How to handle hash collisions? - hash

I am developing a game where every thing in the game world is represented by an global unique identifier.
Those ids each measure 64 bits and are generated by hashing together the time of creation, the machines network address and a random number. According to Wikipedia's article on the Birthday problem, the probability of a hash collision is 0.1% for two hundred million records.
Since it is unlikely that I'm going to get that much records, one could consider that no hash would ever collide. But I don't want to hope for that, but let my application handle the rare case of a id collision, thus hash collision.
Otherwise, the behavior would be very undesired because two independent things in the game world would have a connection, thus share their properties like position, movement, health points, and so on.
How can I handle hash collisions? How are they handled typically?

Typically hash collisions are handled in two ways:
Use a larger hash, so that collisions are practically impossible.
Consider hash codes to be non-unique, and use an equality comparer for the actual data to determine uniqueness.
A 128 bit GUID uses the first method. The HashSet<T> class in .NET is an example of the second method.


Hash that generates Decimal output for Swift

I want to hashed a String into a hashed object which has some numerical values NSNumber/Int as an output instead of alpha-numeric values.
The problem is that after digging through swift and some 3rd party library, I'm not able to find any library that suffices our need.
I'm working on a Chat SDK and it takes NSNumber/Int as unique identifier to co-relate Chat Message and Conversation Message.
My company demand is not to store any addition field onto the database
or change the schema that we have which complicates thing.
A neat solution my team came with was some sort of hashed function that generates number.
func userIdToConversationNumber(id:String) -> NSNumber
We can use that function to convert String to NSNumber/Int. This Int should be produced by that function and probability of colliding should be negligible. Any suggestion on any approach.
The key calculation you need to perform is the birthday bound. My favorite table is the one in Wikipedia, and I reference it regularly when I'm designing systems like this one.
The table expresses how many items you can hash for a given hash size before you have a certain expectation of a collision. This is based on a perfectly uniform hash, which a cryptographic hash is a close approximation of.
So for a 64-bit integer, after hashing 6M elements, there is a 1-in-a-million chance that there was a single collision anywhere in that list. After hashing 20M elements, there is a 1-in-a-thousand chance that there was a single collision. And after 5 billion elements, you should bet on a collision (50% chance).
So it all comes down to how many elements you plan to hash and how bad it is if there is a collision (would it create a security problem? can you detect it? can you do anything about it like change the input data?), and of course how much risk you're willing to take for the given problem.
Personally, I'm a 1-in-a-million type of person for these things, though I've been convinced to go down to 1-in-a-thousand at times. (Again, this is not 1:1000 chance of any given element colliding; that would be horrible. This is 1:1000 chance of there being a collision at all after hashing some number of elements.) I would not accept 1-in-a-million in situations where an attacker can craft arbitrary things (of arbitrary size) for you to hash. But I'm very comfortable with it for structured data (email addresses, URLs) of constrained length.
If these numbers work for you, then what you want is a hash that is highly uniform in all its bits. And that's a SHA hash. I'd use a SHA-2 (like SHA-256) because you should always use SHA-2 unless you have a good reason not to. Since SHA-2's bits are all independent of each other (or at least that's its intent), you can select any number of its bits to create a shorter hash. So you compute a SHA-256, and take the top (or bottom) 64-bits as an integer, and that's your hash.
As a rule, for modest sized things, you can get away with this in 64 bits. You cannot get away with this in 32 bits. So when you say "NSNumber/Int", I want you to mean explicitly "64-bit integer." For example, on a 32-bit platform, Swift's Int is only 32 bits, so I would use UInt64 or uint64_t, not Int or NSInteger. I recommend unsigned integers here because these are really unique bit patterns, not "numbers" (i.e. it is not meaningful to add or multiply them) and having negative values tends to be confusing in identifiers unless there is some semantic meaning to it.
Note that everything said about hashes here is also true of random numbers, if they're generated by a cryptographic random number generator. In fact, I generally use random numbers for these kinds of problems. For example, if I want clients to generate their own random unique IDs for messages, how many bits do I need to safely avoid collisions? (In many of my systems, you may not be able to use all the bits in your value; some may be used as flags.)
That's my general solution, but there's an even better solution if your input space is constrained. If your input space is smaller than 2^64, then you don't need hashing at all. Obviously, any Latin-1 string up to 8 characters can be stored in a 64-bit value. But if your input is even more constrained, then you can compress the data and get slightly longer strings. It only takes 5 bits to encode 26 symbols, so you can store a 12 letter string (of a single Latin case) in a UInt64 if you're willing to do the math. It's pretty rare that you get lucky enough to use this, but it's worth keeping in the back of your mind when space is at a premium.
I've built a lot of these kinds of systems, and I will say that eventually, we almost always wind up just making a longer identifier. You can make it work on a small identifier, but it's always a little complicated, and there is nothing as effective as just having more bits.... Best of luck till you get there.
Yes, you can create a hashes that are collision resistant using a cryptographic hash function. The output of such a hash function is in bits if you follow the algorithms specifications. However, implementations will generally only return bytes or an encoding of the byte values. A hash does not return a number, as other's have indicated in the comments.
It is relatively easy to convert such a hash into a number of 32 bites such as an Int or Int32. You just take the leftmost bytes of the hash and interpret those to be an unsigned integer.
However, a cryptographic hash has a relatively large output size precisely to make sure that the chance of collisions is small. Collisions are prone to the birthday problem, which means that you only have to try about 2 to the power of hLen divided by 2 inputs to create a collision within the generated set. E.g. you'd need 2^80 tries to create a collision of RIPEMD-160 hashes.
Now for most cryptographic hashes, certainly the common ones, the same rule counts. That means that for 32 bit hash that you'd only need 2^16 hashes to be reasonably sure that you have a collision. That's not good, 65536 tries are very easy to accomplish. And somebody may get lucky, e.g. after 256 tries you'd have a 1 in 256 chance of a collision. That's no good.
So calculating a hash value to use it as ID is fine, but you'd need the full output of a hash function, e.g. 256 bits of SHA-2 to be very sure you don't have a collision. Otherwise you may need to use something line a serial number instead.

Hash-collision: Chance growing with multiple hashing

Is the chance of hash-collisions growing, when you hash the object multiple times?
Meaning, is the chance of collisions higher for hash(hash(object)) than for hash(object)?
Depends on what exactly you mean.
If the hash changes due to the rehashing, then yes, if it doesn't, then no.
If the object did not change and you rehash it, it will keep the same hash. So for example, the md5 hash of the string teststring will always be D67C5CBF5B01C9F91932E3B8DEF5E5F8.
But if the object changed and you rehash because of that, you will get a new hash.
Now, if you rehash an object that has changed, there might be a higher chance of collisions.
Say for example you have a very simple object containing only one integer value and a very simple hashing algorithm which just takes this value and does a modulo 20 on it. This is an intentionally bad hashing algorithm for this example only.
Now say you have two objects containing a random number. The chance of a hash collision for these two values is 1/20, because you have 20 buckets in the hashing algorithm.
If you now rehash, you once again have a chance of 1/20 chance for a collision, or a 19/20 chance for no collision.
So the chance for no collision after n rehashes is (19/20)^(n+1). So after the first rehash (so you have your original values and rehash one of the values once after it changed) you have a 90.25% chance that you don't have a collision. After the second rehash you are down to 85.76% chance that you don't have any collisions. After 100 rehashes you are down to only a 0.59% chance of no collisions.
That is all depending on that the values change to a new value before each rehash.
Another way to prove that is this:
Hashing algorithms give you a limited amount of buckets (=different possible hashes)
You can feed your hashing algorithm with an infinite amount of different values
Each value needs to be mapped to a bucket
If you have an infinite amount of values mapped to a finite amount of buckets, there will be collisions at some time.

Comparing hashes to test for collisions

I wish to compare hashes to check for collisions (Yes, I know it is time consuming, but never mind that). In checking for collisions, hashes need to be compared. Is the best method to have a single hash in a variable to compare against or to have a list of all hashes previously generated and compare the latest hash to each item in the list.
I would prefer the first option because it is much faster, but is there a recommended method? Are you less likely to find a collision by using the first method?
Is the best method to have a single hash in a variable to compare against or to have a list of all hashes previously generated and compare the latest hash to each item in the list.
I would prefer the first option because it is much faster, but is there a recommended method?
I don't understand why you think the first method might work, but then you haven't fully explained your situation. Still, if you want to detect hash values that repeat, you do indeed need to keep track of already-seen hash values: to do that you don't want to search linearly though a list, and should use a set container to store seen hashes; a hash table - as suggested in a comment by gnasher729 a few hours back - would give O(1) performance e.g. in C++ in your hashes are 64 bit, std::unordered_set<uint64_t>), or a balance binary tree for O(logN) performance (e.g. C++ std::set<uint64_t>).
Are you less likely to find a collision by using the first method?
You're very likely to miss collisions.
All that said, you may want to reexamine your premise. The chance of a good (cryptographic quality) hash function producing collisions closely approaches the odds described by the "birthday paradox". As a rule of thumb, if you have 2^N distinct values to hash you're statistically unlikely to see collisions if your hashes are comfortably more than 2*N bits wide: if you allow enough "comfort", you're more likely to be hit on the noggin by a meteor than have your program see a collision. You mentioned MD5 so I'd expect 128 bits: unless you're storing order-of a quadrillion values or more (literally), it's pretty safe to ignore the potential for collisions.
Do note one important use of hash values where collisions happen more often for a different reason, and that's in hash tables, where even non-colliding hash values may collide at the same bucket index after they're "wrapped" - often a la h % N when N is the number of buckets. In general, it's impractical to ignore the potential for collisions in a hash table, and very unwise to try.

best way to resolve collisions in hashing strings

I got asked this question at an interview and said to use a second has function, but the interviewer kept probing me for other answers. Anyone have other solutions?
best way to resolve collisions in hashing strings
"with continuous inserts"
Assuming the inserts are of strings whose contents can't be predicted, then reasonable options are:
Use a displacement list, so you try a number of offsets from the
hashed-to bucket until you find a free bucket (modding by table
size). Displacement lists might look something like { 3, 5, 11,
19... } etc. - ideally you want to have the difference between
displacements not be the sum of a sequence of other displacements.
rehash using a different algorithm (but then you'd need yet another
algorithm if you happen to clash twice etc.)
root a container in the
buckets, such that colliding strings can be searched for. Typically
the number of buckets should be similar to or greater than the
number of elements, so elements per bucket will be fairly small and
a brute-force search through an array/vector is a reasonable
approach, but a linked list is also credible.
Comparing these, displacement lists tend to be fastest (because adding an offset is cheaper than calculating another hash or support separate heap & allocation, and in most cases the first one or two displacements (which can reasonably be by a small number of buckets) is enough to find an empty bucket so the locality of memory use is reasonable) though they're more collision prone than an alternative hashing algorithm (which should approach #elements/#buckets chance of further collisions). With both displacement lists and rehashing you have to provide enough retries that in practice you won't expect a complete failure, add some last-resort handling for failures, or accept that failures may happen.
Use a linked list as the hash bucket. So any collisions are handled gracefully.
Alternative approach: You might want to concider using a trie instead of a hash table for dictionaries of strings.
The up side of this approach is you get O(|S|) worst case complexity for seeking/inserting each string [where |S| is the length of that string]. Note that hash table allows you only average case of O(|S|), where the worst case is O(|S|*n) [where n is the size of the dictionary]. A trie also does not require rehashing when load balance is too high.
Assuming we are not using a perfect hash function (which you usually don't have) the hash tells you that:
if the hashes are different, the objects are distinct
if the hashes are the same, the objects are probably the same (if good hashing function is used), but may still be distinct.
So in a hashtable, the collision will be resolved with some additional checking if the objects are actually the same or not (this brings some performance penalty, but according to Amdahl's law, you still gained a lot, because collisions rarely happen for good hashing functions). In a dictionary you just need to resolve that rare collision cases and assure you get the right object out.
Using another non-perfect hash function will not resolve anything, it just reduces the chance of (another) collision.

Is there a collision rate difference between one 32-bit hash vs two 16 bit hashes?

I am working on a system where hash collisions would be a problem. Essentially there is a system that references items in a hash-table+tree structure. However the system in question first compiles text-files containing paths in the structure into a binary file containing the hashed values instead. This is done for performance reasons. However because of this collisions are very bad as the structure cannot store 2 items with the same hash value; the part asking for an item would not have enough information to know which one it needs.
My initial thought is that 2 hashes, either using 2 different algorithms, or the same algorithm twice, with 2 salts would be more collision resistant. Two items having the same hash for different hashing algorithms would be very unlikely.
I was hoping to keep the hash value 32-bits for space reasons, so I thought I could switch to using two 16-bit algorithms instead of one 32-bit algorithm. But that would not increase the range of possible hash values...
I know that switching to two 32-bit hashes would be more collision resistant, but I am wondering if switching to 2 16-bit hashes has at least some gain over a single 32-bit hash? I am not the most mathematically inclined person, so I do not even know how to begin checking for an answer other than to bruit force it...
Some background on the system:
Items are given names by humans, they are not random strings, and will typically be made of words, letters, and numbers with no whitespace. It is a nested hash structure, so if you had something like { a => { b => { c => 'blah' }}} you would get the value 'blah' by getting value of a/b/c, the compiled request would be 3 hash values in immediate sequence, the hashe values of a, b, and then c.
There is only a problem when there is a collision on a given level. A collision between an item at the top level and a lower level is fine. You can have { a => {a => {...}}}, almost guaranteeing collisions that are on different levels (not a problem).
In practice any given level will likely have less than 100 values to hash, and none will be duplicates on the same level.
To test the hashing algorithm I adopted (forgot which one, but I did not invent it) I downloaded the entire list of CPAN Perl modules, split all namespaces/modules into unique words, and finally hashed each one searching for collisions, I encountered 0 collisions. That means that the algorithm has a different hash value for each unique word in the CPAN namespace list (Or that I did it wrong). That seems good enough to me, but its still nagging at my brain.
If you have 2 16 bit hashes, that are producing uncorrelated values, then you have just written a 32-bit hash algorithm. That will not be better or worse than any other 32-bit hash algorithm.
If you are concerned about collisions, be sure that you are using a hash algorithm that does a good job of hashing your data (some are written to merely be fast to compute, this is not what you want), and increase the size of your hash until you are comfortable.
This raises the question of the probability of collisions. It turns out that if you have n things in your collection, there are n * (n-1) / 2 pairs of things that could collide. If you're using a k bit hash, the odds of a single pair colliding are 2-k. If you have a lot of things, then the odds of different pairs colliding is almost uncorrelated. This is exactly the situation that the Poisson distribution describes.
Thus the number of collisions that you will see should approximately follow the Poisson distribution with λ = n * (n-1) * 2-k-1. From that the probability of no hash collisions is about e-λ. With 32 bits and 100 items, the odds of a collision in one level are about 1.1525 in a million. If you do this enough times, with enough different sets of data, eventually those one in a million chances will add up.
But note that you have many normal sized levels and a few large ones, the large ones will have a disproportionate impact on your risk of collision. That is because each thing you add to a collection can collide with any of the preceeding things - more things equals higher risk of collision. So, for instance, a single level with 1000 data items has about 1 chance in 10,000 of failing - which is about the same risk as 100 levels with 100 data items.
If the hashing algorithm is not doing its job properly, your risk of collision will go up rapidly. How rapidly depends very much on the nature of the failure.
Using those facts and your projections for what the usage of your application is, you should be able to decide whether you're comfortable with the risk from 32-bit hashes, or whether you should move up to something larger.