facebook like button showing extra information - facebook

I am using facebook button tag (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/) and used this tag
<fb:like href="http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/" send="false" show_faces="false" ></fb:like>
But it is showing me more than I asked for. It works fine in firefox but it shows some extra information on safari. How can I get rid of that signup link?

AS Scott indicated I think this is working as designed. When in Firefox you are likely signed into facebook - hence the like button displays as you want it to display. But when you are in Safari you are NOT logged in (there's no facebook cookie - probably because you use FF as your default browser). So you get the info and the signup button.
As for the "extra" information you should experiment with
and or
The default is "standard" - so perhaps one of the other types will be more suited to your layout.

if you aren't connected to Facebook, you will always see the Sign Up button, if you don't Want show the Sign Up link, you can use a div container with Overflow:hidden property
<div class="containerLike">
<fb:like href="http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/" send="false" show_faces="false" ></fb:like>
and in css:
.containerLike {overflow:hidden;
width: Your selected width;}


Facebook Like Box is blank

I am using the iframe method to get the Facebook Like Box on my website.
The website is: http://motorcyclealley.co.nz (the Like Box should be showing down the bottom to the right of the YouTube video)
However, it is always blank.
Browsing to the iframe url in my browser: http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http://www.facebook.com/MotorcycleAlley&width=320&height=315&show_faces=false&colorscheme=light&stream=true&border_color&header=false&appId=397375460320824
Also produces a blank screen. The url was generated with the official generator. I am unable to figure out what is wrong because STRANGELY it works in the browser I originally did it on (Firefox 18.0.2 on Linux).
I have tried it on Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox/Windows and made sure that all adblocking extensions are disabled. I still get the blank screen.
Can anyone tell me whats going on?
EDIT: I should also mention that I have tried the HTML5 and FBML methods with the same result, they both worked on that ONE browser but not on any others
Ok, I just found out why. The Like Box doesnt show unless you're logged into Facebook in that browser (because it is set to have an age restriction). Apparently the following fixes it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9310091/335227
I had the same problem.
I followed FB's instruction to add a FB like box in my web page:
<div class="fb-like"
But the block doesn't show like and share buttons, only white blank.
After some investigation I found it to be a bug of standard layout, if I set data-layout attribute to box_count, button_count or button, it works well.
My research

Facebook Like Button doesn't Publish

I have this snapshot version of a website and I'm using the new like button, at least trying to.
The like system is working great. I can even save how many clicks on each like I have.
BUT, I couldn't figure out why every time I try to publish (using the dialog opened after clicking on the like button), the content doesn't appear on my activity or any where else.
That's the example code I'm using:
<fb:like layout="button_count" href="http://www.podeir.com.br/brasilia/agenda/visualizar/id_agenda/2/AERO-GROOVE" send="false" width="194" show_faces="false" font="tahoma"></fb:like>
Just noticing: My Like Button Count is growing.
Facebook tells you what your problem is in the debugger results.
Your og:image tag needs to be a fully qualified URL (e.g. start with http://)

Why doesn't FB Like button show correct like count?

When I click my Like button, it does add the activity to my FB (per screenshot) but the count stays at zero (also per screenshot), why?
I've checked the Linter tool and everything looks to be fine.
The site is www.FindCuro.com
Here is my code (MVC)
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=#ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppId"]&xfbml=1" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www.findcuro.com" data-send="false" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true" data-layout="button_count"></div>
The problem is the like button.
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www.FindCuro.com" data-send="false" data-width="450" data-show-faces="false" data-layout="button_count"></div>
You shouldn't be using "FindCuro.com" (note the capital letters)
If you check https://graph.facebook.com/http://www.FindCuro.com/ you'll see two shares
If you check https://graph.facebook.com/http://www.findcuro.com/ you won't see any shares
Facebook is checking the second one.
try all lowercases.
The issue is related to the fact that page located on URL you using for like button have Canonical URL that cannot be resolved due to cyclical redirects: http://www.FindCuro.com/ (See output of Debug tool for initial URL and the one for Canonical URL)
Provide lowercase Canonical URL in the OpenGraph meta tags should solve the issue.
BTW, If you'll use standard layout for Like Button you will probably see error message while liking with user who is admin of application. Also activity story about liking page is sent regardless of real like number increase.

how can i change image for "fb:login-button" when doing facebook login

i have implement facebook OAuth for my application.
I want to change the standard image provided for facebook login and want to put my custom.
Is there a way to do?
How can i do it?
I'm not sure this will work, but it worths a try:
a. Go to http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/login/ , get the code for the Facebook login button. The HTML part is like:
<div class="fb-login-button" data-show-faces="true" data-width="200" data-max-rows="1"></div>
b. Add a new class for that div, and style it.
I myself often don't use the tag Facebook provided though, but instead use their links and re-style it.

Facebook IFrame on page canvas?

Hey guys, I have developed a small site that i would like to embed into a tab on a facebook page.
Previously I used this code to load in an iframe, it worked great:
<a onClick="outside_location.setInnerFBML(link_1);" style="cursor: pointer;">Link 1</a> | <a class="red" onClick="outside_location.setInnerFBML(link_2);" style="cursor: pointer;">Link 2</a>
<div id="outside_location"></div>
<fb:js-string var="link_1"><fb:iframe width="760" height="1280" frameborder='0' src='http://www.WebWhispers.in' /></fb:js-string>
<fb:js-string var="link_2"><fb:iframe width="760" height="1280" frameborder='0' src='http://google.com/' /></fb:js-string>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var outside_location = d
However, it has stopped working. I dont think facebook allows iframe inside of pages, only applications.
How can I load this page in without learning FBML? The site uses Jquery so I cant use FBML anyway.
I know applications can use iFrames, can I make it an application and then embed the application into a page tab somehow?
No. Tab pages can not contain iFrames. They must be written using FBML and FBJS.
One reason for this is that Facebook does not want to enable Tab pages to detect who looks at them. All requests (including images) on tab pages are proxied through Facebook for this reason. If iframes were allowed then the application would be able to detect who looked at it, which would present a privacy issue for Facebook users.
This is either a policy change by Facebook or, more likely, a bug. I say it's unlikely to be a policy change as it throws a script error, whereas a policy change would more likely strip the code out before it's rendered.
There's a bug report you can add votes to and follow here.