Specify the -jar option in the file association Windows 8, Netbeans - netbeans

I'm following this guide on how to make your program in Netbeans into a standalone executable that can be distributed:https://netbeans.org/kb/articles/javase-deploy.html#troubleshooting
I cleaned and built the project in Netbeans, then tried double clicking the .jar in the dist folder of the project folder, but nothing happened. I then ran the project through the command line, going to the dist folder of the project and then typing java -jar "FileName.jar", and it ran perfectly fine.
The .jar file in the dist folder has a java logo, so I assume that it's not because of the first reason in the "Troubleshooting JAR File Associations" section of that guide. I suspect that it's because of the second reason.
And here's where I need help. I've tried following the path that they give, but I'm running Windows 8 and I can't find the "File Types" tab in "Folder Options", and so I can't go any further. Anyone know what to do?

See "how to run .jar file by double click on windows 7 (64)", "jar file doesn't open upon double click", "Running Jar file in Windows", and probably a few other answers here on StackOverflow.
From NetBeans.org, see the "Troubleshooting JAR File Associations" section of the "Packaging and Deploying Desktop Java Applications" knowledgebase article.


problems with jar file in netbeans ide

I have done rfid reader program in netbeans ide, works fine. then,I created executable jar file by following the steps.
In the netbeans main window,
(i)select the properties under the project folder under properties > build >packaging then enter OK.
(ii)Select Run tab in main window then clean and build Main project.
After these steps, the executable jar file is created in documents> netbeansprojects>project name folder>dist.
I run the jar file from command prompt by
java -jar C:\Users\Holoteq-PC01\Desktop\RFID1\RFIDreader.jar
then i got the error as
Error: could not open C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_161\lib\i386\jvm.cfg
why the error comes like that?
i checked java location by where java then the response is
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_77\bin\java.exe
I read multiple questions pertaining to this issue,i tried almost but the error persists. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue.

Eclipse mars Installation folder in Mac

I need the Eclipse Installation folder, it was requested from another program, but there is no such a folder. When I installed eclipse I did not get any folder out of the compressed file, I only get the program itself.
However, I copied the contents and it says " it's not the installation folder since it does not have "plugins" subfolder.
The error message
The new path for the plugins is
The eclipse will be installed where you decided to put it not always under /Applications necessarily. The easiest way I think to find the installation folder is to run eclipse, go to Eclipse > About Eclipse. Click "Installation Details" at the bottom. The configuration tab in installation details should have the location of eclipse for launcher and startup config. Hope this helps!
In mac os you need to select the eclipse ini file not ecllipse.app

Creating jar executable w/ external jar (JXL) in ECLIPSE java

I can't find a working solution for my jar executable. The program runs perfect in my Eclipse IDE, but when I attempt to follow Eclipse instructions, the executable does not work with external JAR.
The JXL jar is in my build path. Anyone know how to get this working through Eclipse? I do not have access to command line.
1.) Right-click on project, select pop-up menu entry "Export...".
2.) Select "Java -> Runnable JAR file".
3.) Choose a working launch configuration for running your program via java -jar MyExecutable.jar from the command line later. Select an output folder and file name. Select "Package required libraries into generated JAR".

Running Eclipse on desktop = can't find companion library

I just downloaded Eclipse Juno onto my machine. I extracted the files to an Eclipse subdirectory in "C:\Program Files". When I try to launch eclipse from here, it works great! But I don't want to have to navigate to this directory every time I want to launch eclipse. I tried just moving the executable to my Desktop, but then when I try to run it I get this message:
The eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion library.
How do I let eclipse know where it's companion library is if I don't plan to have them in the same folder? Please be very specific.
You dont move the executable to your desktop because the executable needs to be in the same directory with other files where it was. get it back and then make a shortcut or link to it. you are free to make the shortcut or link where you want.
Well i had the same problem sometime back, and i figured out that since i've changed the location of my elcipse.exe , it has some how effected the "eclipse.ini " file
1.Path to -startup
D:\ < elcipse folder> elcipse:\ plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar \this is the start up jar file.
2.Path to shared lucher library
D:\ < elcipse folder> elcipse:\ org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.200.v20120522-1813 \this is the shared launcher library jar file.
just set the follwing two paths and ti will start up again like befor..
Happy coding..
This is a bug filed with Eclipse for Windows and Mac:
When attempting to launch Eclipse (double click on Eclipse.app), the launch fails. The only action is a dialog box with this message:' the eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library'. I found an online description of the problem and the workaround here:
Specifically, as per the instructions above:
I opened the Eclipse.app package, located eclipse.ini, edited it
searched the plugins folder for something matching org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.carbon.
copied the maching folder name (from plugins)
pasted it as the terminating portion of the path for --launcher.library
replaced the --launcher.library line with that path
Eclipse Neon, 2017:
I copied my old .p2 folder found in my home.
Ran eclipse again and it worked.
It used to be that you could just copy eclipse as a zip and it would work fine, but it seems some plugins now rely on the .p2 folder.

How do you install JDK?

I have eclipse and I can test run java apps but I am not sure how to compile them. I read that I should type javac -version into my cmd.exe and see if it is recognized. It is not. So I went to sun's website and downloaded/installed JDK v6. Yet it still says 'javac' is an unrecognized command. What am I doing wrong?
OK after reading some replies it seems like what I am trying to do is create a .jar file that can be ran on another computer (with the runtime). However I am having trouble figuring out how to do that. This might be because I am using Flex Builder(eclipse), but I added the ability to create java projects as well.
OK I do not want to make a JAR file, I am not trying to archive it...the whole point of making a program is to send it to users so they can use the program...THAT is what I am trying to do...why is this so hard?
To setup Eclipse to use the JDK you must follow these steps.
1.Download the JDK
First you have to download the JDK from Suns site. (Make sure you download one of them that has the JDK)
2.Install JDK
Install it and it will save some files to your hard drive.
On a Windows machine this could be in c:\program files\java\jdk(version number)
3.Eclipse Preferences
Go to the Eclipse Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
4.Add the JDK
Click Add JRE and you only need to located the Home Directory. Click Browse... and go to where the JDK is installed on your system. The other fields will be populated for you after you locate the home directory.
5.You're done
Click Okay. If you want that JDK to be the default then put a Check Mark next to it in the Installed JRE's list.
You don't need a separate compiler, eclipse already compiles the application for you. What you probably want to do is to create an "executable" JAR file, which you can do in eclipse by selecting File->Export->Runnable JAR file.
Note, however, that the resulting JAR file is not a "real" (i.e. Windows binary) executable - it still needs a JRE installed on the target computer. There isn't really a way to create windows binaries; that's not how Java works. On the upside, it will work without recompilation on a Linux or MacOS machine (if it has a JRE installed).
javac is located in the "bin" folder of your JDK installation. In order to run it you must either use full path or add this directory to your systems search path via the Control Panel.
If you installed to c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0 your call will have to look like this:
c:\> "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0\bin\javac" -version
Umm, eclipse is an IDE, it compiles things as you go. You don't need javac.
If you have Eclipse installed and you can write new java apps from within it, your compilation should work already..
Eclipse automatically builds/compiles your system when you're saving new Java files. Just try to write a new simple Hello world app, printing something to the console (just type sysout and Ctrl+Space inside Eclipse)
Eclipse automatically compiles all project in the workspace. YOu can disable this option if you like under Project->Build Automatically.
A JAR file can function as an executable, when you export your project as a JAR file in Eclipse (as Michael Borgwardt pointed out) you can specify what's the executable class, that meaning which one has the entry point [aka public static void main(String[] args)]
If the user installed the JRE he/she can double-click it and the application would be executed.
EDIT: For a detailed explanation of how this works, see the "How do I create executable Java program?"
Eclipse to use the JDK you must follow these steps.
1.Download the JDK
First you have to download the JDK from oracle site.
Download link - > https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/es/java/javasebusiness/downloads/index.html
2.Install JDK
Install it and it will save some files to your hard drive. On a Windows machine this could be in c:\program files\java\jdk(version number)
3.Eclipse Preferences
Go to the Eclipse Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
4.Add the JDK
Click Add JRE and you only need to located the Home Directory. Click Browse... and go to where the JDK is installed on your system. The other fields will be populated for you after you locate the home directory.
5.You're done
Click Ok. If you want that JDK to be the default then put a Check Mark next to it in the Installed JRE's list.