Invalid Binary File after uploading on ITunesConnect - iphone

I have built an iPhone application and was uploading the 4th version when the Invalid Binary status showed up on ITunes Connect. The 1st 3 versions uploaded smoothly.
I recieved a mail from Apple with the following error
Invalid File Name - Your package contains a file ' ' with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names.
I am unable to zero down on the trouble making file. Any leads on how I could debug this? Have been stuck on it for 2 days now.

App icon file must be named Icon.png. It appears that your binary includes a file with incorrect name or a space in between. Check the app icon file's name.
Also check your XCode project for any stray file with name Icon .png. Sometimes due to version control softwares there can be some hidden files backup with strange name. Check for hidden files/folders with name Icon . in your XCode project. Any such files getting included in your XCode project will get added in the app binary resources.

In my case I found the Icon .png making a search in the filter of the Project Navigator
I delete it and it worked.


Android file deleting process leaves empty placeholder in gallery

I am developing an app that fetches the file from file manager. When file is accessed from
DCIM/Camera folder and moved into another place programmatically. This leaves and empty placeholder in the gallery. If these placeholders are not deleted, then if the file is moved again into DCIM/Camera it shows the file in gallery. If that placeholder is deleted, and file is moved again into DCIM/Camera the file is not shown on Gallery. I searched the answer for this question but all of those answers are in Java. But I am developing my app in flutter.
suggest me a solution in Flutter/dart.
This was the only one answer I found but in Java Android file delete leaves empty placeholder in Gallery
Thanks in advance.

How do you create files in arbitrary locations using Swift?

How do you go about creating files at arbitrary locations given you have the absolute path? I want to create a file in some arbitrary location /Users/me/random/project3/<moreStuffInThePath. How would I go about doing this?
To create a directory I would do:
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: "/Users/me/random/project3/<directoryName>"
This worked fine for directories.
However the counterpart for creating files does not work:
FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: "Users/me/random/project3/something.txt", contents: .utf8)) // always returns false
I have checked out other stack overflow threads on creating files. Everything I found was about creating files in the .documentDirectory or it was outdated.
Eg: How to create text file for writing
Create empty file swift
Read and write a String from text file
TLDR: How do I create text files/files with random extensions at arbitrary locations on the pc given I have the absolute path?
I would also be grateful if someone could explain why all tutorials available on this matter are about the document directory. Why is it so significant?
Thank you!
This is most likely because your app is sandboxed.
Go to your project settings, select the macOS target and go to "Signing and Capabilities". You should see something like this:
If your app needs to create files in arbitrary locations, you must remove the app sandbox by clicking on the "x" on the top right. Note that this will cause your app to be rejected from the Mac App Store.
If you want to upload your app to the Mac App Store, then you must keep the sandbox, and write to "user selected locations" only. Select "Read/Write" rather than "Read Only" next to "User Selected File". (Although it says "File", this includes directories too) This allows you to write to locations chosen by a user using something like an NSSavePanel.

Creating an IPA, "contains multiple products"

I am working on an email client based on ReMail. Basically, I reused the ReMail project so that the MailCore etc dependencies would be all set up out of the box so I could build a new app on top of them. I'm trying to give the app to some beta testers via ad hoc, but when I try to create an IPA, I receive this error:
xxxx does not contain a single–bundle application or contains multiple products. Please select another archive, or adjust your scheme to create a single–bundle application.
I have set Skip Install to YES for all dependencies, and moved all files under Copy Header to the "project" section, but I am still unable to build a single APP file.
I don't know if this is significant, but when I open up the xcarchive file, within the products directory, I find a the APP file under Applications, and then a file structure mirroring the absolute path to the header files for MailCore.
Any ideas as to what might be going on? I'm very near the tearing-out-chunks-of-hair-in-frustration stage, and I don't think the unnaturally bald crazy person look would suit me.
Try removing the “Copy Headers” phase entirely. It's only supposed to be used for frameworks, not static libraries. The Xcode static library template that includes a “Copy Headers” phase is wrong.
Check out the “Working with Schemes and Projects in Xcode” video from WWDC 2012, starting at 45m10s.

iTunes file sharing - how to upload different folders?

i want to use the "file sharing" feature in my app. I want to create a photo-app which has no content when the user starts it. Therefore the user can select an image-folder on his mac or pc. After that and starting the app on his iphone or ipad, all the content of his image-folder will be viewable.
I think its only possible to add simple files to my app - not content folders, right?
Any ideas how i could do this?
Thanks for your time and help.
On your mac, rename the folder to folder.pkg.
You can now add folder.pkg to the documents for your app using iTunes File Sharing.
Once folder.pkg has been added, rename it to its original name.
Not sure how to do this with iTunes on a PC.
You cannot upload folder to the app.
one way to do so
create .zip file of that folder and upload.
extract that zip file from app.
checkout this project, It has a code to extract zip file.
I found that using iTunes 12, and iOS8, I can now ADD folders to an apps Documents folder using iTunes File Sharing. Previously it was only possible to add single files.
It is indeed possible to add a folder to and App's File Sharing space using iTunes version 12+. However, the iTunes upload button will not work for this, because its file selection interface insists on plain file selection only, excluding folders. The way which works is to drag-and-drop a folder from your PC to the iTunes File Sharing window.
Since the iTunes interface for handling file sharing is very poorly designed, is is worth recalling the tricks that you can use to perform operations on the File Sharing space, that iTunes does not provide a button for:
Rename a file or folder: click it once, wait for a couple of seconds, and click it again. This will replace the name with the renaming edit box
Delete a file or folder: select it, then hit the "Del" key on your keyboard
Upload a folder: drag-and-drop it from your computer copy
It remains impossible to directly see or alter the contents of a File Sharing folder in iTunes. My workaround for doing this is the following:
Download the folder to the computer
Make any desired change to the folder tree on the computer copy
Delete the File Sharing copy of the folder (or, optionally, rename it to something like folder.old for safety)
Upload the modified folder from the computer, using drag-and-drop
(optionally) Delete the safety copy in File Sharing, after verifying that the App works fine with the newly uploaded version of the folder
I hope this helps
I was not able to drag-and-drop a folder from my PC (Windows 10). But I found a free application called iFunbox that allowed me to copy a folder to an application's documents.

iPhone MoveMe Example - trouble with DisplayStrings

I'm starting to play a bit with iPhone applications and I downloaded the MoveMe example from the apple web page.
I managed to run the app, however I do not get the strings displayed. I noticed that the DisplayStrings.strings file, although it exists in the app folder, does not appear as one of the resources.
I tried adding it as a resource, but then after compiling I get an error saying "copystrings failed with exit code 1". I cannot find anything online regarding what the origin of this problem is...
The file itself is in utf16 (big endian), and contains simply a list of strings separated by new lines.
Any ideas?
I was having the same problem and as a workaround I renamed DisplayStrings.strings to and added it as a resource. I then modified init in PlacardView.m to use the new filename. This made Xcode happy.
I fixed this by adding the DisplayStrings.strings file as a resource. However, when you do this it defaults the type to 'text.plist.strings' which is incorrect, since the file is just text. So, right click on the DisplayStrings.strings file in resources and change the type to 'text'. This solved the problem for me.