Highcharts Timeline xAxis - charts

I've been round and round with this one and I can't seem to drop on an answer.
I've essentially done all I need except for the XAxis as the bottom - This is a timeline chart and I can't get it to render dates at all. (for each point of data for the delivered line, I have a sql datatime entry).
I have tried the various options, UTC, converting to millieseconds etc. but to no avail. Can anyone tell me how I can advance this?
My goal is to have a chart that can display in minutes (up to 2 hours worth = 160 points across) and to automatically scale to hours and days if need be - if poss).
My current setup is as follows :
(asp.net / vb.net / SQL) - although I am happy to receive c# help and I will convert)
Markup :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
global: { useUTC: true } });
chart: { type: 'spline' },
title: { text: 'Delivered vs CTR' },
subtitle: {text: 'Source: Campaign Name'},
xAxis: [{
tickInterval: 20,
hour: '%H:%M<br>%p',
minute: '%l%M<br>%p',
second: '%H:%M:%S'
yAxis: [{ // Primary yAxis
max: 20,
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return this.value;
style: {
color: '#DE4527'
title: {
text: 'Clicked',
style: {
color: '#DE4527'
opposite: true
}, { // Secondary yAxis
lineWidth: 1,
gridLineWidth: 0,
title: {
text: 'Delivered',
style: {
color: '#4572A7'
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return this.value ;
style: {
color: '#4572A7'
tooltip: {
shared: true
tooltip: {
crosshairs: true,
shared: true
plotOptions: {
spline: {
marker: {
radius: 4,
lineColor: '#666666',
lineWidth: 1
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'left',
x: 120,
verticalAlign: 'top',
y: 20,
floating: true,
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'
series: [{
name: 'Delivered',
data: <%= DeliveredChartData%>,
color: '#4572A7',
lineWidth: 1,
yAxis: 1,
marker: { radius: 2, symbol:'circle'}
}, {
name: 'Clicked',
color: '#DE4527',
marker: { radius: 2},
data: <%= ClickedChartData%>,
Code behind :
Dim dt As DataTable = dsAreaChart.Tables(0)
Dim _dataDelivered As New List(Of Integer)()
Dim _dataClicked As New List(Of Integer)()
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
Dim tmil As DateTime = CDate(row("campTableTimeStamp"))
'need to somehow add campTableTimeStamp as XAxis timeline
Dim jss As New JavaScriptSerializer()
DeliveredChartData = jss.Serialize(_dataDelivered)
ClickedChartData = jss.Serialize(_dataClicked)
As you can see I have the campTableTimeStamp field in sql already to go - but how to pass it in with the other.
Can anyone advise ?
Many thanks for any assistance.

This would be easier to answer with a fiddle, or with an example of the data that results from your function.
One thing you will need to do: remove the 'tickInterval:20' - this is telling the chart to add a label every 20 milliseconds.
Next, make sure your data is structured properly.
should look like data:[[timestamp, numeric value],[timestamp,numerica value],[timestamp,numerica value]...]
or, if your timestamps are at regular intervals, you can set the pointStart and pointInterval properties, and skip providing the timestamp values in the data array, so you would have only data:[y value, yvalue, yvalue...]
If that doesn't help, please clarify, and add data output sample.


Placing information inside the chart series

I have the chart bellow and I want to add the percentage to the series body. Like I manipulate the image bellow in red.
how Is this possible?
var dom = document.getElementById("chart-container");
var myChart = echarts.init(dom, null, {
renderer: "canvas",
useDirtyRect: false
var app = {};
var option;
var datas = [
{ name: "test1", value: 20 },
{ name: "test2", value: 40 },
{ name: "test3", value: 40 }
option = {
title: {
text: "test",
left: "center",
textStyle: {
color: "#999",
fontWeight: "normal",
fontSize: 14
series: datas.map(function (data, idx) {
return {
type: "pie",
radius: [80, 160],
top: "10%",
height: "33.33%",
left: "center",
width: 400,
itemStyle: {
borderColor: "#fff",
borderWidth: 1
label: {
alignTo: "edge",
minMargin: 5,
edgeDistance: 10,
lineHeight: 15,
rich: {
time: {
fontSize: 10,
color: "#999"
labelLine: {
length: 15,
length2: 0,
maxSurfaceAngle: 80
data: data
if (option && typeof option === "object") {
window.addEventListener("resize", myChart.resize);
To place information inside the chart, you have to use position: "inside" in the label. Set what is put inside the label with the formatter. (Here, {c} is the value of a data item)
label: {
formatter: "{c}%",
position: "inside"
But it seems that it's not possible to have both a label inside AND one outside the same chart (like in your image). However, a workaround can do the job here. Like using 2 identical series except one has the label from your example code, and one has the label code I wrote above. One chart will be on top of the other (wich is a bit messy) but the result will be as you want :

How to use Chart.js to draw mixed Financial / Candlestick and Bar Chart?

I'm trying to make a a combination of a candlestick chart (representing stock data) and a bar chart (representing volume).
I already have them displayed on one chart but the display and layout I'm having trouble with.
For one, the candlestick and bar data are placed side-by-side rather than stacked on top of each other. Another error is the scale of the volume data for the bar chart is not represented properly in the y-axis (which uses data from candlesticks as basis).
Here is my current code to render the chart:
chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'candlestick',
data: {
labels: labelsData,
datasets: [{
label: "My Data",
data: chartData
label: 'Volume',
data: volData,
type: 'bar'
labelsData contains the Date values for each item entry
chartData contains JSON object with c,h,l,o,t (close,high,low,open,date) to
represent stock data for each item entry
volData is an array containing numbers to represent volume for each item entry
What should I add to make the candlesticks and bars placed on the same column, as well as have the bars have their own scale so they do not overshoot the height of the chart?
It seems you need to scale the volume data since it's two different value units in Y,
It seems like currentlty there isn't support for this in chartJs I created a feature request, follow the link to see the two issues that were closed due to this.
With default configuration you're not easily able to add barcharts.
Here is steps you need to do;
Base config:
const config = {
// type: 'candlestick', // you must remove this, this option is braking the chart
data: {
datasets: []
options: {
parsing: false, // must be here, solves another stupid problem
spanGaps: true, // for better performance
animation: false, // for better performance
pointRadius: 0, // for better performance
plugins: {
title: {
display: false,
text: 'Fiyat Grafiği'
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
scales: {
x: {
type: 'timeseries',
y: {
type: 'linear',
volume: {
type: 'linear',
beginAtZero: true,
position: 'right',
max: maxVolume * 10, // maxVolume should be the maximum number of volumes
grid: {
display: false, // for better presentation
ticks: {
display: false, // for better presentation
interaction: {
intersect: false,
mode: 'index',
Second step is preparing the datasets;
let dataSets = [
type: 'candlestick', // this must stay
label: 'Financial Graph',
data: data['klines'].map(function (kline) {
return {
'x': moment(kline['from']),
'o': kline['open_price'],
'c': kline['close_price'],
'h': kline['high_price'],
'l': kline['low_price']
color: {
up: 'rgb(26, 152, 129)', // those colors are better than defaults
down: 'rgb(239, 57, 74)', // those colors are better than defaults
unchanged: '#999', // those colors are better than defaults
borderColor: {
up: 'rgb(26, 152, 129)',
down: 'rgb(239, 57, 74)',
unchanged: '#999',
order: 10,
yAxisID: 'y', // this must stay
type: 'bar',
label: 'Volume',
data: data['klines'].map(function (kline) {
return {
'x': moment(kline['from']), // i used moment, feel free to use your own time library
'y': kline.quote_asset_volume,
backgroundColor: data['klines'].map(function (kline) {
return kline.open_price < kline.close_price ? 'rgb(26, 152, 129)' : 'rgb(239, 57, 74)' // for better presentation
borderColor: '#fff',
borderWidth: 1,
order: 12,
yAxisID: 'volume', // this must stay
barPercentage: 0.5, // this must stay
barThickness: 6, // this must stay
maxBarThickness: 8, // this must stay

Which chart type should i choose to show change in values between 2 dates?

I am using Highcharts, but my question is in general. I want to know which chart is a perfect match to show change in values between 2 dates.
E.g The lending rate e.g
29-Aug : 21.2
30-Aug : 21.3
The change is 0.1 million.
Which chart type should i choose to show this little difference clearly noticeable .?
If you're comparing two dates/values, I would recommend using a bar chart. (If you're comparing values over months or years, I would suggest using a line or area chart.) You can better emphasize the difference between the two lending rate values by specifying the minimum, maximum, and step scale values so that the 0.1 million difference can be clearly illustrated. See the below demo:
var myConfig = {
type: 'bar',
title: {
text: 'Lending Rate',
fontFamily: 'Georgia'
utc: true,
timezone: 0,
scaleX: {
transform: {
type: 'date',
all: '%M %d, %Y'
step: 86400000,
item: {
fontSize: 10
scaleY: {
values: '21.1:21.4:0.1',
format: '%vM',
decimals: 1,
item: {
fontSize: 10
guide: {
lineStyle: 'dotted'
plot: {
barWidth: '50%',
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'gray',
backgroundColor: '#99ccff',
valueBox: {
text: '%v million',
fontSize: 12,
fontColor: 'gray',
fontWeight: 'normal'
tooltip: {
text: '%v million'
series: [
values: [
[1472428800000, 21.2],
[1472515200000, 21.3],
id : 'myChart',
data : myConfig,
height: 400,
width: 600
<script src= "https://cdn.zingchart.com/zingchart.min.js"></script>
<div id='myChart'></div>
For more on scale customization and formatting, see this X/Y-Axis Scales Tutorial. The value boxes and tooltips can also be used to provide further information about the node values.
Hope that helps. I'm a member of the ZingChart team, and happy to answer further questions.
A simple bar chart with data labels to indicate the respective values would be helpful to show users there is a very small change in value.
See the code snippet below. I modified one of the basic Highcharts demos for a bar chart with your example values.
I hope this is helpful for you!
$(function () {
chart: { type: 'bar' },
title: { text: 'Sample Chart' },
xAxis: {
categories: ['29-Aug','30-Aug'],
title: { text: null }
yAxis: { min: 0 },
tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' million' },
plotOptions: {
bar: {
dataLabels: {
crop: false,
overflow: 'none',
enabled: true,
style: { fontSize: '18px' }
legend: { enabled: false },
credits: { enabled: false },
series: [{
name: 'Sample Series',
data: [21.2,21.3]
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script>
<div id="container" style="width: 450px; height: 250px; margin: 0 auto"></div>

convert kendo chart type

I have a kendo's scatterline chart on my HTML page.
I have generated it as following.
objchart = $("#chart").kendoChart({
dataSource: {
data: Chartdata
background: mainbackground,
series: [{
type: "scatterLine",
xField: "date"
xAxis: {
title: {
text: "Date"
min: min_date,
max: max_date,
name: "Date",
template: "#= kendo.toString(value,'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss')#",
type: "date",
baseUnit: "seconds",
background: xaxisbackcolor,
yAxis: {
title: {
text: "Closing stock prices"
min: min_close,
max: max_symbol,
background: yaxisbackcolor,
title: {
text: "Close and Volume Date-wise"
transitions: false,
zoom: setRange,
dragStart: onDragStart,
drag: onDrag,
dragEnd: onDragEnd
Following is my datasource (calling from web api)
[{"date":"9/14/2015 1:20:00 AM","close":6.0,"volume":18.0,"open":58.0,"high":42.0,"low":60.0,"symbol":79.0}]
Now, I need to change the type of the chart from scatter line chart into others like series and bar chart.
when I change it as objchart.options.series[0].type = "column", it does not give any output.
It only leaves the blank chart behind.
What is the correct method to change or cast the chart from any type to any other type?
Thank you

Messed up LineChart with highcharts

I'm using HighCharts to display charts on my site.
What I'd like to achieve is just a line chart with (zoomable) Date-Time X-Axis and numbers in Y-Axis.
But the result is messed up:
I load data by an ajax call, create an array and use chart.series[0].setData(chartData); to set the chart's data. Below is a sample for chartData:
[[1343071800000, 17], [1343158200000, 171], [1343244600000, 291], [1343075400000, 18],
[1343161800000, 74], [1343248200000, 293], [1343165400000, 183], [1343251800000, 296]]
Also, I use DotNetHighCharts since I'm using ASP.NET MVC 3, but the generated javascript to create the chart is as follows:
chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: { renderTo:'chart_container' },
legend: { align: 'left', borderWidth: 0, floating: true, layout: 'horizontal', verticalAlign: 'top', y: 20 },
plotOptions: { series: { cursor: 'pointer', marker: { lineWidth: 1 }, point: { events: { click: function() { alert(Highcharts.dateFormat('%A, %b %e, %Y', this.x) +': '+ this.y +' visits'); } } } } },
subtitle: { text: 'Source: Google Analytics' },
title: { text: 'Daily visits at www.highcharts.com' },
tooltip: { crosshairs: true, shared: true },
xAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, labels: { align: 'left', x: 3, y: -3 }, tickInterval: 604800000, tickWidth: 0, type: 'datetime' },
yAxis: [{ labels: { align: 'left', x: 3, y: 16, formatter: function() { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0); } }, showFirstLabel: false, title: { text: '' } }, { gridLineWidth: 0, labels: { align: 'right', x: -3, y: 16, formatter: function() { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0); } }, linkedTo: 0, opposite: true, showFirstLabel: false, title: { text: '' } }],
series: [{ name: 'All visits' }]
Your dataset is not in chronological order. So the charting system is joining all the points as best it can.
For time-based series it is always best to sort your time from earliest to latest.