CFRelease on CMSampleBufferRef - Why do I need to call this? - iphone

CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer = [assetOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
CMBlockBufferRef buffer = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBuffer);
CMBlockBufferAppendBufferReference(_sem == 0 ? _buffer0 : _buffer1, buffer, 0, 0, 0);
// CFRelease(sampleBuffer);
Why does this cause a memory leak at the first line (at least that's where Leaks suggests)? I have my assetOutput.shouldAlwaysCopySampleOutput = NO. Here's my understanding of the situation:
CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer = [assetOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
This line will create a reference to the sample buffer from the assetOutput.
CMBlockBufferRef buffer = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBuffer);
This line will get the CMBlockBuffer from the CMSampleBuffer but will not allocate a new buffer, and the Get method in this case means it is a temporary (autoreleased) buffer
CMBlockBufferAppendBufferReference(_sem == 0 ? _buffer0 : _buffer1, buffer, 0, 0, 0);
This line will append the reference of the CMBlockBuffer created above, to the selected global-scope buffer. It will not copy any memory blocks.
So in none of these three lines do I allocate any memory nor do I copy any memory, it's all references. I don't understand where the leak is coming from. I tried adding the commented out lines and it still seems to leak (although fewer times)

alwaysCopiesSampleData is not about memory management. It is only about whether you are scribbling on the original sample buffer or a clone of the original. It is somewhat unfortunately named.
copyNextSampleBuffer follows the create rule and as such, should be released when you are done with it. It creates a reference with a retain count of at least 1.
The Create Rule:
Apple's doc links tend to change, but if the above link dies, just google "The Create Rule"

Core Foundation data structures follows the same ownership rules as Foundation objects.
The rules are pretty simple - whatewer you create (or get the ownership by some other way), you have to destroy. If some other method wants to work with the same structure/object, it has to ask for the ownership and thus preventing the destruction.
Taking ownership = "create" / "retain"
Releasing ownership ("destruction") = "release"
In your sample code, you have created a structure using copyNextSampleBuffer. That means, you have to also destroy it using CFRelease.
(Note that with ARC you don't actually see the retain and release calls but with Core Foundation, you have to use them explicitely).


Managing Memory in CoreGraphics / CoreText with Return Values

I have a simple method which takes in a CTFramesetterRef object and builds a CTTextFrameRef from that as follows:
- (CTFrameRef) createFrameRefWithFramesetterRef:(CTFramesetterRef)framesetterRef
CTFrameRef frameRef = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetterRef, CFRangeMake(0, 0), self.mutablePathRef, NULL);
return frameRef;
Then in another method I make a call to the above method:
- (void) someMethod
CTFramesetterRef framesetterRef = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString((CFMutableAttributedStringRef)self.text);
CTFrameRef newFrameRef = [self createFrameRefWithFramesetterRef:framesetterRef];
//do some stuff
I just wanted to verify that I managed memory properly here as I am new to working with CoreGraphics. When CTFramesetterCreateFrame is called, retain is automatically called on frameRef. I don't have to worry about releasing frameRef when it's returned since it's stored in newFrameRef and the retain count stays the same. All I have to worry about is releasing newFrameRef (CTRelease(newFrameRef)). Is this correct?
UPDATE: I'm actually still getting a memory leak from this, one at the line with the return and one where I'm releasing "newFrameRef"
C-interface API's take their cues from the old Foundarion Kit naming guide, which has two distinct (and helpful) naming conventions called the Get Rule and the Create Rule. For brevity's sake: any C-function that has the word create in it returns a reference that you must manage manually. So to answer your question, yes, you do need to release that CTFramesetterRef, because you've got a leak on your hands now.

iPhone how to properly handle Core Foundation references with ARC?

I'm very new to the core foundation programming and would like to know what I'm thinking of doing is correct. I'm using ARC, and am not sure of how it handles non-object references. I need to save a reference to a sample buffer and use it later within the app. Is this possible, or will the sample buffer be deallocated prior to that?
Will using self.sampleBuffer = sampleBuffer_; cause memory leak? Do I need to add a manual call to release after this call?
#property (nonatomic)CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer;
- (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer_ fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
//does this cause memory leak?
self.sampleBuffer = sampleBuffer_;
It doesn't cause a memory leak. In fact, you're more likely to run into issues from the object being released out from under you, since properties have the assign attribute by default, which means they do not retain (read: own) the assigned object.
If you're holding onto the sample buffer long enough to need it to be a property, you should probably follow the docs and copy the samples to your own buffer instead of holding onto the object handed to your delegate:
If your application is causing samples to be dropped by retaining the
provided CMSampleBuffer objects for too long, but it needs access to
the sample data for a long period of time, consider copying the data
into a new buffer and then releasing the sample buffer (if it was
previously retained) so that the memory it references can be reused.
On the other hand, if you really want to keep a reference to the sample buffer, you can keep everything else as it is and call CFRetain on the object before you assign it to your property (making sure you CFRelease the object that was assigned before). This has equivalent semantics to the strong attribute for Foundation objects.

Objective C, Memory Management

1) What is the reason for the use of retain?
For example, in a setter method:
- (void) setCount: (int) input {
[intCount autorelease];
intCount = [input retain];
2) the autorelease-Method: Is it deleting an old object or preparing the new one?
3) Why the retain-method is called at the input-object?
intCount = input;
be wrong?
And why?
Retain is used to increment the retainCount of an object. NSObjects have a property called retainCount which maintains a count on the number of references that are currently held on an object. When the retainCount of an object reaches 0, the object can be released from memory. Effectively this prevents an object from being released from memory if it's still in use elsewhere.
The autorelease method does not delete an old object and does not prepare the new object. It is effectively a pre-emptive call to release the object (autorelease is much more complicated than that and you should read up on it in the Memory Management Guide.)
In your case intCount = input wouldn't be wrong because you're working with a primative. However if input were an object then you'd need to be calling retain on it. In fact you don't even need to be writing your own getters/setters for primatives (or objects), but instead should be using Declared Properties. In fact you're almost always better off using Declared Properties and if you do want to roll your own, get to know the pitfalls of doing so first.
I recommend you read this.
The answers to your questions have been answered fairly well so let me just add that if you can use garbage collection you should. It makes everything so much easier. It isn't a panacea and you still should learn to use the retain/release mechanism but unless you are dealing in some high volume memory calls, creating and deleting lots of objects, then just use garbage collection.
It can be found under Project | Edit Project Settings | Build
Then just search for "garbage" and you'll see it.
If you are doing iOS development and cannot use garbage collection I apologize for giving unhelpful information but it still stands for non-iOS development.
To answer ur question specifically:
1). the use of retain is to declare the ownership of an object. In this case, intCount retains the ownership of input, in case the input got released somewhere else, u can still use the intCount.
2). the autorelease of intCount is to relinquish the ownership of the old value. That avoid the memory leak of the old value. If u don't release the old value, and u assign a new value to this pointer, the old object will always be there and never got released, which will cause the memory leak.
3). if u don't retain the input, and the parameter of input got released somewhere else. then if nowhere else retain this object, it will get freed. So u can't use intCount as well. That's why u need to retain it or copy it.
But i think if u do intCount = input; it should be fine. Because int is not an object, it's just a type. So I think the whole method is okay to be written like this:
- (void) setCount: (int) input {
intCount = input;
But if its a pointer, u should not assign the new value to the old one directly.

iOS Memory Management: ivars, static, and NSStrings

I have managed to get myself confused about some elements of memory management. I am new to objective-c, and memory managed languages generally.
I have read the memory management guidelines, but I remain confused about a couple of things.
1) Is there any need to clean up ivars, and method variables that are not retained by any object. For instance
-(void) someMethod{
int count = 100;
for (int i=0; i <count; i++) {
NSLog(#"Count = %d", i);
What happens to the "count" var after the method is complete?
If a method allocates lots of temporary variables, do those get removed from memory as long as they are not unreleased, alloc'd objects? Or do i need to set them to nil in some way?
2) If i have a static variable, for instance an NSString, do I have to do anything for that to be removed from memory when the class is dealloced?
3) I have noticed that NSStrings seem to have a retainCount of 2147483647 which wikipedia tells me is the max value for a 32 bit signed integer.
myString retainCount = 2147483647
-(void) someMethod{
NSString *myString = #"testString";
NSLog(#"myString retainCount = %d", [myString retainCount]);
// logs: myString retainCount = 2147483647
What happens to this at the end of the method? Does this memory ever get emptied? The string is not being referenced by anything. My understanding is that the #"" convenience method for NSString returns an autoreleased object, but whats the point of autoreleasing something with a retainCount of 2147483647 anyway? In that case, whats the point of retaining or releasing ANY NSString?
I am well aware that retainCount should be ignored, but it just bugs me not to know what's going on here.
4) Does this matter at all? I know that the memory associated with an NSString isn't much to write home about, but I want to be a good memory management citizen, and I'm more interested in best practices than anything else.
Retain/release only matters for objects, not int, bool, float, double or other built-ins. So use it for id or other classes that you hold a pointer to an object. In your example, count doesn't need to be retained or released. It is allocated on the stack which is automatically cleaned up when the function returns.
You do need to deal with any local objects you alloc. Those are created with a retainCount set to 1, so you need to either hold on to them for later or release them. Most Cocoa functions (that don't start with copy or alloc) return an object that is autoreleased. This means that they will have release called on them later -- you can only hold these after the function if you call retain on them. If you want them to be cleaned up, you don't need to do anything (calling release would result in too many release calls).
If you have a static variable pointing to an object, then it is not touched when objects of that class are dealloced. If you want it to be released, you have to call release on it. If the static is an int, bool, or other built-in, you don't (can't) call release on it. That's part of the global memory of your app.
NSStrings that are set to string literals should not have release called on them. The retainCount is meaningless for them. That value is also -1 for signed int values.
If you do this -- [[NSString alloc] initCallHere:etc] -- you have to call release on it. Most of the time you get strings, you don't use alloc, so you don't need to call release. If you retain one, you need to call release.
Yes, it does matter. Over time leaks will cause the iPhone to kill your app.
You don't need to worry about count cause it's an integer, a primitive data type, not an object.
I've read that those just go away upon app termination or if you explicitly release them.
You are right in that you should not worry about the retain count in that way. Cocoa automatically gives #"" (NSConstantString objects) the absolute highest retain value so that they cannot be de-allocated.
You are over complicating the subject. The point of the three guidelines is so that you know that you only have to worry about memory management in three specific situations. Apple gives you these guidelines so that one doesn't have to worry about the specific internals for every single class (like manually tracking retainCount), not to mention that sometimes Cocoa does things differently (as with NSConstantString). As long as you remember these guidelines, you really don't have to know the very gritty details of what's going on underneath (of course, an understanding of the retain count concept helps, but compare this to manually tracking it).
I don't know which guide you read specifically, but if you haven't given this one a try, I highly recommend it. It summarizes the three guidelines in a concise and direct manner.
The Cocoa memory management rules only cover Objective C objects.
Local variables (non-static) are cleaned up when any subroutine or method exits (actually the stack memory is just reused/overwritten by subsequent subroutines or methods in the same thread). Constants which require memory (strings) and static variables are cleaned up when the app is torn down by the OS after it exits. Manually malloc'd memory is cleaned up when you manually free it.
But any object you alloc or retain: (whether assigned to an ivar, local, global, static, etc.) has to managed like any other object. Be careful assigning objects to global variables, unless you are really good at retain count management.

Objective-C memory model

I am attempting to wrap my head around one part of the Objective-C memory model (specifically on the iPhone, so no GC). My background is C/C++/Java, and I am having an issue with the following bit of code (also wondering if I am doing this in an "Objective-C way" or not):
- (NSSet *) retrieve
NSMutableSet *set;
set = [NSMutableSet new];
// would normally fill the set in here with some data
return ([set autorelease]);
- (void) test
NSSet *setA;
NSSet *setB;
setA = [self retrieve];
setB = [[self retrieve] retain];
[setA release];
[setB release];
start EDIT
Based on comments below, the updated retrieve method:
- (NSSet *) retrieve
NSMutableSet *set;
set = [[[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity:100] autorelease];
// would normally fill the set in here with some data
return (set);
end EDIT
The above code gives a warning for [setA release] "Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object is not owned at this point by the caller".
I though that the "new" set the reference count to 1. Then the "retain" call would add 1, and the "release" call would drop it by 1. Given that wouldn't setA have a reference count of 0 at the end and setB have a reference count of 1 at the end?
From what I have figured out by trial and error, setB is correct, and there is no memory leak, but I'd like to understand why that is the case (what is wrong with my understanding of "new", "autorelease", "retain", and "release").
I though that the "new" set the reference count to 1. Then the "retain" call would add 1, and the "release" call would drop it by 1. Given that wouldn't setA have a reference count of 0 at the end and setB have a reference count of 1 at the end?
You're leaving out the autorelease. When -(void)test gets a set, its retain count is 0. You don't retain setA, so it already has a retain count of 0 when you try to release it, hence the error message.
The fundamental rule for memory management is quite simple: calls to alloc, new and copy* must be balanced by calls to release/autorelease. The former take ownership, the latter relinquish ownership.
The only tricky part is when dealing with shared objects, where you don't take ownership of an object, so it might be discarded in between the time you get a reference to it and when you use it. This has a simple solution: if in doubt, retain it.
You can make things even simpler by using properties in many situations.
Don't think in terms of absolute numbers. That can be very deceptive. Think of retains and releases as deltas if you must have a number — in this case, the autorelease has already balanced the new (a +1 delta and a -1 delta), so that method manages its memory correctly and the receiver doesn't need to do anything unless it wants to keep the object around longer.
Definitely read the memory management docs. It really is as simple as following the rules described there. It's a very simple contract of ownership where you claim ownership when you want an object to stick around and relinquish ownership when you don't care anymore. In the case above, you relinquish ownership in the retrieve method, so trying to relinquish ownership when you don't have it is obviously a bug.
As the profiler message hints, you should be thinking in terms of ownership. As noted in the memory management rules, whenever you have an object that you have created with +alloc, +new, -copy, or -mutableCopy, you own it and are responsible for releasing it eventually. (In fact, +new is just shorthand for [[MyClass alloc] init].)
-retain takes an object that you didn't initially own and makes you own it.
-release takes an object that you own and releases ownership of it.
-autorelease takes an object that you own and releases ownership of it, but also guarantees that the object will exist for at least a little bit longer.
Your -retrieve method does not transfer ownership of the object it returns. This is good—it follows the memory management rules (the method isn't +alloc, +new, -copy, or -mutableCopy). Therefore, using -release on it without using -retain is an error. It would be equally valid to not retain or release the result from -retrieve, as long as the object will have a temporary lifetime—your -autorelease guarantees temporary existence of the object.
You probably want
NSMutableSet *set = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity: someNumber];
NSMutableSet *set = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity: someNumber];