GWT : How to prevent client-side state from being cleared when a redirection (for e.g : OAuth2) happens? - gwt

I am implementing OAuth2 authentication for one of my GWT projects (let's call it GWT-app). The application responsible for authentication is a third-party application based on Spring Framework-3.1.2.RELEASE and uses its OAuth2 implementation included in Spring Security-3.1.3.RELEASE (let's call it OAuth-app).
GWT-app is a management application for managing user and stores. Each user has one or more manager accounts. A manager account may have one or more stores attached to it so that he can manage them altogether from one screen of the GWT-app.
It means that the user may potentially have to authenticate many times through different manager accounts to display stores by manager account on the app.
So on the page of my GWT-app, I have the following :
private final Map<String, ManagerAndStoresProxy> managerAndStores = Maps.newTreeMap(Ordering.natural());
after authentication, this map should be populated with Manager name and a List of attached stores for each.
The Authorization-code flow is used for authentication. When GWT-app wants to authenticate someone, it redirects the user to a login page on OAuth-app. The user enters his credentials and will be presented with an authorization page asking him whether he wants to allow GWT-app to access his information. If the user clicks on authorize, he is redirected back to the GWT-app with an access token.
The only issue is that since GWT-app is redirecting the user to another application for authentication, the first time the authentication works and the map is populated correctly but if I have to authenticate another account then the previously authenticated account is cleared and can not be retrieved because of the redirection.
The question is then : how can I proceed to persist this map and retrieve it back when a second (third, fourth and so on) authentication flow is over (i.e after the url-redirection of OAuth-app).
What I did so far is that when the user wants to proceed with authentication from the page, he is presented with a popup redirected to the OAuth-app authentication page. The access token is then retrieved from this popup but I have to send it back to the parent window (i.e page). This can be done via a HTTP GET parameter but this method reloads the parent page and the result is the same: the previously authenticated account is cleared.
What is the best way to handle this situation without clearing the previous context and without requiring any server-side session mechanism whatsoever ?

The root of the problem is using the authorization code grant; the implicit grant (aka client-side flow) would be a much better fit.

If your app is not limited by old browsers in terms of compatibility then you can try to store all necessary things in HTML5 Web Storage.


How do we detect if a user has ever visited a particular client

In every realm in Keycloak, there is client which often represent the application the user is about to access which is represented as client_id in the url, such as
How do we detect if a user has ever successfully logged in into a particular client at least once?
Out-of-the-box and depending on the type of use-case and client flow used you could either:
Enable the admin events, in particular the Event Type : LOGIN and then query those events for the clientID and id of the user;
If the client in question is using either Browser Flow or Direct Grant Flow then you can (under the Authentication tab) copy and create your own version of one of the flows accordingly. Then add a sub-flow that forces the user to perform an action only during the first login (e.g., accept the 'Terms and Conditions'). Afterwards, under Authentication Flow Overrides (of the client) override the flow with your customized flow, accordingly. Finally, query the user for the first login action required by the client in question.
DISCLAIMER: I am not claiming that those are either the best solutions for this use case or that they are bulletproof.

OAuth - what to store on disk

TL;DR When using google oauth on desktop app, what to save on disk to avoid repeated sign in? Save the google user id? or the token? or an session id?
I'm creating an little desktop app, whitch must authenticate to my REST API server. I'm using google oauth2 for that.
The idea is, that when the desktop app will be authentivated, it generates some data that will be send to my server. The server will store the data with the google user id received from
On the first run of the desktop app, it will open the default browser, with and url for my server and start an local http server. then:
my server will redirect the browser to google (with the clientid, secret, etc.)
user logs in and it will be redirected back to the server with the oauth code
server uses the code to get the token, and then the user profile and stores the token and the profile in db, then redirects the browser to localhost with an paramerer
the desktop app catches the parameter and stores it in an file on the disk
next time the desktop app will start it only reads the file for the parameter to send the generated data with it to my server
my question is: what the parameter should be? the google user id? the oauth token? an generated session id for this desktop app? or something else?
when it will be the google user id, it can conveniently sent the data with the user id and the rest server will just store it in db as is. but I don't think it's safe
when it will be the token, the rest server has to with every request also get the user profile from google with the token. and imho sending the token with every request isn't safe either
generating an session id means to store it with the user and the token on the server and the desktop app will just store it and send it with every request. but I don't know if it's safe to do that
As it's normally the case in software development you have a couple of options depending on requirements.
The mandatory requirement is that your client (desktop) application needs to send something to your REST API so that the API can perform up to two decisions:
Decide who the user is.
Decide if the user is authorized to perform the currently requested action.
The second step may not be applicable if all authenticated users have access to exactly the same set of actions so I'll cover both scenarios.
Also note that, for the first step, sending the Google user ID is not a valid option as that information can be obtained by other parties and does not ensure that the user did authenticate to use your application.
Option 1 - Authentication without fine-grained authorization
Either always sending the id_token or exchanging that token with your custom session identifier both meet the previous requirement, because the id_token contains an audience that clearly indicates the user authenticated to use your application and the session identifier is generated by your application so it can also ensure that. The requests to your API need to use HTTPS, otherwise it will be too easy for the token or session ID to be captured by an attacker.
If you go with the id_token alternative you need to take in consideration that the token will expire; for this, a few options again:
repeat the authentication process another time; if the user still has a session it will indeed be quicker, but you still have to open a browser, local server and repeat the whole steps.
request offline_access when doing the first authentication.
With the last option you should get a refresh token that would allow for your application to have a way to identify the user even after the first id_token expires. I say should, because Google seems to do things a bit different than the specification, for example, the way to obtain the refresh token is by providing access_type=offline instead of the offline_access from OpenID Connect.
Personally, I would go with the session identifier as you'll have more control over lifetime and it may also be simpler.
Option 2 - Authentication + fine-grained authorization
If you need a fine-grained authorization system for your REST API then the best approach would be to authenticate your users with Google, but then have an OAuth 2.0 compliant authorization server that would issue access tokens specific for your API.
For the authorization server implementation, you could either:
Implement it yourself or leverage open source components
⤷ may be time consuming, complex and mitigation of security risks would all fall on you
Use a third-party OAuth 2.0 as a servive authorization provider like Auth0
⤷ easy to get started, depending on amount of usage (the free plan on Auth0 goes up to 7000 users) it will cost you money instead of time
Disclosure: I work at Auth0.
There should be no problem sending the access_token with every request since they are created for that purpose and are thus short lived. You can use the Google Authorization Server endpoint to verify a token instead of using it to do a request for a users profile.
If you're only relying on Google for authentication, here's how your workflow can look:
the client (desktop application, in your case) retrieves the
Google id_token following the user's log in, and then sends it to
the server
the server validates the integrity of said token and extracts the user's profile data; this could mean a simple GET on Google's endpoint to verify this token:{0}
On subsequent requests, nothing should change really, except that the user's login process will be automated (since he's given permissions & all), and thus much faster. #danielx is right, there's no problem with sending the token each and every time.

Is there any way to get LInkedIn company network updates w/o requiring user to authenticate via browser?

Since LinkedIn discontinued their network updates RSS feeds, I haven't been able to find any "simple" mechanism to gain access to update feeds w/o going through the oauth process requiring the user to authenticate first. The few examples I've seen posted here all assume you've obtained the auth token first. Is that even possible?
In case anyone else inquires:
If your application requires you to make API calls in an automated way
- without user interaction, you need to bootstrap the first access token request by manually signing in, and then ensure that your
application refreshes the token automatically prior to expiry to avoid
the need for additional human authentication.

Spring boot REST token authorization and authentication best practices

What is the best practise for authorization and authentication of users in REST spring boot?
I am building web app with standard pages + REST API for mobile. I looked at many articles about Spring security and basically most of them goes with some sort of fitler approach that will allow or block REST calls. In my case, however, I have some auth logic based on who the user is. For example, there is a /update API that updates user information, and user can update himself, but cannot update other person.
Initially I thought to use next auth schema:
User calls auth API and pass name/password or cookie
System generates short life token, saves in it's database.
User get this token, updates his cookie (so JS in web application can read and use it)
When REST call is being make cookies are passed. At Controller, token is extracted, checked for expiration, query is done to database to validate token and get user id.
Based on user id, REST will be permited or blocked.
Is this the right approach to implement? I have a pretty big mess in my head after reading articles about spring boot security.
At least: session auth will not work for me (REST is stateless). I want to make auth for mobile device without storing login/password there.
Does it make sense to pass this token in the REST body itself? What in case of GET method?
Many thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Did you find a solution to your problem?
I have answered this problem elsewhere, if you are sure you won't want to open up the API to other developers/clients in the future (if you do then you should look at OAuth) then a simple token based solution will work.
Something basically along the lines of this:
Setup a standard html login page, that you can use for user login to the app
setup spring security to return a cookie on sucessful login with an authentication token
in your mobile app, embed a WebView (or equivalent) and load this login form - allow the user to login via that webview, on response grab the cookie and store the token (as mobile is generally single user, you can keep that pretty long to save mobile users having to keep logging in)
Add a security filter to the the REST API to authenticate against the token (from the mobile app pass the token in the header for example) - then you will be able to use normal spring authentication context for current users etc.
This approach is suggested by Google here: (EDIT: Google seems to have changed the page I originally read to be about using Google+ sign in and OAuth2.0 - I can't see a link to their general Mobile/API docs so here it is in the web archive :) )
I have also written up my implementation here:
Overview of the approach using Spring security
The code & details
Although this was really just an experiment/Proof of concept, it might be useful in your thinking.
Cookie approach seems perfect for the use case. Token can be tied up with user id. Filter can extract cookie and pass user id for example as header to apis - that should take care of GET...

WIF - optional authentication

I'm working on a proof of concept app. The basic functionality works, where I can log into one website, link to another site that shares the same STS, and the partner site picks up the credentials properly.
However, the partner site only requests the token if the page that we link to requires authentication (which kind of makes sense I guess).
Ideally, I'd like to link to a partner page that does not require you to be authenticated, BUT if the user IS already authenticated, I'd like to at least be able to recognize them on the partner site.
Currently, if my partner landing page does not require authentication, it doesn't appear that the user is logged in when they arrive. As soon as the user requests a page on the partner site that does require authentication, it then grabs the token without requiring the user to log in.
I've tried playing around with the SecurityTokenReceived and RedirectingToIdentityProvider events, but so far I'm stumped.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
So, the problem you are running up against is in dealing with the SessionAuthenticationModule hijacking the request. This module is responsible for detecting if the user has a valid session (based on a cookie that is written upon a successful redirect from the STS) and if not, to redirect the user to the STS to fetch a valid token. The WSFederationAuthenticationModule supplies the eventing necessary to hook into various stages of the redirection/authentication process.
Based on your description, it sounds like you want the following to happen:
User clicks on a link that redirects to the partner site
At the partner site, the request is intercepted and the system determines if the user is signed-in to the STS or anonymous
If the user has a valid session with the STS, then pull the claims for that user
The problem is, your RP cannot know that the user has a valid session without sending the user to the STS first (the RP's do not talk to each other or the STS. The user's brower is used as the means of communication between the RP's and the STS in the form of WS-Fed directives and SAML tokens passed in the url during redirects). If the user is sent to the STS, then they must authenticate, which could be a problem for anonymous users.
So, I do not think there is a "trick" that you can pull via configuration or interception of the request to determine if the user has a valid session with the STS. You might be able to pass a hint, however, from the referrer that is intercepted by the partner site. This hint could take the form of a parameter on the url that indicates to the partner site that the current user has a valid session and to go ahead and redirect to the STS (absence of this hint would indicate an anonymous user). You could also build a system to "hand-off" knowledge of the signed-in user using a resource that both sites have access to (i.e. database).
As you are sure to learn soon, more often than not, WIF offers pieces to the puzzle, but every situation is different and you have to supply the other pieces on your own.
Hope this helps!