MonoTouch/Xamarin Windows phone corporate app - deployment

I want to start developing/deploying applications for windows phone in Xamarin.
Is there some enteprise approach to deploy corporate applications or i have to use Microsoft's way with AET and Developer account.
Thanks for reply.


Windev Software on saas

Hello I don't know very much about the saas system, could you please tell me if a HR software made in windev could easily be deployed as a saas ? The problem is that it would cost a lot to deploy it, because each time a client is connected at the same time, it costs 150 euros (under windows licence). Could you please tell me more about the remote app ? And another problem is that when a client would like to print something, it opens a widows window which permits access to the network, and it is not secured. Is the only possibility to make all the windev software as a web software ? Thanks !
If you don't want to buy Windows licences for each computer, you can :
Generate a java application and run it on Linux, with some limitations
Transform you application in a web app and run it on a web server, with some limitation and some more code
Install your application on a Windows remote server and connect to it with Remote Desktop (a Windows application), but you need licences for connecting you to the server
For me, the printing problem is not a security breach.

Self-hosted Azure Mobile Services

Is it possible to host an Azure Mobile Service? (Published on my own server)
I only want to use the Mobile SDKs to sync tables on mobile applications, I don't need push notifications.
I also want to have a Web API controlling this data in the same project, is it possible without having NuGet Packages problems?
Other question, do I need the Azure Mobile Backend to make it work with the Mobile SDKs (iOS, Android, etc)?
If those solutions don't work, I'll be hosting this on Azure and probably managing the data with another Web API self-hosted.
You may want to consider Azure Mobile Apps which allows full control of your deployed site.
The Mobile Services backend, or Mobile Apps server SDK is required for the Azure Mobile client libraries to work.

Can I use Enterprise License to deploy beta version of app to client?

This question in related to iOS Developer Enterprise program
Our client wants to review the app on their phone before release.
Can we buy an Enterprise License from our company and then use it to deploy the app?
For Enterprise account, Apple talks about in-house deployment. Can it be a legal issue?
You can just use Ad-hock deployment, which is just limited to 100 devices. Enterprise is an overkill for what you are looking for and it's quite a time consuming process to get the enterprise license.

Can winform C# applications run from citrix?

Can winform C# applications run from citrix?
If the application is kept on Citrix server, can it be viewed in windows OS machines?
Will the same be viewable via iPad?
The only real issue I've seen with home-grown .Net apps on Citrix is the occasional problem with code access security.
Yes to all of your questions.
Winform applications can be written in C# and run on Citrix
Once you publish the application it can be run on windows OS via the Citrix client. It will appear that the app is running locally.
Right now there is a client for the iPad available in the app store. Using this you should be able to connect to your apps via Citrix
I don't see why it wouldn't run on Citrix. If the corresponding framework is installed on the Citrix servers, it will run on it.
I don't know about iPad, since I believe it has to be from the App Store, but maybe.
Of course yes to all of your questions, Citrix is only an environment.

Options for iPhone app which requires VPN?

I was thinking about creating an iPhone app "front end" for one of our internal systems.
I suspect this will need to run via a Cisco VPN (connecting with a key code).
What are the options to do this on the iPhone?
Do you need to manually connect to a VPN somehow using the iPhone and then start the iPhone app?
Or can the app prompt users to enter their key code and then start the VPN session?
No, (as of iPhone SDK 3.1.2) there's no API provided by the SDK to manipulate VPN connections. The user will have to manually connect to the network.
While there may not be an API available to manipulate the VPN itself, as of iOS 3.0 enterprises can at least enforce hosts within particular domains be accessed via a VPN, and "VPN On Demand" can be used to turn on the VPN when a given resource is being accessed. Without the enterprise deployment tools though, I suspect you're out of luck.
It doesn't sound like the application will be able to have any insight in to any of this happening, though.
Try iSimplyConnect - it support Dial-On-Demand.