I have problem with artisan commands. I get only three commands, when I execute "php artisan list". Where are other commands? When I copy my project on my local server everything works great. It is only on remote server and I don't have any idea how to solve it. Have you any ideas?
My environment:
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS on Windows 10
-> https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NBLGGH4MSV6
PhpStorm 2022.1 Build #PS-221.5080.224, built on April 13, 2022
My Problem:
I'm trying to export a PostgreSQL database inside the Database tab of PhpStorm.
To execute the export I right click the database in the list and click on the "Export with 'pg_dump'" option. This opens the Export window with all the options and command preview:
Inside of the window I get the error message "Path to executable is wrong" even tho the pg_dump file exists at the given path /usr/bin/pg_dump. This stops me from executing the export.
I have tried to manually install pg_dump in another directory and select it in the PhpStorm Export window, but it still won't detect the executable. The executable itself works fine.
The solution to this problem was to do a sudo apt-get install postgresql-client.
Apparently there is a general problem with the pg_dump executable of the "postgresql-client-common" package:
After installing the postgresql-client package, everything works fine in PhpStorm as well.
The code is pretty simple there: IDE checks that file exists and is executable, then run /path/to/pg_dump --version command and parse output looking for some keywords. Unfortunately there are no logs which can show exact reason, but I guess the issue that IDE can't get access to the file. Most likely due to WSL. The workaround is to install IDE and unpack PG binaries on Windows, then configure port forwarding to make PG server accessible from host OS.
When I tried to open vscode in WSL bash on Ubuntu 20.04 using command code ., it failed and the following message was logged:
/mnt/c/Users/john/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-0.50.1/scripts/wslCode.sh: 57: /home/john/.vscode-server/bin/d2e414d9e4239a252d1ab117bd7067f125afd80a/bin/code: not found
I would like to ask how to fix this problem? Thx a lot!
I found the solution. Even though I think that you've already know it.
You need to delete the folder /home/john/.vscode-server/ with sudo rm -rf /home/john/.vscode-server.
Then, you just run code . or try to open any project that you want it.
Then a script will load and will install a new .vscode-server in your machine with the right files.
need some help ! - I am using the pytest Framwork for Selenium with Python. I ran the py.test commands from the commd prompt and it ran fine. Just when I tried
py.test -m smoke -v -s
it started giving me the error below:
The system cannot execute the specified program.
Thereafter I am not able to run anything using py.test
It gives the same error.. I have searched on the web but no luck, I am stuck , has someone faced similar issue while working with Pytest? Please help !! Also please refer the attachmententer image description here
I am trying to install Emscripten on my computer, and I have run into trouble getting Emscripten actually installed.
I am using the same commands as can be found on the project webpage, but when I try to run
emsdk install latest
Powershell (which is what I am using, but the basic command prompt is behaving the same way) doesn't do anything at all - it just returns without installing anything.
For reference, I have installed Emscripten on this same computer before, but decided to try and do a fresh install of Emscripten after running emsdk activate latest decided to "stop working" as well (whereas it worked just fine last week) - running the command, Powershell simply returned without actually doing anything.
Any ideas on what to check to see why these commands don't seem to run?
I think I solved it. When running the install command in Powershell ISE, it threw the error "Python was not found but can be installed from the Microsoft Store: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkID=2082640"
despite me having Python installed. Changing the order of my PATH variables to set my Python install directory above the Winapps directory solved the issue with running the install command.
I would like to install PostgreSQL on windows 7. Howver I faced one problem when I am going to launch pgAdmin 4. It shows that "Fatal Error. application server could not be contacted." I tried run as Administrator, deleted file pgAdmin in AppData. Deleted python and in my path. Added PostgreAQL in my path. However due to some reason it shows the above proble. I need your help. Thank you in advance
Here is the solution that worked for me on windows 10:
Delete the pgAdmin folder from AppData C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\pgAdmin (Note: AppData is a hidden folder),
Search for "Services" with windows search, scroll down to postgres and click on "stop",
Run pgAdmin as Administrator.
Unistall existing postgresql on your computer.This should uninstall the entire applications associated with postgresql including pgadmin4. Go to your start menu and type in "pgadmin4" to show if you still have associated file.If you see any,trace the location and delete it.
You can now re-install a fresh copy of POSTGRESQL from Enterprisedb which will automatically install pgadmin4 for you. The new installation will prompt you to enter new password. Use a password you can remember since you will always need it to access the database.
I uninstalled my python IDLE and then installed the latest python IDLE. When installed it will give you an option if you should allow all programs including python to have full access to the AppData PATH choose yes and the fatal error will disappear