ios check internet connection background process - iphone

I am building an ios application that requires internet connection via wi-fi in order to talk to web service. Now before anything, i want my application to run a background process that checks internet availability and when connected talk to web service.
Any body knows how to implement this in background process?
I already use this solution to check whether there is an internet connection or not
Easiest way to detect Internet connection on iOS?
but I want to know how to run this process in the background in order to work even the application is closed.

You can have your checks done when in foreground. Its not allowed to for an app to execute code in background continuously(although you can execute some code when you go to background initially). If you are not planning to publish this app in app store and its a enterprise solution, then you should explore ways to stay in background by running a music file (without sound) to get CPU Cycles. It worked for me..


What's the best way to run a function after a request sent by a server?

Here is the use case:
the user launches the app and grants permission, the app connects to the server
at some point in the future, the server sends a request to the app
the app
regardless of whether it is running or not in the foreground or background, wakes up to run this code
Here are some options I have explored which I am unsure about:
server sent events
push notifications
Is there a reliable and safe way to do this on android, whether it's Kotlin or Flutter? Can you provide examples or documentation?
Turns out that the best way to do it is with push notifications!
Websockets and server sent events are better suited for other use cases. Persistent connections to a server are resource consuming, and both Android and iOS have mechanisms in place to terminate apps running in the background to save memory etc. So we would probably lose the connection and not be able to receive anything from the server if we minimized the app or locked our phone screen.
Push notifications are basically built for this exact use case because, even though they work differently on Android and iOS, they are built to receive messages from a server regardless of whether the app is in the foreground, background, or not even currently running.
I used Firebase Cloud Messaging to build my app since it's primarily an Android app. It worked like a charm.

Flutter : keep socket io open while app in background (IOS)

I'm building app that uses flutter_pllayout and adhara_socket_io
App Scenario
When app is launched, it connect to a socket and keep receiving audio urls at random times, then it plays this url, it works fine on android
but in iOS when user switch to home or any other app (when my app is in background) it seems to close the connection of the socket and continue when app become in foreground, is there any way to keep the socket connection open ?
Background tasks on iOS are very limited. Only works if you play audio constantly with the correct Info.plist details.
If you want recurrent (cron job task) client side, use: BGTaskScheduler (for iOS), one other option is using a cron job triggered push notification task (you can even user Firebase Functions for that) server side.
Official docs: BFTaskScheduler, Background Behavior iOS, Enabling Background Audio
and no, sockets connections can't keep opened all the time (not even on Android on latest versions of their OS). Again, use cron job tasks to achieve a similar behavior.
Officials docs: Android Background limitations

Update my app when it is in background

I want to update some data to my application. Consider the application is in the background state, it is neither Voip or Music or GPS. Is it possible to update/send data to the application which is in background?
NOTE: I dont want to notify the user so that the application becomes active.
Can anyone help me ??
The answer is yes and no.
Apple does allow you app to complete a lengthy process in the background. But if you does not fall in the Voip, music or GPS category then you can't run in background.
If for example you want to send some data to a server, which could take some time, then you can mark that process to back executed until it is finished (or 10min. have passed).
You will find some about Executing a Finite-Length Task in the Background
There is not way to run timers or any thing like that in the backgroud, you can only finish a task you started before the app is backgrounded.
The alert which is displayed is an inbuilt functionality. You can't do anything for that. If a notification is fired from the server and application is in background then the alert will be displayed.
I have done a lot of search in past for this stuff.
I have done this in one of my work. this is what i did.
when application enter : - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
I send data to server using ASIHTTPRequest with property :
[request setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground:YES];
But after finished, i didn't do anymore connection or data manipulation. So, only the connection is running at background and not your app. you can't do much after the connection finish.
As #rckoenes was mentioned, you may not execute task too long.
If you would like to update server data while your app is running in the background mode, the application should be active at that time. It can only be active if it uses "music, or voip, or location tracking", otherwise the app will be paused in background mode.
One way to avoid this is to develop your application, and to set it to use, for example, «location tracking». This will allow it to meet the requirements for active background process and you will be able to update server data.
Unfortunately, I do not know whether the app can pass app store approval with this set-up.
However, if you are interested in this solution, you can find an example here.

iOS background application network access

I have an application that requires location tracking and I think it fits squarely within one of the allowable background models. However, I need to post to a network service when there are significant changes of location. I've seen write-ups that state network access is prohibited in background processing, but I didn't read that in Apple's docs.
Does anyone know if it's kosher (wrt Apple policies) to make occasional and very quick network updates in a background process?
Good point, according to the Apple documentation only the following usages are allowed in background and each service should be registered:
audio—The app plays audible content to the user while in the background. (This content includes streaming audio or video content
using AirPlay.)
location—The app keeps users informed of their location, even while it is running in the background.
voip—The app provides the ability for the user to make phone calls using an Internet connection.
newsstand-content—The app is a Newsstand app that downloads and processes magazine or newspaper content in the background.
external-accessory—The app works with a hardware accessory that needs to deliver updates on a regular schedule through the External
Accessory framework.
bluetooth-central—The app works with a Bluetooth accessory that needs to deliver updates on a regular schedule through the
CoreBluetooth framework.
Other than this services, you can create a Finite-Length Task in the Background that actually give you the possibility to end a network process.
This can be important if your app is performing some important task,
such as writing user data to disk or downloading an important file
from a network server.
Regarding your question, it's not really clear if you can or not can do a quick network connection if you've a location service running in background. I would say YES for a short connection, but not totally sure. Since iOS 4.0 this usage was denied and clear in documentation, now that part has been removed.
Yes if you use background for just quick connection. Apple won't allow you to run in the background as you want.
NO If your app does not fall in the Voip, music or GPS category; then you can't run in background.
more here: Update my app when it is in background
You could use ASIHTTPRequest.
ASIHTTPRequest has a property setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground:. default is NO, you may turn on YES so you have background network process.
Apple documentation seems a bit unclear on the strict policy. There are definitely applications in the app store that make sporadic network calls while running in the background as a location-based application. An example is the Geoloqi application.

iPhone background network connection by timer

I need to write an application, that every 10 minutes it should be awaken from suspended mode, get user location via gps and send this information to the server by network.
Depending on the response it should return to the suspended mode or show local notification to the user.
Is there a way to do this on iOS 4?
I've tried different approaches, but the only working for me was to start monitoring user location in backgroind and declare the application as location background application. In that case it worked in background and has a network connection. But this approach takes a lot of power and not accepted cause application should work 24/7.
May be there is a way to write some daemon that should work in background and wake my application every 10 minutes?
Apparently, Pastebot tried to do something similar with the 'audio' multitasking declaration (by playing a silent audiofile) and got rejected.. UNTIL they actually presented a option to the user to pick which audiofile they wanted to play. It's in the appstore now. :)
In this case: What is your reason for not wanting to use the location updates? If battery-usage is a concern, you can use the 'significant location changes only' option, after which you can temporarily change to a more accurate option.
This isn't possible outside of the method you have already tried.
The iPhone background task API will allow you to run a location service in the background.
There is no way to write daemons for the iPhone without jailbreaking, and that is not something I'm able/prepared to help you with.
App store friendly: use new APIs in iOS4, which allows u to make use of GPS location
Anti App store: create a daemon by adding a specific plist file to System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ and put ur app under Applications/. this approach requires a jailbroken iPhone however...
detailed information plz google the following keywords: daemon, multitask, background, etc...
cheers, Lloyd