I am using Eclipse Juno with GCC compiler for C code. I am trying to use gcno plugin to get code coverage.
of course I added -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs to the compiler and the linker flags.
But, when I click on profiling tools for code coverage I get the error in the image below:
"Recompile at least one of your C/C++ source files with the
"-fprofile-arcs" and "-ftest-coverage" options and link your
executable with "-lgcov". If you compile and link in a single gcc
call, you can use the gcc "--coverage" option. "
Please I need help with this error.

In order to use the gcov code coverage results you must not only compile with the compiler and linker flags you mentions, but you must also either run a unit test or run your program to gather the data. Gcov gathers the data as the points in your code are reached. If you do not run the program you will not generate any data.


How to link to pistache in Eclipse C++

I fail to link the pistache library in Eclipse C++ on my Ubuntu machine. I already make this reference:
Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings
Under GCC C++ Linker > Libraries > Library search path
Under GCC C++ Compiler > Includes > Include paths
Add /usr/local/include/pistache to each
It throws a bunch of errors like this:
.... undefined reference to `Pistache::Ipv4::any()'
Why does this fail? The autocomplete is able to see the reference when I try rewrite the whole line, but it still errors out.
You have to let the linker use shared libraries and pass the -fpic option to the compiler:
a. First step -shared, see this image
b. Last Step Position Independent Code -fPic, see this image
Another way to solve this is:
a. Add support for pthread to the linker
b.Add pistache to libraries in the linker

Compiling with icc and MAGMAmic cannot find "complex" system file

I am trying to compile a source file with icc compiler and MAGMAmic library. However I get the following error:
icc -c -o direct.o direct.c -O3 -openmp -DADD_ -Wall -DHAVE_MIC -I/opt/intel/mic/coi/include -I/usr/include/intel-coi -I/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/mkl/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/ipp/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/mkl/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/tbb/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/daal/include -I/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include -I/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/contol
icc: command line remark #10411: option '-openmp' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the replacement option '-qopenmp'
In file included from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magma_types.h(134),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magmablas_z.h(17),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magmablas.h(12),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magma.h(17),
from direct.c(21):
/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/compiler/include/complex(30): catastrophic error: cannot open source file "complex"
#include_next <complex>
The MAGMAmic library has compiled correctly and I can run it's test ok.
I have looked at the way testing_dgesv_mic.cpp example compiles and used the same includes and link, however in my case I get the above error.
I have added the following in my .bashrc file in order to get the Intel compilers' and libraries' enviromental variables:
#for MAGMA mic
export MAGMA_PATH=/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0
source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64
Any ideas what might cause icc to be unable to include the "complex" file?
The file complex really exists in "/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/compiler/include/complex"
icc vesrion is:
[dslavchev#sl051 results]$ icc -v
icc version 17.0.2 (gcc version 4.4.7 compatibility)
magmamic version is magmamic-1.4.0
EDIT: Removed unnecessary code comment
EDIT2: Added version info.
MAGMAmic is a C++ library and it cannot be used with C code directly.
When icc detects that you want to compile .c++ file it automatically switches to icpc (Intel C++ compiler) which in turn results in the above error.
Solution: Either switch to icpc or rename your files to .c++
This question was answered by mark on the MAGMA forums. Link:

configure.h file and assembbler error in FFT from FFMPEG

i build a project on Eclipse using GCC Toolchain and arm-linux-gnueabi libraries
i have tow main issues using this codes attached (not my code, fft from ffmpeg with testcode to measure speed-error)
i have a C-code files with 2 .S files asm.S and neon_fft.S
i am not a software engineer but i understood that i use function keyword from asm.S file to use it in neon_fft.S
but it seems that project doesn't see the first file so i get the following error
Building file: ../src/fft_neon.S
Invoking: GCC Assembler
arm-linux-gnueabi-as -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -I/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/include -I/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/include/asm -o "src/fft_neon.o" "../src/fft_neon.S"
../src/fft_neon.S: Assembler messages:
../src/fft_neon.S:34: Error: bad instruction `function fft4_neon'
../src/fft_neon.S:50: Error: bad instruction `endfunc'
also how can i get right configure.h file ?
The filename ends with a capital S. By convention, this indicates that the assembler source needs to be processed by the C preprocessor. If you use arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc instead of arm-linux-gnueabi-as then the file should assemble successfully.

Threads in Eclipse AND c++11

My goal has been to create multi-threading programs, and I can not even get a simple thread
to execute ON ECLIPSE CDT. my Tools:
Ubuntu 13.10
I have noticed very similar issues regarding mine. I have tried those other solutions but I could not get them to work for me.
When I type the code in Eclipse CDT, Eclipse does not 'resolve' the symbols 'thread', however, It can find the header file 'thread'. 'Mutex' also does not resolve. Furthermore, after building, I run the program, eclipse returns :
"terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
what(): Enable multithreading to use std::thread: Operation not permitted"
Some additional notes:
I can compile and execute the code in the terminal using:
'clang++ c.cpp -pthread -std=c++11'
'g++ c.cpp -pthread -std=c++11' compiles and
produces the same error as quoted above. So it looks like it's a compiler issue. I did
start to write the code in a new project within Eclipse CDT with the clang++ compiler and now that gives the same non-resolved 'thread' and produces the error as quoted above. So now I think I have some wrong settings, paths or flags set in Eclipse.
include <iostream>
include <thread>
using namespace std;
void p1(){
cout<<"process 1 is processing"<<endl;
int main() {
thread t1(&p1);
cout<<"Hello from main()"<<endl;
return 0;
I have been struggling with the very same issue and I finally resolved it. Here is what I did:
1) Add -std=c++11 for c++ build. To do that right-click your project, select properties and then: C/C++ Build -> Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler -> Miscellaneous(last option)
In other flags append -std=c++11. My Other flags now looks like: -c -fmessage-length=0 -std=c++11 but yours may be a bit different.
2) Add some linker options. In the same view(C/C++ Build -> Settings) as above select the GCC C++ Linker option and from there go to Miscellaneous(second to last option). Add the following Linker flags(the field was empty for me): -Wl,--no-as-needed -pthread. Hit apply.
3) Add a macro. Again from the project properties menu(project->right click->properties). Navigate to C/C++ General -> Paths and symbols -> Symbols. Select GNU C++. Add a symbol with the name __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ and no value. Again hit apply.
4) Navigate to C/C++ General -> Preprocessor Include paths.. Select the providers tab. In this tab leave only the following two options checked: CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings and CDT Managed Build Setting Entries. Select CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings uncheck the checkbox Share setting entries between projects(global provider) and now the text box labeled Command to get compiler specs should be enabled. In this text box append the good old -std=c++11. The text now looks like this for me ${COMMAND} -E -P -v -dD ${INPUTS} -std=c++11. Hit apply one last time.
5) Rebuild the index for the project. To do that right click the project->Index->Rebuild
Following these steps I was able to compile a c++11 multithreaded program, execute it and also Eclipse CDT did not report any errors and was helpful with the autocompletion. Unfortunately this setting has to be done separately for Release and Debug(or at least I have not found a way to share it). Hope this helps.

Unresolved __builtin_ia32_stmxcsr

I have inherited code, trying to compile with gcc on Linux.
what library am I looking for that has __builtin_ia32_stmxcsr ?
apologies -- i was too fast to submit; running gcc inside of Nvidia Eclipse. actual error message is "Functuion . . . could not be resolved" so i jumped the conclusion i needed to reference some lib. As the offending lines hav a :#if defined(SSE) I take it to mean that the -msse2 switch is present although i cannot seem to find a copyh of the compile command line. [just learning this Eclipse tool -- very new!]
You don't need to link with anything - the "builtin" in the name is a clue that it's a gcc built-in (intrinsic) compiler function.
However you do need to be compiling for an x86 target with SSE enabled for this to be recognised, e.g. gcc -msse2 ....
Note that you can use the _mm_getcsr intrinsic from <xmmintrin.h> instead of __builtin_ia32_stmxcsr - this would be a little more portable.
This is a bug in eclipses indexer with gcc's __builtin* functions. The bug report is at
The problem is that even the glibc/gcc libraries themselves use these __builtin* functions, so eclipse complains about a faulty xmmintrin.h etc., which is of course nonsense.
There is a workaround given in the bug report, you can add the function prototypes as user defined macros for the indexer, but of course this becomes tedious if there are a few more and some type checking abilities are lost.