table. So, action could be thought as a wrapper over function that in its turn represents a reference to OOP-method, which makes it useful for both REST and RPC purposes.
The other answers deal with your specific case. You asked about the general case, however, so I'll attempt to answer from that perspective.
First off, def is used to define a method, not a function (better to learn that difference now). But, you're right, index is the name of that method.
Now, unlike other languages you might be familiar with (e.g., C, Java), Scala lets you define methods with an expression (as suggested by the use of the assignment operator syntax, =). That is, everything after the = is an expression that will be evaluated to a value each time the method is invoked.
So, whereas in Java you have to say:
public int three() { return 3; }
In Scala, you can just say:
def three = 3
Of course, the expression is usually more complicated (as in your case). It could be a block of code, like you're more used to seeing, in which case the value is that of the last expression in the block:
def three = {
val a = 1
val b = 2
a + b
Or it might involve a method invocation on some other object:
def three = Numbers.add(1, 2)
The latter is, in fact, exactly what's going on in your specific example, although it requires a bit more explanation to understand why. There are two bits of magic involved:
If an object has an apply method, then you can treat the object as if it were a function. You can say, for example, Add(1, 2) when you really mean Add.apply(1,2) (assuming there's an Add object with an apply method, of course). And just to be clear, it doesn't have to be an object defined with the object keyword. Any object with a suitable apply method will do.
If a method has a single by-name parameter (e.g., def ifWaterBoiling(fn: => Tea)), then you can invoke the method like ifWaterBoiling { makeTea }. The code in that block is evaluated lazily (and may not be evaluated at all). This would be equivalent to writing ifWaterBoiling({ makeTea }). The { makeTea } part just defines an expression that gets passed in, unevaluated, for the fn parameter.
Its the Action being called on with an expression block as argument. (The apply method is used under the hood).
Ok("Hello world")
A simple example (from here) is as follows (look at comments in code):
case class Logging[A](action: Action[A]) extends Action[A] {
def apply(request: Request[A]): Result = {// apply method which is called on expression"Calling action")
action(request) // action being called on further with the request provided to Logging Action
lazy val parser = action.parser
Now you can use it to wrap any other action value:
def index = Logging { // Expression argument starts
Action { // Action argument (goes under request)
Ok("Hello World")
Also, the case you mentioned for def index = { is actually returning Unit like: def index: Unit = {.

Can anyone explain how the symbol "=>" is used in Scala

I've read a lot of code snippets in scala that make use of the symbol =>, but I've never really been able to comprehend it. I've tried to search in the internet, but couldn't find anything comprehensive. Any pointers/explanation about how the symbol is/can be used will be really helpful.
(More specifially, I also want to know how the operator comes into picture in function literals)
More than passing values/names, => is used to define a function literal, which is an alternate syntax used to define a function.
Example time. Let's say you have a function that takes in another function. The collections are full of them, but we'll pick filter. filter, when used on a collection (like a List), will take out any element that causes the function you provide to return false.
val people = List("Bill Nye", "Mister Rogers", "Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi", "Jesus", "Superman", "The newspaper guy")
// Let's only grab people who have short names (less than 10 characters)
val shortNamedPeople = people.filter(<a function>)
We could pass in an actual function from somewhere else (def isShortName(name: String): Boolean, perhaps), but it would be nicer to just place it right there. Alas, we can, with function literals.
val shortNamedPeople = people.filter( name => name.length < 10 )
What we did here is create a function that takes in a String (since people is of type List[String]), and returns a Boolean. Pretty cool, right?
This syntax is used in many contexts. Let's say you want to write a function that takes in another function. This other function should take in a String, and return an Int.
def myFunction(f: String => Int): Int = {
val myString = "Hello!"
// And let's use it. First way:
def anotherFunction(a: String): Int = {
// Second way:
myFunction((a: String) => a.length)
That's what function literals are. Going back to by-name and by-value, there's a trick where you can force a parameter to not be evaluated until you want to. The classic example:
def logger(message: String) = {
if(loggingActivated) println(message)
This looks alright, but message is actually evaluated when logger is called. What if message takes a while to evaluate? For example, logger(veryLongProcess()), where veryLongProcess() returns a String. Whoops? Not really. We can use our knowledge about function literals to force veryLongProcess() not to be called until it is actually needed.
def logger(message: => String) = {
if(loggingActivated) println(message)
logger(veryLongProcess()) // Fixed!
logger is now taking in a function that takes no parameters (hence the naked => on the left side). You can still use it as before, but now, message is only evaluated when it's used (in the println).