Setting shipping info in OmniPay - paypal

I'm trying to set a shipping info (name,address, email, etc) using OmniPay for PayPal Express.
I've tried adding shipping info in options array in purchase($options) object:
$options = array(
// required fields (username, pass, etc)
// .....
'shippingAddress1' => 'Elm Street'
'shippingCity' => 'Elm',
'shippingPostcode' => '1000'
// etc.
I also tried passing this info to CreditCard object:
$card = new Omnipay\Common\CreditCard($card_options);
without any success. The code:
$gateway = GatewayFactory::create('PayPal_Express');
$card_options = array(
'shippingAddress1' => 'Elm Street',
'shippingCity' => 'Elm',
'shippingPostcode' => '10000',
'shippingState' => '',
'shippingCountry' => 'NEverland',
'shippingPhone' => '123465789',
'company' => '',
'email' => ''
$card = new Omnipay\Common\CreditCard($card_options);
$response = $gateway->purchase(
'amount' => '0.99',
'currency' => 'USD',
'card' => $card
How to add shipping info to PayPal Express using OmniPay?
BTW, I'm using Laravel with PayPal Sandbox.

This problem has recently been fixed ( so it should now be possible to set shipping info properly.


Missing CreditCard Class when using Omnipay Paypal for Laravel 5

Here are the repo included in my composer:
omnipay &
In my config/laravel-omnipay.php:
'gateways' => [
'paypal' => [
'driver' => 'PayPal_Rest',
'options' => [
'solutionType' => '',
'landingPage' => '',
'headerImageUrl' => ''
Here is in my Controller:
// omnipay start
$gateway = Omnipay::create('PayPal_Rest');
// Initialise the gateway
'clientId' => 'xxxxxx',
'secret' => 'xxxxxx',
'testMode' => true, // Or false when you are ready for live transactions
// Create a credit card object
// DO NOT USE THESE CARD VALUES -- substitute your own
$card = new CreditCard(array(
'firstName' => $request->firstname,
'lastName' => $request->lastname,
'number' => $request->cardnumber,
'expiryMonth' => $month_year[0],
'expiryYear' => $month_year[1],
'cvv' => $request->ccv,
'billingAddress1' => $request->address
'billingCountry' => 'AU',
'billingCity' => 'Scrubby Creek',
'billingPostcode' => '4999',
'billingState' => 'QLD',*/
// Do an authorisation transaction on the gateway
$transaction = $gateway->authorize(array(
'amount' => '100',
'currency' => 'USD',
'description' => $eventName->event_title,
'card' => $card,
$response = $transaction->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
echo "Authorize transaction was successful!\n";
// Find the authorization ID
$auth_id = $response->getTransactionReference();
I've got this error:
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\CreditCard' not found
Note: If I use RestGateway to replace PayPal_Rest, I get this error instead:
Class '\Omnipay\RestGateway\Gateway' not found
Searching an answer for a long time but didn't find a solution that works for me. So, not entirely sure how to proceed.
You need to have this at the top of your class file:
use Omnipay\Common\CreditCard;
$creditCard = new \Omnipay\Common\CreditCard([...]);
Further reading:,name%20in%20the%20current%20namespace.
The issue is because it will fetch the class from the global namespace - rather than the current namespace.

PayPal Receipt not showing Description information using SetExpressCheckout

I am using PayPal's API to process a payment using SetExpressCheckout method.
$requestParams = array(
$orderParams = array(
$item = array(
'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0' => $item_name,
'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0' => $item_description,
'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0' => $price,
$paypal = new Paypal();
$response = $paypal -> request('SetExpressCheckout',$requestParams + $orderParams + $item);
It all works great, but even though the description is showing in the PayPal's checkout page, the email receipt that I get is missing the description information.
Does anyone know what how I can get the description to show on the receipt?
Figured it out. When the SetExpressCheckout is done and returns "Success" it gets redirected to PayPal, after which it goes back to your specified RETURNURL. On this RETURNURL page, for DoExpressCheckoutPayment, you need to specify the order details, this is what shows up in the invoice. Here is the code:
// Complete the checkout transaction
$requestParams = array(
'TOKEN' => $_GET['token'],
'PAYERID' => $_GET['PayerID'],
'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' => '1', // Same amount as in the original request
'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE' => 'USD' // Same currency as the original request
$item = array(
'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0' => $desc, // <-- this is the description
'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0' => $price,
$response = $paypal -> request('DoExpressCheckoutPayment',$requestParams + $item);

How do you get the shipping address back from an Adaptive Payment API call?

How are you supposed to get the shipping info back from a Parallel Payment, using PayPal's Adaptive API system? Normally it would just get passed back as payer_country, etc - when the IPN script is requested. However, this doesn't seem to be the case.
Here are the params being passed in when the IPN script is called:
If I then do a PaymentDetails API call, I get back stuff like:
$VAR1 = {
'currencyCode' => 'USD',
'responseEnvelope' => {
'correlationId' => '9944330ab9a8c',
'timestamp' => '2014-04-07T06:08:16.094-07:00',
'ack' => 'Success',
'build' => '10273932'
'status' => 'COMPLETED',
'senderEmail' => '',
'cancelUrl' => '',
'paymentInfoList' => {
'paymentInfo' => [
'pendingRefund' => 'false',
'receiver' => {
'accountId' => 'NY3AD33DD739C',
'email' => '',
'amount' => '65.00',
'invoiceId' => '1022',
'primary' => 'false',
'paymentType' => 'GOODS'
'transactionId' => '8E1114341X895213Y',
'senderTransactionStatus' => 'COMPLETED',
'senderTransactionId' => '5EV71352C33256006',
'transactionStatus' => 'COMPLETED',
'refundedAmount' => '0.00'
'pendingRefund' => 'false',
'receiver' => {
'accountId' => 'YYP5C69YWCMKE',
'email' => '',
'amount' => '15.00',
'invoiceId' => '1023',
'primary' => 'false',
'paymentType' => 'GOODS'
'transactionId' => '68H86656UP574062X',
'senderTransactionStatus' => 'COMPLETED',
'senderTransactionId' => '2XW88939LK1112523',
'transactionStatus' => 'COMPLETED',
'refundedAmount' => '0.00'
'feesPayer' => 'EACHRECEIVER',
'actionType' => 'CREATE',
'ipnNotificationUrl' => '',
'sender' => {
'useCredentials' => 'false',
'accountId' => 'B74RBM5F6SLZG',
'email' => ''
'returnUrl' => '',
'payKey' => 'AP-4EK17906VB6613533',
'reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError' => 'false'
As you can see, there is no reference to the delivery address at all. How are you supposed to get that info back?
UPDATE: Mmm ok, so it looks like GetShippingAddresses is what I need - but for some reason its coming back with nothing in when I call it:
{"requestEnvelope":{"errorLanguage":"en_US","detailLevel":"ReturnAll"},"key":"AP-1B1377463N9785350"} /GetShippingAddresses_API_Operation/
...simply returns:
'responseEnvelope' => {
'correlationId' => '3a4443aed09c9',
'timestamp' => '2014-04-07T06:40:35.460-07:00',
'ack' => 'Success',
'build' => '10273932'
I'm a bit baffled as to why its doing that. Any suggestions?
I found a quote here:
Unfortunately, although this follows the process recommended by
PayPal's documentation, it doesn't work. There's currently a bug in
PayPal's Adaptive Payments implementation. For a traditional payment,
the shipping address is not collected; for embedded payments, the
GetShippingAddresses call does not return the shipping address.
PayPal has acknowledged the bug and indicated that it expects to have
this fixed in April 2011. If you need shipping addresses right now,
the recommendation is to collect them on your site rather than relying
on the PayPal API.
That was from 2011... but is this still the case??
Sorry to bump - but has anyone got any suggestions?
Ok, well I got my answer - but unfortunately its not what I was hoping for:
Yes, unfortunately this feature is only available for embedded payment
If you're using embedded payment flow, then you can retrieve the
address on their PayPal account by passing in
senderOptions.requireShippingAddressSelection = true during
SetPaymentOption API call. You can then retrieve it via
GetShippingAddresses API call.
So it looks like really what I need to do, is ask the user to provide their shipping information BEFORE sending them to paypal, then storing it. Not ideal - but I guess you just have to work with what you got!

send data to email view cakephp

I want to send email with cakephp.
But I want send in the email with lot of data like
'Envoie' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'id' => '59',
'compte_id' => '1',
'annonce_id' => '19',
'site_id' => '8',
'valider' => '0',
'lien' => null,
'created' => '2013-09-19 15:56:28'
in my code i have this
$Email = new CakeEmail();
$Email->template('default', 'a');
$envoie = $this->Envoie->find('all',array('conditions' => array(
'Envoie.annonce_id' =>$annonce['Annonce']['id'])));
How i can send my table to my view ?
You have $envoie array in your view ie app/View/Emails/html/default.ctp.
For example, you can get value of id using $envoie['id'] and so on...
In your email template
You already have access to $envoie, just extract the variable's values to your needs.

SugarCRM soap call not linking contact to a target list

I'm using SugarCRM 6.4.4 and php 5.3.10 and trying to add a contact to a target list using a soap call...I've also tried using the ProspectList class directly but I can't get it to work. I know the SOAP calls are getting through because I can create the Contact just fine, but the problem is coming when I try to create the relationship between the Contact and the Target List (PropsectList). What am I doing wrong?
Here's the SOAP call I tried. I'm getting an error that says: "Call to a member function add() on a non-object in /data/servers/ on line 1350"...Here's the code around line 1350
if (!empty($key)) {
return $error->get_soap_array();
Here's the full code for the SOAP:
// set up options array
$options = array(
"location" => '',
"uri" => '',
"trace" => 1
//user authentication array
$user_auth = array(
"user_name" => 'theuser',
"password" => MD5('thepass'),
"version" => '.01'
// connect to soap server
$client = new SoapClient(NULL, $options);
// Login to SugarCRM
$response = $client->login($user_auth,'test');
$session_id = $response->id;
$user_id = $client->get_user_id($session_id);
//Add Contact to SugarCRM
$response = $client->set_entry($session_id, 'Contacts', array(
array('name' => 'first_name','value' => 'roneFirst2'),
array('name' => 'last_name','value' => 'roneLast2'),
array('name' => 'account_name','value' => 'jdam Props'),
array('name' => 'email1','value' => ''),
array('name' => 'work_phone','value' => '1.888.888.8888'),
array('name' => 'description','value' => 'This is the message'),
array('name' => 'assigned_user_id','value' => $user_id)
$contact_id = $response->id;
//Add Contact to TARGET LIST
$relationship = array(
'module1' => 'Contacts',
'module1_id' => "$contact_id",
'module2' => 'ProspectLists',
'module2_id' => "24053784-f8d3-22a4-5e99-4fc6a7d5159f" //Note: this id was pulled from the table in the database directly for the target list we want to link the contact with.
//call set_relationship()
$response = $client->set_relationship($session_id, $relationship);
been googleing and trying to figure this out for 3 days now...Thanks for any help you are willing to give.