Why do i get the error
??? Undefined function or variable
when trying to call the following function:
function Diff= myfun3(wk,omega)
wcalc=inv(lambda* Passetcovar)*inv(inv(tau * Passetcovar)+ PMat(i,:)'*inv(omega)*PMat(i,:))*(inv(tau * Passetcovar)*Pi+ PMat(i,:)'*inv(omega)*Q(i,:));
All the parameters in the function are defined and correct.
I am calling this function using myfun3(wk,omega) but I get error messages such as
??? Undefined function or variable 'lambda'.
Even when lambda has been defined eslewhere.
lambda isn't defined in the function workspace, even if it is defined in your base workspace. Either pass it as an input to the function or define it as a global variable. See http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/matlab/matlab_prog/share-data-between-workspaces.html for more details.
This is the code I write in Matlab. As you can see, I have defined the symbolic variable tao. However, it still shows that undefined variable or functions. I didn't know where is wrong in the code.
The function is like this:
Ch = 0.8; H=0.6088;
syms t u s k tao
fsb= limit( symsum( (int( Ch*s^(1/2)*int((u-s)^(H-3/2)*u^(H-1/2),u,floor(t/tao)*tao,floor((t+tao)/tao)*tao),s,(k-1)*tao,k*tao ))^2,k,1,floor(t/tao)),tao,0) + ...
+limit( (int( Ch*s^(1/2)*int((u-s)^(H-3/2)*u^(H-1/2),u,s,floor((t+tao)/tao)*tao ),s,floor(t/tao)*tao,floor((t+tao)/tao)*tao) )^2,tao , 0);
fsb = matlabFunction(fsb);
I have tried change the path into the Matlab installed path, but it didn't work.
The fsb is a function defined by my self. It's a complicated function including integral and limit.
This is the information about the error:
undefined functions or variables 'tao'
I am trying to use a custom matlab function in julia but I am getting an error.
I tried to do the following (https://github.com/JuliaInterop/MATLAB.jl)
function [result] = run(x_pos, y_pos)
result = x_pos + y_pos;
but I am getting this error:
Error: Function definition not supported in this context. Create functions in code file.
Unrecognized function or variable 'x_pos'.
Error: Illegal use of reserved keyword "end".
How can I use a custom matlab function in julia?
I have a function in a .m file:
function [func diff1 diff2]=fun(x)
In the second function I want to be able to pass in the function as a parameter. I keep getting
"Attempted to access fun(3); index out of bounds because numel(fun)=1."
Does anyone have any ideas?
function [x,N,fval]=halley(fun,guess,tol);
You need to pass a function handle when calling halley:
halley(#fun, 3, 0.1)
I called Matlab's genetic algorithm solver, ga, in the following way:
[theta,fval,exitflag] = ga(smmobj,26,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],[]);
where theta is a 26-by-1 column vector that needs to be optimized.
So in the main function, it goes like this:
global var1 var2...
load ('abcd.mat')
theta0=[1 2 3....];
LB=[26-by-1 row vector];
UB=[26-by-1 row vector];
[theta,fval,exitflag] = ga(smmobj,26,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],[]);
The fitness function, smmobj, is defined as:
function [obj]=smmobj(theta)
global var1 var2...
But when I run it, it always says:
Error using smmobj (line 4)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in SMMga (line 32)
[theta,fval,exitflag] = ga(smmobj,26,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],[]);
But I run the fitness function by itself, it works.
[theta,fval,exitflag] = ga(smmobj,26,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],[]);
will throw that error because you are essentially calling the function smmobj (with no parameters) instead of passing your ga function a function handle to your objective function. You do this using the # symbol so
[theta,fval,exitflag] = ga(#smmobj,26,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],[]);
Incidentally, I would recommend that you do not use global in order to pass the extra parameters of var1 and var2 to your objective function but rather use anonymous functions:
[theta,fval,exitflag] = ga(#(x)(smmobj(x,var1,var2)),26,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],[]);
and then change smmobj's definition to
function [obj]=smmobj(theta,var1,var2)
It is possible to use the function inputname to retrieve the workspace variable name passed in the call to the currently executing function. However, is there any equivalent function to obtain the name of the output arguments specified in the call to the currently executing function?
Imagine I have the following function:
function [a,b,c] = test(x)
When running this function:
[my,name,is] = test(x)
The expected result should be:
Simply: no there isn't.
Complicated: Matlab code is "compiled" on run-time, and there is no way, that it knows [my,name,is] before it returns the result of test(x).
Workaround: if you want to ensure, that the strings used within the function are equal to the variables returned to the workspace, you can do the following using assignin:
function test(x, varnames)
a = 1;
outputname{1} = varnames{1};
assigin('base', outputname{1}, a)
c = 3;
outputname{3} = varnames{3};
assigin('base', outputname{3}, c)
and call your function like:
and you will have exactly this variables in your workspace afterwards and your function output: